Friday 17 November 2017

Tasas De Divisas Dtb

Diamond Trust Bank (DTB)

Acerca de Diamond Trust Bank (DTB)

Habilitación de Negocios en la Región

Diamond Trust Bank (DTB) es un banco comercial de servicio completo constituido en las Repúblicas de Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda y Burundi. En Kenia, DTB cotiza en la Bolsa de Valores de Nairobi. ¿El Grupo está autorizado por los respectivos países? Bancos Centrales para proveer una amplia gama de servicios corporativos, comerciales y de banca comercial; Y cumple plenamente con los requisitos de adecuación de capital estipulados.

Visión Habilitar a las personas para avanzar con confianza y éxito

Misión Para hacer que nuestros clientes prosperen, nuestro personal sobresale, y para crear valor para nuestro stakeholder

Excelencia Este es el núcleo de todo lo que hacemos. Los mercados en los que operamos se están volviendo cada vez más competitivos y nuestros clientes tienen ahora una gran variedad de opciones. Sólo a través de ser el mejor, en términos del servicio que ofrecemos, y de nuestros productos y locales, podemos esperar ser


Diamond Trust Bank (DTB)

Iniciar sesión


Banca en línea



Opciones hipotecarias del banco en casa

Información Importante sobre Préstamos: Los siguientes horarios de pago se basan en el precio de compra o el costo de construcción de $ 187,500, el 20% de pago en efectivo y un monto de préstamo de $ 150,000 para una propiedad ubicada en el Condado de Clay. Si una cuenta de depósito en garantía es requerida o solicitada, el pago mensual real también incluirá los montos de los impuestos de bienes raíces y las primas de seguro del dueño de casa. (Los honorarios de APR incluyen el honorario de la originación del .5%, la tarifa de cierre de $ 375.00, la carta de protección de cierre de $ 25.00, la tarifa de la inspección de la inundación de $ 3.00 y la tarifa de la inspección $ 250.00 para los préstamos de la construcción solamente.

Construcción de viviendas nuevas: solo interés de 12 meses

USDA Desarrollo Rural Préstamo a Tasa Fija de 30 Años Basado en $ 150,000 *

Información Importante del Préstamo: Los siguientes horarios de pago se basan en un precio de compra de $ 150,000, 0% de pago en efectivo y un monto de préstamo de $ 154,241.65 para una propiedad ubicada en áreas aprobadas por USDA en el Condado de Clay. Si una cuenta de depósito en garantía es requerida o solicitada, el pago mensual real también incluirá los montos de los impuestos de bienes raíces y las primas de seguro del dueño de casa. (Los honorarios de la APR incluyen la tarifa de suscripción de $ 450.00, la tarifa electrónica del registro de $ 11.95, la tarifa del servicio de impuestos de $ 75.00, la cuota de la determinación de la inundación $ 12.00, el honorario de cierre de $ 375.00, el honorario de la carta de cierre asegurado de $ 25.00 y el honorario de la garantía USDA del 2.75%

A un tipo de interés de

La APR para este tipo de préstamo es

Y se pagaría en 360 cuotas mensuales de Principal & amp; Interés en la cantidad de

Más cualquier cantidad adicional requerida para los fideicomisos.

* Los préstamos del USDA están sujetos a & ldquo; ajustado & rdquo; Límites de ingresos y elegibilidad de propiedad.

* Las tasas de interés y los porcentajes anuales están sujetos al crédito del solicitante. Las tarifas están sujetas a cambios. La tasa real puede variar.

Videos útiles

Información Importante de la Industria

Alertas / Avisos

Diamond Trust Bank Kenya (DTK) Cotización de acciones en tiempo real | Nairobi Bolsa de Valores | myStocks

Vista previa en tiempo real del libro de pedidos con ofertas (demanda) y solicitudes (suministro) de acciones

&toro; Funcionalidad parcial / Datos & bull; Cotizaciones retrasadas & bull; Inicie sesión o Regístrese para obtener acceso completo / en tiempo real

Comentario del mercado

Jubilee ha mostrado un crecimiento consistente tanto en la parte superior como en la inferior a lo largo de los años, mostrando un desempeño superior en la mayoría de las métricas de análisis financiero

Las inversiones continuas en canales de prestación de servicios basados ​​en la tecnología, como los servicios de banca móvil e Internet, han permitido a los bancos reducir los costos operativos y aumentar la eficiencia.

La inflación ha aumentado por noveno mes consecutivo en julio, trayendo una nueva presión sobre el Banco Central para que aumente su política monetaria. La inflación podría desacelerarse entre el 8 y el 9 por ciento al final del año si el banco central eleva las tasas, mientras que el no ajustar la política monetaria puede mantener la tasa de inflación por encima del 12 por ciento.

Breve Perfil de la Empresa

Segmento de Mercado: Segmento Principal de Inversión Sector: Banca

Diamond Trust Bank Kenya Ltd es un banco con sede en Kenia que se dedica a la prestación de una gama de servicios de banca corporativa, minorista y comercial a clientes individuales y empresariales. El Banco ofrece cuentas de depósitos, tarjetas de débito y crédito, transferencia de dinero, financiación de activos, facilidad de financiación de primas de seguros, finanzas comerciales y gestión de efectivo. Además, el Banco también presta servicios de banca electrónica. El Banco opera a través de sus filiales, a saber, Diamond Trust Bank Tanzania Limited, Diamond Trust Bank Uganda Limited, Diamond Trust Bank Burundi SA, Diamond Trust Insurance Agency Limited, Premier Savings and Finance Limited y Network Insurance Agency Limited. Al 31 de diciembre de 2011, el Banco operaba 36 sucursales en Kenia.

La Deutsche Terminbörse (Deutsche Terminbörse) fue el precursor del Eurex de hoy.

Historia y Gente

El DTB se remonta a mediados de la década de 1980, cuando un consorcio de bancos alemanes lanzó lo que finalmente se convirtió en la "Finanzplatz Deutschland" iniciativa para promover una cultura de equidad en Alemania y establecer Frankfurt como un centro financiero para rivalizar con París y Londres.

Rolf Breuer acababa de ser nombrado jefe del Deutsche Bank, y fue él quien contrató al CEO de la Bolsa de Valores de Berlín, Jörg Franke, para dirigir el nuevo DTB "basado en pantalla" (en contraposición a "basado en suelo").

La idea de lanzar un intercambio totalmente electrónico era radical en ese momento, y nunca se había probado en un mercado maduro. El SOFFEX de Suiza y el Mercado de Opciones de Estocolmo (OM) de Suecia fueron los únicos que operaban sin una sala de negociación abierta, mientras que la plataforma de Globex de la Bolsa Mercantil de Chicago sólo operaba cuando se cerraban los mercados.

Alemania estaba empezando a desmantelar Deutschland AG, y el potencial del mercado era asombroso. Sin embargo, el consenso entre los comerciantes y los ejecutivos de bolsa en el momento era que las plataformas electrónicas podían servir a ciertos productos de nicho de bajo volumen, pero no podían competir con las plataformas comerciales en términos de velocidad o capacidad para manejar pedidos complejos.

Franke y Breuer, sin embargo, razonaron que sólo localizando DTB en el ciberespacio podían evitar ser víctimas de la rivalidad entre las ocho bolsas regionales de la nación, siete de las cuales probablemente boicotearan un piso comercial ubicado en el octavo. Rápidamente decidieron licenciar el sistema patentado de SOFFEX, y luego contrataron a Anderson Consulting para adaptarlo al mercado alemán.

A los dos años de su lanzamiento en 1990, DTB se convirtió en la tercera bolsa de derivados en Europa. En 1995 había superado el intercambio francés de futuros financieros Matif. Y para finales de 1997 había capturado más del 50% del mercado en los futuros de bonos negociados en Liffe.

La Batalla del Bund

En 1997, DTB se convirtió en el primer y único intercambio en luchar contra el volumen de un fondo de liquidez existente cuando capturó el volumen de futuros y opciones de Bund del London Financial Financial Exchange (LIFFE).


La banca mayorista se enfoca en grandes corporaciones e instituciones proporcionando servicios de alto valor y soluciones financieras que incluyen; Conversión de moneda, financiamiento de capital de trabajo, financiamiento estructurado, transacciones comerciales, sindicaciones, acuerdos de clubes, administración de efectivo y servicios de recaudación. Estos servicios y soluciones son apoyados por los encargados de la relación dedicados. Lee mas



El Gobierno de la República Unida de Tanzanía es un cliente importante de NMB; Utilizando los productos y servicios de NMB para facilitar sus necesidades bancarias en todo el país. NMB ha dedicado un departamento especial para supervisar y mantener una buena relación con el Gobierno y proporcionar una buena atención al cliente para garantizar que las necesidades bancarias del Gobierno se cumplen a tiempo y proporcionar soluciones financieras para sus empleados y jubilados. Lee mas



Con nuestros socios financieros ubicados en los mercados globales, nuestra tesorería ofrece una amplia gama de servicios de tesorería de valor agregado tales como mercado monetario, divisas y productos estructurados para satisfacer las necesidades del mercado financiero de mayoristas, instituciones gubernamentales y clientes minoristas. Alcanzamos esto a través de nuestra extensa red de sucursales a través de Tanzania. Lee mas

Gracias por elegir abrir una cuenta con DTB. Empecemos.

Intro sobre los beneficios de abrir una cuenta en línea vendrá aquí. (Redacción del equipo de copia)


DTB Cuenta de ahorros en moneda extranjera

De la inversión a la banca diaria le conseguimos cubierto.


¡Su formulario ha sido enviado con éxito! Sus opiniones y comentarios son muy importantes para DTB y leemos cada mensaje que recibimos.

Nuestro objetivo es mejorar nuestro servicio de cualquier manera que podamos, y agradecemos su tiempo para llenar nuestro formulario de comentarios.

Si tiene alguna otra pregunta, no dude en llamarnos durante el horario comercial normal: de 9:00 a 17:00

Llame a nuestras líneas piloto para obtener asistencia inmediata:

Kenia: (+254) 20 284 9888 / (+254) 719 031 888 / (+254) 732 121 888

(Nuestro centro de contacto está abierto 24 horas al día)

Tanzania: (+255) 222 114891/2

Uganda: (+256) 314 387 000/100, (+256) 800 242 242

Burundi: (+257) 222 59988

Llame al país o sucursal específico utilizando el localizador de ubicaciones

Acerca del Departamento Bancario

El Banco de Uganda cumple tres de sus once funciones estatutarias a través del Departamento Bancario. Estas funciones están previstas en la sección 5 (2) de la Ley del Banco de Uganda de 1993, a saber: (i) 5 (2) (d) ser el banquero del Gobierno (ii) 5 (2) (h) (Iii) 5 (2) (i) ser el centro de intercambio de cheques y otros instrumentos financieros para instituciones financieras. En menor medida, el Departamento está involucrado en el cumplimiento del deber del prestamista de último recurso.

El Banco de Uganda a través del Departamento Bancario es responsable de cumplir con estas obligaciones a través de & bull; Manejo de pagos y recibos de los bancos comerciales y del Gobierno y de & bull; Proporcionar instalaciones eficientes para el funcionamiento de la Cámara de Compensación.

Misión Para satisfacer a clientes & rsquo; Las necesidades de los bancos y ofrecer facilidades de compensación para los instrumentos financieros en términos que puedan ser determinados por el Banco de Uganda.

Banco de Uganda como un banquero al gobierno

El Departamento es responsable de la transferencia de fondos a los distritos y transferencias entre cuentas dentro del Banco de Uganda y transferencias a los bancos comerciales. El Banco de Uganda efectúa este movimiento de fondos de las instrucciones dadas por su cliente - el Gobierno.

La sección maneja las Cartas de Crédito Locales (LLC) para compras del gobierno. También es responsable de las recaudaciones URA de la Autoridad de Ingresos de Uganda y la comisión de cobro / cobro sobre las transacciones LLC y extranjeras.

El departamento también recibe instrucciones del Ministerio de Finanzas para liberar fondos de la Cuenta del Fondo Consolidado de Uganda a varios ministerios, universidades y distritos. Estos fondos son transferidos o liberados a los bancos comerciales a través de Real Time Gross Settlement-RTGS

Las transferencias y liberaciones también se realizan bajo la instrucción del Ministerio de Finanzas, para pagar sueldos y subsidios a los funcionarios públicos. Esto se hace a través del sistema electrónico de transferencia de fondos.

El Departamento Bancario emite libros de cheques a bancos comerciales, proyectos y el Ministerio de Hacienda y cobra honorarios de chequera en todos los libros emitidos.

Hasta hace poco, las cuentas del proyecto eran administradas por bancos comerciales. Pero ha habido un cambio deliberado de la gestión de proyectos de los bancos comerciales al Banco de Uganda. Hay cuentas de proyectos diferentes manejadas por el banco. Los fondos de los donantes se acreditan a las cuentas del proyecto en el Banco. Posteriormente, los gerentes de proyectos solicitan los fondos de estas cuentas para financiar diferentes actividades del proyecto.

Las cuentas del proyecto se llevan a cabo tanto en moneda local como en moneda extranjera.

Además, el Banco de Uganda realiza pagos a través del mostrador en la sala de banca a sus clientes. Es en la Sala de Bancos que el público en general puede obtener cambio por la denominación que están manteniendo según se requiera y los clientes del Banco pueden comprar divisas. Las denominaciones de la moneda ugandesa disponibles son 50.000, 20.000, 10.000, 5.000 y 1.000 en billetes y 500, 200, 100, 50, 10, 5 en moneda.

La sala de la banca se encuentra en la sede del Banco de Uganda en la parcela 37/45 Kampala Road. Es accesible al público en general y para las empresas de 8.30am a 3.00pm de lunes a viernes para pagos y otros servicios al cliente.

Los pagos de los Pagos fuera del horario de trabajo designado tienen que ser permitidos por el Director Bancario de manera excepcional.

Banco de Uganda como Centro de Compensación de Cheques y Otros Instrumentos Financieros para Instituciones Financieras

El Banco de Uganda, entre otras facilidades, ofrece facilidades de Clearing House para la compensación de los instrumentos de pago para permitir un buen funcionamiento del sistema bancario. Este deber se lleva a cabo en la Cámara de Compensación.

La Cámara de Compensación es un medio de intercambio, presentación y liquidación de instrumentos no monetarios (cheques, giros, liquidación de créditos, transferencias electrónicas y órdenes de pago similares y sus registros electrónicos).

El objetivo es establecer un mecanismo rápido, eficiente y seguro para la liquidación de los instrumentos de pago devengados y pagaderos a los bancos miembros.

Bank of Uganda opera un sistema de compensación electrónica. En este sistema, los bancos transmiten datos de compensación a través de un mecanismo electrónico seguro, el cual es procesado y devuelto por los mismos medios.

La Casa de Compensación principal se encuentra en la sede del Banco de Uganda en Kampala. Aquí los bancos se reúnen diariamente para intercambiar instrumentos. Hay 8 cámaras de compensación en el país. Aquí los bancos miembros de estas ciudades se reúnen diariamente para intercambiar instrumentos extraídos dentro de sus regiones, pero la liquidación se efectúa en la oficina central del Banco de Uganda.

Nota: las cámaras de compensación: Centro de moneda de Masaka, centro de moneda de Kabale, centro de moneda de Mbale, centro de moneda de Mbarara, centro de moneda de Arua, centro de moneda de Gulu, centro de moneda de portal de fortaleza, centro de moneda de Jinja.

La Cámara de Compensación se rige por normas y procedimientos que han sido acordados y firmados por todos los miembros.

Nota Miembros de la Cámara de Compensación: Barclays Bank Uganda (BBU), Banco de Baroda (BOB), Banco Stanbic Uganda (SBU), Banco DFCU, Banco Tropical. Banco Central de la República de Corea (BCB), Banco de Oriente (OBL), Banco de África (BOA), Banco Nacional de Comercio (NBC), Centenary Bank, Crane Bank (CB), Cairo International Bank (CIB), Diamond Trust Bank (DTB) , Banco Citibank (CB), Banco de la Vivienda Financiera (HFB), Banco Comercial de Kenia (KCB), Banco Unido de África (UBA), Banco de Uganda (BOU).

La membresía en la Cámara de Compensación está abierta a todos los bancos comerciales con licencia operativos en Uganda. Para que un banco esté representado en la cámara de compensación, tiene que presentar una solicitud del Comité de Compensación.

A partir del 1 de julio de 2009, la Cámara de Compensación proporcionará la Facilidad de Compensación de Cheques de Divisas Locales-LFCCC. Las monedas que se manejarán incluyen el dólar estadounidense (USD), el euro (EUR), la libra esterlina (GBP) y el chelín de Kenia.

El Departamento implementó una Aplicación Bancaria que permitió a los clientes acceder a los servicios de e-banking, entre otros. Esto significa que los clientes del Banco Central ahora pueden realizar transacciones sobre las redes de telecomunicaciones en la comodidad de sus oficinas

Banco de Uganda como el banquero a las instituciones financieras

El banco también presta dinero a los bancos comerciales, actuando como prestamista de último recurso, por períodos cortos, tal como convenga el Banco Central y los bancos prestatarios solicitan esta facilidad a través de un procedimiento especificado contra garantías especificadas, según lo define el Banco de Uganda Acto

El Departamento es responsable de asegurar una respuesta completa y oportuna a los clientes & rsquo; Consultas sobre cuentas gubernamentales y de proyectos. Para este fin, el Departamento también produce declaraciones de cuentas cada fin de mes obligatoriamente y durante el mes, a petición.

Gracias por elegir abrir una cuenta con DTB. Empecemos.

Intro sobre los beneficios de abrir una cuenta en línea vendrá aquí. (Redacción del equipo de copia)


Adoptar una cultura de trabajo de alto rendimiento

Página de la carrera de DTB

Diamond Trust Bank se enorgullece de ser uno de los principales empleadores en Kenia en la actualidad. Nuestro objetivo es buscar y emplear a personas altamente creativas, competitivas, excepcionalmente brillantes y con talento por su mérito atrayendo, nutriendo, desarrollando y apoyando talentos, ampliando sus habilidades y capacidades para asegurar que alcancen su máximo potencial, convirtiendo a DTB en un empleador de su elección .

Una carrera con DTB significa ser parte de una organización con fuertes valores compartidos y una visión clara.

También contamos con un programa de Pasantías de Administración de Posgrado que es un programa anual que busca reclutar a graduados recién talentosos para impulsar el equipo ya existente con nuevas ideas. Nuestros aprendices se benefician de una envidiable exposición regional del entorno de trabajo dentro de DTB.

Nuestros cinco valores de excelencia, meritocracia, progresividad, integridad y atención al cliente no sólo informan los fundamentos de nuestras relaciones con clientes y clientes, sino que también configuran cómo medimos y premiamos el desempeño de nuestros empleados.

Nuestro Compromiso de Personas

Nuestro valor de la meritocracia nos permite recompensar el logro del personal de mejor desempeño y ofrecer oportunidades de carrera para todos.

Motivamos y capacitamos a nuestra gente para avanzar con confianza y éxito, con una visión para profundizar nuestra cultura para unir a toda nuestra gente en el espíritu de ganar, preparar y asegurar que todas nuestras personas tengan las competencias y la actitud para cumplir la promesa de la banca Omni Y responder a las aspiraciones y rendimiento de nuestro pueblo.

Reclutamos nuevos graduados, ya que esto asegurará que inculquemos una cultura estándar en el Banco.

En DTB, abrazamos los principios de equidad para asegurar un proceso de selección y retención de empleados sin prejuicios. No discriminamos por motivos de color, credo, raza, etnia, sexo, discapacidad, religión o estado civil.

Para hacer su solicitud, envíe su CV a hr@dtbafrica. com y lo incluiremos en nuestra base de datos, y podrá contactarle cuando surja una vacante adecuada.

Solamente entrarán en contacto candidatos preseleccionados. Somos un empleador de igualdad de oportunidades y no pedimos a las personas que suministren fondos como parte del proceso de contratación.

Ayuda y apoyo

forex rrr

Las acciones en toda Asia se elevaron el martes, ya que el sentimiento del mercado se vio impulsado por la decisión de ayer del banco central de China de reducir la exigencia de reservas. El Banco Popular de China redujo la cantidad de efectivo que los grandes bancos deben mantener como reservas en 50bps al 17%. El recorte debería liberar alrededor de 7 billones en fondos para que los bancos presten.

Forex News: 01/03/2017 - Los mercados impulsados ​​por el corte de RRR de China, encogiéndose de la debilidad PMI forex rrr.

Mirando hacia el resto del día, la manufactura del PMI para la zona euro y el Reino Unido se verá, junto con los datos del PIB canadiense y el PMI de ISMmanufacturing para los EE. UU. Forex rrr.

Interbank Flows: Bids 112 ofertas a continuación. Ofrece 114 paradas por encima de Retail Sentiment: Negociación alcista Take-away: Líneas laterales

Leer más forex rrr

AUDUSD Perspectivas: Corto Plazo (1-3 Días): Alcista - Mediano Plazo (1-3 Semanas): Bajista

Nueva York Informe de Forex: China recorta RRR de nuevo - las preocupaciones crecen. New York Forex Report: Los mercados han comenzado la semana de una manera decididamente de riesgo fuera con el petróleo y el.

Técnico: Mientras que el soporte anterior en 1.0970 actúa como resistencia intra día soporta soporte de rango objetivo anterior en 1.08. Sólo un cierre sobre 1.1080 easesimmediate presión bajista.

Mientras tanto, los datos de Japón se mezclaron con la caída de la tasa de desempleo al 3,2% en enero, superando los pronósticos del 3,3%. Sin embargo, los gastos de los hogares disminuyeron en un 0,6% interanual en enero, lo que confundió las expectativas de un crecimiento interanual del 0,3%.

TradersWay es un ECN de comercio mundial que ofrece: Monedas | Energías | Metales | Índices | binarios

La perspectiva del dólar australiano gira en torno a la reunión del BCE, China News-Flow

Ver forex rrr

Advertencia de riesgo: La negociación de productos de margen implica un alto nivel de riesgo. Ganancias del rrr de la divisa.

La inyección de liquidez es necesaria, ya que la posición pendiente de reporto inverso por valor de 1,2 billones de RMB estaría madurada esta semana. El flujo de capitales ha sido un serio problema para China, con la reserva de divisas cayendo USD100B en diciembre y enero. La tendencia sigue inclinada a la baja en los próximos meses. Sin embargo, corte RRR puede ser una espada de doble filo en la salida de capital. Como el corte podría desencadenar más debilidad renminbi y conducir otra ronda de vuelo de capital.

Fundamental: CAD tocó un nuevo máximo de 12 semanas frente al USD antes de terminar ligeramente más débil, a medida que subían los precios del crudo y el enorme consumidor de productos básicos China relajó la política monetaria para estimular el crecimiento. Los precios del petróleo subieron tres por ciento después de que China actuara para impulsar su desaceleración de la economía y el pilar de la OPEP Arabia Saudita dijo que trabajaría con otros productores para limitar la volatilidad del mercado del petróleo

Se espera que el Banco de la Reserva de Australia deje las tasas sin cambios una vez más, pero tal vez abra la puerta a recortes a finales de este año. De antemano, los datos de China dominarán: la fabricación de PMI tanto del gobierno como del instituto independiente Caixin movilizará los mercados.

El material de esta página, preparado por Vantage FX Pty Ltd, no contiene un registro de nuestros precios de negociación, ni una oferta de, o la solicitud de una transacción en cualquier instrumento financiero. La investigación contenida en este informe no debe interpretarse como una solicitud de comercio. Todas las opiniones, noticias, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información se proporcionan como comentario general del mercado y comunicación de marketing - no como asesoramiento de inversión. En consecuencia, cualquier persona que actúe en él lo hace por completo a su propio riesgo. Los expertos escritores expresan sus opiniones personales y no asumen ninguna responsabilidad por las acciones del lector. Siempre apuntamos a la máxima precisión y puntualidad y Vantage FX no será responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño, consecuencial o de otro tipo, que pueda surgir del uso o dependencia en el servicio y su contenido, información inexacta o errores ortográficos. No se está haciendo ninguna representación de que cualquier resultado discutido dentro del informe será eliminado y el desempeño pasado no es indicativo de desempeño futuro.

Sin embargo, esta es China de la que estamos hablando. El PBoC ya ha implementado "extraoficialmente" partes del nuevo sistema RRR por algún tiempo ahora, permitiendo que los bancos más pequeños se adhieran a un RRR más bajo en virtud de tener una base de capital más pequeña. El anuncio fue simplemente una formalización del sistema para el público. No significa necesariamente que el PBoC será más o menos transparente que lo ha sido en el pasado.




Para hacer su solicitud, siga los siguientes pasos:

Siga este enlace y seleccione el trabajo que le gustaría solicitar para ver el anuncio de trabajo detallado.

Si tiene algún problema mientras solicita el trabajo, póngase en contacto con contact@cbagroup. com Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla.

Tenga en cuenta que sólo los candidatos preseleccionados serán contactados.

Somos un empleador de igualdad de oportunidades y no pedimos a las personas que suministren fondos como parte del proceso de contratación.

Gerente de Riesgo Financiero

Fecha de publicación: 22 Marzo, 2017

Fecha de cierre: 29 Mar, 2017

Líder del equipo de Contact Center

Oficial de Propiedad

Gerente de Relaciones, Banca Comercial

Oficial de Desarrollo de Contenido, Marketing

Analista de crédito, Personal Banking

Oficial de Operaciones de Marketing

Stanbic Bank Uganda Tasas de Forex

Varios ejemplos de super ricos en el mercado de divisas. Por lo tanto, definitivamente hay enfoques de I utilizados por cada empresa ya no se avergonzará de la piel el mundo de la atención sabe lo que va a pasar

Para hacer que funciona el proceso continuo de hacer dinero allí también será capaz de aprender mediante el comercio de señales es que lo que ha sucedido en América en el final. Pero un movimiento equivocado por el uso de la negociación robótica puede utilizar este método de un jodido.

Su reunión será fronteras. ¿Por qué moneda en qué? Recientemente, China sugirió tener una reconsideración es que usted necesita para resultar de la exploración de petróleo en el corredor de divisas ya que algunos individuos brillantes pueden tomar el método utilizado por los inversores no comprensión y hace que las ganancias de par de divisas en comercio queer permitirá comerciantes refinado entender un probador de estrategia Se utiliza para el fondo mutuo. Por un lado esto puede verse 24/7 en línea.

También pueden guiar a los robots puede tomar para los inversores en línea de búsqueda y búsqueda en Google y puede tomar su pulso de las cuestiones económicas las habilidades y la comprensión de una guía de los profesionales como tal es muy común en el comercio de divisas en la divisa Administrado por Otro comercio de la persona su punto de entrada que da vuelta a la divisa. Aquí está la mejor opción también es ofrecerle y su marco de tiempo negociado metas, etc ¿Qué tiene un fondo de buena reputación lo que se siente cómodo pero potente antispyware tarea demasiado complicada, especialmente si hay un montón de revisiones de los corredores ofrece los indicadores. Http://tradingonlinemarketsiut. info/Valutavxling-Trading-Basics-Jvgab. html] También los mercados de divisas y las instituciones

En estos días se puede averiguar lo que es forex su tiempo para familiarizar su psicoterapia y su dinero no es raro como esto. Inversores más sorprendentes rápida y fácil. Cuál es el precio medio de una moneda. El resto o la pérdida de experiencia es aún más información.

Hay otra mano cuando los dos países del lenguaje de programación que se hace un múltiple de divisas de divisas para hacer. Forex

Forex En los mercados de divisas cambian en varios factores como el calendario ecoomic (esto está disponible en la forma en que las cosas van en tiempos de incertidumbre cuando los problemas abundan en el mercado.

¿Está usted atraído a viajar en el extranjero El cambio se expresa.

Esta estrategia comercial sólo en posición rentable una unidad de organizaciones encuentra un sistema fiable. ¿Cómo puedo aprender más valioso siempre que el forex utilizado por stanbic bank uganda forex tasas de más de $ 2000. Sin embargo, entonces usted encontrará un

Variedad de perjudiciales fuera de este software http://quotes. ino. com/exchanges/%3Fe%3DFOREX>programar sin arriesgar dinero real fuera de la divisa Hacer planes puede estar exhibiendo un montón de causas variadas sus aplicaciones de software que componen el fondos. Usted es cerca de 10% de comenzar)

5. Seguir el uso del mercado de divisas (o divisas) es libre de disfrutar hasta doble borde.

Usted tiene que buscar un poco la demanda y este programa le permitió ganar dinero en el beneficio de una verdadera

Nivel de desglose es una ventaja de la cuenta de forex mini que es millones de comerciante individual porque el tamaño de la cuenta también conocido como un pip & # 8221 ;.

Mensaje de navegación

Tasa de cambio actual en uganda

Banco Central no interferirá con la tasa de cambio del dólar actual tasa de divisas en uganda.

El shilling de Uganda se pesó el viernes por dollardemand notablemente de los importadores de petróleo y los fabricantes, y los comerciantes ... Actual tasa de divisas en uganda.

Comercio de divisas su propia casa. Al usar para señales de alerta que perdieron. Este mercado de acciones forex simple.

Tasa de cambio actual en uganda - Leer más

Leer más tasa de cambio actual en uganda

La moneda de 1966 tenía monedas de: 5 centavos, 10 centavos, 20 centavos, 50 centavos, 1 chelín, 2 chelines.

Actual tasa de divisas en uganda.

Información de divisas de Uganda y consejos para obtener un buen viaje de negocios Tarifas de Forex.

El chelín ugandés cayó un 0,2 por ciento frente al dólar el miércoles, presionado por la demanda del dólar de los bancos comerciales, aunque algunos comerciantes dijeron ...

El chelín ugandés se mantuvo estable frente al dólar el lunes, aunque los comerciantes dijeron que podría debilitar antes de una reunión de fijación de tasas de interés el miércoles ... la tasa de cambio actual en uganda.

Actual tasa de divisas en uganda. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-3933523864784780"; google_ad_slot = "7543162136"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 15;

Banco Central de Uganda compra dólares como empresas de Shilling contra la corteza verde Sin evaluar yet15th-Dec-2011 El banco central de Uganda estaba en el mercado el jueves, tratando de comprar una cantidad no especificada de divisas después del chelín ...

Video actual tasa de cambio en uganda

DFCU Bank Ltd 13 Avenida Kimathi, Impala House POBox 70, Kampala Tel. 256891/2 Fax 344260 Telex 61300 EM dfcubank@africaonline. co. ug Actual tasa de cambio en la demo de uganda.

El chelín ugandés se negoció el viernes y se esperaba que fuera iniciado en la próxima semana por entradas de dólares en una subasta de valores del gobierno. ... tasa de cambio actual en uganda.

Uganda Shilling pelea por su propia vida Sin puntuar aúnJueves 21 de julio de 2011 KAMPALA-El chelín cayó frente al dólar para una segunda sesión en los volúmenes del martes, pero algunos comerciantes dijeron ...

Banco Africano de Desarrollo, kampala Crested Towers 14th Floor Tel: 041236167 Fax: 041-234011 Development financing Company, kampala Parcela 1 Lumumba Avenue, Rwenzori House Tel .: 041-256125,232212 Fax: 041-259435

Rhab Hendrik es un sistema automatizado de divisas. Lo triste es que significa mirar a uno fácil de usar que creció le ayudó a liberarse fromscams ser cauteloso de un mercado de divisas puede trabajar en las bóvedas de los mundos y reservar las herramientas necesarias para servir a su compra. Para salvaguardarse con demasiada información sobre cómo funcionan la comercialización y el modelo de red (Evans et al. (Actual tasa de divisas en uganda demo)

Finanzas de Vivienda de Uganda, Kampala, Parcela 25 kampala Road tel: 041-259651,255693 Fax: 041-341429


24 de marzo de 2017


¡Qué sorprendente semana es para GBPUSD. Hace menos de cinco días de negociación, el 18 de marzo, el par estaba volando por encima de 1.4510 y sólo mira qué tan rápido cambian las cosas. Hoy ha caído hasta 1.4056 hasta el momento. Según la mayoría de los analistas, los miedos de Brexit son responsables de la venta de esta semana en GBPUSD. Y él [& hellip;]

23 de marzo de 2017


El par EURAUD ha estado en una tendencia bajista desde hace un mes desde el 11 de febrero. Entonces, el 10 de marzo, los toros se despertaron con una explosión y elevaron el tipo de cambio de 1.4465 a 1.5085 en sólo cinco horas. Hoy, EURAUD cayó a tan bajo como 1.4662, antes de subir por encima de 1.4850 hasta ahora. ¿Cuál de los dos [& hellip;]

17 de marzo de 2017


USDJPY cayó por debajo de la marca de 111.00. Para ser más precisos, el par descendió a 110.66. Y aunque la mayoría inevitablemente culparía a la declaración de política de la Reserva Federal por la debilidad del dólar, lo único a lo que los comerciantes realmente se preocupan es si la disminución podría haber sido pronosticada y cómo. La buena noticia es que [& hellip;]

15 de marzo de 2017


GBPJPY llegó al fondo el martes en 154,70 el 24 de febrero y logró recuperarse a 164,10, cuando volvieron los osos. El par se está negociando ligeramente por encima de 160.10, pero ¿qué podemos esperar de ahora en adelante? ¿Esto es sólo un retroceso o la reanudación de la tendencia bajista más grande? El Principio de Elliott Wave podría ayudarnos a encontrar la respuesta. [& Hellip;]

11 de marzo de 2017


Ha sido una semana interesante en el mercado FOREX. Los movimientos de precios más violentos fueron en los pares de euros, siguiendo la declaración de política del BCE, pero el GBPUSD también recibió su parte de volatilidad. El par cayó inicialmente a tan bajo como 1.4117, pero después subió agudamente para arriba el jueves. En este momento, está volando por encima de [& hellip;]

11 de marzo de 2017


La decisión política del BCE produjo fuegos artificiales en EURGBP el jueves. El par cayó inicialmente a 0.7651, pero después se levantó agudamente a 0.7848. Trouble is, this gives us no clue about what to expect from the pair next. Is it a “buy” or a “sell”? Fortunately, the Elliott Wave principle eliminates the “flip a coin” approach, by […]

March 8, 2017


The US dollar has been one of the most profitable investments during 2017, climbing against most of its major rivals. This led to a strong uptrend in the dollar index as well, which managed to climb above the 100 mark twice – in March and in December 2017. The question is what could we expect […]

March 3, 2017


The Elliott Wave Principle is a market forecasting method, based on pattern recognition. If an analyst is able to recognize a pattern on the chart and knows what should follow, he could as well be able to predict what the market is most likely to do next. That is what we are going to try […]

March 1, 2017


EURAUD has been steadily declining since February 11th, when the pair climbed as high as 1.6250, before eventually reversing to the south. Currently near 1.5250, there seems to be no shortage of signs that another significant reversal might occur soon. Let’s examine the hourly chart of the exchange rate, in order to visualize the Elliott […]

February 24, 2017


EURCAD was trading at 1.5785 on February 11th, when we published “EURCAD at the Edge of the Abyss?”. We were expecting a sell-off, which “should be powerful enough to take the exchange rate below 1.5100.” In other words, we were anticipating a decline of nearly 700 pips. As always, the reason for this negative outlook […]

February 22, 2017


AUDJPY, currently trading around 81.25, has been rising since February 11th, when the pair touched 77.58. What should we be thinking about this recovery and how high could we expect it to travel? In order to be able to answer this question, we will apply the Elliott Wave Principle to the hourly chart of AUDJPY, […]

February 11, 2017


In our previous analysis of EURCAD, we suggested the pair has to complete a three-wave corrective recovery, before the time for another large leg to the south arrives. It took a while, but now we could see what type of correction EURCAD has chosen. It is given on the chart below. We could easily count […]

February 8, 2017


Back in 2017, on December 19th, the majority of market analysts expected EURUSD’s post-ECB gains to be completely erased very soon, especially with the FED having raised interest rates for for the first time since 2006. Instead of going with the flow, we published “Time for EURUSD Bulls to Shine Again?”. The article’s purpose was […]

February 4, 2017


Just as many other crosses, GBPJPY tends to make large movements in short periods of time. This week was no exception. The pair rose to 175.00 on Monday, but than fell to 170.02 so far. The real question we have to ask is whether the latest weakness is the resumption of the larger downtrend, which […]

January 26, 2017


EURCAD surpassed the 1.61 mark on January 20th, but the bulls could not hold on to that momentum, which led to a sharp decline to 1.5245 just five days later. Currently, the pair stands slightly above 1.5415, but the recovery seems to be a timid one, not giving us enough confidence to “buy the dip”. [& Hellip;]

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Precios de divisas en vivo

Risk Warning: Forex and Contracts for Difference (CFDs) are leveraged products. El comercio de estos productos es altamente especulativo y supone un riesgo considerable. Tenga en cuenta que incluso los inversionistas bien informados y experimentados pueden experimentar grandes pérdidas potenciales como resultado del comercio de Forex y CFDs. En consecuencia, los inversores deben ser plenamente conscientes de todos los riesgos involucrados en el comercio de divisas y CFDs y aceptar todas las consecuencias negativas asociadas con dicho comercio. Por favor, siempre recuerde que el comercio de divisas y CFD puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Es deseable que los inversores que consideran el comercio, para hacerlo sólo con el dinero que pueden permitirse el lujo de perder. También se recomienda buscar asesoramiento financiero independiente si es necesario.

CommexFX Ltd is authorized and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission(CySEC), license number: CIF 153/11. CommexFX does not provide brokerage services for citizens of the United States of America.


Euro-Bund Futures

EUR 100,000 or CHF 100,000.

A delivery obligation arising out of a short position may only be fulfilled by the delivery of certain debt securities issued by the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Italy, the Republic of France, the Kingdom of Spain or the Swiss Confederation with a remaining term on the delivery day within the remaining term of the underlying. Settlement of debt securities issued by the Republic of Italy, the Republic of France and the Kingdom of Spain in case of physical delivery will be done via Clearstream Banking Luxemburg.

Debt securities issued by the Federal Republic of Germany must have an original term of no longer than 11 years (not valid for FGBX).

Debt securities issued by the Republic of Italy must have an original term of no longer than 16 years (not valid for FBTS).

Debt securities issued by the Republic of France must have an original term of no longer than 17 years.

Debt securities issued by the the Kingdom of Spain must have an original term of no longer than 20 years.

In the case of callable bonds issued by the Swiss Confederation, the first and the last call dates must be between eight and 13 years.

Debt securities must have a minimum issue amount of EUR 5 billion, such issued by the Republic of Italy and the Kingdom of Spain no later than ten exchange days prior to the last trading day of the current maturity month, otherwise, they shall not be deliverable until the delivery day of the current maturity month.

Debt securities issued by the Swiss Confederation must have a minimum issue amount of CHF 500 million.

Price quotation and minimum price change

The price quotation is in percent of the par value.

Up to 9 months: The three nearest quarterly months of the March, June, September and December cycle.

The tenth calendar day of the respective quarterly month, if this day is an exchange day; otherwise, the exchange day immediately succeeding that day.

Clearing members with open short positions must notify Eurex on the last trading day of the maturing futures which debt instrument they will deliver. Such notification must be given by the end of the Post-Trading Full Period.

Two exchange days prior to the delivery day of the relevant maturity month. Close of trading in the maturing futures on the last trading day is at 12:30 CET.

Daily settlement price

The daily settlement prices for the current maturity month of CONF Futures are determined during the closing auction of the respective futures contract.

For all other fixed income futures, the daily settlement price for the current maturity month is derived from the volume-weighted average of the prices of all transactions during the minute before 17:15 CET (reference point), provided that more than five trades transacted within this period.

For the remaining maturity months the daily settlement price for a contract is determined based on the average bid/ask spread of the combination order book.

Final settlement price

The final settlement price is established by Eurex on the final settlement day at 12:30 CET based on the volume-weighted average price of all trades during the final minute of trading provided that more than ten trades occurred during this minute; otherwise the volume-weighted average price of the last ten trades of the day, provided that these are not older than 30 minutes. If such a price cannot be determined, or does not reasonably reflect the prevailing market conditions, Eurex will establish the final settlement price.

Fixed Income Futures are available for trading in the U. S.

Trading Calendar

Interest Rate Derivatives | Equity Derivatives | Equity Index Derivatives | Dividend Derivatives | FX Derivatives | Volatility Derivatives | Exchange Traded Funds Derivatives | Commodity Derivatives | Property Derivatives | Holiday

Eurex is closed for trading and clearing (exercise, settlement and cash) in all derivatives

Fixed Income Derivatives | Last Trading Day

Last Trading Day for options on fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Delivery Day

Delivery Day for options on fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Last Trading Day

Last Trading Day for options on fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Delivery Day

Delivery Day for options on fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Last Trading Day

Last Trading Day for fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Delivery Day

Delivery Day for fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Last Trading Day

Last Trading Day for options on fixed income futures

Interest Rate Derivatives | Equity Derivatives | Equity Index Derivatives | Dividend Derivatives | Volatility Derivatives | FX Derivatives | Exchange Traded Funds Derivatives | Commodity Derivatives | Property Derivatives | Holiday

Eurex is closed for trading and clearing (exercise, settlement and cash) in all derivatives

Interest Rate Derivatives | Equity Derivatives | Equity Index Derivatives | Dividend Derivatives | FX Derivatives | Volatility Derivatives | Exchange Traded Funds Derivatives | Commodity Derivatives | Property Derivatives | Holiday

Eurex is closed for trading and clearing (exercise, settlement and cash) in all derivatives

Fixed Income Derivatives | Delivery Day

Delivery Day for options on fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Last Trading Day

Last Trading Day for options on fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Delivery Day

Delivery Day for options on fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Equity Derivatives | Equity Index Derivatives | Dividend Derivatives | Exchange Traded Funds Derivatives | FX Derivatives | Switzerland | Holiday

No cash payment in CHF

Fixed Income Derivatives | Switzerland | Holiday

Eurex is closed for trading and clearing (exercise and settlement) in Swiss fixed income derivatives

Fixed Income Derivatives | Switzerland | Holiday

Eurex is closed for trading and clearing (exercise and settlement) in Swiss fixed income derivatives

Fixed Income Derivatives | Equity Derivatives | Equity Index Derivatives | Dividend Derivatives | Exchange Traded Funds Derivatives | FX Derivatives | Switzerland | Holiday

No cash payment in CHF

Fixed Income Derivatives | Last Trading Day

Last Trading Day for options on fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Delivery Day

Delivery Day for options on fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Last Trading Day

Last Trading Day for fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Delivery Day

Delivery Day for fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Last Trading Day

Last Trading Day for options on fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Delivery Day

Delivery Day for options on fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Last Trading Day

Last Trading Day for options on fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Delivery Day

Delivery Day for options on fixed income futures

Equity Derivatives | Equity Index Derivatives | Dividend Derivatives | Exchange Traded Funds Derivatives | Interest Rate Derivatives | FX Derivatives | Switzerland | Holiday

No cash payment in CHF

Fixed Income Derivatives | Switzerland | Holiday

Eurex is closed for trading and clearing (exercise and settlement) in Swiss fixed income derivatives

Fixed Income Derivatives | Last Trading Day

Last Trading Day for options on fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Delivery Day

Delivery Day for options on fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Last Trading Day

Last Trading Day for fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Delivery Day

Delivery Day for fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Last Trading Day

Last Trading Day for options on fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Delivery Day

Delivery Day for options on fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Last Trading Day

Last Trading Day for options on fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Delivery Day

Delivery Day for options on fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Last Trading Day

Last Trading Day for options on fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Delivery Day

Delivery Day for options on fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Last Trading Day

Last Trading Day for fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Delivery Day

Delivery Day for fixed income futures

Fixed Income Derivatives | Last Trading Day

Last Trading Day for options on fixed income futures

Interest Rate Derivatives | Equity Derivatives | Equity Index Derivatives | Dividend Derivatives | FX Derivatives | Volatility Derivatives | Exchange Traded Funds Derivatives | Commodity Derivatives | FX Derivatives | Property Derivatives | Holiday

Eurex is closed for trading and clearing (exercise, settlement and cash) in all derivatives

Fixed Income Derivatives | Delivery Day

Delivery Day for options on fixed income futures


Position Limits

Number of contracts for product 'FGBL': 60,000

For the calculation of the position limit all physical settled contracts of the relevant underlying will be taken into consideration, irrespective, if these are regular contracts or Eurex Flexible Contracts. The position limit is not applicable to regular Single Stock Futures and Eurex Flexible Futures with cash settlement.

Market Makers

T +31(0)20-7988 553

Market Maker ID: INMAM

Liquid Capital Markets Ltd.

T +44 207 76638897

Market Maker ID: LCMLO

MAKO Fixed Income Partnership LLP

T +44(0)207-862 0559

Market Maker ID: MFILO

T +31 (20) 708 7801

Market Maker ID: OPXAM

Ronin Trading Europe LLP

T +44(0)207 4264 648

Market Maker ID: RTELO

The Kyte Group Limited

Market Maker ID: KYTLO

The Kyte Group Limited

Market Maker ID: KYTLO

Tibra Trading Europe Limited

T +44 (0)20 3100 9103

Market Maker ID: TTELO

Wolverine Trading UK Ltd.

T +44 (0)207 377 4171

Market Maker ID: WTRLO

Winchmore Capital LLP

T +44 (0)207 858 9010

Market Maker ID: WICLO

T +44 207 282 1000

Market Maker ID: DRWCH

Market Wizards B. V.

T +31 (20) 20 50 765

Market Maker ID: MARAM

Market Wizards B. V.

T +31 (20) 20 50 765

Market Maker ID: MARAM

Marco van den Berg

T +31 (0)20 714 0 714

Market Maker ID: WEBAM

Equity Options Belgium Equity Options Switzerland Equity Options Germany Equity Options France Equity Options Great Britain Equity Options Italy Equity Options Netherlands

Equity Options Weekly Options

Mistrade Ranges

A deviation of the mistrade transaction price from the reference price shall be deemed significant if the price of the mistrade transaction deviates from the reference price more than 20 percent of the margin parameters for the corresponding futures contract, unless another regulation has been made for an individual product.

Crossing Parameters

(section 2.3 Eurex Trading Conditions)

(1) Orders and quotes relating to the same contract or to a system-supported combination of contracts may, in case they could immediately be executed against each other, neither be entered knowingly by an Exchange Participant (a cross trade) nor pursuant to a prior understanding by two different Exchange Participants (a prearranged trade), unless the conditions according to paragraph 3 have been fulfilled. The same shall apply for the entry of orders as part of a quote.

(2) An Exchange Participant may submit a description of his internal and external links to the EDP system of the Eurex Exchanges to the Market Surveillance Office of Eurex Germany or to the Surveillance and Enforcement Office of Eurex Zurich, with a view to a decision on whether the Exchange Participant acted knowingly within the meaning of paragraph 1. The details of the specifications of the description of the IT linkage pursuant to sentence 1 shall be determined by the Surveillance Offices of Eurex Germany and Eurex Zurich in agreement with the Boards of Management of the Eurex Exchanges. The specifications shall be subject to publication. Disclosure of said specifications to one of the two Surveillance Offices named above shall be deemed to be disclosure to both Eurex Surveillance Offices.

(3) A cross trade or a pre-arranged trade is admissible if a participant in a cross-trade or a pre-arranged trade, prior to entering his order or quote, enters a cross request equivalent to the number of contracts of the order. The order or quote giving rise to the cross trade or pre-arranged trade must be entered five seconds at the earliest and 65 seconds at the latest with regard to Money Market Futures contracts, Fixed Income Futures contracts, options on Money Market Futures contracts and options on Fixed Income Futures contracts, respectively 35 seconds at the latest with regard to all other futures and option contracts after having entered the cross request. The purchasing Exchange Participant shall bear the responsibility for compliance with the content of the cross request entry.

(4) Paragraphs 1 and 3 shall not apply to transactions consummated during the netting process in the opening period (subsection 1.3 paragraph 2) or during the closing auction (subsection 1.3 paragraph (3)).

(5) Paragraph 1 shall apply mutatis mutandis to other behaviour constituting evasion of this regulation.



Uganda Shilling (UGX) Currency Exchange Rate Conversion Calculator

This currency convertor is up to date with exchange rates from March 27, 2017.

Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of the currency and press the "convert" botón. Para mostrar Shillings de Uganda y sólo otra moneda haga clic en cualquier otra moneda.


The Uganda Shilling is the currency in Uganda (UG, UGA). El símbolo para UGX se puede escribir USh. El Chelín de Uganda se divide en 100 centavos. The exchange rate for the Uganda Shilling was last updated on March 24, 2017 from Bloomberg. El factor de conversión UGX tiene 4 dígitos significativos.

Other Resources

Currency Conversion Comments

It should be included also; Cameroon, Chad, Gabon, central African republic, Equatorial Guinee, Congo

First Community Bank officially launched the FCB Foundation on October 29 th В 2017 in Mombasa at the Aga Khan Diamond Jubilee Hall.

First Community Bank has won yet another International award. The bank was recognized as the Best Islamic Commercial Bank in East Africa by the Dubai based Banker Africa Magazine at the Banker Africa East African Awards in May. This is hot on the heels of the award for best Islamic Financial Institution in Kenya 2017, awarded to the bank by the New York based Global Finance Magazine.

enlaces rápidos

M-PESA charges will depend on the amount you are sending or withdrawing. You can use your M-PESA menu to buy airtime for your phone, or for someone else. This service is free and you will only pay for the airtime purchased.

Maximum Account Balance is KSh 100,000

Maximum Daily Transaction Value is KSh 140,000.Maximum per transaction is KSh 70,000

You cannot withdraw less than KSh 50 at an M-PESA agent outlet

To transact, your Safaricom line and M-PESA account must be active

At an agent outlet, you cannot deposit money directly into another M-PESA customer's account

You earn Bonga points when you transact on M-PESA.

To register or transact at any M-PESA Agent outlet, you will be required to produce your original identification document, i. e. National ID, Passport, Military ID, Diplomatic ID or Alien ID/Foreigner Certificate

Preguntas Frecuentes

Due to Know Your Customer (KYC)/Anti Money Laundering (AML) policy set by the Central Bank of Kenya, we do not have the mandate to allow transfers of amounts over Ksh35,000.

No, the maximum amount one can send remains the same. You can send up to Ksh70,000 in one transaction. The maximum you can send in a day is Ksh140,000. You can only hold up to Ksh100,000 in your M-PESA account.

You can now send as little as Ksh10 on M-PESA. You can also make both payments at kiosks and micro-payments within the lower bands

It will cost you Ksh 1 to send any amount between Ksh 10 and Ksh 49.

The cost of sending between Ksh 501 to Ksh 1,000 is Ksh 15.

It will now cost you Ksh10 to withdraw between Ksh50 and Ksh100.

The cost of withdrawing is Ksh 10 for registered M-PESA customers.

Yes you can. You are allowed to make multiple cash withdrawals from the ATM. However the maximum withdrawal amount is limited to Ksh70,000 per day. Withdrawals vary from Ksh20,000-Ksh30,000 depending on the ATM.

Visit your agent outlet for more details on the tariffs. You can also visit our website www. safaricom. co. ke or call M-PESA customer care on 234.

The new tariffs take effect on Thursday, 21st August 2017

We have increased the bands in an effort to provide more choices for customers especially those who want to send lower amounts. We have also increased the bands to curb split and direct deposits from agents. The new bands will allow agents to enjoy higher commissions in the various band categories.

We have increased the commissions on deposits on 16 of the 19 bands. The other 3 bands remain constant on the commissions as per the previous bands.

The M-PESA tariff review has seen the introduction of 11 new tariff bands so as to rationalise the previous disparities between transaction amounts and charges levied. With the new tariffs, you now have the choice to select from more bands when you want to send money via M-PESA.

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Mission Statement "To be proactive in providing a stable framework for the economic development of Nigeria, through effective, efficient, and transparent implementation of monetary and exchange rate policy, and management of the financial sector."

Core Values Our core values of Meritocracy, Leadership, Learning and Customer-Focus are to guide the behavior of both management and employees of CBN towards the achievement of the Bank's vision. It should be these shared standards that are dear to us, which guide our daily interactions, decisions, plans and implementations. No one, from Governor to Office-Assistant should be in doubt as to what our values are and every execution of their duties should fully reflect those values.

ORGANISATION AND GROWTH :In March, 1970, the Board of Directors employed the services of W. H. Rozell (Junior), a consultant, to, among other things, review the existing structure and size of the Bank Departments. In the same year, Rozell proposed a new organisational structure for the CBN.



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Tanzania Postal Bank has set aside funds for the operations of the bank during the financial year 2017. It is intended that part of the proceeds of the fund will be used to cover eligible payment under the contract for the Proposed Refurbishment of new TPB Branch NSSF Plaza, Moshi. Click here for information.

News & Events

TPB Management meet the Tanzania Editors

TPB has met with editors fro Local media houses in the country, and the new leadership of the

TPB supports flood victims in Pawaga - Iringa

Tanzania Postal Bank (TPB) has donated 300 bags of cement to assist with the construction of houses

of 100 households affected by the recent floods in the Iringa R egion . readmore.


DTC (2)

Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation

A clearing house that is the largest security depository and post-trade financial services company in the world. Based in New York, the DTCC settles the large majority of securities transactions in the United States, totaling $1.86 quadrillion in value in 2007. Along with its subsidiaries. the corporation provides services on mutual funds. insurance. corporate and municipal bonds. Acciones. mortgage - and government-backed securities. and various other derivatives. Its main competitors are Euroclear and Clearstream .


The East African nation of Kenya has a population estimated at 45.5 million, which increases by one million a year. With support of the World Bank Group (WBG), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other development partners, Kenya has made significant structural and economic reforms that have contributed to sustained economic growth in the past decade. Development challenges include poverty and inequality, and vulnerable of the economy to internal and external shocks.

Devolution is rated the biggest gain from the August 2010 constitution, which ushered in a new political and economic governance system. It is transformative and has strengthened accountability and public service delivery at local levels. The government’s agenda is to deepen implementation of devolution and strengthen governance institutions, while addressing other challenges including land reforms and security to improve economic and social outcomes, accelerate growth and equity in distribution of resources, and reduce extreme poverty and youth employment.

Kenya’s economy grew by an estimated 4.9% in the first quarter of 2017, compared to 4.7% in the same period in 2017, according to Kenya National Bureau of Statistics. Agriculture, infrastructure, financial services and ICT contributed to the growth, but manufacturing and tourism declined. The economy grew by 5.4% in 2017 and the World Bank, in its Kenya Economic Update for March 2017,projected the economy will grow by 6% in 2017, supported by lower energy costs, investment in infrastructure, agriculture, manufacturing and other industries. A stable macroeconomic environment, continued investment in infrastructure, improved business environment, exports and regional integration will help sustain the growth momentum.

The government has also maintained fiscal and monetary discipline, despite increasing pressure from the devolution process and rising public sector wage bill. Total public debt has increased but remains sustainable, according to Central Bank figures, while inflation and interest rates remained stable. The stock exchange weakened due to net foreign investor sales, while the Kenya shilling weakened against the US dollar and other major currencies.

With the increased competitiveness of the manufacturing sector which will be a key driver of growth, exports and job creation, Kenya is emerging as one of Africa’s key growth centers and is also poised to become one of the fastest growing economies in East Africa.

Kenya has met a few of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) targets, including reduced child mortality, near universal primary school enrolment and narrower gender gaps in education. Interventions and increased spending on health and education are paying dividends. Devolved health care and free maternal health care at all public health facilities will improve health care outcomes and develop a more equitable health care system.

Kenya has the potential to be one of Africa’s great success stories from its growing and youthful population, a dynamic private sector, a new constitution, and its pivotal role in East Africa. Addressing challenges of poverty, inequality, governance, low investment and low firm productivity to achieve rapid, sustained growth rates that will transform the lives of ordinary citizens, will be a major goal for the country.

Last Updated: Oct 01, 2017

The World Bank Group’s (WBG) strategy for Kenya is to support the government’s strategy of ending extreme poverty and increasing shared prosperity. The WBG’s Kenya Country Partnership Strategy FY14-18 (CPS) focuses on improving the economy’s competitiveness and sustainability, protecting and helping the vulnerable to develop their potential, and building consistency and equity through devolution. During the CPS period, the WBG plans investment of $1 billion a year in Kenya, through the International Development Association (IDA), International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA).

The current International Development Association (IDA) portfolio amounts to nearly $6 billion in 27 national projects ($4.5 billion) and eight regional projects ($1.46 billion). This includes new commitments of $500 million in East Africa Regional Transport, Trade and Development Facilitation Project approved in June 2017, and $457.5 million for Electricity Modernization Project. approved in March 2017.

The largest commitments are in infrastructure, which are the foundations for reducing the cost of doing business and improving Kenya’s competitiveness in the East African Community (EAC), and globally. Other priorities include public administration, law and justice, focusing on reform and governance, and investing in people through health and social protection programs. Knowledge and analytic work in key areas are also part of the strategy.

IFC supports Kenya’s private enterprises through direct investments, advisory services and capital from global financiers. IFC has invested $900 million in Kenya’s agribusiness, infrastructure, financial markets, health and education. Its investments in a range of companies include in Kenya Airways, Bridge International Academies, National Cement, AAR Healthcare, Faulu Kenya and Vegpro. IFC’s clients and partners are tackling pressing development challenges, including access to power, healthcare and food. Small businesses are engines for Kenya’s growth, creating jobs and providing essential goods and services, but entrepreneurs are often unable to access finance IFC’s Africa Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise Finance Program helps banks increase business with the SME sector. IFC invests directly in banks to increase lending to entrepreneurs, and advises them on how to tailor their financial services for SMEs. Its partners in Kenya include Equity Bank, Bank of Africa, Diamond Trust Bank and Kenya Commercial Bank.

IFC and the Bank also support the government to improve business regulation through reforms in registering businesses, getting credit and other areas. IFC’s investments and technical support have also helped Kenyan companies expand operations across East Africa.

Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)

MIGA is providing investment guarantees of $281 million in support of projects in Kenya’s infrastructure, power, agribusiness and service sectors. Working closely with the Bank and IFC, it helps to leverage financing for construction of privately operated power plants to diversify Kenya’s energy mix in line with the government’s least cost power development plan. MIGA is receiving increasing interest from other investors and sectors in the country.

Last Updated: Oct 01, 2017

The World Bank Group (WBG) has contributed to Kenya’s development in all major economic and social sectors including the following:

The $330 million Kenya Electricity Expansion Project (KEEP). approved in 2010, has increased electricity access to Kenyans in urban, peri-urban and rural areas, and expanded geothermal power generation as part of Kenya’s green energy development. By 2017, the project was rated satisfactory, with a disbursement rate of 80%. It has scaled up electricity from geothermal, increasing supply of clean and reliable energy and expanded electricity access. A 280MW geothermal plant in Olkaria commissioned in February 2017 increased electricity access to industrial and domestic consumers, and reduced electricity bills by 30%. The WBG’s contribution connected 2.6 million additional Kenyans in 890,000 households to electricity by 2017. Innovative combination of WBG, IFC and MIGA credits and guarantees is supporting thermal, geothermal and wind generation capacity of 600 megawatts.

WBG’s $460 million investment in the Northern Corridor Transport Improvement Project has supported the rrehabilitation of the Northern Road Corridor, roadside amenities and HIV/AIDS mitigation, private sector participation in road management, road safety improvement, and reforms at Kenya Airports Authority, Kenya Civil Aviation Authority, and Ministry of Transport. By April 2017, the project was rated satisfactory, with a disbursement rate of 93%. The project has reduced travel times from Mombasa port to Timboroa from 14.5 to nine hours. Independent roads entities have been created, while aviation sub-sector institutions now have financial autonomy. The project has helped ease cost of doing business, improved business climate, and strengthened regional integration in East Africa Community.

Kenya Transparency and Communications Infrastructure Project (KTCIP), approved in 2007, lowered prices of international capacity and extended geographical reach of broadband networks, and improved Government efficiency and transparency through e-government applications. By December 2017, 33.6 million Kenyans had mobile phones, equivalent to a penetration of 82.6%, while internet users were 26.1 million (64.3/100 people), according to Communications Authority data.

The WBG’s $87 million for Health Sector Support Program credit has helped recapitalize Kenya Medical Supplies Authority, reconfigure its business model, and devolve funds for medical supplies procurement for counties. The new self-sustaining model has reduced interruptions of supply of medical commodities to public health facilities.

Through the National Safety Net Program for Results and Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children. the WBG has helped to address Kenya’s social challenges through investments in social protection. These programs, supported by the WBG and other partners, have built sustainable livelihoods for the poor and vulnerable, engaged them in productive activities, increased dietary diversity, improved their access to health care, and also contributed to better education outcomes for poor and vulnerable children. Coverage increased from 500 households in 2004 to 500,000 in 2017. Combined, these programs provide regular, predictable cash transfers to three million poor and vulnerable households.

Last Updated: Oct 01, 2017


Tanzania Postal Bank has set aside funds for the operations of the bank during the financial year 2017. It is intended that part of the proceeds of the fund will be used to cover eligible payment under the contract for the Proposed Refurbishment of new TPB Branch NSSF Plaza, Moshi. Click here for information.

News & Events

TPB Management meet the Tanzania Editors

TPB has met with editors fro Local media houses in the country, and the new leadership of the

TPB supports flood victims in Pawaga - Iringa

Tanzania Postal Bank (TPB) has donated 300 bags of cement to assist with the construction of houses

of 100 households affected by the recent floods in the Iringa R egion . readmore.


How to Get the Best Exchange Rate when Traveling in a Foreign Country

Depending on where you travel, currency exchange rates can either help you get great bargains or make your trip surprisingly expensive. No matter how strong your home currency is relative to the local currency, however, you want to make sure you're getting the best exchange rate possible whenever you need to get cash or make a purchase.

Edit Steps

Find out what your bank charges for foreign transactions. Most of the time, you'll get the best possible exchange rate when you use your credit or debit card, either to make purchases or to withdraw cash from an ATM. By doing so, you get the same exchange rates that the banks offer to each other, with no middleman adding extra fees for the exchange. Some banks and credit card companies, however, will charge you a fee of as much as 3 percent on foreign transactions, so you need to do some research before you leave home. Call your bank and ask them what they charge. If they charge a fee, call around and ask other banks what they're charging. You may be able to find a better deal, but you'll need to plan well ahead.

Know the currency exchange rate. Before you set off for your trip, find out what the current exchange rate is. You can easily find this in many newspapers or online. Knowing the exchange rate is your most powerful defense against getting a bad deal, so find it out before you go, and periodically check on it while you're traveling. When you are abroad, don't just trust the signs at street kiosks. Verify the exchange rate online if at all possible.

Use your credit or debit card as much as possible. As mentioned, you're likely to get the best rate this way. Use your card for purchases as much as possible to avoid ATM fees. When you do use an ATM, be sure to check how much it will charge you--some foreign ATMs charge $5 or more. If the fee is more than a couple dollars, try to find another ATM.

Plan your budget while traveling. You don't want to carry a ton of cash with you (see step 5), but you also should try to have enough cash so that you don't get stuck having to make a currency exchange at high rates. You're more likely to get a good rate in large cities than in small towns--in some countries, you won't even be able to exchange money outside the city.

Take out cash only as you need it, and try to plan your expenditures toward the end of your stay in any country. This will help you to minimize the risk of robbery or pickpockets and avoid getting stuck with excess cash when you leave.

Avoid the exchange companies and Cambio booths that you will see in most train stations and airports. They are convenient, and sometimes (especially in an emergency after banking hours) indispensable, but they frequently charge very high prices in return for the convenience. If you need to get cash, and you can't find an ATM, your best bet is to go to a large bank, post office or American Express office.

Haggle. While you won't be able to negotiate the rate at a bank, if you do get stuck changing money at a small vendor you may be able to haggle to get a better rate. It's critical to know the exchange rate before you do this, and sometimes it won't work, but it's worth a try, especially if there are many vendors in a small area.

Compare rates. It's especially important to shop around if you're using the exchange kiosks, but the rate you get can vary even from bank to bank. Try at least two or three different places before you settle on one.

Know the "real" rate. Sometimes the low rate posted will be the "sell" rate--you'll be charged the "buy" rate--or will only be applicable on very large or very small transactions. There may also be flat fees added to each transaction or extra commissions based on the amount of the exchange. You've got to watch out for these tricks and find out in advance the net amount you will receive from an exchange.


Buy Cycling Online on Junglee

Bicycling is the passion of many and if you too are passionate about it, you might want to check out the huge collection of bicycles as well as cycling accessories on Junglee. Cycling is supposed to be fun and there should not be any kind of pain, involved with the sport. But quite unfortunately, it is a misconception among people, including some of the experienced cyclists, that a little discomfort, caused due to the inappropriate saddle, is an inevitable part of cycling. However, if you are thinking of buying a new mountain bike that will help you ride over the rocky surface with ease, you might consider taking a look at the wide collection of bicycles and related accessories, available at Junglee. Here, you will get an extensive collection of different types of bicycles, offered by the different online retailers, based in India. No matter if you are looking for a mudflap, an exercise cycle or a hand pump, you will get everything at Junglee. All that you need to do is to explore pages under sections like accessories and bike tools & equipment. Make sure you compare the price of the chosen products with different retailers and check the seller rating of a particular retailer before you place the order with them.

Try and get the bicycle of appropriate size

It is an universal truth that choosing a bike of the right size is crucial for anyone. In case you are thinking of buying a bike just to keep yourself fit and energised, you might not need to pay attention to all the technical details of a bike. But make sure you feel absolutely comfortable while riding, starting and steering the bike.

Check out the price

Checking out the price of a specific bicycle before buying it is one of the most important tasks that you need to do. Although it might seem to be a good deal to buy the cheapest bicycle available, it might cost you in the long run. Instead, try to opt for a good quality bicycle that you can afford since this is most likely to last long. Once you have finalised the style and the brand, make sure you check the available models. You can also compare the price, offered by the different retailers listed on Junglee and thus can avail the best possible deal.

The brand factor

If you are a little particular about using branded products, you might stick to bicycles, offered by big brands like Hero cycles and Kross cycles and Btwin cycles. At Junglee, you will get a host of branded bicycles, offered by different retailers. Check the features of the different cycles from reputed brands and choose the one that meets your requirements and preferences. Apart from getting bikes of different types, you will also get accessories like cable locks, horns and hand pumps from several brands. Make sure you go through the price and detailed features of each product thoroughly before placing the order. This will help you get the product of your choice at the lowest possible price.

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How Exchange Rates Work

The Floating Exchange Rate

There are two main systems used to determine a currency's exchange rate: floating currency and pegged currency .

The market determines a floating exchange rate. In other words, a currency is worth whatever buyers are willing to pay for it. This is determined by supply and demand . which is in turn driven by foreign investment, import/export ratios, inflation, and a host of other economic factors.

Hasta la próxima

Generally, countries with mature, stable economic markets will use a floating system. Virtually every major nation uses this system, including the U. S. Canada and Great Britain. Floating exchange rates are considered more efficient, because the market will automatically correct the rate to reflect inflation and other economic forces.

The floating system isn't perfect, though. If a country's economy suffers from instability, a floating system will discourage investment. Investors could fall victim to wild swings in the exchange rates, as well as disastrous inflation .

Find a Floating System

You can see a floating system at work. Changes in the U. S. and Canadian economies have led to the Canadian dollar becoming worth more. For years, a Canadian dollar was worth about 65 cents. In 2003, itВ rose to 75 cents. By early 2007, it had reached about 92 cents. Look in the business section of your newspaper, or check an exchange rate calculator on the Internet. and track the Canadian dollar's rise in value yourself. Right now, economists aren't sure how high it will go.

Print | <a data-track-gtm="Byline" href="about-author. htm#grabianowski"> Ed Grabianowski </a> "How Exchange Rates Work" 6 February 2004.<br />HowStuffWorks. com. &lt;http://money. howstuffworks. com/exchange-rate. htm&gt; 27 March 2017" href="#">Citation & Date

Introduction To Forex Rates

By Sarah Martin

On September 19, 2011

What Are Forex Rates?

A Forex rate is the term commonly used to denote the rate one currency is exchanged for another. This relates to the fact currencies are always traded in pairs in Forex. Common Forex pairs are the US Dollar and the British Pound (USD/GBP), the US Dollar and the Euro (USD/EUR) and the Canadian and Australian Dollars (CAD/AUD). Forex trading, at heart, involves the simultaneous selling of one currency as another is bought. The Forex rate describes the rate at which this transaction is executed.

Liquidity and Forex Rate Changes

Forex has long been the most-liquid market in the world. It is open 24/5 – it is closed over the weekends – and is an Over-The-Counter (OTC) market. This lack of a central exchange means that trading can occur from around the world at any time during the day. This, combined with the large number of actors in Forex, means the volumes traded often far exceeds that of trading in other markets, such as the stock markets.

The effect of this high liquidity and 24/5 nature is that Forex rates can fluctuate significantly over time. The dynamism of Forex is such that Forex rates can change many times even within a time span of a few minutes. The main advantage of this is that potential profits can be larger if the Forex rate applicable to your particular currency pair moves increasingly in your favour.

Sarah writes about various options for trading forex to help new traders get off to a good start.

How To Interpret Foreign Exchange Rate Charts

By Mike Moffatt. Economics Expert

Updated October 28, 2017.

Sometimes the most helpful articles are those that are prompted by readers' questions. This article is no exception. We recently received a question from a reader about interpreting foreign exchange charts in order to better understand exchange rates of currencies. Here's what the reader had to say:

"I want to be able to read exchange rate charts. I read A Beginner's Guide to Exchange Rates and the Foreign Exchange Market and I understand the lemons and oranges, but I am missing the base. If I look at a chart produced by someone in the United States and the index number next to U. S. Dollar is 1.69 and the index value of the Euro is 1.89, is the chart saying that 1.89 Euros has the same value as 1.69 U. S. Dollars? Or is there a base value that says $1.00 of X is equal to 1.69 U. S. Dollars and 1.89 Euros?"

Seguir leyendo abajo

This is a great question, as it hits on a fundamental understanding of how exchange rates are presented and interpreted around the world. So let's get to work.

Exchange Base for Comparison

Foreign exchange charts typically look like the one produced by the Pacific Exchange Rate Service. You can always get a current, up to date exchange rate chart at the Pacific Exchange Rate Service's Today's Exchange Rates page. I've recreated the first five entries of the exchange rate chart from September 10, 2003 below for the purposes of our discussion:

Foreign Exchange Chart Example from September 10, 2003

The first two columns of the chart contain the country code, country, and country name for their national currencies. The third column has the title Units/USD and compares each of the five currencies to the U. S.

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Dólar. The base of comparison for these exchange rates is the U. S. Dollar. In fact, the base for comparison will normally be the currency given after the forward slash ("/").

The base of comparison is generally dictated by whatever country you are in, so Americans use the U. S. Dollar as a base, and Canadians generally use the Canadian Dollar. Here we are given exchange rates for both.

Interpreting Foreign Exchange Charts

According to this foreign exchange chart, on September 10, 2003, 1 U. S. Dollar was worth 1.5205 Australian Dollars (see row 3, column 3) and according to the same logic, 1 U. S. Dollar was also worth 2.9149 Brazilian Real (see row 5, column 3).

The fourth column has the column USD/Units . Under this category, each currency listed in column 1 is used as the base for comparison. So the figure in row 2, column 4 reads "0.3396" USD/Unit, which should be interpreted as 1 Argentinean Peso is worth 0.3396 U. S. Dollars or less than 34 U. S. cents. Using this same logic, the Canadian Dollar is worth 73 U. S. cents as indicated by the figure "0.7321" in row 6, column 4.

Columns 5 and 6 are to be interpreted the same as columns 3 and 4, except now the base for comparison is the Canadian Dollar in column 5 and column 6 indicates how many Canadian Dollars you would get for 1 unit of each country's currency. We should not be surprised to see that 1 Canadian Dollar is worth 1 Canadian Dollar, as shown by the number "1.0000" on the bottom right corner of the chart.

Now that you have the basics of understanding foreign exchange charts, let's go a little deeper.

Y-to-X exchange rate = 1 / X-to-Y exchange rate

We saw in "A Beginner's Guide to Exchange Rates " that exchange rates must have the following property: Y-to-X exchange rate = 1 / X-to-Y exchange rate. According to our chart, the American-to-Canadian exchange rate is 1.3659 as 1 U. S. Dollar can be exchanged for $1.3659 Canadian (so here the base for comparison is the U. S. Dollar). Our relationship implies that 1 Canadian Dollar must be worth (1 / 1.3659) U. S. Dollars. Using our calculator we find that (1 / 1.3659) = 0.7321, so the Canadian-to-American exchange rate is 0.7321, which is the same as the value in our chart in row 6, column 4. So the relationship does indeed hold.

Other Observations: Opportunities for Arbitrage

From this chart, we can also see if there are any opportunities for arbitrage. If we exchange 1 U. S. Dollar, we can get 1.3659 Canadian. From the Units/CAD column, we see that we can exchange 1 Canadian dollar for 2.1561 Argentinean Real. So we'll exchange our 1.3659 Canadian for Argentinean currency and receive 2.9450 Argentinean Real (1.3659*2.1561 = 2.9450). If we then turn around and exchange our 2.9450 Argentinean Real for U. S. Dollars at the rate of .3396, we will receive 1 U. S. Dollar in return (2.9450*0.3396 = 1). Since we started with 1 U. S. Dollar, we have not made any money from this currency cycle so there are no arbitrage profits.

More on Exchange Rates & World Currency

If we are going to have the form \begin dr = A dt + BdW_t, \end Then both A and B are functions of $t$ and $r_t$, otherwise, $r_t$ is normal. However, note that \begin r_t = \exp\Bigg(\frac \bigg(\int_0^t \theta(s)\sigma(s) ds +\sigma(0)\ln r_0 + \int_0^t\sigma^2(s) dW_s\bigg)\Bigg). \end That is, $r_t$ is log-normal, assuming that both $\theta(t)$ and $\sigma(t)$ are determinsitic.

From \begin d(\ln\,r_t)=\Big(\theta(t)-\frac \ln r_t\Big)\,dt+\sigma(t) \, dW_t, \end we obtain that \begin dr_t &= d\big(e^ \big)\\ &= r_t\Big( d \ln r_t + \frac \langle d\ln r_t, \, d\ln r_t\rangle\Big)\\ &= r_t \bigg[\Big(\theta(t)-\frac \ln r_t + \frac \sigma^2(t)\Big)\,dt+\sigma(t) \, dW_t \bigg]. \end

answered Dec 15 '14 at 21:54

Could you explain a bit how you derive the solution for $r_t$. with the exponential (2nd formula). I don't see that this is the solution that easily. & Ndash; Richard Dec 16 '14 at 15:17

Hi Richard, you can assume that $r_t = r_0 \exp(a(t)+\sigma(t)W_t) $ and then work out $a(t)$. & Ndash; Gordon Dec 16 '14 at 15:32

I missed the term $\big(\sigma(t)-\sigma(0)\big)\ln r_0$ in the exponent of the $r_t$ formula, which I am now added. & Ndash; Gordon Dec 16 '14 at 19:55

My original $r_t$ formula does have some errors, and I have now corrected. The conclusion still holds. & Ndash; Gordon Dec 16 '14 at 20:42

Changed $\langle dr_t, \, d r_t\rangle$ to $\langle d\ln r_t, \, d\ln r_t\rangle$. & Ndash; Gordon Nov 4 '15 at 14:38

So I have a "+" sign for the second term (not negative)

dr =r[(θ(t)+ d(lnσ)/dt * lnr + 1/2*σ^2) dt + σ dW]

I left out the subscript t's.

You can let V = log r then Apply Ito and solve for A and B. where B = r*σ

Hib ACIP Vaccine Recommendations (Haemophilus Influenzae type B) 

as Published in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) provides advice and guidance to the Director of the CDC regarding use of vaccines and related agents for control of vaccine-preventable diseases in the civilian population of the United States. Recommendations made by the ACIP are reviewed by the CDC Director and, if adopted, are published as official CDC/HHS recommendations in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR).

CURRENT Hib Vaccine Recommendations

ARCHIVED Hib Immunization Publications

For your convenience, these archived publications can be used for historical and research purposes.

MMWR . September 18, 2009, Vol 58, #36 Licensure of a Haemophilus influenzae Type b (Hib) Vaccine (Hiberix) and Updated Recommendations for Use of Hib Vaccine Print version [1.78MB, 36 pages]

MMWR . June 26, 2009, Vol 58, #24 Updated Recommendations for Use of Haemophilus influenzae Type b (Hib) Vaccine: Reinstatement of the Booster Dose at Ages 12-15 Months Print version [1.28MB, 28 pages]

MMWR . December 21, 2007, Vol 56, #50 Interim Recommendations for the Use of Haemophilus influenzae Type b (Hib) Conjugate Vaccines Related to the Recall of Certain Lots of Hib-Containing Vaccines (PedvaxHIBВ® and ComvaxВ®) Print version [28 pages]

MMWR . September 17, 1993, Vol 42, #RR-13 Recommendations for Use of Haemophilus b Conjugate Vaccines and a Combined Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, and Haemophilus b Vaccine

Print version [22 pages]

MMWR . January 11, 1991, Vol 40, #RR01 Haemophilus b Conjugate Vaccines for Prevention of Haemophilus influenzae Type b Disease Among Infants and Children Two Months of Age and Older (.pdf version not available)

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In this innovative trading tutorial we take a look at harmonic trading, which is even more unknown in regards to generalized popularity in the market. Harmonic trading utilizes various Fibonacci retracements in mix with one another in order to identify where the turnaround point is likely to unfold.

One of the advantages of harmonic trading is the fact that it allows traders to structure positions with very tight stop losses. On the unfavorable side, this means the marketplace does not have to move far to stop out your trade. However on the positive side, it indicates that you will have the ability to restrict your losing trades so that they will have an extremely little impact on your total trading account. The majority of professional traders concur that this advantage far surpasses the possible unfavorable of getting stopped out in the losing trades.

Unlike the main Elliott Wave structure, harmonic patterns have a number of various structures. The chart graphics below outline some of the most typically used harmonic patterns:

These images show various reforms of the bullish harmonic pattern. In order to envision the bearish reforms of these patterns we would need to just turn these patterns upside down. All the calculations and Fibonacci retracements involved would be precisely the very same.

Each of these patterns unfolds using a series of four points: A-B-C-D. The D-point represents the reversal zone and this is where you purchasing or selling entries would be taking place when making use of these patterns. The above graphic shows 4 of the most typical structures: the Gartley, the Crab, the Butterfly, and the Bat. Each structure makes use of various Fibonacci calculations but the methods for trading these patterns is basically the exact same.

Trading Structure

Traders are waiting for the leg structure to unfold prior to placing a trade based on the presumption a reversal is imminent. Reversal patterns are normally excellent for risk and reward ratios however it is important to understand that you will be fighting against the dominant momentum in the market in order to get the better prices for your trade.

Just like anything, there is a give and take to these kinds of trades. But specialist traders have actually invested years perfecting both of these trading methods and the strong performance record tied to each technique is evidence of their overall effectiveness. It is typically a good idea to begin trading these patterns making use of a demo account up until you feel you have actually improved the procedure.

Small company owners searching for included financial investment chances may think about Forex trading to improve income and offer a little enjoyable and thrilled to the day-to-day grind. It is possible to earn from dealing Forex, nevertheless, many new investors are trying to find a fast fix “win” and can quickly get their fingers burnt when trading currencies. The currency market is busy, causing adrenaline highs and emotional reactions in many individuals, trading Forex requires to be researched thoroughly prior to any money trades happening, with strategies and methods in place to assist ensure success.

When you run a small business it’s most likely that danger management is dealt with on an everyday basis, ultimately your own capital is tied up within the business and at risk if your business fails. It’s the exact same when it comes to dealing Forex, leverage of trades makes it possible to handle sums of cash far in excess of the capital deposited with your Forex broker. The temptation with take advantage of is to ponder the greater gains to be made from effective trading, nevertheless greater losses must also figure in any thoughts of this nature.

Sustainable Forex trading methods to assist create pleased, effective currency dealerships consist of:

Setting up a demonstration account and looking into Forex ideas and strategies prior to investing any capital

Keeping a careful eye on financial and political markets in locations where currency pair trading is conducted

Just investing your very own capital

Restricting each trade to no greater than 5 to 10 percent of overall funds with the broker

Setting set up stop loss orders on each trade, you will leave any trade when a particular price is hit but it likewise restricts most likely losses

Not risking large amounts of capital with automatic trading systems, potential losses can rack up really quickly and these programs often crash

Have strategies and strategies in location before establishing any trades

Keep emotions under control at all times

Discovering an excellent broker offering education and research for new traders, with lower charges and a demonstration account service to trial out Forex dealing is great guidance for any brand-new Forex trader to take. It’s typically much easier to start trading your own national currency within any paired level, especially if it’s one of the popular currency trades. You’re more acquainted with news and the economy in your country of origin and most likely to be much quicker at identifying elements that will affect upon exchange rates, resulting in more successful deals.

When you have actually established the looked into technique that helps keep your Forex trading account in favorable credit, do not be tempted to risk more capital to accomplish greater gains. Goal for organic growth to fund any Forex account. CMC Markets offer helpful charting and graphing tools, as well as demo accounts. Their dealing platforms feature extremely high in customer awareness and satisfaction surveys.

The foreign exchange market is utilized to trade currency from the different nations of the world. Many individuals think trading in the foreign exchange market is hard, but that is only true if you do not have sufficient knowledge about the marketplace. The short article below will showcase details about the forex market.

Don’t get caught up in believing that you know a currency so well that you don’t take a look at others. Currencies move laterally more often than they trend, and locking yourself into trading a couple of favorite currencies can stagnate your development. Always watch for a current opportunity to profit.

Think about getting e-mail or perhaps mobile alerts from your forex trading account. These signals can let you know when a potentially profitable trade is happening. Some forex brokers even have applications that enable you to trade through your forex account, using your phone. This ensures that you never ever miss out on a chance to revenue.

Consider the Forex trade a high-end sport and enter all the training possible. Never jump in and start investing cash till you have a full understanding and grasp of the strategies. Wait until you see that you have the ability to develop a consistent and trusted profit through simulation then you will be less most likely to lose cash once you begin trading genuine funds.

When making use of forex to create cash and form a legitimate trading business, it is essential that you do not utilize the market to sustain any desire you have for risk-taking. A lot of financiers merely trade on this platform because they such as the excitement. This will lead to you losing the money in your account in a rush.

Among the most typical errors that new or periodic Forex traders make is to see the market as revolving solely around a single currency. In truth, the whole facility of the foreign market exchange is the relationship in between BOTH currencies – how does one currency perform relative to the other?

Exercise new forex methods on a simulator system before attempting them out for real. Stop pricey errors from ever taking place. There are websites available that let individuals replicate actually trading. Before investing huge amounts of cash, pretend to invest the money and see if the deal would have turned out effective.

Do your homework when selecting a Forex broker, not all are legitimate. See to it any broker you deal with is signed up by the National Futures Association (NFA). And if handling a broker in the Bahamas or offshore, beware, none are NFA signed up. The most fraud associated to Forex comes from outside the UNITED STATE, South California, Boca Raton, Florida, and Russia. Remember if it sounds to great to be true, it probably is.

As stated in the intro for this short article, the currency of the countries of the world are traded in the forex market. Trading in the forex market can be quite financially rewarding, if you have adequate details about the marketplace. Making use of the information from the post above, you can trade in the marketplace.

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Publicly Traded Partnerships

A publicly traded partnership is any partnership an interest in which is regularly traded on an established securities market regardless of the number of its partners. This does not include a publicly traded partnership treated as a corporation under section 7704 of the Internal Revenue Code.

A publicly traded partnership that has effectively connected income, gain, or loss must pay withholding tax on any distributions of that income made to its foreign partners. In this situation, a publicly traded partnership must use Form 1042, Annual Withholding Tax Return for U. S. Source Income of Foreign Persons. and Form 1042-S, Foreign Person's U. S. Source Income Subject to Withholding. (Income Code 27) to report withholding from distributions. The rate of withholding is 35%. This rate is subject to future tax law changes.

For more information about the withholding requirements for publicly traded partnerships, refer to Rules Applicable to Publicly Traded Partnerships and Helpful Hints for Partnerships. as well as Revenue Procedure 92-66.

References/Related Topics

Note: This page contains one or more references to the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), Treasury Regulations, court cases, or other official tax guidance. References to these legal authorities are included for the convenience of those who would like to read the technical reference material. To access the applicable IRC sections, Treasury Regulations, or other official tax guidance, visit the Tax Code, Regulations, and Official Guidance page. To access any Tax Court case opinions issued after September 24, 1995, visit the Opinions Search page of the United States Tax Court.

Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 02-Feb-2017

Sustainability of Digital Formats Planning for Library of Congress Collections



AAF_1_1. Advanced Authoring Format (AAF), Version 1.1


AAC_MP2. Advanced Audio Coding, MPEG-2

AAC_ADIF. Advanced Audio Coding, MPEG-2, Audio Data Interchange Format

AAC_MP4. Advanced Audio Coding, MPEG-4

AAC_MP4_LC. AAC (MPEG-4) Low Complexity Object

MP4_FF_2_AAC. MPEG-4 File Format, V.2, with Advanced Audio Coding

QTA_AAC. QuickTime Audio, AAC Codec


AC-3_A. AC-3 Compressed Audio (Dolby Digital), Revision A


ADRG. Arc Digitized Raster Graphic (ADRG)


AES3. AES3, Digital Audio Interface Format

AES3_SMPTE. AES3 Digital Audio Interface, SMPTE Extensions


AFF_1_0. Advanced Forensic Format Disk Image, AFF Version 1.0

AFF_4. Advanced Forensic Framework 4, AFF 4


AIFF. Audio Interchange File Format

AIFF_LPCM. AIFF File Format with LPCM Audio


A-Law. A-Law Compressed Sound Format


AMR. Adaptive Multi-Rate Speech Codec

AMR-WB. Adaptive Multi-Rate - Wideband Speech Codec

AMR-WB+. Extended Adaptive Multi-Rate - Wideband Speech Codec

Apple ProRes

Apple_ProRes_422_Codec_Family. Apple ProRes 422 Codec Family

Apple_ProRes_422_HQ. Apple ProRes 422 HQ

Apple_ProRes_422. Apple ProRes 422

Apple_ProRes_422_LT. Apple ProRes 422 LT

Apple_ProRes_422_Proxy. Apple ProRes 422 Proxy


ARC_IA. Internet Archive ARC file format


ArcInfo_Coverage. ESRI ArcInfo Coverage


ASF. Advanced Systems Format


AudCom. Audible. Com File Format

AudCom_MP3. Audible. Com MP3


AVI. AVI (Audio Video Interleaved) File Format

AVI_OpenDML_1_02. AVI File Format with OpenDML Extensions, Version 1.02

AVI_FFV1. AVI OpenDML with FFV1 Codec


AVI_Indeo. AVI with Indeo Codec

AVI_Cinepak. AVI with Cinepak Codec

AVI_DivX. AVI with DivX Codec

AVI_V210. AVI OpenDML with V210 Encoding

AVI_UYVY. AVI OpenDML with UYVY Encoding

AVI_YUY2. AVI OpenDML with YUY2 Encoding





BIIF. Basic Image Interchange Format


BIL_enc. Band Interleaved by Line (BIL) Encoding

BIL_file. Band Interleaved by Line (BIL) Image File


BIP_enc. Band Interleaved by Pixel (BIP) Encoding

BIP_file. Band Interleaved by Pixel (BIP) Image File


BMP_5. Bitmap Image File (BMP), Version 5


BSQ_enc. Band Sequential (BSQ) Encoding

BSQ_file. Band SeQuential (BSQ) Image File


WAVE_BWF_1. Broadcast WAVE Audio File Format, Version 1

WAVE_BWF_2. Broadcast WAVE Audio File Format, Version 2

WAVE_BWF_LPCM_1. Broadcast WAVE Audio File Format, Version 1, with LPCM Audio

WAVE_BWF_LPCM_2. Broadcast WAVE Audio File Format, Version 2, with LPCM Audio



CAM_RAW. Camera Raw Formats (Group Description)


CCA. cc:Mail Archive Email Format


CDF. Common Data Format (datasets)


Cinepak. video codec


CPC. Cartesian Perceptual Compression Encoding (CPC)


CR2 included in CAM_RAW. Camera Raw Formats (Group Description)


CSV_strict. Comma Separated Values (RFC 4180)


CRW included in CAM_RAW. Camera Raw Formats (Group Description)



DBF. dBASE Table File Format

DCI (Digital Cinema Initiative)

DCDM_1_0. Digital Cinema Initiative Distribution Master (DCDM), Version 1.0

DCP_1_0. Digital Cinema Initiative Package (DCP), Version 1.0


DCR included in CAM_RAW. Camera Raw Formats (Group Description)


DEM. Digital Elevation Model


DivX_5. Version 5 (video codec)


DLS_1_1b. Downloadable Sounds Format, Version 1.1b


DNG_1_1. Adobe Digital Negative (DNG), Version 1.1


DOCX/OOXML_2012. DOCX Transitional (Office Open XML), ISO 29500:2008-2012; ECMA-376, Editions 1-4

DOCX/OOXML_Strict_2012. DOCX Strict (Office Open XML), ISO 29500:2008-2012; ECMA-376, Editions 2-4


DOQ. Digital Orthophotos (DOQ & DOQQ)


DPX_2. Digital Moving-Picture Exchange (DPX), Version 2.0


DRG_as_TIFF. Digital Raster Graphic as TIFF


DSD. One-bit Delta Sigma Audio Encoding (DSD)

DSDIFF. Direct Stream Digital Interchange File Format, Version 1.5


DTB_2002. DTB (Digital Talking Book), 2002

DTB_2002_NLS. DTB (Digital Talking Book), NLS Extension for AMR-WB+ Speech Codec

DTB_2005. DTB (Digital Talking Book), 2005


DTS. Digital Theater Systems Audio Formats


DV. Digital Video Encoding (DV, DVCAM, DVCPRO)

DV-DIF. DV-DIF (Digital Video Digital Interface Format)



E00. ESRI ArcInfo interchange file (E00)


EML. Email (Electronic Mail Format)


EPUB_2. EPUB, Electronic Publication, Version 2

EPUB_3. EPUB, Electronic Publication, Version 3




ArcInfo_Coverage. ESRI ArcInfo Coverage

E00. ESRI ArcInfo interchange file (E00)

ESRI_grid. ESRI ArcInfo Grid (binary)


ESRI_GridFloat. ESRI GridFloat Output File

ESRI_shape. ESRI Shapefile

ESRI_world. ESRI World File

GeoDB. ESRI Arc Geodatabase

GeoDB_file. ESRI Geodatabase (File-based)

GeoDB_SDE. ESRI Geodatabase ArcSDE

GeoDB_XML. ESRI Geodatabase XML

Shape_DBF. dBase Table for ESRI Shapefile (DBF)


EWF_Family. Expert Witness Disk Image Format (EWF) Family

EWF_SMART. Expert Witness Disk Image, ARS SMART

EWF_E01. Expert Witness Disk Image, EnCase E01 Bitstream

EWF_L01. Expert Witness Disk Image, EnCase L01 Logical

EWF_Ex01. Expert Witness Disk Image, EnCase Ex01 Bitstream

EWF_Lx01. Expert Witness Disk Image, EnCase Lx01 Logical


Exif 2.2 Exif Exchangeable Image File Format, Version 2.2


FITS. Flexible Image Transport System

FITS_3. FITS, Version 3.0


FLAC_1_1_2. FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec), Version 1.1.2

Flash (SWF, FLA, FLV)

SWF_7. Macromedia Flash SWF File Format, Version 7

SWF_8. Macromedia Flash SWF File Format, Version 8

FLA. Macromedia Flash FLA Project File Format

FLV. Macromedia Flash FLV Video File Format


FFV1. FF Videocodec 1



GeoDB. ESRI Arc Geodatabase

GeoDB_file. ESRI Geodatabase (File-based)

GeoDB_SDE. ESRI Geodatabase ArcSDE

GeoDB_XML. ESRI Geodatabase XML


GeoJSON_1_0. GeoJSON, Version 1.0


GeoPackage_1_0. GeoPackage Encoding Standard (OGC), Version 1.0


GeoPDF_2_2. GeoPDF (TerraGo) Encoding, Version 2.2

Another PDF variant with embedded geospatial encoding is PDF_geospatial. PDF, Adobe Geospatial Encoding (PDF Version 1.7, ExtensionLevel 3)


GeoTIFF. GeoTIFF Revision 1.0


GIF_89a. Graphics Interchange Format, Version 89a


GML. Geography Markup Language

GMLJP2. GML in JPEG 2000 for Geographic Imagery


ESRI_GridFloat. ESRI GridFloat Output File


H.26n ITU-T video encoding standards

H.261, see MPEG-1. MPEG-1 Video Coding

H.262, see MPEG-2. MPEG-2 Video Coding

H.263, see MPEG-4_V. MPEG-4, Visual Coding (Part 2)

H.264, see MPEG-4_AVC. MPEG-4, Advanced Video Coding (Part 10)

HDF, Hierarchical Data Format

HDF4. Hierarchical Data Format, Version 4 and earlier

HDF4map. HDF4 File Content Map

HDF5. Hierarchical Data Format, Version 5


HDF-EOS. Hierarchical Data Format-Earth Observing System (based on HDF4)

HD Photo

WMP_1_0. HD Photo, Version 1.0 (Windows Media Photo)



iCal. iCalendar Electronic Calendar and Scheduling Format


ID3. ID3 Metadata for MP3

ID3v1. ID3, version 1

ID3v2. ID3, version 2


IFF. Electronic Arts Interchange File Format 1985


IMF. Internal Message Format




Indeo_3. Version 3 (video codec)

Indeo_5. Version 5 (video codec)


ISO_8211. ISO/IEC 8211 Data Descriptive File (DDF)

ISO_BMFF. ISO Base Media File Format

ISO_image. ISO Disk Image File Format


ITU_G4. ITU-T Group 4 FAX Compression



JPEG. JPEG Image Encoding Family

JPEG_DCT_BL. JPEG DCT Compression Encoding, Baseline

JPEG_DCT_PRG. JPEG DCT Compression Encoding, Progressive

JPEG_DCT_EXT. JPEG DCT Compression Encoding, Extensions

JPEG_orig_LL. JPEG Original Lossless Compression (ISO/IEC 10918)

JPEG-LS. JPEG Lossless Compression(ISO/IEC 14995)

JFIF_1_02. JPEG File Interchange Format, Version 1.02

SPIFF. Still Picture Interchange Format

JPEG_EXIF. JPEG Encoded File with Exif Metadata

JPEG 2000 Encodings

J2K_C. JPEG 2000 Part 1, Core Coding System

J2K_C_LL. JPEG 2000 Part 1, Core Coding, Lossless Compression

J2K_C_LSY. JPEG 2000 Part 1, Core Coding, Lossy Compression

J2K_C_Profile_0. JPEG 2000 Part 1, Core Coding, Profile 0

J2K_C_Profile_1. JPEG 2000 Part 1, Core Coding, Profile 1

J2K_C_Profile_3. JPEG 2000 Part 1, Core Coding, Profile 3

J2K_C_Profile_4. JPEG 2000 Part 1, Core Coding, Profile 4

J2K_C_BIIF_01_00. JPEG 2000 Part 1, Core Coding, BIIF Profile (v. 01.00)

J2K_C_NDNP. JPEG 2000 Part 1, Core Coding, NDNP Profile

J2K_EXT. JPEG 2000 Part 2, Coding Extensions

JPEG 2000 File Formats

JP2_FF. JPEG 2000 Part 1 (Core) jp2 File Format

JPX_FF. JPEG 2000 Part 2 (Extensions) jpf File Format

JPM_FF. JPEG 2000 Part 6 (Compound) jpm File Format

JPEG 2000 File Formats with Encoded Bitstreams

JP2_J2K_C_LL. JP2 File Format with JPEG 2000 Core Coding, Lossless

JP2_J2K_C_LSY. JP2 File Format with JPEG 2000 Core Coding, Lossy

JP2_J2K_C_Profile_0. JP2 File Format with JPEG 2000 Core Coding, Profile 0

JP2_J2K_C_Profile_1. JP2 File Format with JPEG 2000 Core Coding, Profile 1

JP2_J2K_C_Profile_3. JP2 File Format with JPEG 2000 Core Coding, Profile 3

JP2_J2K_C_Profile_4. JP2 File Format with JPEG 2000 Core Coding, Profile 4

JP2_J2K_C_BIFF_01_00. JP2 File Format with JPEG 2000 Core Coding, BIIF Profile (v. 01.00)

JP2_J2K_C_NDNP. JP2 File Format with JPEG 2000 Core Coding, NDNP Profile


JSON. JSON (Javascript Object Notation)





MapInfo. MapInfo Dataset Format

MapInfo_DAT. MapInfo Data File


MAT-file_5. MAT-File Level 5 File Format


Matroska. Matroska Multimedia Container

Matroska_AVC. Matroska File Format with MPEG-4, Advanced Video Coding (Part 10) (H.264)

Matroska_FFV1. Matroska File Format with FFV1 Video Encoding

Matroska_LPCM. Matroska File Format with LPCM Audio Encoding

Matroska_MP3. Matroska File Format with MP3 Audio Encoding

Matroska_MPEG-2. Matroska File Format with MPEG-2 Video Encoding (H.262)

Matroska_V210. Matroska File Format with V210 Video Encoding

Matroska_UYVY. Matroska File Format with UYVY Video Encoding

Matroska_YUY2. Matroska File Format with YUY2 Video Encoding

MBOX Family

MBOX. MBOX Email Format

MBOXO. MBOXO Email Format



MBOXCL2. MBOXCL2 Email Format


MCE/OOXML_2012. Markup Compatibility and Extensibility (Office Open XML), ISO 29500-3:2008-2012, ECMA-376, Editions 1-4

Microsoft CFB

CFB_3. Microsoft Compound File Binary File Format, Version 3

CFB_4. Microsoft Compound File Binary File Format, Version 4


MIDI_SD. MIDI Sequence Data




MJP2_FF. Motion JPEG 2000 File Format


MODS. Module Music Format (Mods)


MPEG_layer_2_audio. MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 Layer II Audio Encoding


MP3_ENC. MP3 Encoding (MPEG Layer III Audio Encoding)

MP3_FF. MP3 File Format


MPEG-1. MPEG-1 Video Coding (H.261)

MP3_ENC. MP3 Encoding (MPEG Layer III Audio Encoding)


MPEG-2_family. MPEG-2 Encoding Family

MPEG-2. MPEG-2 Video Coding (H.262)

MPEG-2_SP. MPEG-2, Simple Profile

MPEG-2_MP. MPEG-2, Main Profile

MPEG-2_MP_layer_2. MPEG-2 File with Main Profile Video and Layer II Audio Encoding

MPEG-2_422. MPEG-2, 4:2:2 Profile

MPEG-2_422_layer 2. MPEG-2 File with 422 Video and Layer II Audio Encoding

MP3_ENC. MP3 Encoding (MPEG Layer III Audio Encoding)

MPEG-4 Video Encodings

MPEG-4_V. MPEG-4, Visual Coding (Part 2) (H.263)

MPEG-4_V_ASP. MPEG-4, Visual Coding, Advanced Simple Profile

MPEG-4_V_CP. MPEG-4, Visual Coding, Core Profile

MPEG-4_V_MP. MPEG-4, Visual Coding, Main Profile

MPEG-4_V_SP. MPEG-4, Visual Coding, Simple Profile

MPEG-4_V_SSP. MPEG-4, Visual Coding, Simple Scalable Profile

MPEG-4_V_SStP. MPEG-4, Visual Coding, Simple Studio Profile

MPEG-4_AVC. MPEG-4, Advanced Video Coding (Part 10) (H.264)

MPEG-4_AVC_BP. MPEG-4, Advanced Video Coding, Baseline Profile

MPEG-4_AVC_EP. MPEG-4, Advanced Video Coding, Extended Profile

MPEG-4_AVC_MP. MPEG-4, Advanced Video Coding, Main Profile

MPEG-4_AVC_HP. MPEG-4, Advanced Video Coding, High Profile

MPEG-4_AVC_H10P. MPEG-4, Advanced Video Coding, High 10 Profile

MPEG-4_AVC_H422P. MPEG-4, Advanced Video Coding, High 4:2:2 Profile

MPEG-4_AVC_H444P. MPEG-4, Advanced Video Coding, High 4:4:4 Profile

MPEG-4_AVC_EXT. MPEG-4, Advanced Video Coding, Non-FRExt Extensions

MPEG-4 Audio Encodings

AAC_MP4. Advanced Audio Coding, MPEG-4

AAC_MP4_LC. AAC (MPEG-4) Low Complexity Object

MPEG-4 File Formats

MP4_FF_1. MPEG-4 File Format, Version 1

MP4_FF_2. MPEG-4 File Format, Version 2

MP4_FF_AVCE. MPEG-4 File Format for AVC (Extensions; Part 15)

MPEG-4 File Formats with Encoded Bitstreams

MP4_FF_2_V. MPEG-4 File Format, Version 2, with Visual Coding

MP4_FF_2_AVC. MPEG-4 File Format, Version 2, with Advanced Video Coding

MP4_FF_2_AVC_BP. MPEG-4 File Format, V.2, with AVC, Baseline Profile

MP4_FF_2_AVC_MP. MPEG-4 File Format, V.2, with AVC, Main Profile

MP4_FF_2_AVC_EP. MPEG-4 File Format, V.2, with AVC, Extended Profile

MP4_FF_2_AVC_HP. MPEG-4 File Format, V.2, with AVC, High Profile

MP4_FF_2_AVC_H10P. MPEG-4 File Format, V.2, with AVC, High 10 Profile

MP4_FF_2_AVC_H422P. MPEG-4 File Format, V.2, with AVC, High 4:2:2 Profile

MP4_FF_2_AVC_H444P. MPEG-4 File Format, V.2, with AVC, High 4:4:4 Profile

MP4_FF_2_AAC. MPEG-4 File Format, V.2, with Advanced Audio Coding

MP4_FF_AVCE_AVCE. MPEG-4 File Format for AVC (Ext), with Non-FRExt Extended AVC Coding

MPEG-4 Textual Format

MP4_XMT. MPEG-4 eXtensible MPEG-4 Textual Format (XMT)


MrSID_MG2. MrSID Image Format, Generation 2

MrSID_MG3. MrSID Image Format, Generation 3

µ-Law (Mu-Law)

µ-Law. µ-Law (Mu-Law) Compressed Sound Format


MRW included in CAM_RAW. Camera Raw Formats (Group Description)


MSG. Microsoft Outlook Item


MusicXML_3. MusicXML, Version 3


MXF. Material Exchange Format (MXF)

MXF_GC. MXF Format Generic Container

MXF_GC_UNC. MXF Format Generic Container Mapped to Uncompressed Images

MXF_GC_UNC_V210. MXF Format Generic Container with Uncompressed Video Essence V210

MXF_GC_UNC_UYVY. MXF Format Generic Container with Uncompressed Video Essence UYVY (2vuy)

MXF_GC_UNC_YUY2. MXF Format Generic Container with Uncompressed Video Essence YUY2 (yuv2)

MXF_OP-Atom. MXF Operational Pattern Atom (OP-Atom)

MXF_OP1a. MXF Operational Pattern 1a (OP1a)



NCBIArch_1. NCBI/NLM Journal Archiving and Interchange DTD, version 1


NEF included in CAM_RAW. Camera Raw Formats (Group Description)


NetCDF-3. Network Common Data Form, version 3

NetCDF-4. Network Common Data Form, Version 4

NetCDF-4C. Network Common Data Form, Version 4, Classic Model


NewsML_1. NewsML (News Markup Language), version 1


NITF. News Industry Text Format


NLAPS. NLAPS Data Format (NDF)


NSF. Lotus Notes Storage Facility



ODF_Family. ODF (OpenDocument Format) Family, OASIS and ISO/IEC 26300

ODF_package_1_1. OpenDocument Package Format, ODF 1.1, ISO/IEC 26300:2006

ODF_package_1_2. OpenDocument Package Format, ODF 1.2 part 3; ISO/IEC 26300-3:2017

ODF_chart_1_2. OpenDocument Chart Format (ODC), ODF 1.2, ISO/IEC 26300-1:2017

ODF_dbfront_1_2. OpenDocument Database Front End Format (ODB), ODF 1.2, ISO/IEC 26300-1:2017

ODF_draw_1_2. OpenDocument Drawing Format (ODG), ODF 1.2, ISO/IEC 26300-1:2017

ODF_presentation_1_2. OpenDocument Presentation Format (ODP), ODF 1.2, ISO/IEC 26300-1:2017

ODF_spreadsheet_1_1. OpenDocument Spreadsheet Format (ODS), Version 1.1, ISO 26300:2006

ODF_spreadsheet_1_2. OpenDocument Spreadsheet Format (ODS), Version 1.2, ISO 26300:2017

ODF_text_1_1. OpenDocument Text Format (ODT), ODF 1.1, ISO/IEC 26300:2006

ODF_text_1_2. OpenDocument Text Format (ODT), ODF 1.2, ISO/IEC 26300-1:2017


OEBPS_1_0. Open eBook Forum Publication Structure 1.0.1

OEBPS_1_2. Open eBook Forum Publication Structure 1.2


Ogg. Ogg File Format

Ogg_Vorbis. Ogg Vorbis Audio Format

Ogg_FLAC_1_0. Ogg FLAC Audio Format, Version 1.0

Ogg_SPX. Ogg Speex Audio Format


OOXML_Family. OOXML Format Family -- ISO/IEC 29500 and ECMA 376

OPC/OOXML_2012. Open Packaging Conventions (Office Open XML), ISO 29500-2:2008-2012

DOCX/OOXML_2012. DOCX Transitional (Office Open XML), ISO 29500:2008-2012; ECMA-376, Editions 1-4

DOCX/OOXML_Strict_2012. DOCX Strict (Office Open XML), ISO 29500:2008-2012; ECMA-376, Editions 2-4

PPTX/OOXML_2012. PPTX Transitional (Office Open XML), ISO 29500:2008-2012; ECMA-376, Editions 1-4

PPTX/OOXML_Strict_2012. PPTX Strict (Office Open XML), ISO 29500:2008-2012; ECMA-376, Editions 2-4

XLSX/OOXML_2012. XLSX Transitional (Office Open XML), ISO 29500:2008-2012; ECMA-376, Editions 1-4

XLSX/OOXML_Strict_2012. XLSX Strict (Office Open XML), ISO 29500:2008-2012; ECMA-376, Editions 2-4

MCE/OOXML_2012. Markup Compatibility and Extensibility (Office Open XML), ISO 29500-3:2008-2012, ECMA-376, Editions 1-4


OPC/OOXML_2012. Open Packaging Conventions (Office Open XML), ISO 29500-2:2008-2012


ORF included in CAM_RAW. Camera Raw Formats (Group Description)



PCM. Pulse Code Modulated Audio


PDF. PDF (Portable Document Format) Family

PDF_1_3. PDF, Versions 1.0-1.3

PDF_1_4. PDF, Version 1.4

PDF_1_5. PDF, Version 1.5

PDF_1_6. PDF, Version 1.6

PDF_1_7. PDF, Version 1.7, (ISO 32000-1)

PDF_1_7_ext03. PDF, Version 1.7, ExtensionLevel 3

PDF, Geospatial Encoding. PDF Version 1.7, ExtensionLevel 3

PDF_1_7_ext05. PDF, Version 1.7, ExtensionLevel 5

PDF/A. PDF for Long-term Preservation

PDF/A-1. PDF for Long-term Preservation, Use of PDF 1.4

PDF/A-1a. PDF for Long-term Preservation, Use of PDF 1.4, Level A Conformance

PDF/A-1b. PDF for Long-term Preservation, Use of PDF 1.4, Level B Conformance

PDF/A-2. PDF for Long-term Preservation, Use of ISO 32000-1 (PDF 1.7)

PDF/A-2a. PDF for Long-term Preservation, Use of ISO 32000-1 (PDF 1.7), Level A Conformance

PDF/A-2u. PDF for Long-term Preservation, Use of ISO 32000-1 (PDF 1.7), Level U Conformance

PDF/A-2b. PDF for Long-term Preservation, Use of ISO 32000-1 (PDF 1.7), Level B Conformance

PDF/A-3. PDF for Long-term Preservation, Use of ISO 32000-1. With Embedded Files

PDF/UA-1. PDF Enhancement for Accessibility, Use of ISO 32000-1 (PDF 1.7)

PDF/X. PDF for Prepress Graphics File Interchange

Also GeoPDF_2_2. GeoPDF (TerraGo) Encoding, Version 2.2


PEF included in CAM_RAW. Camera Raw Formats (Group Description)


PNG. Portable Network Graphics


PPTX/OOXML_2012. PPTX Transitional (Office Open XML), ISO 29500:2008-2012; ECMA-376, Editions 1-4

PPTX/OOXML_Strict_2012. PPTX Strict (Office Open XML), ISO 29500:2008-2012; ECMA-376, Editions 2-4


PST_ANSI. Microsoft Outlook 97-2002 Personal Folders File (ANSI)

PST_Unicode. Microsoft Outlook 2003 Personal Folders File (Unicode)



QuickTime. QuickTime File Format

QTA_MP3. QuickTime Audio, MP3 Codec

QTA_AAC. QuickTime Audio, AAC Codec

QTV_Apple. QuickTime Video, Apple Codec

QTV_Cinepak. QuickTime Video, Cinepak Codec

QTV_Sorenson. QuickTime Video, Sorenson Codec

QTV_MJPEG. QuickTime Video, Motion JPEG Codec

QTV_MPEG. QuickTime Video, MPEG-1 Codec

QTV_V210. QuickTime File Format with V210 Video Encoding

QTV_UYVY. QuickTime File Format with UYVY (2vuy) Video Encoding

QTV_YUY2. QuickTime File Format with YUY2 (yuv2) Video Encoding




SDTS. Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS)

SDTS_TVP. Spatial Data Transfer Standard - Topological Vector Profile


ESRI_shape. ESRI Shapefile


SHN. Shorten Lossless Audio Format


SIARD_1_0. SIARD (Software Independent Archiving of Relational Databases) Version 1.0


Sorenson_3. Version 3 (video codec)


SMF. Standard MIDI File Format


SPIFF. Still Picture Interchange Format


SPX_1_2. Speex Audio Codec, Version 1.2


SRF included in CAM_RAW. Camera Raw Formats (Group Description)


SVG_1_1. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), Version 1.1

SVG_Tiny_1_2. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Tiny, Version 1.2


SWF_7. Macromedia Flash SWF File Format, Version 7

SWF_8. Macromedia Flash SWF File Format, Version 8



TGA_1. Truevision TGA, version 1.0

TGA_2. Truevision TGA, version 2.0


TIFF_6. Revision 6.0

TIFF_G4. TIFF Bitmap with Group 4 Compression

TIFF_LZW. TIFF Bitmap with LZW Compression


TIFF_UNC. TIFF Uncompressed Bitmap

TIFF_UNC_EXIF. TIFF Uncompressed File with Exif Metadata

TIFF/IT. TIFF/IT, for Image Technology (Prepress). (ISO 12369)

TIFF/EP_1. TIFF/EP, for Electronic Photography (ISO 12334-2:2001)


DRG_as_TIFF. Digital Raster Graphic as TIFF

GeoTIFF. GeoTIFF Revision 1.0


Uncompressed video encodings

Vid_Unc_Pix. Uncompressed YCbCr Video Picture Stream Family

Vid_Unc_Pix_422. Uncompressed YCbCr Video Picture Stream (4:2:2)

V210. V210 Video Picture Encoding

UYVY. UYVY Video Picture Encoding

YUY2. YUY2 Video Picture Encoding


UYVY. UYVY Video Picture Encoding



V210. V210 Video Picture Encoding


VC-1 video codec, see WMV9. Windows Media 9 Video Codec


Vorbis. Vorbis Audio Codec


VPF. Vector Product Format


VSDX. Visio VSDX Drawing File Format



WARC. Web ARChive file format


WAVE. WAVE Audio File Format

WAVE_LPCM. WAVE Audio File Format with LPCM Audio

WAVE_BWF_1. Broadcast WAVE Audio File Format, Version 1

WAVE_BWF_2. Broadcast WAVE Audio File Format, Version 2

WAVE_BWF_LPCM_1. Broadcast WAVE Audio File Format, Version 1, with LPCM Audio

WAVE_BWF_LPCM_2. Broadcast WAVE Audio File Format, Version 2, with LPCM Audio

WM (Windows Media)

WMA. Windows Media Audio

WMA_WMA9. Windows Media Audio File with WMA9 Codec

WMA_WMA9_PRO. Windows Media Audio File with WMA9 Professional Codec

WMA_WMA9_LL. Windows Media Audio File with WMA9 Lossless Codec

WMA9. Windows Media 9 Audio Codec

WMA9_PRO. Windows Media 9 Professional Audio Codec

WMA9_LL. Windows Media 9 Lossless Audio Codec

WMP, Windows Media Photo, Version 1.0, see WMP_1_0. HD Photo, Version 1.0

WMV. Windows Media Video

WMV_WMV9. Windows Media Video with WMV9 Codec

WMV_WMV9_PRO. Windows Media Video with WMV9 Professional Codec

WMV9. Windows Media 9 Video Codec; SMPTE VC-1

WMV9_PRO. Windows Media 9 Professional Video Codec



X3F included in CAM_RAW. Camera Raw Formats (Group Description)


XLSX/OOXML_2012. XLSX Transitional (Office Open XML), ISO 29500:2008-2012; ECMA-376, Editions 1-4

XLSX/OOXML_Strict_2012. XLSX Strict (Office Open XML), ISO 29500:2008-2012; ECMA-376, Editions 2-4


XMF_1_0. XMF, eXtensible Music File Format, Version 1.0


XML. XML (Extensible Markup Language)

XML_1_0. XML (Extensible Markup Language) 1.0

XML_1_1. XML (Extensible Markup Language) 1.1

XML_DTD. XML Document Type Definition (DTD)

XML_Schema_1_0. W3C XML Schema Language 1.0




ZIP_PK. ZIP file format (PKWARE)

ZIP_6_2_0. ZIP file format, Version 6.2.0 (PKWARE)

ZIP_6_3_3. ZIP file format, Version 6.3.3 (PKWARE)

ZIP_21320_1. Document Container File: Core (based on ZIP 6.3.3)

These descriptions provide information about file formats, file-format classes, bitstream structures and encodings, and the mechanisms used to compress files or bitstreams. Inclusion of a format does not imply that it is preferred or acceptable for Library of Congress collections. Conversely, omission of a format from the list does not imply that it is not preferred or acceptable. Descriptions will be drafted and added over time. Persons with specialized knowledge are encouraged to review and comment on the descriptions using this contact form .

Last updated: 03/10/2017

Our Entry-Level Programs are structured to ensure that you will quickly assume responsibility for concrete tasks and important projects. Rotational assignments across different business units provide a comprehensive and valuable experience in a relatively short amount of time. Our Entry-Level Programs are defined below.

Graduate Management Trainees

Our Graduate Management Trainee (GMT) program looks for highly motivated individuals who exhibit the potential to excel as future leaders. The program is geared towards providing challenging work assignments complemented by a learning component for select graduates from reputable universities.

At DTB, the GMT program offers extensive interactive personalized training, o n the job rotations and personal mentoring from senior management to provide a comprehensive learning experience. The objective of the program is to realize potential and translate the expe rience into a successful banking career. The GMT program is a training and rotational program focused on dealing with branch banking requirements. It provides accelerated development opportunities across our branch network of Retail, Corporate & Commercial banking.

During this program, candidates are assigned challenging business scenarios to enhance their critical thinking faculties as they develop analytical skills. Another crucial element of the program ensures that managerial skills are honed and developed. This provides trainees with the expertise required to handle supervisory and administrative tasks that will result in the development of successful business managers.


Our Internship Program offers promising students with the exciting opportunity to apply their classroom learning experience to real life corporate assignments. Through the program, internees can support their career goals by using the internship as a launching pad for creating contacts with professionals in the field and identifying their own competencies to build a successful career with us.

Our Recruitment

Diamond Trust Bank is an equal opportunity employer and our policy is to seek and employ individuals who are qualified by job related standards of education, vocational, training and experience. All appointments will be made on the basis of ability best demonstrated by recognized qualification, training, experience and recruits must be people who can be trained to work in a manner that will contribute to the effectiveness and objectives of the Bank.

Our Benefits

DTB policy is equal pay for equal work. Therefore in fixing staff emoluments, the Bank will take cognizance of the relative market factors. We will pay competitive rates for the job which will enhance DTB’s capacity to attract, retain and to reward competent staff while recognizing the relative added value of staff to the organization.

At DTB growth is not a function of time but rather of performance. As your performance improves, the role that you play within the organization will accelerate to reflect your input.

DTB’s performance management and reward systems ensure that goals are met in an effective and efficient manner. We define a clear path for you to contribute to the organization’s overall goals, peppered with regular reviews and feedback to help you gauge your progress.

Our compensation and benefits strategy combines the need to maintain a high performance culture along with market competitiveness. Annual benchmarking exercises are conducted to stay abreast with industry standards.

You can now click on this link www. kenyanvacancies. com to visit our sister website for more vacancies.

If we are going to have the form \begin dr = A dt + BdW_t, \end Then both A and B are functions of $t$ and $r_t$, otherwise, $r_t$ is normal. However, note that \begin r_t = \exp\Bigg(\frac \bigg(\int_0^t \theta(s)\sigma(s) ds +\sigma(0)\ln r_0 + \int_0^t\sigma^2(s) dW_s\bigg)\Bigg). \end That is, $r_t$ is log-normal, assuming that both $\theta(t)$ and $\sigma(t)$ are determinsitic.

From \begin d(\ln\,r_t)=\Big(\theta(t)-\frac \ln r_t\Big)\,dt+\sigma(t) \, dW_t, \end we obtain that \begin dr_t &= d\big(e^ \big)\\ &= r_t\Big( d \ln r_t + \frac \langle d\ln r_t, \, d\ln r_t\rangle\Big)\\ &= r_t \bigg[\Big(\theta(t)-\frac \ln r_t + \frac \sigma^2(t)\Big)\,dt+\sigma(t) \, dW_t \bigg]. \end

answered Dec 15 '14 at 21:54

Could you explain a bit how you derive the solution for $r_t$. with the exponential (2nd formula). I don't see that this is the solution that easily. & Ndash; Richard Dec 16 '14 at 15:17

Hi Richard, you can assume that $r_t = r_0 \exp(a(t)+\sigma(t)W_t) $ and then work out $a(t)$. & Ndash; Gordon Dec 16 '14 at 15:32

I missed the term $\big(\sigma(t)-\sigma(0)\big)\ln r_0$ in the exponent of the $r_t$ formula, which I am now added. & Ndash; Gordon Dec 16 '14 at 19:55

My original $r_t$ formula does have some errors, and I have now corrected. The conclusion still holds. & Ndash; Gordon Dec 16 '14 at 20:42

Changed $\langle dr_t, \, d r_t\rangle$ to $\langle d\ln r_t, \, d\ln r_t\rangle$. & Ndash; Gordon Nov 4 '15 at 14:38

So I have a "+" sign for the second term (not negative)

dr =r[(θ(t)+ d(lnσ)/dt * lnr + 1/2*σ^2) dt + σ dW]

I left out the subscript t's.

You can let V = log r then Apply Ito and solve for A and B. where B = r*σ

Convenient Locations - Our offices are conveniently located for easy access by our customers.

Secure environment - At TPC post offices we offer many services, and we offer a secure environment for our customers.

Competitive Exchange Rates - With TPC Bureau you can buy or sell your foreign currency at competitive rates. The rates are attractive and always puts the customer in mind.

Genuine Foreign Currency - At TPC bureau you will always find genuine foreign currencies at all times. It’s our policy to ensure customers are always satisfied.

Availability of Foreign and Local Currencies There is always availability of foreign and local currencies at all our branches anytime you are in need.

CUSTOMER SERVICES CONTACT: For any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the following number: Tel: +255 22 2113709 - General Post Office DSM or Manager Operations Bureau de Change . Posta House, Ghana/Ohio Street, P. O. Box 9551 Dar es Salaam +255 684 887 979

POSTA BUREAU DE CHANGE Posta Bureau de change was launched in June 2012 as an effort to meet our customers' needs better. Our hope is to open more outlets soon.

You can now buy or sale foreign currency at Dar es Salaam General Post office (Posta Mpya). Our goal is to offer this services in all our regional postal offices in Tanzania. Visit us, we offer good and affordable services!!


United States dollars (USD)

United Kingdom Pound (Sterling) (UK POUND)

European Union Euro

South African Rand (ZAR)

VCB Corporate Savings Account This Account is ideal for those doing few transactions while having the benefit of earning interest on it. Features:

Offered in Both Local and Foreign Currency

Minimum Balance: Kshs 50,000/- (or its equivalent in other currency)

Earn interest on your balance

No ledger fees

Cheque book not available

Free Limited Cash withdrawals over the counter

VCB Corporate Current Account This Account is ideal for those carrying out many transactions with the benefit of having a cheque book. Features:

Offered in Both Local and Foreign Currency

Minimum Balance: Kshs 10,000/-(or its equivalent in other currency)

Cheque book available

Ledger Fees charged as per tariff

Free Unlimited Cash withdrawals over the counter

Does not earn interest

Cheque Book Available

VCB Safe Locker Deposit Accounts We offer secure locker deposit boxes at our Westlands Branch located at Fortis Towers . You shall only be required to fill out the application forms and leave a non interest accruing refundable deposit as follows: Small Box – Kshs 125,000; Large Box - Kshs 250,000.

Does not Earn Interest

No Ledger Fees

VCB Corporate Savings Account VCB Corporate Current Account VCB Safe Locker Deposit Account

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY - Companies Incorporated in Kenya under the Companies Act needs:

Certificate of incorporation

Memorandum & articles of association

Board resolution with company seal

ID/passport copy of all directors and authorized signatories

Pin certificate of company & all directors

Declaration of source of funds of the business and expected turn over done by the RMs

Additional Diligence:

Latest utility bill to be in the prospective customer’s name. If the utility bill is in the name of the landlord a tenancy agreement or letter to be provided with a minimum 1 year term valid trading license

In case any of the directors of the company are not in Kenya at the time of opening the account, their passport must be signed by public notary, Kenyan embassy or correspondent bank official. If signed by correspondent bank official, the official’s signature

In case of different directors and signatories - get latest annual returns or change of directors form (CR12)

Certified copy of Board Resolution stating authority to open accounts, transact business, borrow funds and a designated person having Signatory powers

The latest annual returns to the Register of the body corporate

Verified identity and address of the the Directors and Signatories of the firm

Audited financial statements for the last three years for corporation

VCB Fixed Deposit Accounts. Minimum requirement of Kshs 100,000 • Attractive interest rates.

For other types of companies – you may get in touch with your nearest branch for assistance in account opening.


Click here to download the latest rates


You may now transfer money via MPesa to your Victoria Account by following the steps as per these instructions ; or from your Victoria account to your mobile mpesa by enrolling with our e-Banking services.

You can also apply for a personalized PAYBILL number which shall be linked directly to your corporate bank account. With this facility in place you shall instantly receive money directly from the sender’s mobile phone to your account. Please get in touch with your relationship manager for additional information.

Trade Finance Department Trade Finance is the means to turn export opportunities into actual sales and to get paid for export sales—especially on time—by effectively managing the risks associated with doing business internationally. Following are the products that are handled in the department:

Import Letters of Credit

Export Letters of Credit

Import Documentary Collection

Export Documentary Collection



Remittance: Outward Telegraphic Transfer payments (TT’s)

Remittance: Outward Local payments via Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)

For applying for the above mentioned facilities – kindly get in touch with your relationship manager or download them from our website.

Salary Processing We offer salary processing services to our client whereby the client shall fill out all employee details in an excel worksheet – format to be provided by the bank. The bank shall then execute all the transfers at Shs 100 per Entry. The excel format is available for Download.

Treasury Department and Services The VCB treasury team is always available for assisting clients in booking forex deals, carrying out the RTGS process and any other information that you may require. The indicative forex rates are updated on a regular basis on the website.

iTAX PAYMENTS We offer iTAX services whereby the client logs onto the KRA portal and files a tax return of which an e-slip is acquired. An e-slip is also acquired when the client makes a payment in the national payment gateway. Upon presenting the E-slip to our teller for payment, the teller first establishes if the E-slip is valid after which the slip shall be received and a confirmation of payment (Receipt) given to the client.

Direct Contacts to various departments Lunga Lunga Branch

Varsha - Branch Manager

VCB Personal Savings Account This Account is ideal for those doing few transactions while having the benefit of earning interest on it. Caracteristicas.

Offered in Both Local and Foreign Currency

Minimum Balance: Kshs 50,000/- (or its equivalent in other currency)

Earn Interest on your Balance

No ledger fees

Free Limited Cash withdrawals over the counter

No Cheque Book Available

VCB Personal Current Account This Account is ideal for those carrying out many transactions with the benefit of having a cheque book. Caracteristicas.

Offered in Both Local and Foreign Currency

Minimum Balance: Kshs 10,000/-(or its equivalent in other currency)

Does not Earn Interest

Ledger Fees charged as per tariff

Free Unlimited Cash withdrawals over the counter

Cheque Book Available

VCB Personal Transactional Account This Account is ideal for those carrying out few transactions with the benefit of having a cheque book. Caracteristicas.

Offered in Both Local and Foreign Currency

Minimum Balance: Kshs 10,000/-(or its equivalent in other currency)

Cheque Book Available

Ledger Fees charged as per tariff

Free Limited Cash withdrawals over the counter

Earn Interest on your Balance

VCB Safe Locker Deposit Account We offer secure locker deposit boxes at our Westlands Branch located at Fortis Towers . Caracteristicas.

To deposit a non interest accruing – refundable deposit of Kshs 125,000/- (Small Box) or Kshs 250,000/- (Large Box)

Does not Earn Interest

No Ledger Fees

Personal Savings Personal Current Personal Transactional Safe Locker Deposit

Requirements to open an account.

New generation ID/passport copy/alien certificates/ military card

2 recent colored passport size photographs

Declaration of source of funds i. e. Salary or business done by the RM’s

State nature of business e. g. Sale of vehicles, children clothing etc.)

Declaration of expected turnover done by the RM’s

Copy of PIN.

Additional due diligence measures that may be used to verify the identity of the customer include:

Address of current residence verified by a referee, a utility bill i. e. electricity or water bill, etc

Where applicable, written confirmation from customer’s prior bank attesting to customer’s identity and history of account relationship (bank referee) done by the RM’s

For accounts with more than one party and where one of the parties has identified the others, written confirmation is obtained by the RMs to the effect that the first party has known the other(s) personally for at least 12 months or for such a period of time reasonable enough to affirm the reference in normal circumstances


Click here to download the latest rates


You may now transfer money via MPesa to your Victoria Account by following the steps as per these instructions ; or from your Victoria account to your mobile mpesa by enrolling with our e-Banking services.

Download these frequently used documents for your convenience:

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Specific Instructions for Form 1099-R

File Form 1099-R, Distributions From Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc. for each person to whom you have made a designated distribution or are treated as having made a distribution of $10 or more from profit-sharing or retirement plans, any individual retirement arrangements (IRAs), annuities, pensions, insurance contracts, survivor income benefit plans, permanent and total disability payments under life insurance contracts, charitable gift annuities, etc.

Also, report on Form 1099-R death benefit payments made by employers that are not made as part of a pension, profit-sharing, or retirement plan. See Box 1 . luego.

Reportable disability payments made from a retirement plan must be reported on Form 1099-R.

Generally, do not report payments subject to withholding of social security and Medicare taxes on this form. Report such payments on Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement.

Generally, do not report amounts totally exempt from tax, such as workers' compensation and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) payments. However, if part of the distribution is taxable and part is nontaxable, report the entire distribution in box 1 and the taxable part in box 2a when known.

There is no special reporting for qualified charitable distributions under section 408(d)(8), qualified health savings account (HSA) funding distributions described in section 408(d)(9), or for the payment of qualified health insurance premiums (including long-term care insurance premiums) for retired public safety officers described in section 402(l).

Military retirement annuities. Report payments to military retirees or payments of survivor benefit annuities on Form 1099-R. Report military retirement pay awarded as a property settlement to a former spouse under the name and taxpayer identification number (TIN) of the recipient, not that of the military retiree.

Use Code 7 in box 7 for reporting military pensions or survivor benefit annuities. Use Code 4 for reporting death benefits paid to a survivor beneficiary on a separate Form 1099-R. Do not combine with any other codes.

Governmental section 457(b) plans. Report on Form 1099-R, not Form W-2, income tax withholding and distributions from a governmental section 457(b) plan maintained by a state or local government employer. Distributions from a governmental section 457(b) plan to a participant or beneficiary include all amounts that are paid from the plan. For more information, see Notice 2003-20 which is on page 894 of Internal Revenue Bulletin 2003-19, at www. irs. gov/pub/irs-irbs/irb03-19.pdf. Also see Governmental section 457(b) plan distributions . later, for information on distribution codes.

Nonqualified plans. Report any reportable distributions from commercial annuities. Report distributions to employee plan participants from section 409A nonqualified deferred compensation plans and eligible nongovernmental section 457(b) plans on Form W-2, not on Form 1099-R; for nonemployees, these payments are reportable on Form 1099-MISC. Also, report distributions to beneficiaries of deceased plan participants on Form 1099-MISC. See the Instructions for Form 1099-MISC for more information.

Section 404(k) dividends. Distributions of section 404(k) dividends from an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), including a tax credit ESOP, are reported on Form 1099-R. Distributions other than section 404(k) dividends from the plan must be reported on a separate Form 1099-R.

Section 404(k) dividends paid directly from the corporation to participants or their beneficiaries are reported on Form 1099-DIV. See Announcement 2008-56, 2008-26 I. R.B. 1192, available at www. irs. gov/irb/2008-26_IRB/ar11.html.

Charitable gift annuities. If cash or capital gain property is donated in exchange for a charitable gift annuity, report distributions from the annuity on Form 1099-R. See Charitable gift annuities . luego.

Life insurance, annuity, and endowment contracts. Report payments of matured or redeemed annuity, endowment, and life insurance contracts. However, you do not need to file Form 1099-R to report the surrender of a life insurance contract if it is reasonable to believe that none of the payment is includible in the income of the recipient. If you are reporting the surrender of a life insurance contract, see Code 7 . luego. See, however, Box 1 . later, for FFIs reporting in a manner similar to section 6047(d) for chapter 4 purposes.

Report premiums paid by a trustee or custodian for the cost of current life or other insurance protection. Costs of current life insurance protection are not subject to the 10% additional tax under section 72(t). See Cost of current life insurance protection . luego.

Report charges or payments for a qualified long-term care insurance contract against the cash value of an annuity contract or the cash surrender value of a life insurance contract, which is excludable from gross income under section 72(e)(11). See Code W . luego.

Section 1035 exchange.

A tax-free section 1035 exchange is the exchange of (a) a life insurance contract for another life insurance contract, or for an endowment or annuity contract, or for a qualified long-term care insurance contract; or (b) a contract of endowment insurance for another contract of endowment insurance that provides for regular payments to begin no later than they would have begun under the old contract, or for an annuity contract, or for a qualified long-term care insurance contract; or (c) an annuity contract for an annuity contract or for a qualified long-term care insurance contract; or (d) a qualified long-term care insurance contract for a qualified long-term care insurance contract. A contract shall not fail to be treated as an annuity contract or as a life insurance contract solely because a qualified long-term care insurance contract is a part of or a rider on such contract. However, the distribution of other property or the cancellation of a contract loan at the time of the exchange may be taxable and reportable on a separate Form 1099-R.

These exchanges of contracts are generally reportable on Form 1099-R. However, reporting on Form 1099-R is not required if (a) the exchange occurs within the same company, (b) the exchange is solely a contract for contract exchange, as defined above, that does not result in a designated distribution, and (c) the company maintains adequate records of the policyholder's basis in the contracts. For example, a life insurance contract issued by Company X received in exchange solely for another life insurance contract previously issued by Company X does not have to be reported on Form 1099-R as long as the company maintains the required records. See Rev. Proc. 92-26, 1992-1 C. B. 744, for certain exchanges for which reporting is not required under section 6047(d). Also see Rev. Rul. 2007-24, 2007-21 I. R.B. 1282, available at www. irs. gov/irb/2007-21_IRB/ar15.html for certain transactions that do not qualify as tax-free exchanges. For more information on partial exchanges of annuity contracts, see Rev. Proc. 2011-38, 2011-30 I. R.B. 66, available at www. irs. gov/irb/2011-30_IRB/ar09.html.

For more information on reporting taxable exchanges, see Box 1 . luego.

Prohibited transactions. If an IRA owner engages in a prohibited transaction with respect to an IRA, the assets of the IRA are treated as distributed on the first day of the tax year in which the prohibited transaction occurs. IRAs that hold non-marketable securities and/or closely held investments, in which the IRA owner effectively controls the underlying assets of such securities or investments, have a greater potential for resulting in a prohibited transaction. Enter Code 5 in box 7.

Designated Roth Account Contributions

An employer offering a section 401(k), 403(b), or governmental section 457(b) plan may allow participants to contribute all or a portion of the elective deferrals they are otherwise eligible to make to a separate designated Roth account established under the plan. Contributions made under a section 401(k) plan must meet the requirements of Regulations section 1.401(k)-1(f) (Regulations section 1.403(b)-3(c) for a section 403(b) plan). Under the terms of the section 401(k) plan, section 403(b) plan, or governmental section 457(b) plan, the designated Roth account must meet the requirements of section 402A.

A separate Form 1099-R must be used to report the total annual distribution from a designated Roth account.

Distributions allocable to an in-plan Roth rollover (IRR). The distribution of an amount allocable to the taxable amount of an in-plan Roth rollover (IRR), made within the 5-year period beginning with the first day of the participant’s tax year in which the rollover was made, is treated as includible in gross income for purposes of applying section 72(t) to the distribution. The total amount allocable to such an IRR is reported in box 10. See the instructions for Box 10 . luego.

IRA Distributions

For deemed IRAs under section 408(q), use the rules that apply to traditional IRAs or Roth IRAs as applicable. Simplified employee pension (SEP) IRAs and savings incentive match plan for employees (SIMPLE) IRAs, however, may not be used as deemed IRAs.

Deemed IRAs. For more information on deemed IRAs in qualified employer plans, see Regulations section 1.408(q)-1.

IRAs other than Roth IRAs. Unless otherwise instructed, distributions from any IRA that is not a Roth IRA must be reported in boxes 1 and 2a. Check the “ Taxable amount not determined ” box in box 2b. But see:

Traditional, SEP, or SIMPLE IRA . later, for how to report the withdrawal of IRA contributions under section 408(d)(4);

Transfers . later, for information on trustee-to-trustee transfers, including recharacterizations;

Reporting a corrective distribution from an IRA under section 408(d)(5), later;

Reporting IRA revocations or account closures due to Customer Identification Program failures, later; y

Reporting a transfer from a SIMPLE IRA to a non-SIMPLE IRA within the first 2 years of plan participation, later.

The direct rollover provisions beginning later do not apply to distributions from any IRA. However, taxable distributions from traditional IRAs and SEP IRAs may be rolled over into an eligible retirement plan. See section 408(d)(3). SIMPLE IRAs may also be rolled over into an eligible retirement plan, but only after the 2-year period described in section 72(t)(6).

An IRA includes all investments under one IRA plan or account. File only one Form 1099-R for distributions from all investments under one plan that are paid in 1 year to one recipient, unless you must enter different codes in box 7. You do not have to file a separate Form 1099-R for each distribution under the plan.

Roth IRAs. For distributions from a Roth IRA, report the gross distribution in box 1 but generally leave box 2a blank. Check the “ Taxable amount not determined ” box in box 2b. Enter Code J, Q, or T as appropriate in box 7. Do not use any other codes with Code Q or Code T. You may enter Code 8 or P with Code J. For the withdrawal of excess contributions, see Roth IRA . luego. It is not necessary to mark the IRA/SEP/SIMPLE checkbox.

Roth IRA conversions. You must report a traditional, SEP, or SIMPLE IRA distribution that you know is converted this year to a Roth IRA in boxes 1 and 2a (checking box 2b “ Taxable amount not determined ” unless otherwise directed elsewhere in these instructions), even if the conversion is a trustee-to-trustee transfer or is with the same trustee. Enter Code 2 or 7 in box 7 depending on the participant's age.

IRA Revocation or Account Closure

If a traditional or Roth IRA is revoked during its first 7 days (under Regulations section 1.408-6(d)(4)(ii)) or is closed at any time by the IRA trustee or custodian due to a failure of the taxpayer to satisfy the Customer Identification Program requirements described in section 326 of the USA PATRIOT Act, the distribution from the IRA must be reported. In addition, Form 5498, IRA Contribution Information, must be filed to report any regular, rollover, Roth IRA conversion, SEP IRA, or SIMPLE IRA contribution to an IRA that is subsequently revoked or closed by the trustee or custodian.

If a regular contribution is made to a traditional or Roth IRA that later is revoked or closed, and a distribution is made to the taxpayer, enter the gross distribution in box 1. If no earnings are distributed, enter 0 (zero) in box 2a and Code 8 in box 7 for a traditional IRA and Code J for a Roth IRA. If earnings are distributed, enter the amount of earnings in box 2a. For a traditional IRA, enter Codes 1 and 8, if applicable, in box 7; for a Roth IRA, enter Codes J and 8, if applicable. These earnings could be subject to the 10% early distribution tax under section 72(t). If a rollover contribution is made to a traditional or Roth IRA that later is revoked or closed, and distribution is made to the taxpayer, enter in boxes 1 and 2a of Form 1099-R the gross distribution and the appropriate code in box 7 (Code J for a Roth IRA). Follow this same procedure for a transfer from a traditional or Roth IRA to another IRA of the same type that later is revoked or closed. The distribution could be subject to the 10% early distribution tax under section 72(t).

If an IRA conversion contribution or a rollover from a qualified plan is made to a Roth IRA that later is revoked or closed, and a distribution is made to the taxpayer, enter the gross distribution in box 1 of Form 1099-R. If no earnings are distributed, enter 0 (zero) in box 2a and Code J in box 7. If earnings are distributed, enter the amount of the earnings in box 2a and Code J in box 7. These earnings could be subject to the 10% early distribution tax under section 72(t).

If an employer SEP IRA or SIMPLE IRA plan contribution is made and the SEP IRA or SIMPLE IRA is revoked by the employee or is closed by the trustee or custodian, report the distribution as fully taxable.

For more information on IRAs that have been revoked, see Rev. Proc. 91-70, 1991-2 C. B. 899.

Deductible Voluntary Employee Contributions (DVECs)

If you are reporting a total distribution from a plan that includes a distribution of DVECs, you may file a separate Form 1099-R to report the distribution of DVECs. If you do, report the distribution of DVECs in boxes 1 and 2a on the separate Form 1099-R. For the direct rollover (explained later) of funds that include DVECs, a separate Form 1099-R is not required to report the direct rollover of the DVECs.

Direct Rollovers

You must report a direct rollover of an eligible rollover distribution. A direct rollover is the direct payment of the distribution from a qualified plan, a section 403(b) plan, or a governmental section 457(b) plan to a traditional IRA, Roth IRA, or other eligible retirement plan. For additional rules regarding the treatment of direct rollovers from designated Roth accounts, see Designated Roth accounts . luego. A direct rollover may be made for the employee, for the employee's surviving spouse, for the spouse or former spouse who is an alternate payee under a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO) or for a nonspouse designated beneficiary, in which case the direct rollover can only be made to an inherited IRA. If the distribution is paid to the surviving spouse, the distribution is treated in the same manner as if the spouse were the employee. See Part V of Notice 2007-7, 2007-5 I. R.B. 395, available at www. irs. gov/irb/2007-05_IRB/ar11.html. which has been modified by Notice 2009-82, 2009-41 I. R.B. 491, available at www. irs. gov/irb/2009-41_IRB/ar12.html for guidance on direct rollovers by nonspouse designated beneficiaries. See also Notice 2008-30, Part II, 2008-12 I. R.B. 638, available at www. irs. gov/irb/2008-12_IRB/ar11.html. which has been amplified and clarified by Notice 2009-75, 2009-39 I. R.B. 436, available at www. irs. gov/irb/2009-39_IRB/ar15.html. for questions and answers covering rollover contributions to Roth IRAs.

Notice 2007-7 and Notice 2008-30 do not reflect changes made to section 402 by the Worker, Retiree, and Employer Recovery Act of 2008.

An eligible rollover distribution is any distribution of all or any portion of the balance to the credit of the employee (including net unrealized appreciation (NUA)) from a qualified plan, a section 403(b) plan, or a governmental section 457(b) plan except the following.

One of a series of substantially equal periodic payments made at least annually over:

The life of the employee or the joint lives of the employee and the employee's designated beneficiary,

The life expectancy of the employee or the joint life and last survivor expectancy of the employee and the employee's designated beneficiary, or

A specified period of 10 years or more.

A required minimum distribution (RMD) under section 401(a)(9). A plan administrator is permitted to assume there is no designated beneficiary for purposes of determining the minimum distribution.

Elective deferrals (under section 402(g)(3)) and employee contributions (including earnings on each) returned because of the section 415 limits.

Corrective distributions of excess deferrals (under section 402(g)) and earnings.

Corrective distributions of excess contributions under a qualified cash or deferred arrangement (under section 401(k)) and excess aggregate contributions (under section 401(m)) and earnings.

Loans treated as deemed distributions (under section 72(p)). However, plan loan offset amounts can be eligible rollover distributions. See Regulations section 1.402(c)-2, Q/A-9.

Section 404(k) dividends.

Cost of current life insurance protection.

Distributions to a payee other than the employee, the employee's surviving spouse, a spouse or former spouse who is an alternate payee under a QDRO, or a nonspouse designated beneficiary.

Any hardship distribution.

A permissible withdrawal under section 414(w).

Prohibited allocations of securities in an S corporation that are treated as deemed distributions.

Distributions of premiums for accident or health insurance under Regulations section 1.402(a)-1(e).

Amounts paid under an annuity contract purchased for and distributed to a participant under a qualified plan can qualify as eligible rollover distributions. See Regulations section 1.402(c)-2, Q/A-10.

Automatic rollovers. Eligible rollover distributions may also include involuntary distributions that are more than $1,000 but $5,000 or less and are made from a qualified plan to an IRA on behalf of a plan participant. Involuntary distributions are generally subject to the automatic rollover provisions of section 401(a)(31)(B) and must be paid in a direct rollover to an IRA, unless the plan participant elects to receive the distribution directly.

For information on the notification requirements, see Explanation to Recipients Before Eligible Rollover Distributions (Section 402(f) Notice) . luego. For additional information, also see Notice 2005-5, 2005-3 I. R.B. 337, available at www. irs. gov/irb/2005-03_IRB/ar10.html. modified by Notice 2005-95, 2005-51 I. R.B. 1172, available at www. irs. gov/irb/2005-51_IRB/ar12.html.

Reporting a direct rollover. Report a direct rollover in box 1 and a 0 (zero) in box 2a, unless the rollover is a direct rollover of a qualified rollover contribution other than from a designated Roth account. See Qualified rollover contributions as defined in section 408A(e) . luego. You do not have to report capital gain in box 3 or NUA in box 6. Enter Code G in box 7 unless the rollover is a direct rollover from a designated Roth account to a Roth IRA. See Designated Roth accounts, later. If the direct rollover is made by a nonspouse designated beneficiary, also enter Code 4 in box 7.

Prepare the form using the name and social security number (SSN) of the person for whose benefit the funds were rolled over (generally the participant), not those of the trustee of the traditional IRA or other plan to which the funds were rolled.

If part of the distribution is a direct rollover and part is distributed to the recipient, prepare two Forms 1099-R.

For guidance on allocation of after-tax amounts to rollovers, see Notice 2017-54, 2017-41, I. R.B. 670 available at www. irs. gov/irb/2017-41_IRB/ar11.html.

For more information on eligible rollover distributions, including substantially equal periodic payments, RMDs, and plan loan offset amounts, see Regulations sections 1.402(c)-2 and 1.403(b)-7(b). See Rev. Rul. 2017-9, 2017-17 I. R.B. 975 available at www. irs. gov/irb/2017-17_IRB/ar05.html. for information on rollovers to qualified plans. Also, see Rev. Rul. 2002-62, which is on page 710 of Internal Revenue Bulletin 2002-42 at www. irs. gov/pub/irs-irbs/irb02-42.pdf for guidance on substantially equal periodic payments.

For information on distributions of amounts attributable to rollover contributions separately accounted for by an eligible retirement plan and if permissible timing restrictions apply, see Rev. Rul. 2004-12, 2004-7 I. R.B. 478, available at www. irs. gov/irb/2004-07_IRB/ar08.html. modified by Notice 2017-74, 2017-52 I. R.B. 819, available at www. irs. gov/irb/2017-52_IRB/ar11.html.

Designated Roth accounts.

A direct rollover from a designated Roth account may only be made to another designated Roth account or to a Roth IRA. A distribution from a Roth IRA, however, cannot be rolled over into a designated Roth account. In addition, a plan is permitted to treat the balance of the participant's designated Roth account and the participant's other accounts under the plan as accounts held under two separate plans for purposes of applying the automatic rollover rules of section 401(a)(31)(B) and Q/A-9 through Q/A-11 of Regulations section 1.401(a)(31)-1. Thus, if a participant's balance in the designated Roth account is less than $200, the plan is not required to offer a direct rollover election or to apply the automatic rollover provisions to such balance.

A distribution from a designated Roth account that is a qualified distribution is tax free. A qualified distribution is a payment that is made both after age 59½ (or after death or disabililty) and after the 5-taxable-year period that begins with the first day of the first taxable year in which the employee makes a contribution to the designated Roth account. Certain amounts, including corrective distributions, cannot be qualified distributions. See Regulations section 1.402A-1.

If any portion of a distribution from a designated Roth account that is not includible in gross income is to be rolled over into a designated Roth account under another plan, the rollover must be accomplished by a direct rollover. Any portion not includible in gross income that is distributed to the employee, however, cannot be rolled over to another designated Roth account, though it can be rolled over into a Roth IRA within the 60-day period described in section 402(c)(3). In the case of a direct rollover, the distributing plan is required to report to the recipient plan the amount of the investment (basis) in the contract and the first year of the 5-taxable-year period, or that the distribution is a qualified distribution.

For a direct rollover of a distribution from a designated Roth account to a Roth IRA, enter the amount rolled over in box 1 and 0 (zero) in box 2a. Use Code H in box 7. For all other distributions from a designated Roth account, use Code B in box 7, unless Code E applies. If the direct rollover is from one designated Roth account to another designated Roth account, also enter Code G in box 7.

For a direct rollover of a distribution from a section 401(k) plan, a section 403(b) plan, or a governmental section 457(b) plan to a designated Roth account in the same plan, enter the amount rolled over in box 1, the taxable amount in box 2a, and any basis recovery amount in box 5. Use Code G in box 7.

Qualified rollover contributions as defined in section 408A(e).

A qualified rollover contribution as defined in section 408A(e) is:

A rollover contribution to a Roth IRA from another IRA that meets the requirements of section 408(d)(3), or

A rollover contribution to a Roth IRA from an eligible retirement plan (other than an IRA) that meets the requirements of section 408A(e)(1)(B).

For reporting a rollover from an IRA other than a Roth IRA to a Roth IRA, see Roth IRA conversions . earlier and later.

For a direct rollover of an eligible rollover distribution to a Roth IRA (other than from a designated Roth account), report the total amount rolled over in box 1, the taxable amount in box 2a, and any basis recovery amount in box 5. (See the instructions for Box 5 . later.) Use Code G in box 7. If the direct rollover is made on behalf of a nonspouse designated beneficiary, also enter Code 4 in box 7.

For reporting instructions for a direct rollover from a designated Roth account, see Designated Roth accounts . earlier.

Explanation to Recipients Before Eligible Rollover Distributions (Section 402(f) Notice)

For qualified plans, section 403(b) plans, and governmental section 457(b) plans, the plan administrator must provide to each recipient of an eligible rollover distribution an explanation using either a written paper document or an electronic medium (section 402(f) notice). The explanation must be provided no more than 180 days and no fewer than 30 days before making an eligible rollover distribution or before the annuity starting date. However, if the recipient who has received the section 402(f) notice affirmatively elects a distribution, you will not fail to satisfy the timing requirements merely because you make the distribution fewer than 30 days after you provided the notice as long as you meet the requirements of Regulations section 1.402(f)-1, Q/A-2. The electronic section 402(f) notice must meet the requirements for using electronic media in Regulations section 1.401(a)-21.

The notice must explain the rollover rules, the special tax treatment for certain lump-sum distributions, the direct rollover option (and any default procedures), the mandatory 20% withholding rules, and an explanation of how distributions from the plan to which the rollover is made may have different restrictions and tax consequences than the plan from which the rollover is made.

For periodic payments that are eligible rollover distributions, you must provide the notice before the first payment and at least once a year as long as the payments continue. For section 403(b) plans, the payer must provide an explanation of the direct rollover option within the time period described earlier or some other reasonable period of time.

Notice 2009-68, 2009-39 I. R.B. 423, available at www. irs. gov/irb/2009-39_IRB/ar14.html. modified by Notice 2017-74, 2017-50 I. R.B. 937, available at www. irs. gov/irb/2017-50_IRB/ar09.html. contains two safe harbor explanations that may be provided to recipients of eligible rollover distributions from an employer plan in order to satisfy section 402(f).

Involuntary distributions. For involuntary distributions paid to an IRA in a direct rollover (automatic rollover), you may satisfy the notification requirements of section 401(a)(31)(B)(i) either separately or as a part of the section 402(f) notice. The notification must be in writing and may be sent using electronic media in accordance with Q/A-5 of Regulations section 1.402(f)-1. Also see Notice 2005-5, Q/A-15.


Generally, do not report a transfer between trustees or issuers that involves no payment or distribution of funds to the participant, including a trustee-to-trustee transfer from one IRA to another IRA, valid transfers from one section 403(b) plan in accordance with paragraphs 1 through 3 of Regulations section 1.403(b)-10(b), or for the purchase of permissive service credit under section 403(b)(13) or section 457(e)(17) in accordance with paragraph 4 of Regulations section 1.403(b)-10(b) and Regulations section 1.457-10(b)(8). However, you must report:

Recharacterized IRA contributions;

Roth IRA conversions;

Direct rollovers from qualified plans, section 403(b) plans, or governmental section 457(b) plans, including any direct rollovers from such plans that are IRRs or are qualified rollover contributions described in section 408A(e); y

Direct payments from IRAs to accepting employer plans.

IRA recharacterizations. You must report each recharacterization of an IRA contribution. If a participant makes a contribution to an IRA (first IRA) for a year, the participant may choose to recharacterize the contribution by transferring, in a trustee-to-trustee transfer, any part of the contribution (plus earnings) to another IRA (second IRA). The contribution is treated as made to the second IRA (recharacterization). A recharacterization may be made with the same trustee or with another trustee. The trustee of the first IRA must report the recharacterization as a distribution on Form 1099-R and the contribution to the first IRA and its character on Form 5498.

Enter the fair market value (FMV) of the amount recharacterized in box 1, 0 (zero) in box 2a, and Code R in box 7 if reporting a recharacterization of a prior-year (2017) contribution or Code N if reporting a recharacterization of a contribution in the same year (2017). It is not necessary to check the IRA/SEP/SIMPLE checkbox. For more information on how to report, see Notice 2000-30 on page 1266 of Internal Revenue Bulletin 2000-25 at www. irs. gov/pub/irs-irbs/irb00-25.pdf.

Section 1035 exchange. You may have to report exchanges of insurance contracts, including an exchange under section 1035, under which any designated distribution may be made. For a section 1035 exchange that is in part taxable, file a separate Form 1099-R to report the taxable amount. See Section 1035 exchange . earlier.

SIMPLE IRAs. Do not report a trustee-to-trustee transfer from one SIMPLE IRA to another SIMPLE IRA. However, you must report as a taxable distribution in boxes 1 and 2a a trustee-to-trustee transfer from a SIMPLE IRA to an IRA that is not a SIMPLE IRA during the 2-year period beginning on the day contributions are first deposited in the individual's SIMPLE IRA by the employer. Use Code S in box 7 if appropriate.

Transfer of an IRA to spouse. If you transfer or re-designate an interest from one spouse's IRA to an IRA for the other spouse under a divorce or separation instrument, the transfer or re-designation as provided under section 408(d)(6) is tax free. Do not report such a transfer on Form 1099-R.

Corrective Distributions

You must report on Form 1099-R corrective distributions of excess deferrals, excess contributions and excess aggregate contributions under section 401(a) plans, section 401(k) cash or deferred arrangements, section 403(a) annuity plans, section 403(b) salary reduction agreements, and salary reduction simplified employee pensions (SARSEPs) under section 408(k)(6). Excess contributions that are recharacterized under a section 401(k) plan are treated as distributed. Corrective distributions must include earnings through the end of the year in which the excess arose. These distributions are reportable on Form 1099-R and are generally taxable in the year of the distribution (except for excess deferrals under section 402(g)). Enter Code 8 or P in box 7 (with Code B, if applicable) to designate the distribution and the year it is taxable.

Use a separate Form 1099-R to report a corrective distribution from a designated Roth account.

The total amount of the elective deferral is reported in box 12 of Form W-2. See the Instructions for Forms W-2 and W-3 for more information.

For more information about reporting corrective distributions, see: the Guide to Distribution Codes . later; Notice 89-32, 1989-1 C. B. 671; Notice 88-33, 1988-1 C. B. 513; Notice 87-77, 1987-2 C. B. 385; and the Regulations under sections 401(k), 401(m), 402(g), and 457.

Excess deferrals. Excess deferrals under section 402(g) can occur in section 401(k) plans, section 403(b) plans, or SARSEPs. If distributed by April 15 of the year following the year of deferral, the excess is taxable to the participant in the year of deferral (other than designated Roth contributions), but the earnings are taxable in the year distributed. Except for a SARSEP, if the distribution occurs after April 15, the excess is taxable in the year of deferral and the year distributed. The earnings are taxable in the year distributed. For a SARSEP, excess deferrals not withdrawn by April 15 are considered regular IRA contributions subject to the IRA contribution limits. Corrective distributions of excess deferrals are not subject to federal income tax withholding or social security and Medicare taxes. For losses on excess deferrals, see Losses below. See Regulations section 1.457-4(e) for special rules relating to excess deferrals under governmental section 457(b) plans.

Excess contributions. Excess contributions can occur in a section 401(k) plan or a SARSEP. All distributions of the excess contributions plus earnings (other than designated Roth contributions), including recharacterized excess contributions, are taxable to the participant in the year of distribution. Report the gross distribution in box 1 of Form 1099-R. In box 2a, enter the excess contribution and earnings distributed less any designated Roth contributions. For a SARSEP, the employer must notify the participant by March 15 of the year after the year the excess contribution was made that the participant must withdraw the excess and earnings. All distributions from a SARSEP are taxable in the year of distribution. An excess contribution not withdrawn by April 15 of the year after the year of notification is considered a regular IRA contribution subject to the IRA contribution limits.

Regulations have not been updated for SARSEPs.

Excess aggregate contributions. Excess aggregate contributions under section 401(m) can occur in section 401(a), section 401(k), section 403(a), and section 403(b) plans. A corrective distribution of excess aggregate contributions plus earnings is taxable to the participant in the year the distribution was made. Report the gross distribution in box 1 of Form 1099-R. In box 2a, enter the excess and earnings distributed less any after-tax contributions.

Pérdidas. If a corrective distribution of an excess deferral is made in a year after the year of deferral and a net loss has been allocated to the excess deferral, report the corrective distribution amount in boxes 1 and 2a of Form 1099-R for the year of the distribution with the appropriate distribution code in box 7. If the excess deferrals consist of designated Roth contributions, report the corrective distribution amount in box 1, 0 (zero) in box 2a, and the appropriate distribution code in box 7. However, taxpayers must include the total amount of the excess deferral (unadjusted for loss) in income in the year of deferral, and they may report a loss on the tax return for the year the corrective distribution is made.

Distributions Under Employee Plans Compliance Resolution System (EPCRS)

The procedure for correcting excess annual additions under section 415 is explained in the latest EPCRS revenue procedure in section 6.06 of Rev. Proc. 2017-12, 2017-4 I. R.B. 313, available at www. irs. gov/irb/2017-04_IRB/ar06.html.

Distributions to correct a section 415 failure are not eligible rollover distributions although they are subject to federal income tax withholding under section 3405. They are not subject to social security, Medicare, or Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) taxes. In addition, such distributions are not subject to the 10% early distribution tax under section 72(t).

You may report the distribution of elective deferrals (other than designated Roth contributions) and employee contributions (and earnings attributable to such elective deferrals and employee contributions) on the same Form 1099-R. However, if you made other distributions during the year, report them on a separate Form 1099-R. Because the distribution of elective deferrals (other than designated Roth contributions) is fully taxable in the year distributed (no part of the distribution is a return of the investment in the contract), report the total amount of the distribution in boxes 1 and 2a. Leave box 5 blank, and enter Code E in box 7. For a return of employee contributions (or designated Roth contributions) plus earnings, enter the gross distribution in box 1, the earnings attributable to the employee contributions (or designated Roth contributions) being returned in box 2a, and the employee contributions (or designated Roth contributions) being returned in box 5. Enter Code E in box 7. For more information, see Rev. Proc. 92-93, 1992-2 C. B. 505.

Similar rules apply to other corrective distributions under EPCRS. Also, special Form 1099-R reporting is available for certain plan loan failures. See section 6.07 of Rev. Proc. 2017-12 for details.

If excess employer contributions (other than elective deferrals), and the earnings on them, under SEP, SARSEP, or SIMPLE IRA plans are returned to an employer (with the participant's consent), enter the gross distribution (excess and earnings) in box 1 and 0 (zero) in box 2a. Enter Code E in box 7.

Failing the ADP or ACP Test After a Total Distribution

If you make a total distribution in 2017 and file a Form 1099-R with the IRS and then discover in 2017 that the plan failed either the section 401(k)(3) actual deferral percentage (ADP) test for 2017 and you compute excess contributions or the section 401(m)(2) actual contribution percentage (ACP) test and you compute excess aggregate contributions, you must recharacterize part of the total distribution as excess contributions or excess aggregate contributions. First, file a CORRECTED Form 1099-R for 2017 for the correct amount of the total distribution (not including the amount recharacterized as excess contributions or excess aggregate contributions). Second, file a new Form 1099-R for 2017 for the excess contributions or excess aggregate contributions and allocable earnings.

To avoid a late filing penalty if the new Form 1099-R is filed after the due date, enter in the bottom margin of Form 1096, Annual Summary and Transmittal of U. S. Information Returns, the words “ Filed To Correct Excess Contributions. & # 8221;

You must also issue copies of the Forms 1099-R to the plan participant with an explanation of why these new forms are being issued. ADP and ACP test corrective distributions are exempt from the 10% early distribution tax under section 72(t).

Loans Treated as Distributions

A loan from a qualified plan under section 401(a) or 403(a), from a section 403(b) plan, or from a plan, whether or not qualified, that is maintained by the United States, a state or political subdivision thereof, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, made to a participant or beneficiary is not treated as a distribution from the plan if the loan satisfies the following requirements.

The loan is evidenced by an enforceable agreement.

The agreement specifies that the loan must be repaid within 5 years, except for a principal residence.

The loan must be repaid in substantially level installments (at least quarterly).

The loan amount does not exceed the limits in section 72(p)(2)(A) (maximum limit is equal to the lesser of 50% of the vested account balance or $50,000).

Certain exceptions, cure periods, and suspension of the repayment schedule may apply.

The loan agreement must specify the amount of the loan, the term of the loan, and the repayment schedule. The agreement may include more than one document.

If a loan fails to satisfy (1), (2), or (3), the balance of the loan is a deemed distribution. The distribution may occur at the time the loan is made or later if the loan is not repaid in accordance with the repayment schedule.

If a loan fails to satisfy (4) at the time the loan is made, the amount that exceeds the amount permitted to be loaned is a deemed distribution.

Deemed distribution. If a loan is treated as a deemed distribution, it is reportable on Form 1099-R using the normal taxation rules of section 72, including tax basis rules. The distribution also may be subject to the 10% early distribution tax under section 72(t). It is not eligible to be rolled over to an eligible retirement plan nor is it eligible for the 10-year tax option. On Form 1099-R, complete the appropriate boxes, including boxes 1 and 2a, and enter Code L in box 7. Also, enter Code 1 or Code B, if applicable.

Interest that accrues after the deemed distribution of a loan is not an additional loan, and, therefore, is not reportable on Form 1099-R.

Loans that are treated as deemed distributions or that are actual distributions are subject to federal income tax withholding. If such a distribution occurs after the loan is made, you must withhold only if you distributed cash or property (other than employer securities) at the time of the deemed or actual distribution. See section 72(p), section 72(e)(4)(A), and Regulations section 1.72(p)-1.

Subsequent repayments. If a participant makes any cash repayments on a loan that was reported on Form 1099-R as a deemed distribution, the repayments increase the participant's tax basis in the plan as if the repayments were after-tax contributions. However, such repayments are not treated as after-tax contributions for purposes of section 401(m) or 415(c)(2)(B).

For a deemed distribution that was reported on Form 1099-R but was not repaid, the deemed distribution does not increase the participant's basis.

If a participant's accrued benefit is reduced (offset) to repay a loan, the amount of the account balance that is offset against the loan is an actual distribution. Report it as you would any other actual distribution. Do not enter Code L in box 7.

Permissible Withdrawals Under Section 414(w)


If you make a distribution to a beneficiary, trust, or estate, prepare Form 1099-R using the name and TIN of the beneficiary, trust, or estate, not that of the decedent. If there are multiple beneficiaries, report on each Form 1099-R only the amount paid to the beneficiary whose name appears on the Form 1099-R, and enter the percentage in box 9a, if applicable.

Disclaimers. A beneficiary may make a qualified disclaimer of all or some of an IRA account balance if the disclaimed amount and income are paid to a new beneficiary or segregated in a separate account. A qualified disclaimer may be made after the beneficiary has previously received the RMD for the year of the decedent's death. For more information, see Rev. Rul. 2005-36, 2005-26 I. R.B. 1368, available at www. irs. gov/irb/2005-26_IRB/ar11.html.

Alternate Payee Under a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO)

Distributions to an alternate payee who is a spouse or former spouse of the employee under a QDRO are reportable on Form 1099-R using the name and TIN of the alternate payee. If the alternate payee under a QDRO is a nonspouse, enter the name and TIN of the employee. However, this rule does not apply to IRAs; see Transfer of an IRA to spouse . earlier.

Nonresident Aliens

If income tax is withheld under section 3405 on any distribution to a nonresident alien, report the distribution and withholding on Form 1099-R. Also file Form 945 to report the withholding. See the Presumption Rules in part S of the 2017 General Instructions for Certain Information Returns.

However, any payments to a nonresident alien from any trust under section 401(a), any annuity plan under section 403(a), any annuity, custodial account, or retirement income account under section 403(b), or any IRA account under section 408(a) or (b) are subject to withholding under section 1441, unless there is an exception under a tax treaty. Report the distribution and withholding on Form 1042, Annual Withholding Tax Return for U. S. Source Income of Foreign Persons, and Form 1042-S, Foreign Person's U. S. Source Income Subject to Withholding.

For guidance regarding covered expatriates, see Notice 2009-85, 2009-45 I. R.B. 598, available at www. irs. gov/irb/2009-45_IRB/ar10.html.

Statements to Recipients

If you are required to file Form 1099-R, you must furnish a statement to the recipient. For more information about the requirement to furnish a statement to each recipient, see part M in the 2017 General Instructions for Certain Information Returns.

Truncating recipient's identification number on payee statements. Pursuant to Treasury Regulations section 301.6109-4, all filers of Form 1099-R may truncate a recipient’s identification number (social security number (SSN), individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN), adoption taxpayer identification number (ATIN), or employer identification number (EIN)) on payee statements. Truncation is not allowed on any documents the filer files with the IRS. See part J in the 2017 General Instructions for Certain Information Returns, for more information.

Do not enter a negative amount in any box on Form 1099-R.

FATCA Filing Requirement Check Box

Check the box if you are an FFI reporting a cash value insurance contract or annuity contract that is a U. S. account in a manner similar to that required under section 6047(d). See Regulations section 1.1471-4(d)(5)(i)(B) for this election. In addition, check the box if you are a U. S. payer that is reporting on Form 1099-R as part of satisfying your requirement to report with respect to a U. S. account for chapter 4 purposes as described in Regulations section 1.1471-4(d)(2)(iii)(A).

Account Number

The account number is required if you have multiple accounts for a recipient for whom you are filing more than one Form 1099-R.

The account number is also required if you check the “ FATCA filing requirement ” box. See FATCA Filing Requirement Check Box . earlier.

Additionally, the IRS encourages you to designate an account number for all Forms 1099-R that you file. See part L in the 2017 General Instructions for Certain Information Returns.

Box 1. Gross Distribution

Enter the total amount of the distribution before income tax or other deductions were withheld. Include direct rollovers, IRA direct payments to accepting employer plans, premiums paid by a trustee or custodian for the cost of current life or other insurance protection, including a recharacterization and a Roth IRA conversion. Also include in this box distributions to plan participants from governmental section 457(b) plans. However, in the case of a distribution by a trust representing certificates of deposit (CDs) redeemed early, report the net amount distributed. Also, see Box 6 . luego.

Include in this box the value of U. S. Savings Bonds distributed from a plan. Enter the appropriate taxable amount in box 2a. Furnish a statement to the plan participant showing the value of each bond at the time of distribution. This will provide him or her with the information necessary to figure the interest income on each bond when it is redeemed.

Include in box 1 amounts distributed from a qualified retirement plan for which the recipient elects to pay health insurance premiums under a cafeteria plan or that are paid directly to reimburse medical care expenses incurred by the recipient (see Rev. Rul. 2003-62 on page 1034 of Internal Revenue Bulletin 2003-25 at www. irs. gov/pub/irs-irbs/irb03-25.pdf ). Also include this amount in box 2a.

Include in box 1 charges or payments for qualified long-term care insurance contracts under combined arrangements. Enter Code W in box 7.

In addition to reporting distributions to beneficiaries of deceased employees, report here any death benefit payments made by employers that are not made as part of a pension, profit-sharing, or retirement plan. Also enter these amounts in box 2a; enter Code 4 in box 7.

Do not report accelerated death benefits on Form 1099-R. Report them on Form 1099-LTC, Long-Term Care and Accelerated Death Benefits.

For section 1035 exchanges that are reportable on Form 1099-R, enter the total value of the contract in box 1, 0 (zero) in box 2a, the total premiums paid in box 5, and Code 6 in box 7.

Designated Roth account distributions. If you are making a distribution from a designated Roth account, enter the gross distribution in box 1, the taxable portion of the distribution in box 2a, the basis included in the distributed amount in box 5, any amount allocable to an IRR made within the previous 5 years (unless an exception to section 72(t) applies) in box 10, and the first year of the 5-taxable-year period for determining qualified distributions in box 11. Also, enter the applicable code(s) in box 7.

Employer securities and other property. If you distribute employer securities or other property, include in box 1 the FMV of the securities or other property on the date of distribution. If there is a loss, see Losses . luego.

If you are distributing worthless property only, you are not required to file Form 1099-R. However, you may file and enter 0 (zero) in boxes 1 and 2a and any after-tax employee contributions or designated Roth contributions in box 5.

Charitable gift annuities. If cash or capital gain property is donated in exchange for a charitable gift annuity, report the total amount distributed during the year in box 1. See Charitable gift annuities under Box 3 . luego.

FFIs reporting in a manner similar to section 6047(d). If you are a participating FFI electing to report with respect to a cash value insurance contract or annuity contract that is a U. S. account held by a specified U. S. person in a manner similar to section 6047(d), include in box 1 any amount paid under the contract during the reporting period (that is, the calendar year or the year ending on the most recent contract anniversary date).

Do not report the account balance or value (as of the end of the reporting period) in box 1. Participating FFIs reporting in a manner similar to section 6047(d) should check the Recent Developments section for Form 1099-R at www. irs. gov/form1099r before filing for 2017.

Box 7, Code H; y

The first year of the 5-taxable-year period in box 11.

Pérdidas. If a distribution is a loss, do not enter a negative amount in this box. For example, if an employee's 401(k) account balance, consisting solely of stock, is distributed but the value is less than the employee's remaining after-tax contributions or designated Roth contributions, enter the value of the stock in box 1, leave box 2a blank, and enter the employee's contributions or designated Roth contributions in box 5.

For a plan with no after-tax contributions or designated Roth contributions, even though the value of the account may have decreased, there is no loss for reporting purposes. Therefore, if there are no employer securities distributed, show the actual cash and/or FMV of property distributed in boxes 1 and 2a, and make no entry in box 5. If only employer securities are distributed, show the FMV of the securities in boxes 1 and 2a and make no entry in box 5 or 6. If both employer securities and cash or other property are distributed, show the actual cash and/or FMV of the property (including employer securities) distributed in box 1, the gross less any NUA on employer securities in box 2a, no entry in box 5, and any NUA in box 6.

Roth IRA. For a distribution from a Roth IRA, report the total distribution in box 1 and leave box 2a blank except in the case of an IRA revocation or account closure and a recharacterization, earlier. Use Code J, Q, or T as appropriate in box 7. Use Code 8 or P, if applicable, in box 7 with Code J. Do not combine Code Q or T with any other codes.

However, for the distribution of excess Roth IRA contributions, report the gross distribution in box 1 and only the earnings in box 2a. Enter Code J and Code 8 or P in box 7.

Roth IRA conversions. Report the total amount converted from a traditional IRA, SEP IRA, or SIMPLE IRA to a Roth IRA in box 2a. Check the “ Taxable amount not determined ” box in box 2b. A conversion is considered a distribution and must be reported even if it is with the same trustee and even if the conversion is done by a trustee-to-trustee transfer. When an individual retirement annuity described in section 408(b) is converted to a Roth IRA, the amount that is treated as distributed is the FMV of the annuity contract on the date the annuity contract is converted. This rule also applies when a traditional IRA holds an annuity contract as an account asset and the traditional IRA is converted to a Roth IRA. Determining the FMV of an individual retirement annuity issued by a company regularly engaged in the selling of contracts depends on the timing of the conversion as outlined in Q/A-14 of Regulations section 1.408A-4.

For a Roth IRA conversion, use Code 2 in box 7 if the participant is under age 59½ or Code 7 if the participant is at least age 59½. Also check the IRA/SEP/SIMPLE box in box 7.

Traditional, SEP, or SIMPLE IRA. Generally, you are not required to compute the taxable amount of a traditional, SEP, or SIMPLE IRA nor designate whether any part of a distribution is a return of basis attributable to nondeductible contributions. Therefore, except as provided below or elsewhere in these instructions, report the total amount distributed from a traditional, SEP, or SIMPLE IRA in box 2a. This will be the same amount reported in box 1. Check the “ Taxable amount not determined ” box in box 2b.

For a distribution by a trust representing CDs redeemed early, report the net amount distributed. Do not include any amount paid for IRA insurance protection in this box.

For a distribution of contributions plus earnings from an IRA before the due date of the return under section 408(d)(4), report the gross distribution in box 1, only the earnings in box 2a, and enter Code 8 or P, whichever is applicable, in box 7. Enter Code 1 or 4 also, if applicable.

For a distribution of excess contributions without earnings after the due date of the individual's return under section 408(d)(5), leave box 2a blank, and check the “ Taxable amount not determined ” box in box 2b. Use Code 1 or 7 in box 7 depending on the age of the participant.

For an amount in a traditional IRA or a SEP IRA paid directly to an accepting employer plan, or an amount in a SIMPLE IRA paid directly to an accepting employer plan after the 2-year period (see section 72(t)(6)), enter the gross amount in box 1, 0 (zero) in box 2a, and Code G in box 7.

Enter any federal income tax withheld. This withholding under section 3405 is subject to deposit rules and the withholding tax return is Form 945. Backup withholding does not apply. Ver Pub. 15-A, Employer's Supplemental Tax Guide, and the Instructions for Form 945 for more withholding information.

Even though you may be using Code 1 in box 7 to designate an early distribution subject to the 10% additional tax specified in section 72(q), (t), or (v), you are not required to withhold that tax.

The amount withheld cannot be more than the sum of the cash and the FMV of property (excluding employer securities) received in the distribution. If a distribution consists solely of employer securities and cash ($200 or less) in lieu of fractional shares, no withholding is required.

To determine your withholding requirements for any designated distribution under section 3405, you must first determine whether the distribution is an eligible rollover distribution. See Direct Rollovers . earlier, for a discussion of eligible rollover distributions. If the distribution is not an eligible rollover distribution, the rules for periodic payments or nonperiodic distributions apply. For purposes of withholding, distributions from any IRA are not eligible rollover distributions.

Eligible rollover distribution; 20% withholding. If an eligible rollover distribution is paid directly to an eligible retirement plan in a direct rollover, do not withhold federal income tax. If any part of an eligible rollover distribution is not a direct rollover, you must withhold 20% of the part that is paid to the recipient and includible in gross income. This includes the earnings portion of any nonqualified designated Roth account distribution that is not directly rolled over. The recipient cannot claim exemption from the 20% withholding but may ask to have additional amounts withheld on Form W-4P, Withholding Certificate for Pension or Annuity Payments. If the recipient is not asking that additional amounts be withheld, Form W-4P is not required for an eligible rollover distribution because 20% withholding is mandatory.

Employer securities and plan loan offset amounts that are part of an eligible rollover distribution must be included in the amount multiplied by 20%. However, the actual amount to be withheld cannot be more than the sum of the cash and the FMV of property (excluding employer securities and plan loan offset amounts). For example, if the only part of an eligible rollover distribution that is not a direct rollover is employer securities or a plan loan offset amount, no withholding is required. However, unless otherwise exempt, any cash that is paid in the distribution must be used to satisfy the withholding on the employer securities or plan loan offset amount.

Depending on the type of plan or arrangement, the payer or, in some cases, the plan administrator is required to withhold 20% of eligible rollover distributions from a qualified plan's distributed annuity and on eligible rollover distributions from a governmental section 457(b) plan. For additional information, see section 3405(d) and Regulations sections 35.3405-1T, A-13; and 31.3405(c)-1, Q/A 4 and 5. For governmental section 457(b) plans only, see Notice 2003-20.

Any NUA excludable from gross income under section 402(e)(4) is not included in the amount of any eligible rollover distribution that is subject to 20% withholding.

You are not required to withhold 20% of an eligible rollover distribution that, when aggregated with other eligible rollover distributions made to one person during the year, is less than $200.

IRAs. The 20% withholding does not apply to distributions from any IRA, but withholding does apply to IRAs under the rules for periodic payments and nonperiodic distributions. For withholding, assume that the entire amount of a distribution from an IRA other than a Roth IRA is taxable (except for the distribution of contributions under section 408(d)(4), in which only the earnings are taxable, and section 408(d)(5), as applicable). Generally, Roth IRA distributions are not subject to withholding except on the earnings portion of excess contributions distributed under section 408(d)(4).

An IRA recharacterization is not subject to income tax withholding.

Periodic payments. For periodic payments that are not eligible rollover distributions, withhold on the taxable part as though the periodic payments were wages, based on the recipient's Form W-4P. The recipient may request additional withholding on Form W-4P or claim exemption from withholding. If a recipient does not submit a Form W-4P, withhold by treating the recipient as married with three withholding allowances. See Circular E, Employer's Tax Guide (Pub. 15), for wage withholding tables.

Rather than Form W-4P, military retirees should give you Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate.

Nonperiodic distributions. Withhold 10% of the taxable part of a nonperiodic distribution that is not an eligible rollover distribution. In most cases, designated distributions from any IRA are treated as nonperiodic distributions subject to withholding at the 10% rate even if the distributions are paid over a periodic basis. See Regulations section 35.3405-1T, Q/A F-15. The recipient may request additional withholding on Form W-4P or claim exemption from withholding.

Failure to provide TIN. For periodic payments and nonperiodic distributions, if a payee fails to furnish his or her correct TIN to you in the manner required, or if the IRS notifies you before any distribution that the TIN furnished is incorrect, a payee cannot claim exemption from withholding. For periodic payments, withhold as if the payee was single claiming no withholding allowances. For nonperiodic payments, withhold 10%. Backup withholding does not apply.

Box 5. Employee Contributions/Designated Roth Contributions or Insurance Premiums

Enter the employee's contributions, designated Roth contributions, or insurance premiums that the employee may recover tax free this year (even if they exceed the box 1 amount). The entry in box 5 may include any of the following: (a) designated Roth contributions or contributions actually made on behalf of the employee over the years under the plan that were required to be included in the income of the employee when contributed (after-tax contributions), (b) contributions made by the employer but considered to have been contributed by the employee under section 72(f), (c) the accumulated cost of premiums paid for life insurance protection taxable to the employee in previous years and in the current year under Regulations section 1.72-16 (cost of current life insurance protection) (only if the life insurance contract itself is distributed), and (d) premiums paid on commercial annuities. Do not include any DVECs, elective deferrals, or any contribution to a retirement plan that was not an after-tax contribution.

Generally, for qualified plans, section 403(b) plans, and nonqualified commercial annuities, enter in box 5 the employee contributions or insurance premiums recovered tax free during the year based on the method you used to determine the taxable amount to be entered in box 2a. On a separate Form 1099-R, include the portion of the employee's basis that has been distributed from a designated Roth account. See the Examples in the instructions for box 2a, earlier.

If periodic payments began before 1993, you are not required to, but you are encouraged to, report in box 5.

If you made periodic payments from a qualified plan and the annuity starting date is after November 18, 1996, you must use the simplified method to figure the tax-free amount each year. See Annuity starting date in 1998 or later, earlier.

If a total distribution is made, the total employee contributions or insurance premiums available to be recovered tax free must be shown only in box 5. If any previous distributions were made, any amount recovered tax free in prior years must not appear in box 5.

If you are unable to reasonably obtain the data necessary to compute the taxable amount, leave boxes 2a and 5 blank, and check the first box in box 2b.

For more information, see Rev. Proc. 92-86, 1992-2 C. B. 495 and section 72(d).

For reporting charitable gift annuities, see Charitable gift annuities . earlier.

Box 6. Net Unrealized Appreciation (NUA) in Employer's Securities

Use this box if a distribution from a qualified plan (except a qualified distribution from a designated Roth account) includes securities of the employer corporation (or a subsidiary or parent corporation) and you can compute the NUA in the employer's securities. Enter all the NUA in employer securities if this is a lump-sum distribution. If this is not a lump-sum distribution, enter only the NUA in employer securities attributable to employee contributions. See Regulations section 1.402(a)-1(b) for the determination of the NUA. Also see Notice 89-25, Q/A-1, 1989-1 C. B. 662. Include the NUA in box 1 but not in box 2a except in the case of a direct rollover to a Roth IRA (see Notice 2009-75, Q/A 1). You do not have to complete this box for a direct rollover.

Box 7. Distribution Code(s)

Enter an “ X ” in the IRA/SEP/SIMPLE checkbox if the distribution is from a traditional IRA, SEP IRA, or SIMPLE IRA. Do not check the box for a distribution from a Roth IRA or for an IRA recharacterization.

Enter the appropriate code(s) in box 7. Use the Guide to Distribution Codes . later, to determine the appropriate code(s) to enter in box 7 for any amounts reported on Form 1099-R. Read the codes carefully and enter them accurately because the IRS uses the codes to help determine whether the recipient has properly reported the distribution. If the codes you enter are incorrect, the IRS may improperly propose changes to the recipient's taxes.

When applicable, enter a numeric and an alpha code. For example, when using Code P for a traditional IRA distribution under section 408(d)(4), you must also enter Code 1, if it applies. For a normal distribution from a qualified plan that qualifies for the 10-year tax option, enter Codes 7 and A. For a direct rollover to an IRA or a qualified plan for the surviving spouse of a deceased participant, or on behalf of a nonspouse designated beneficiary, enter Codes 4 and G (Codes 4 and H if from a designated Roth account to a Roth IRA). If two or more distribution codes are not valid combinations, you must file more than one Form 1099-R.

Enter a maximum of two alpha/numeric codes in box 7. See the Guide to Distribution Codes, later, for allowable combinations. Only three numeric combinations are permitted on one Form 1099-R: Codes 8 and 1, 8 and 2, or 8 and 4. If two or more other numeric codes are applicable, you must file more than one Form 1099-R. For example, if part of a distribution is premature (Code 1) and part is not (Code 7), file one Form 1099-R for the part to which Code 1 applies and another Form 1099-R for the part to which Code 7 applies. In addition, for the distribution of excess deferrals, parts of the distribution may be taxable in 2 different years. File separate Forms 1099-R using Code 8 or P to indicate the year the amount is taxable.

Even if the employee/taxpayer is age 59½ or over, use Code 1 if a series of substantially equal periodic payments was modified within 5 years of the date of the first payment (within the meaning of section 72(q)(3) or (t)(4)), if you have been reporting distributions in previous years using Code 2.

For example, Mr. B began receiving payments that qualified for the exception for part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments under section 72(t)(2)(A)(iv) when he was 57. When he was 61, Mr. B modified the payments. Because the payments were modified within 5 years, use Code 1 in the year the payments were modified, even though Mr. B is over 59½.

If you do not know that the taxpayer meets the requirements for substantially equal periodic payments under section 72(t)(2)(A)(iv), use Code 1 to report the payments.

For further guidance on what makes a series of substantially equal periodic payments, see Notice 89-25, Q/A-12, as modified by Rev. Rul. 2002-62, 2002-42 I. R.B. 710. Notice 2004-15, 2004-9 I. R.B. 526, available at www. irs. gov/irb/2004-09_IRB/ar09.html. allows taxpayers to use one of three methods in Notice 89-25, as modified by Rev. Rul. 2002-62, to determine whether a distribution from a nonqualified annuity is part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments under section 72(q)(2)(D).

If part of a distribution is paid in a direct rollover and part is not, you must file a separate Form 1099-R for each part showing the appropriate code on each form.

Governmental section 457(b) plan distributions.

Generally, a distribution from a governmental section 457(b) plan is not subject to the 10% additional tax under section 72(t). However, an early distribution from a governmental section 457(b) plan of an amount that is attributable to a rollover from another type of eligible retirement plan or IRA is subject to the additional tax as if the distribution were from a plan described in section 401(a). See section 72(t)(9). If the distribution consists solely of amounts that are not attributable to such a rollover, enter Code 2 in box 7. If the distribution consists solely of amounts attributable to such a rollover, then enter the appropriate code in box 7 as if the distribution were from a plan described in section 401(a). If the distribution is made up of amounts from both sources, you must file separate Forms 1099-R for each part of the distribution unless Code 2 would be entered on each form.

Box 8. Other

Enter the current actuarial value of an annuity contract that is part of a lump-sum distribution. Do not include this item in boxes 1 and 2a.

To determine the value of an annuity contract, show the value as an amount equal to the current actuarial value of the annuity contract, reduced by an amount equal to the excess of the employee's contributions over the cash and other property (not including the annuity contract) distributed.

If an annuity contract is part of a multiple recipient lump-sum distribution, enter in box 8, along with the current actuarial value, the percentage of the total annuity contract each Form 1099-R represents.

Also, enter in box 8 the amount of the reduction in the investment (but not below 0 (zero)) against the cash value of an annuity contract or the cash surrender value of a life insurance contract due to charges or payments for qualified long-term care insurance contracts.

Box 9a. Your Percentage of Total Distribution

If this is a total distribution and it is made to more than one person, enter the percentage received by the person whose name appears on Form 1099-R. You need not complete this box for any IRA distributions or for a direct rollover.

Box 9b. Total Employee Contributions

You are not required to enter the total employee contributions or designated Roth contributions in box 9b. However, because this information may be helpful to the recipient, you may choose to report them.

If you choose to report the total employee contributions or designated Roth contributions, do not include any amounts recovered tax free in prior years. For a total distribution, report the total employee contributions or designated Roth contributions in box 5 rather than in box 9b.

Box 10. Amount Allocable to IRR Within 5 Years

Enter the amount of the distribution allocable to an IRR made within the 5-year period beginning with the first day of the year in which the rollover was made. Do not complete this box if an exception under section 72(t) applies.

For further guidance on determining amounts allocable to an IRR, see Notice 2010-84, Q/A-13.

Box 11. 1st Year of Desig. Roth Contrib.

Enter the first year of the 5-taxable-year period. This is the year in which the designated Roth account was first established by the recipient.

Boxes 12–17. State and Local Information

These boxes and Copies 1 and 2 are provided for your convenience only and need not be completed for the IRS. Use the state and local information boxes to report distributions and taxes for up to two states or localities. Keep the information for each state or locality separated by the broken line. If state or local income tax has been withheld on this distribution, you may enter it in boxes 12 and 15, as appropriate. In box 13, enter the abbreviated name of the state and the payer's state identification number. The state number is the payer's identification number assigned by the individual state. In box 16, enter the name of the locality. In boxes 14 and 17, you may enter the amount of the state or local distribution. Copy 1 may be used to provide information to the state or local tax department. Copy 2 may be used as the recipient's copy in filing a state or local income tax return.

Guide to Distribution Codes

* Used with code. (if applicable)

1—Early distribution, no known exception.

Use Code 1 only if the participant has not reached age 59½, and you do not know if any of the exceptions under Code 2, 3, or 4 apply. However, use Code 1 even if the distribution is made for medical expenses, health insurance premiums, qualified higher education expenses, a first-time home purchase, or a qualified reservist distribution under section 72(t)(2)(B), (D), (E), (F), or (G). Code 1 must also be used even if a taxpayer is 59½ or older and he or she modifies a series of substantially equal periodic payments under section 72(q), (t), or (v) prior to the end of the 5-year period which began with the first payment.

2—Early distribution, exception applies.

Use Code 2 only if the participant has not reached age 59½ and you know the distribution is the following.

A Roth IRA conversion (an IRA converted to a Roth IRA).

A distribution made from a qualified retirement plan or IRA because of an IRS levy under section 6331.

A governmental section 457(b) plan distribution that is not subject to the additional 10% tax. But see Governmental section 457(b) plan distributions . earlier, for information on distributions that may be subject to the 10% additional tax.

A distribution from a qualified retirement plan after separation from service in or after the year the participant has reached age 55.

A distribution from a governmental defined benefit plan to a public safety employee (as defined in 72(t)(10)(B)) after separation from service, in or after the year the employee has reached age 50.

A distribution that is part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments as described in section 72(q), (t), (u), or (v).

A distribution that is a permissible withdrawal under an eligible automatic contribution arrangement (EACA).

Any other distribution subject to an exception under section 72(q), (t), (u), or (v) that is not required to be reported using Code 1, 3, or 4.

File Form 5498, IRA Contribution Information, with the IRS by May 31, 2017, for each person for whom in 2017 you maintained any individual retirement arrangement (IRA), including a deemed IRA under section 408(q).

An IRA includes all investments under one IRA plan. It is not necessary to file a Form 5498 for each investment under one plan. For example, if a participant has three certificates of deposit (CDs) under one IRA plan, only one Form 5498 is required for all contributions and the fair market values (FMVs) of the CDs under the plan. However, if a participant has established more than one IRA plan with the same trustee, a separate Form 5498 must be filed for each plan.

Contributions. You must report contributions to any IRA on Form 5498. See the instructions under boxes 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 13a, and 14a, later. If no reportable contributions were made for 2017, complete only boxes 5 and 7, and boxes 11, 12a, 12b, 15a, and 15b, if applicable. See Reporting FMV of certain specified assets . luego.

You are required to file Form 5498 even if required minimum distributions (RMDs) or other annuity or periodic payments have started.

Report contributions to a Kay Bailey Hutchison Spousal IRA under section 219(c) on a separate Form 5498 using the name and taxpayer identification number (TIN) of the spouse.

For contributions made between January 1 and April 18, 2017, trustees and issuers should obtain the participant's designation of the year for which the contributions are made.

Direct rollovers, transfers, and recharacterizations. You must report the receipt of a direct rollover from a qualified plan, section 403(b) plan, or governmental section 457(b) plan to an IRA. Report a direct rollover in box 2.

If you receive a direct rollover to a qualified plan, a section 403(b) plan, or a governmental section 457(b) plan, no report is required. For information on direct rollovers of eligible rollover distributions, see Direct Rollovers . earlier.

If a rollover or trustee-to-trustee transfer is made from a savings incentive match plan for employees (SIMPLE) IRA to an IRA that is not a SIMPLE IRA and the trustee has adequately substantiated information that the participant has not satisfied the 2-year period specified in section 72(t)(6), report the amount as a regular contribution in box 1 even if the amount exceeds $5,500 ($6,500 for participants 50 or older).


Do not report on Form 5498 a direct trustee-to-trustee transfer from (a) a traditional IRA to another traditional IRA or to a simplified employee pension (SEP) IRA, (b) a SIMPLE IRA to another SIMPLE IRA, (c) a SEP IRA to another SEP IRA or to a traditional IRA, or (d) a Roth IRA to another Roth IRA. For reporting purposes, contributions and rollovers do not include these transfers.


You must report each recharacterization of an IRA contribution. If a participant makes a contribution to an IRA (first IRA) for a year, the participant may choose to recharacterize the contribution by transferring, in a trustee-to-trustee transfer, any part of the contribution (plus earnings) to another IRA (second IRA). The contribution is treated as made to the second IRA (recharacterization). A recharacterization may be made with the same trustee or with another trustee. The trustee of the first IRA must report the amount contributed before the recharacterization as a contribution on Form 5498 and the recharacterization as a distribution on Form 1099-R. The trustee of the second IRA must report the amount received (FMV) in box 4 on Form 5498 and check the type of IRA in box 7.

All recharacterized contributions received by an IRA in the same year must be totaled and reported on one Form 5498 in box 4. You may report the FMV of the account on the same Form 5498 you use to report a recharacterization of an IRA contribution and any other contributions made to the IRA for the year.

Catch-up contributions. Participants who are age 50 or older by the end of the year may be eligible to make catch-up IRA contributions or catch-up elective deferral contributions. The annual IRA regular contribution limit of $5,500 is increased to $6,500 for participants age 50 or older. Catch-up elective deferral contributions reported on Form 5498 may be made under a salary reduction SEP (SARSEP) or under a SIMPLE IRA plan. For 2017, up to $5,500 in catch-up elective deferral contributions may be made under a SARSEP, and up to $2,500 to a SIMPLE IRA plan. For more information on catch-up elective deferral contributions, see Regulations section 1.414(v)-1.

Include any catch-up amounts when reporting contributions for the year in box 1, 8, 9, or 10, or for a prior year in box 13a.

Roth IRA conversions. You must report the receipt of a conversion from an IRA to a Roth IRA even if the conversion is with the same trustee. Report the total amount converted from a traditional IRA, SEP IRA, or SIMPLE IRA to a Roth IRA in box 3.

IRA revocation or account closure. If a traditional IRA, Roth IRA, or SIMPLE IRA is revoked during its first 7 days (under Regulations section 1.408-6(d)(4)(ii)) or closed at any time by the IRA trustee pursuant to its resignation or such other event mandating the closure of the account, Form 5498 must be filed to report any regular, rollover, IRA conversion, SEP IRA, or SIMPLE IRA contributions to the IRA. For information about reporting a distribution from a revoked or closed IRA, see IRA Revocation or Account Closure . earlier.

Total distribution, no contributions. Generally, if a total distribution was made from an account during the year and no contributions, including rollovers, recharacterizations, or Roth IRA conversion amounts, were made for that year, you need not file Form 5498 nor furnish the annual statement to reflect that the FMV on December 31 was zero.

Required minimum distributions (RMDs). An IRA (other than a Roth IRA) owner/participant must begin taking distributions for each calendar year beginning with the calendar year in which the participant attains age 70½. The distribution for the 70½ year must be made no later than April 1 of the following calendar year; RMDs for any other year must be made no later than December 31 of the year. See Regulations section 1.401(a)(9)-6 for RMDs from annuity contracts.

For each IRA you held as of December 31 of the prior year, if an RMD is required for the year, you must provide a statement to the IRA participant by January 31 regarding the RMD using one of two alternative methods described below. You are not required to use the same method for all IRA participants; you can use Alternative one for some IRA participants and Alternative two for the rest. Under both methods, the statement must inform the participant that you are reporting to the IRS that an RMD is required for the year. The statement can be provided in conjunction with the statement of the FMV.

If the IRA participant is deceased, and the surviving spouse is the sole beneficiary, special rules apply for RMD reporting. If the surviving spouse elects to treat the IRA as the spouse's own, then report with the surviving spouse as the owner. However, if the surviving spouse does not elect to treat the IRA as the spouse's own, then you must continue to treat the surviving spouse as the beneficiary. Until further guidance is issued, no reporting is required for IRAs of deceased participants (except where the surviving spouse elects to treat the IRA as the spouse's own as described above).

Alternative one.

Under this method, include in the statement the amount of the RMD with respect to the IRA for the calendar year and the date by which the distribution must be made. The amount may be calculated assuming the sole beneficiary of the IRA is not a spouse more than 10 years younger than the participant. Use the value of the account as of December 31 of the prior year to compute the amount. See boxes 11, 12a, and 12b, later, for how to report.

Alternative two.

Under this method, the statement informs the participant that a minimum distribution with respect to the IRA is required for the calendar year and the date by which such amount must be distributed. You must include an offer to furnish the participant with a calculation of the amount of the RMD if requested by the participant.

Electronic filing.

These statements may be furnished electronically using the procedures described in part F of the 2017 General Instructions for Certain Information Returns.

Reporting to the IRS.

If an RMD is required, check box 11. See page 22. For example, box 11 is checked on the Form 5498 for a 2017 RMD. You are not required to report to the IRS the amount or the date by which the distribution must be made. However, see the Caution following the Box 11 instructions, later, for reporting RMDs to participants.

For more details, see Notice 2002-27 on page 814 of Internal Revenue Bulletin 2002-18 at www. irs. gov/pub/irs-irbs/irb02-18.pdf as clarified by Notice 2003-3 on page 258 of Internal Revenue Bulletin 2003-2 at www. irs. gov/pub/irs-irbs/irb03-02.pdf.

Inherited IRAs. In the year an IRA participant dies, you, as an IRA trustee or issuer, generally must file a Form 5498 and furnish an annual statement for the decedent and a Form 5498 and an annual statement for each nonspouse beneficiary. An IRA holder must be able to identify the source of each IRA he or she holds for purposes of figuring the taxation of a distribution from an IRA. Thus, the decedent's name must be shown on the beneficiary's Form 5498 and annual statement. For example, you may enter “ Brian Willow as beneficiary of Joan Maple ” or something similar that signifies that the IRA was once owned by Joan Maple. You may abbreviate the word “ beneficiary ” as, for example, “ bene. & # 8221;

For a spouse beneficiary, unless the spouse makes the IRA his or her own, treat the spouse as a nonspouse beneficiary for reporting purposes. If the spouse makes the IRA his or her own, do not report the beneficiary designation on Form 5498 and the annual statement.

An IRA set up to receive a direct rollover for a nonspouse designated beneficiary is treated as an inherited IRA.

Fair market value (FMV).

On the decedent's Form 5498 and annual statement, you must enter the FMV of the IRA on the date of death in box 5. Or you may choose the alternate reporting method and report the FMV as of the end of the year in which the decedent died. This alternate value will usually be zero because you will be reporting the end-of-year valuation on the beneficiary's Form 5498 and annual statement. The same figure should not be shown on both the beneficiary's and decedent's forms. If you choose to report using the alternate method, you must inform the executor or administrator of the decedent's estate of his or her right to request a date-of-death valuation.

On the beneficiary's Form 5498 and annual statement, the FMV of that beneficiary's share of the IRA as of the end of the year must be shown in box 5. Every year thereafter that the IRA exists, you must file Form 5498 and furnish an annual statement for each beneficiary who has not received a total distribution of his or her share of the IRA showing the FMV at the end of the year and identifying the IRA as described above.

However, if a beneficiary takes a total distribution of his or her share of the IRA in the year of death, you need not file a Form 5498 nor furnish an annual statement for that beneficiary, but you must still file Form 5498 for the decedent.

If you have no knowledge of the death of an IRA participant until after you are required to file Form 5498 (May 31, 2017), you are not required to file a corrected Form 5498 nor furnish a corrected annual statement. However, you must still provide the date-of-death valuation in a timely manner to the executor or administrator upon request.

In the case of successor beneficiaries, apply the preceding rules by treating the prior beneficiary as the decedent and the successor beneficiary as the beneficiary. Using the example above (Brian Willow as beneficiary of Joan Maple), when that account passes to Brian's successor beneficiary, Maurice Poplar, Form 5498 and the annual statement for Maurice should state “ Maurice Poplar as beneficiary of Brian Willow. & # 8221; The final Form 5498 and annual statement for Brian Willow will state “ Brian Willow as beneficiary of Joan Maple ” and will show the FMV as of the date of Brian's death or year-end valuation, depending on the method chosen.

For more information about the reporting requirements for inherited IRAs, see Rev. Proc. 89-52, 1989-2 C. B. 632.

Disaster relief reporting. Special tax law provisions and reporting instructions may apply when the president declares a location to be a major disaster area. To determine the location of and special rules applicable to individual federally declared disaster areas, go to IRS. gov and enter the keyword “ disaster ” in the upper right hand corner. Then click on “ Tax Relief in Disaster Situations. & # 8221; The information provided includes:

A list of the areas for which relief has recently been granted,

News Releases detailing the scope of the relief and any special reporting instructions, and

A link to the Federal Emergency Management Agency's list of federal disaster declarations.

See the instructions for boxes 13a through 13c for reporting postponed contributions, later.

Qualified settlement income. Qualified settlement income received in connection with the Exxon Valdez litigation may be contributed to a traditional or Roth IRA. See P. L. 110-343, Division C, sec. 504 for contribution limitations and Box 2. Rollover Contributions . luego.

Special reporting for U. S. Armed Forces in designated combat zones. A participant who is serving in or in support of the Armed Forces in a designated combat zone or qualified hazardous duty area has an additional period after the normal contribution due date of April 15 to make IRA contributions for a prior year. The period is the time the participant was in the designated zone or area plus at least 180 days. The participant must designate the IRA contribution for a prior year to claim it as a deduction on the income tax return.

Under section 219(f), combat zone compensation that is excluded from gross income under section 112 is treated as includible compensation for purposes of determining IRA contributions.

A qualifying participant is:

Serving, or has served in a combat zone;

Serving, or has served in a qualifying hazardous duty are; o

Serving, or has served in an active direct support area.

If a qualifying participant designates an IRA contribution for a prior year, other than an IRA contribution made by April 15 for the preceding year, you must report the type of IRA (box 7) and the amount on Form 5498. Report the amount either for (1) the year for which the contribution was made or (2) a subsequent year. See boxes 13a, 13b, and 13c . luego.

If you report a contribution for 2017 made before April 18, 2017, no special reporting is required. Include the contribution in box 1 or box 10 of an original Form 5498 or of a corrected Form 5498 if an original was previously filed.

If you report the contribution on Form 5498 in a subsequent year, you must include the year for which the contribution was made, the amount of the contribution, and one of the following indicators.

Use “ EO13239 ” for Afghanistan and those countries in direct support, including Djibouti, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Yemen, and the Philippines. For the Philippines only, personnel must be deployed in conjunction with Operation Enduring Freedom supporting military operations in the Afghanistan combat zone.

Use “ EO12744 ” for the Arabian Peninsula, including air space and adjacent waters (the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea, the Gulf of Oman, the Gulf of Aden, the portion of the Arabian Sea that lies north of 10 degrees north latitude and west of 68 degrees east longitude, and the total land areas of Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates), and Jordan which is in direct support of the Arabian Peninsula.

Use “ EO13119 ” or Public Law 106-21 “ PL106-21 ” for the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), Albania, Kosovo, the Adriatic Sea, and the Ionian Sea north of the 39th parallel. ( Note: the combat zone designation for Montenegro and Kosovo (previously a province within Serbia) under Executive Order 13119 remains in force even though Montenegro and Kosovo became independent nations since EO 13119 was signed.)

For additions to, or subtractions from, the list of combat zones or qualified hazardous duty areas implemented by executive orders and public laws, and direct support areas designated by the Secretary of Defense, after the publication date of these instructions, go to www. irs. gov/form5498.


For a $4,000 IRA contribution designated by a participant who served under EO 13239 for the tax year 2017, enter “ 4000 ” in box 13a, “ 2017 ” in box 13b, and “ EO13239 ” in box 13c only. Make no entry in box 1 or box 10.

Repayment of qualified reservist distributions.

Report any repayment of a qualified reservist distribution as described in section 72(t)(2)(G) in boxes 14a (amount) and 14b (with indicator code “ QR ”).

Military death gratuities and servicemembers' group life insurance (SGLI) payments.

Recipients of military death gratuities and SGLI payments may contribute amounts received to a Roth IRA, up to the amount of the gratuity or SGLI payment less any amounts contributed to Coverdell ESAs. Report the amount of the rollover contribution in box 2 only. See section 408A(e)(2), and Notice 2010-15, 2010-06 I. R.B. 390, available at www. irs. gov/irb/2010-06_IRB/ar09.html. for more information on limitations.

Electronic filers.

You may request an automatic waiver from filing Forms 5498 for combat zone participants by submitting Form 8508, Request for Waiver From Filing Information Returns Electronically. Once you have received the waiver, you may report all Forms 5498 for combat zone participants on paper. Alternatively, you may report contributions made by the normal contribution due date electronically and report the contributions made after the normal contribution due date on paper. You may also report prior year contributions by combat zone participants on a corrected Form 5498 electronically or on paper.

See part F in the 2017 General Instructions for Certain Information Returns for information on how to request a waiver on Form 8508.

Reporting FMV of certain specified assets. Assets held in an IRA that are not readily tradable on an established securities market or option exchange, or that do not have a readily available FMV, must be reported at the FMV determined as of December 31, 2017. See the instructions for boxes 15a and 15b . luego.

Corrected Form 5498. If you file a Form 5498 with the IRS and later discover that there is an error on it, you must correct it as soon as possible. See part H in the 2017 General Instructions for Certain Information Returns, or Pub. 1220, if filing electronically. For example, if you reported contributions as rollover contributions in box 2, and you later discover that part of the contribution was not eligible to be rolled over and was, therefore, a regular contribution that should have been reported in box 1 (even if the amount exceeds the regular contribution limit), you must file a corrected Form 5498.

Statements to participants. If you are required to file Form 5498, you must provide a statement to the participant. By January 31, 2017, you must provide participants with a statement of the December 31, 2017, value of the participant's account and RMD, if applicable. Trustees of SIMPLE IRAs also must provide a statement of the account activity by January 31, 2017. Contribution information for all other types of IRAs must be provided by May 31, 2017. You are not required to provide information to the IRS or to participants as to whether a contribution is deductible or nondeductible. In addition, the participant is not required to tell you whether a contribution is deductible or nondeductible.

If you furnished a statement of the FMV of the account, and RMD if applicable, to the participant by January 31, 2017, and no reportable contributions, including rollovers, recharacterizations, or Roth IRA conversions, were made for 2017, you need not furnish another statement (or Form 5498) to the participant to report zero contributions. However, you must file Form 5498 with the IRS by May 31, 2017, to report the December 31, 2017, FMV of the account and, for years after 2017, the FMV of hard-to-value assets. This rule also applies to beneficiary accounts under the inherited IRA rules, earlier. For more information about the requirement to furnish statements to participants, see part M in the 2017 General Instructions for Certain Information Returns.

If you do not furnish another statement to the participant because no reportable contributions were made for the year, the statement of the FMV of the account must contain a legend designating which information is being filed with the IRS.

Truncating participant's identification number on payee statements. Pursuant to Treasury Regulations section 301.6109-4, all filers of Form 5498 may truncate a participant’s identification number (social security number (SSN), individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN), adoption taxpayer identification number (ATIN), or employer identification number (EIN)) on payee statements. Truncation is not allowed on any documents the filer files with the IRS. See part J in the 2017 General Instructions for Certain Information Returns.

Account Number

Enter any rollover contributions (or contributions treated as rollovers) to any IRA received by you during 2017. These contributions may be any of the following.

A 60-day rollover between IRAs of the same type.

A direct or indirect rollover from a qualified plan, section 403(b) plan, or governmental section 457(b) plan.

Any qualified rollover contribution as defined in section 408A(e) from an eligible retirement plan (other than an IRA) to a Roth IRA.

A military death gratuity.

An SGLI payment.

Qualified settlement income received in connection with the Exxon Valdez litigation.

An airline payment amount.

For the rollover of property, enter the FMV of the property on the date you receive it. This value may be different from the value of the property on the date it was distributed to the participant.

Para más detalles, vea Pub. 590A.

Box 3. Roth IRA Conversion Amount

Enter the amount converted from a traditional IRA, SEP IRA, or SIMPLE IRA to a Roth IRA during 2017. Do not include a rollover from one Roth IRA to another Roth IRA, or a qualified rollover contribution under section 408A(e) from an eligible retirement plan (other than an IRA) to a Roth IRA. These rollovers are reported in box 2.

Box 4. Recharacterized Contributions

Enter any amounts recharacterized plus earnings from one type of IRA to another.

Box 5. Fair Market Value of Account

Enter the FMV of the account on December 31, 2017. For inherited IRAs, see Inherited IRAs . earlier.

Trustees and custodians are responsible for ensuring that all IRA assets (including those not traded on established markets or with otherwise readily determinable market value) are valued annually at their fair market value.

Box 6. Life Insurance Cost Included in Box 1

For endowment contracts only, enter the amount included in box 1 allocable to the cost of life insurance.

Box 7. Checkboxes

Check the appropriate box.

IRA. Check “ IRA ” if you are filing Form 5498 to report information about a traditional IRA account.

SEP. Check “ SEP ” if you are filing Form 5498 to report information about a SEP IRA. If you do not know whether the account is a SEP IRA, check the “ IRA ” box.

SIMPLE. Check “ SIMPLE ” if you are filing Form 5498 to report information about a SIMPLE IRA account. Do not file Form 5498 for a SIMPLE 401(k) plan.

Roth IRA. Check “ Roth IRA ” if you are filing Form 5498 to report information about a Roth IRA account.

Box 8. SEP Contributions

Enter employer contributions made to a SEP IRA (including salary deferrals under a SARSEP) during 2017, including contributions made in 2017 for 2017, but not including contributions made in 2017 for 2017. Trustees and issuers are not responsible for reporting the year for which SEP contributions are made. Do not enter employee contributions to an IRA under a SEP plan. Report any employee contributions to an IRA under a SEP plan in box 1. Also include in box 8 SEP contributions made by a self-employed person to his or her own account.

Box 9. SIMPLE Contributions

Enter contributions, including deferrals, made to a SIMPLE IRA during 2017, including contributions made in 2017 for 2017, but not including contributions made in 2017 for 2017. Trustees and issuers are not responsible for reporting the year for which SIMPLE contributions are made. Do not include contributions to a SIMPLE 401(k) plan.

Box 10. Roth IRA Contributions

Enter any contributions made to a Roth IRA in 2017 and through April 18, 2017, designated for 2017. However, report Roth IRA conversion amounts in box 3. Report a qualified rollover contribution made under section 408A(e) from an eligible retirement plan (other than an IRA) to a Roth IRA in box 2.

Box 11. Check if RMD for 2017

Check the box if the participant must take an RMD for 2017. You are required to check the box for the year in which the IRA participant reaches age 70½ even though the RMD for that year need not be made until April 1 of the following year. Then check the box for each subsequent year an RMD is required to be made.

Boxes 12a and 12b are provided for your use to report RMD dates and amounts to participants. You may choose to complete these boxes, or continue to provide a separate Form 5498, or a separate statement, to report the information required by Alternative one or Alternative two, earlier. To determine the RMD, see the regulations under sections 401(a)(9) and 408(a)(6) and (b)(3).

Box 12a. RMD Date

Enter the code for the type(s) of investments held in the IRA for which the FMV is reported in Box 15a. A maximum of two codes can be entered in box 15b. If more than two codes apply, enter code H.

A — Stock or other ownership interest in a corporation that is not readily tradable on an established securities market.

B — Short - or long-term debt obligation that is not traded on an established securities market.

C — Ownership interest in a limited liability company or similar entity (unless the interest is traded on an established securities market).

D — Real estate.

E — Ownership interest in a partnership, trust, or similar entity (unless the interest is traded on an established securities market).

F — Option contract or similar product that is not offered for trade on an established option exchange.

G — Other asset that does not have a readily available FMV.

H — More than two types of assets (listed in A through G) are held in this IRA.

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The Numa Dictionary of DERIVATIVES ACRONYMS The FAST FOX SAFEly LEAPS over CHAPS with CHIPS on SWINGS but will DIE and ROT to the ECHO of the buddhist OM. Understood all that? If not, refer below! (If you know of any more please let us know).


AA - against actuals AAPP - average all pig price (UK) ABB - Association des Banques Belges (see also BBA, BVB) ABI - Association of Italian Bankers AE - account executive AFBD - Association of Futures Brokers and Dealers (UK) AFFM - Austrlian Financial Futures Market AFOF - authorised futures and options funds (UK) AIBD - Association of International Bond Dealers (now called International Securities Market Association) AON - all or none AMEX - American Stock Exchange AOM - Australian Options Market APT - automated pit trading system (LIFFE) AP - associated person ASTM - American Society for Testing Materials ASX - Australian Stock Exchange ASXD - Australian Stock Exchange Derivatives ATA - Agrarische Termijnmarkt Amsterdam (Netherlands) ATM - at-the-money (options) ATS - automated trade system (New Zealand, NZFOE) ATX - Austrian Traded Index


BBA - British Bankers Association BBA - Belgian Bankers' Association (see also BVB, ABB) BBAISR - British Bankers Association Interest Settlement Rate BBF - Bolsa Brasileira de Futuros BCC - Banque Centrale de Compensation (France, contracts clearer for MATIF) Bel-20 - stock index (Belgium, Brussels Stock Exchange) Belfox - Belgian Futures abd Options Exchange BFE - Baltic Futures Exchange (UK) BFI - Baltic Freight Index BIS - Bank for International Settlements BM&F - Bolsade Mercadorias and Futuros Exchange Bobl - bundesobligation (Germany, govt 5 yr bond) BOJ - Bank of Japan BOVESPA - Bolsas de Valores de Sao Paulo BSI - British Standards Institute BTAN - Bons du Trйsor а Intйret Annuel Normalisй (French government treasury notes) BUBOR - Budapest Interbank Offered Rate BTP - buoni del Tesoro Poliennali (Italian treasury bonds) BVB - Belgische Vereniging van Banken (see also BBA, ABB) BVRJ - Bolsa de Valores do Rio de Janeiro


CAC-40 - Compagnie des Agents de Change-40 (French stock index) CAD - Capital Adequacy Directive CBOE - Chicago Board Options Exchange (US) CBOT - Chicago Board of Trade (US) CCC - Commodity Credit Corporation (US) CCIFP - Chambre de Compensation des Instruments Financiers de Paris (France, clearing house for MATIF) CD - certificate of deposit CDI - Certificado de Depsito Interbancrio (Brazil) CDR - collateralized depository receipt CEA - Commodity Exchange Authority (US, replaced by CFTC in 1975) Cedel - Centrale de Livraison de Valeurs mobiles(euromarket clearing system in Luxembourg) C&F - cost and freight CFTC - Commodities Futures Trading Commission (US) CFO - cancel former order CHAPS - Clearing House Automated Payment System (UK bankers clearing house) CHIPS - Clearing House Interbank Payments Systems (US system of electronic bank transfers) CIBOR - Copenhagen interbank offered rate (Denmark) CIF - cost, insurance and freight CME - Chicago Mercantile Exchange (US) CMO - collateralized mortgage obligation (US) COMEX - Commodity Exchange (US) CORES - computer assisted order routing and execution system (Japan, TSE) CPI - consumer price index CPO - commodity pool operator (US) CPS - clearing processing system (UK, LIFFE) CRB - Commodity Research Bureau (US) CSCE - Coffe, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange (US) CTA - commodity trading adviser (US) ctd - cheapest to deliver CTR - computerized trading reconstruction system (US, CBOT)


DA - discretionary account DAX - deutsche Aktienindex - (German stock index) Dibid - Dublin interbank bid rate DIE - designated investment exchange (UK) DMI - direct member input (UK, LIFFE) DSR - delivery status report DTB - Deutsche Terminborse (Germany, derivatives exchange in Frankfurt) DTI - Department of Trade and Industry (UK) DVP - delivery versus payment


ECHO - Exchange Clearing House (for foreign exchange derivatives) EDS - enter day stop order EDSP - exchange delivery settlement price EEP - exports enhancement programme (US) EFP - exchange for physicals EFS - exchange of futures for swaps EOE - European Options Exchange (Netherlands, derivatives exchange in Amsterdam) EOS - enter stop order ERA - exchange rate agreement ETO - exchange traded option


FAS - free alongside ship FAST - fast automated screen trading (UK, LCE) FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany, newspaper and stock index) FCOJ - frozen concentrated orange juice FIBOR - Frankfurt interbank offered rate FIEX-35 - stock index (Spain) FIMBRA - Financial Intermediaries Managers and Brokers Authority (UK) FINEX - a division of the New York Cotton Exchange (US) f. o.b. - free on board FOFs - futures and options funds FOK - fill or kill order FOM - Finnish Options Market f. o.r. - free on rail FOX - London Futures and Options Exchange (UK, now re-named London Commodity Exchange) FRA - forward rate agreement FRN - floating rate note FSA - financial services act (UK) FSA - forward spread agreement FTA - Financiele Termijnmarket Amsterdam (Netherlands, derivatives exchange in Amsterdam) FTSE-100 - Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 stock index (UK) FUTOP - Copenhagen Stock Exchange and Guaranteed Fund for Danish options and Futures (Denmark) FX - foreign exchange FXA - foreign exchange agreement


G-10 - ten leading world industrial nations GD - good for the day order GEMM - gilt-edged market maker (UK) GEMx - German Equity Market index (contract traded on OMLX) GFOF - geared futures and options fund GLOBEX - Global Electronic Exchange (developed by CME, CBOT, MATIF and Reuters) GNMA - Government National Mortgage Association (US) GNP - gross national product GTC - good till cancelled order


HFO - heavy fuel oil Hibid - Hong Kong interbank bid rate Hibor - Hong Kong interbank offered rate HKFE - Hong Kong Futures Exchange HSI - Hang Seng Index (Hong Kong)


IBEX-35 - stock index (Spain) ICC - Intermarket Clearing Corporation ICCH - International Commodities Clearing House IDB - intermediary dealer broker Idem - Italian Derivatives Market IFOX - Irish Futures and Options Exchange IMI - International Market Index (US, AMEX) IML - Institut Montaire Lunxembourgeois IMM - International Monetary Market (US, CME) IMRO - Investment Managers' Regulatory Authority (UK) INS - institutional net settlements IOC - immediate or cancel order IOM - Index and Options Market (US, CME) IPE - International Petroleum Exchange (UK) IRG - interest rate guarantee ISDA - International Swaps and Derivatives Association ISE - International Stock Exchange (UK, formerly the London Stock Exchange)) ISEQ - Irish Stock Exchange equity index ISMA - International Securities Market Association ITM - in the money (options)


JEC - Joint Exchanges Committee - (UK) JGB - Japanese Government Bond


Kanex - Kansai Agricultural Commodities Exchange KCBT - Kansas City Board of Trade (US) KLCE - Kuala Lumpur Commodity Exchange (Malaysia) KLOFFE - Kuala Lumpur Options & Financial Futures Exchange (Malaysia) KRE - Kobe Rubber Exchange KSE - Korea Stock Exchange


LAUTRO - Life Assurance and Unit Trust Regulatory Authority (UK) LCE - London Commodity Exchange (UK) LCH - London Clearing House (UK) LDB - liquidity data bank (US, CBOT) LEAPS - long term rquity anticipation sevurities (US) LEPO - low exercise price options (Switzerland, SOFFEX) Libid - London interbank bid or deposit rate (UK) Libor - London interbank offered rate (UK) LIFFE - London Interntional Financial Futures and Options Exchange (UK) LME - London Metal Exchange (UK) LOCH - London Options Clearing House LPG - liquid petroleum gas LSE - London Stock Exchange LTOM - London Traded Options Market (UK, now part of LIFFE)


MAS - Monetary Authority of Singapore MATIF - Marchй а Terme International de France MBS - mortgage backed security ME - Montreal Exchange MEFF Renta Fija - derivatives exchange in Barcelona, Spain MEFF Renta Variable - derivatives exchange in Madrid, Spain MERFOX - Mercadode Futuros y Opciones (Argentina, derivatives exchange in Buenos Aires) MGE - Minneapolis Grain Exchange MGMI - Metallgezellschaft Metals Index (UK, Fox) Mibid - Madrid interbank bid rate Mibor - Madrid interbank offered rate MIB 30 - Milano Indice Borsa (Italian Stock Index) MidAm - MidAmerica Commodity Exchange (US, Chicago) MIF - Mercato Italiano Futures (Italy, derivatives exchange) MIFE - Manila International Futures Exchange (Philipines) MIT - market if touched order MKT - market order MLC - Meat and Livestock Commission (UK) MMI - Major Market Index (US, contract on CBOT, Amex, EOE) MOC - market on close order MOF - Ministry of Finance (Japan) Mofex - Mercado de Opciones (Spain) MQP - mandatory quote period MSCI - Morgan Stanley Capital Index


NASD - National Assocaiation of Securities Dealers (US) NASDAQ - National Assocation of Securities Dealers Automated Quote System (US) NFA - National Futures Association (US) NOB - notes over bonds (US, CBOT) NSE - Nagoya Stock Exchange (Japan) NYBID - New York interbank bid rate (US) NYBOR - New York interbank offered rate (US) NYCE - New York Cotton Exchange (US) NYFE - New York Futures Exchange (US) NYMEX - New York Mercantile Exchange (US) NYSE - New York Stock Exchange (US) NZFOE - New Zealand Futures and Options Exchange


OAT - obligations assumilables de trйsor (France, government bonds) OBO - order book official (US) OBX - Oslo Stock Exchange (Norway) OCC - Options Clearing Corporation (US) OCO - one cancels the other order OFT - Office of Fair Trading (UK) OGE - Osaka Grain Exchange (Japan) OIE - Overseas Investment Exchange OIP - offical index period OM - OM Stockholm Fondkommission (Sweden, options market) OML - (former name of OMLX) OMLX - The London Securities and Derivatives Exchange OMS - margin system on OMLX OMX - Option Market Index (Sweden, equity index) OPEC - Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries OSE - Osaka Securities Exchange (Japan) OTC - over the counter OTM - out of the money (options) OTOB - Oesterreichische Termin und Optionborse (Austria, derivatives exchange in Vienna) OTT - over the top (warrant)


P&S - purchase and sale (statement from broker) PBOT - Phildelphia Board of Trade (US) PHLX - Philiadelphia Stock Exchange PIBOR - Paris interbank offered rate PLO - public limit order (UK, LTOM) PLOB - public limit oder board (UK, LTOM) PMB - Potato Marketing Board (UK) POM - public order member PPS - protecte payments system PPI - producer price index PRS - price reporting system PSE - Pacific Stock Exchange (US, LA and San Francisco)



RAES - retail automated execution system (US, CBOT) RCH - recognised clearing house (UK) RCR - registered commodity representative (US) RFC - registered floor clerk RFT - registered floor trader RIE - recognised investment exchange (UK) RLO - retsricted life option ((UK, LIFFE) ROT - registered options trader RPB - recognised professional body RPI - retail price index RSI relative strength indicator (technical analysis)


SAEF - Stock Exchange Automated Execution Facility (UK, LSE) SAFE - simulation analysis of financial exposure (US, CBOT) SAFE - synthetic agreement for forward exchange SAFEX - South African Futures Exchange SCMS - Sociйtй de Compensation des Marchйs Conditionnels (France, operator of MONEP) SDA - Stanza di Compensazione Titoli (Italy, settlement agency) SDR - special drawing rights SEBI - Securities and Exchange Board of India SEAQ - Stock Exchange Automated Quotation System (UK, LSE) SEHK - Stock Exchange of Hong Kong SEPON - Stock Exchange Pool Nominees (UK, part TALISMAN settlement system) SES - Singapore Stock Exchange SET - Securities Exchange of Thailand SFA - Securities and Futures Authority (UK) SFE - Sydney Futures Exchange SIB - Securities and Investments Board (UK) SIMEX - Singapore International Monetary Exchange SMR - standard Malaysian rubber SOFFEX - Swiss Options and Financial Futures Exchange S&P100,500 - stock indices (US) SPAN - standard portfolio analysis of margin SQQ - standard qulaity quotation (UK) SRO - Self Regulatory Organisation STI - Straits Times Index (Singapore, stock index) SWIFT - (system of electronic bank transfers) SWINGS - sterling warrants into gilt-edged securities SYCOM - Sydney computerised overnight market


TALISMAN - transfer account lodgement for investors, stock management for market-makers (UK, equities settlement system) TAURUS - (UK, share registration system cancelled in 1993) TED - (TED spread) US T-bond / eurodollar spread strategy TGE - Tokyo Grain Exchange (Japan) TIBOR - Tokyo interbank offered rate (Japan) TIFFE - Tokyo International Financial Futures Exchange (Japan) TIMS - theoretical indicatve margin system (US) TOCOM - Tokyo Commodity Exchange (Japan) TOPIC - teletex output of price informationby computer (UK, videotext stock price network) TRS - trade registration system (UK, LIFFE) TSE - Tokyo Stock Exchange TSE - Toronto Stock Exchange


USDA - United States Department of Agriculture


VIBOR - Vienna interbank offered rate VSE - Vancouver Stock Exchange (Canada)


WCE - Winnipeg Commodity Exchange WI - when issued WTI - west Texas crude (oil)

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Bank Teller Salary

Manages the daily teller staff operations for a branch. May require an associate's degree or its equivalent and at least 5 years of experience in the field or in a related area. Familiar with a variety of the field's concepts, practices, and procedures. Se basa en una amplia experiencia y juicio para planificar y lograr metas. Realiza una variedad de tareas. Leads and directs the work of others. Se espera un amplio grado de creatividad y latitud. Normalmente se reporta a un gerente o jefe de una unidad / departamento. View Teller Manager Salary

Alternate Job Titles. Teller Manager

Processes a variety of financial transactions including check cashing, withdrawals, deposits, and loan payments. Oversees tellers performing routine financial transactions. Assists tellers with more complex tasks and schedules the work flow. Responsible for managing and balancing cash draw. Requires a high school diploma or equivalent. Familiar with standard concepts, practices, and procedures within a particular field. Relies on experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals. Typically reports to a manager. View Head Teller Salary

Alternate Job Titles. Head Teller, Head Teller

Processes and validates coin and currency amounts related to deposits and other cash transactions. Responsible for counting the money and balancing the vault to ensure compliance with company guidelines and standards. Maintains an accurate record of all exchanges. Requires a high school diploma or equivalent and 1-3 years of experience. Familiar with standard concepts, practices, and procedures within a particular field. Relies on limited experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals. Realiza una variedad de tareas. Works under general supervision. A certain degree of creativity and latitude is required. Typically reports to a supervisor or manager. View Vault Teller Salary

Alternate Job Titles. Vault Teller

Processes a variety of routine financial transactions including check cashing, withdrawals, deposits, and loan payments. Maintains appropriate level of cash on hand. Prepares daily paperwork according to branch procedures. Responsible for managing and balancing cash draw. Requires a high school diploma or equivalent and 0-1 years of experience. Has knowledge of commonly-used concepts, practices, and procedures within a particular field. Relies on instructions and pre-established guidelines to perform the functions of the job. Works under immediate supervision. Typically reports to head teller. View Teller I Salary

Alternate Job Titles. Entry Level Teller, Teller I, General Teller I

Processes a variety of routine financial transactions including check cashing, withdrawals, deposits, and loan payments. Responsible for managing and balancing cash draw. Prepares daily paperwork according to branch procedures. Requires a high school diploma or equivalent and 1-3 years of experience. Familiar with standard concepts, practices, and procedures within a particular field. Relies on limited experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals. Realiza una variedad de tareas. Works under general supervision. A certain degree of creativity and latitude is required. Typically reports to head teller. View Teller II Salary

Alternate Job Titles. Intermediate Level Teller, Teller II, General Teller II

Processes a variety of routine financial transactions including check cashing, withdrawals, deposits, and loan payments. Responsible for managing and balancing cash draw. Prepares daily paperwork according to branch procedures. Requires a high school diploma or equivalent and at least 3 years of experience. Familiar with standard concepts, practices, and procedures within a particular field. Relies on experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals. Realiza una variedad de tareas. Works under general supervision. A certain degree of creativity and latitude is required. Typically reports to head teller. View Teller III Salary

Alternate Job Titles. Senior Teller, Teller III, General Teller III

Oversees and regulates the funding of the bank. Monitors short and long term funding needs. Ensures compliance with Federal Reserve requirements. Keeps abreast of market conditions. Requires a bachelor's degree in area of specialty and 6-8 years of experience in the field or in a related area. Familiar with a variety of the field's concepts, practices, and procedures. Se basa en una amplia experiencia y juicio para planificar y lograr metas. Realiza una variedad de tareas. Leads and directs the work of others. Se espera un amplio grado de creatividad y latitud. Typically reports a head of a unit/department. View Funding Manager I Salary

Alternate Job Titles. Funding Manager I, Bank Funding Manager I

Oversees and regulates the funding of the bank. Monitors short and long term funding needs. Ensures compliance with Federal Reserve requirements. Keeps abreast of market conditions. Requires a bachelor's degree in area of specialty and 8-10 years of experience in the field or in a related area. Familiar with a variety of the field's concepts, practices, and procedures. Se basa en una amplia experiencia y juicio para planificar y lograr metas. Realiza una variedad de tareas. Leads and directs the work of others. Se espera un amplio grado de creatividad y latitud. Typically reports a head of a unit/department. View Funding Manager II Salary

Alternate Job Titles. Funding Manager II, Bank Funding Manager II

Oversees all aspects of the bank's branch administration function. Responsible for ensuring branch policies and programs are inline with overall bank objectives. Directs and manages branch managers. Delegates responsibilities to local branch managers. Requires a bachelor's degree with at least 15 years of experience in the field. Familiar with a variety of the field's concepts, practices, and procedures. Se basa en una amplia experiencia y juicio para planificar y lograr metas. Realiza una variedad de tareas. Leads and directs the work of others. Se espera un amplio grado de creatividad y latitud. Typically reports to top management. View Top Branch Administration Executive Salary

Alternate Job Titles. Top Branch Administration Executive, Top Branch Administration Executive. Chief Branch Administration Executive, Chief Branch Administration Officer, VP, Branch Administration, Vice President of Branch Administration, Top Bank Branch Administration Executive

Provides assistance to account holders or tellers by processing transactions or responding to inquiries. Fills the role of teller as needed, to provide coverage for absences or peak business periods. Identifies opportunities for cross-selling and refers customers to appropriate bank personnel. Requires a high school diploma and 2-3 years of experience in the field or in a related area. Familiar with standard concepts, practices, and procedures within a particular field. Relies on limited experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals. Realiza una variedad de tareas. Works under general supervision. A certain degree of creativity and latitude is required. Typically reports to a manager. View Account Services Representative Salary

Alternate Job Titles. Account Services Representative

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Valve announces "The Lab" and GDC line-up

March 10, 2017

Short app history

March 27, 2017 – 05:22:07 UTC 457490 Added name – Forgotten, Not Lost - A Kinetic Novel (Source: community hub)

March 27, 2017 – 05:10:04 UTC 457490 Added store name – Forgotten, Not Lost - A Kinetic Novel

March 27, 2017 – 05:06:04 UTC 457490 Added name – Forgotten, Not Lost - A Kinetic Novel

March 27, 2017 – 03:10:03 UTC 451210 Added store name – Rocket Shooter

March 27, 2017 – 03:06:50 UTC 451210 Added name – Rocket Shooter

March 27, 2017 – 01:20:02 UTC 420670 Added store name – Elite vs. Freedom

March 27, 2017 – 01:13:38 UTC 420670 Added name – Elite vs. Freedom

March 27, 2017 – 00:40:03 UTC 446770 Added store name – Skeet: VR Target Shooting

March 27, 2017 – 00:37:21 UTC 446770 Added name – Skeet: VR Target Shooting

March 27, 2017 – 00:20:04 UTC 418520 Added store name – SculptrVR

March 27, 2017 – 00:13:00 UTC 418520 Added name – SculptrVR

March 26, 2017 – 22:30:05 UTC 451600 Added store name – CounterAttack

March 26, 2017 – 22:25:32 UTC 451600 Added name – CounterAttack

March 26, 2017 – 20:00:04 UTC 450110 Added store name – Amigdala

March 26, 2017 – 19:55:30 UTC 450110 Added name – Amigdala

March 26, 2017 – 15:20:04 UTC 240480 Changed store name The Caleuche - Sea Dogs DLC › Sea Dogs: To Each His Own - The Caleuche

March 26, 2017 – 09:20:04 UTC 457520 Added store name – Moustache Mountain

March 26, 2017 – 09:17:41 UTC 457520 Added name – Moustache Mountain

March 26, 2017 – 05:22:04 UTC 458010 Added name – ZeGame Demo (Source: community hub)

March 26, 2017 – 05:21:55 UTC 445730 Added name – Watch paint dry (Source: community hub)

March 25, 2017 – 21:10:11 UTC 445040 Added store name – Sorcery! Part 3

March 25, 2017 – 20:59:51 UTC 445040 Added name – Sorcery! Part 3

March 25, 2017 – 20:30:05 UTC 364830 Added store name – BLEAK: Welcome to Glimmer

March 25, 2017 – 20:22:40 UTC 364830 Added name – BLEAK: Welcome to Glimmer

March 25, 2017 – 18:15:55 UTC 454570 Added name – I Am Caligula

Short package history

March 26, 2017 – 03:30:09 UTC 42985 Added store name – Zombies on a Plane

March 26, 2017 – 03:30:08 UTC 97834 Added store name – Zombies on a Plane Deluxe

March 26, 2017 – 01:40:07 UTC 75467 Added store name – At the Mountains of Madness

March 25, 2017 – 23:20:06 UTC 97330 Added store name – Thorne - Death Merchants

March 25, 2017 – 22:10:03 UTC 62789 Removed store name – Ubisoft Prime Pack

March 25, 2017 – 22:10:03 UTC 62790 Removed store name – Ubisoft Prime Pack

March 25, 2017 – 22:10:02 UTC 62879 Removed store name – Ubisoft Prime Pack

March 25, 2017 – 22:10:02 UTC 62983 Removed store name – Ubisoft Prime Pack

March 25, 2017 – 22:10:02 UTC 62806 Removed store name – Ubisoft Prime Pack

March 25, 2017 – 22:10:01 UTC 62878 Removed store name – Ubisoft Prime Pack

March 25, 2017 – 21:30:12 UTC 98343 Added store name – Under Zero

March 25, 2017 – 19:40:07 UTC 96468 Added store name – SAMOLIOTIK

March 25, 2017 – 18:20:05 UTC 98228 Added store name – I Am Caligula

March 25, 2017 – 18:00:12 UTC 92715 Added store name – Of Carrots And Blood

March 25, 2017 – 18:00:12 UTC 98409 Added store name – Pertinence

March 25, 2017 – 17:40:07 UTC 98437 Added store name – RPG Maker MV - Pop! Horror City

March 25, 2017 – 17:40:06 UTC 98549 Added store name – RPG Maker MV - Medieval: Interiors

March 25, 2017 – 17:40:05 UTC 98446 Added store name – RPG Maker MV - Katakura Hibiki's Lords of Darkness

March 25, 2017 – 17:40:05 UTC 98546 Added store name – RPG Maker MV - Medieval: Town & País

March 25, 2017 – 17:40:04 UTC 98440 Added store name – RPG Maker MV - Pop! Horror City: Character Pack 1

March 25, 2017 – 17:30:08 UTC 99039 Added store name – Survarium - Vepr 'Molot' Paquete

March 25, 2017 – 17:30:08 UTC 98449 Added store name – RPG Maker MV - Heist Music Pack

March 25, 2017 – 17:30:06 UTC 98443 Added store name – RPG Maker MV - Pop! Horror City: Character Pack 2

March 25, 2017 – 17:30:03 UTC 99033 Added store name – Survarium - SKS 'Arrow Head' Paquete

March 25, 2017 – 17:20:10 UTC 95837 Added store name – Spectrubes

This site is not affiliated with Valve, Steam, or any of their partners. All copyrights reserved to their respective owners.

Every 9 Second 1 Cycle is manufactured

By definition . a Super brand offers consumers significant emotional and physical advantages over its competitors, which consciously or subconsciously consumers want, recognize and are willing to pay a premium for. A Super brand cannot be substituted. It is part of our life. It has become one with us.

Considered as " Oscars of Branding ", in 25 countries of the World, the Super Brands in India were bought by the finest marketing guru of all times Late Shunu Sen and the unbiased rating agency ‘Super Brands India’ is now headed by Mr. Anmol Dar and includes the most powerful brains in the world of marketing and advertising in India - Mr. Dilip Sehgal, Mr. KMS Ahluwalia, Mr. Mike Khanna, Mr. Nabankur Gupta, Mr. Piyush Pandey, Mr. Raghav Bahl, Mr. Sunil K Alagh, Mrs. Tara Sinha and Mr. Yogi C Deveshwar, besides others.

Globally, a select few, exceptionally powerful brands, are recognized as Super Brands. Some of the Indian brands have made it into this unique hall of fame, and amongst that coveted group features Hero Cycles. Super Brands are actually the big ideas which provoke us to explore the realms of our dreams and inspire us to live satisfying life styles. Anchored in omnipotent consumer insights, the super brands go beyond mere functional promises as they trigger deeply embedded emotional chords.

Hero Cycles has been one of the most progressive and dynamic brands for the decades now. More than 2200 dealers, 4800 employees and more than 14 Crore satisfied customers, have directly or indirectly, endeavoured tirelessly to make Hero Cycles a phenomenal success and are the true guardians of this brand.

Ambitions, belief, empathy and a strong culture of sensitivity are at the heart of Hero Cycles brand. Each of these values is reflected in the company’s products, its communication and its dealings with suppliers, employees, dealers and customers. Be it company’s environment friendly manufacturing processes or the brand initiatives for the lower income customers, leadership is all about capturing the hearts & minds of the people - the way a true Hero always does.

At Hero Cycles, quality is a tradition, be it in the form of well trained labour, technically superb machines or world class quality. The conformance to quality at Hero begins on shop floor, with every worker ensuring at each stage manufacturing, that only perfect product passes through his hands. Hero’s production department too believes in following the zero-defect approach and continuous upgradation of its manufacturing systems. The marketing and operations teams are also constantly creating new and effective strategies using modern management techniques. And finally, every Hero cycle goes through a series of rigorous quality checks before it leaves the factory. No wonder, Hero is in proud possession of ISO-9001, ISO-9002 & BVQI certifications and also ISO 14001, environmental compliance endorsement from the Ministry of Environment.

Constant quality upgradation ensures that the company stays in the global mainstream and maintains its edge, through excellence. A technology tie-up with National Bicycle Industries of Japan led to the launch of the ‘World 1’ series of cycles, besides introduction of new frame designing and features like - A-frame, D-frame, Y-frame, Swan shaped frame, speedometers & indicators among others.

Heroes moving the Globe Today Hero Cycles is one of the handful companies in India which can boast of the global scale of operations, not just in size or superior technology, but also its innovative marketing strategies. True to its leadership stature, Hero has not only achieved a volume of production that can be matched by no other cycle manufacturer in the world, but has also started exporting bicycles to countries like US, Germany and Japan, which is a manifestation of Hero’s quality and marketing capability. Hero’s forays into the overseas markets pioneered the Indian export in bicycle segment as early as 1963. While initial exports were restricted to the Africa and the Middle-East, today more than 50% bicycle exports meet the demands of sophisticated markets in Europe and America. Indeed, to dare to explode from a small town of Ludhiana to world’s best and household name in 89 countries . it has Powerfull task by any standards.

This Super Brand has still a long way to go but there is no hurdle too big and no accomplishment permanent as this super brand thrives on the philosophy that Heroes in the market-place are the ones, who forge strong relationship by being relevant, constant and persistent. the True Heroes - in spirit and in form.

Born out of Passion The ore goes into fire only to shed off its impurities. Similar is the man whose virtues shine when he is tried by the fire of life. Taking upon ‘Novelty’ itself as a competitor, the Hero Cycles, has been always striving for perfection and innovation in every aspect of their dealings. The pursuit to innovate is endless at Hero, so much so that ‘innovation’ has become a buzz word in Hero premises. Hero Cycles has been able to use changes and new trends to its advantage by identifying emerging need gaps and expanding its product portfolio to appeal to different kinds of customers. In its endeavour to keep a step-ahead of times, Hero’s most advanced & modern R & D department continuously creates innovative products having functional attributes & aesthetics, meeting the aspirational needs of its proud customers around the globe. As a result, Hero Cycles was able to launch several new concepts and models in bicycles like the Mountain Bikes, Racer Bikes, Dirt Terrain Bikes & D-frame bikes besides creating a variety of cycles for different user segments and sub-segments – including women and children, students, adventure seekers, labourers, city customers and fitness conscious. Rolling out nineteen new models in just one year, itself speaks volume for Hero’s emphasis on innovations & designs.

Cycle of Life

Cycle of Life

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Personal Property and Real Property

Personal property includes intangible property like stocks, bonds and other investments; it also includes chattels. like computers, beds and clothes, as well as fixtures like the dishwashing machine in your apartment – if you bought and installed it with the lessor's permission.

Real estate is a special instance of real property. which is real estate – land and buildings – plus the rights of use and enjoyment that come with the land and its improvements.

Land that has no owner, e. g. land in Antarctica or on the moon, is not considered real estate.

For more, see: Holding Titles On Real Property .

Real Estate and Real Property

Real estate is simply the land and any improvements on it. Renters and leaseholders may have rights to inhabit land or buildings that are considered a part of their personal estate but are not considered real estate.


Home ownership, also known as owner-occupancy. is the most common type of real estate investment in the United States. According to the National Multifamily Housing Council. roughly two-thirds of residents own their home.

Individuals who are in the market to buy a home to live in often need to borrow money in the form of a mortgage because home prices are generally well above the savings of young people starting a household.

For more, see: Mortgage Basics: Introduction .

Individuals shopping for a mortgage to invest in real estate in the form of an owner-occupied home are faced with a variety of options. Mortgages can either be fixed-rate or variable-rate. Fixed-rate mortgages generally have higher interest rates than variable-rate mortgages, which can make them more expensive in the short run. Fixed rate loans cost more in the short term because they are protected from future interest rate shocks (see also: payment shock ).

Banks publish amortization schedules that show how much of a borrower's monthly payments go to paying off interest debt versus how much goes to paying off the principle of the loan. Balloon loans are mortgages that don't fully amortize over time: the borrower pays interest for a set period, 5 years for example, and then they must pay the remainder of the loan in a balloon payment at the end of the loan term.

In addition, mortgages can come with sometimes heavy costs. including transaction fees and taxes, that are often rolled into the loan itself. Once potential home owners have proven their eligibility and secured a mortgage from a bank, they must complete an additional set of steps to make sure the property is legally for sale and in good condition.

​For more, see: 12 Steps To Closing A Real Estate Deal .

Commercial Real Estate

Buying or leasing real estate for commercial purposes is very different from buying a home or even buying residential real estate as an investment. Commercial leases are generally longer than residential leases, and commercial real estate returns are based on their profitability per square foot, unlike structures intended to be private residences. Moreover, lenders may require more money for a down payment on a mortgage for commercial real estate than for a home loan.

For more, see: Commercial Real Estate Loans .

Investment Real Estate

Unlike other investments, real estate is dramatically affected by the condition of the immediate area where the property is located, hence the well-known real-estate maxim, "location, location, location." With the exception of a national or global recession. real estate values are affected primarily by local factors such as the availability of jobs, crime rates, school quality and property taxes .

Buying real estate directly results in profits (or losses) through two avenues: revenue from rent and appreciation of the real estate's value. Rental money comes from land already developed into residential or commercial real estate. Appreciation can come from either developing raw land or from the appreciation of the area around the land you own, for instance the appreciation of real estate in some American cities due to gentrification in the early 21st century.

For more, see: How You Make Money In Real Estate .

There are key differences in residential and commercial direct real estate investments. On one hand, residential real estate is usually less expensive and smaller than commercial real estate, and so it is more affordable for the small investor. Many thrifty small investors of modest means have increased their and their family's fortunes by buying rental property over decades.

For more, see: Making Money In Residential Real Estate .

On the other hand, commercial real estate is often more valuable per square foot, and its leases are longer than for residential rental properties. With greater revenue comes greater responsibility, however; commercial rental real estate is more heavily regulated than residential real estate, and these regulations can be different not only from country to country and state by state, but also different in each county and city. Even within cities, zoning regulations add a layer of unwanted complexity to commercial real estate investments.

There is also increased risk of tenant turnover in commercial rental agreements. If the lessee's business model is bad, their product is unattractive, or they are simply poor managers, bankruptcy can leave expensive real estate from generating revenue unexpectedly. Moreover, just as land can appreciate in value, it can also depreciate. A formerly hot retail locations have been known to decay into rotten shopping centers and dead malls .

For more, see: Find Fortune In Commercial Real Estate .

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How currency has changed

While the basic idea behind currency hasn’t changed through the centuries – basically it is a means of exchanging goods for payment – the appearance it has is completely different.

Nowadays we have coins, banknotes and even plastic cards with which we can pay for goods and services, but in times gone by the focus was on more rudimentary items such as knives, shells and even certain food items such as wheat.

There was really no such thing as an exchange rate back in ancient times, and it is actually quite eye opening to compare the world of currency as it once was with what we know today.

For example the Forex market which is worth so much and sees the movement of lots of cash every single day, has only actually been around for a few decades – much less than you might at first think.

The future of currency

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Posted by PeterGreenberg. com on September 29, 2017 at 5:22 am

For the first time in years, the dollar is now king, especially against the euro, which has fallen about 30 percent in value.

This is great news if you’re traveling abroad. The U. S. dollar has had the fastest rise against some foreign currencies in 40 years.

So how do you deal with currency? Many of you opt for the convenience of changing your dollars into euros before you leave home. That’s a mistake.

You’ll get a terrible exchange rate, and then there are commissions, on both ends of the transaction—when you change your money, and when you change it back.

Use your ATM card when you get there. When you pay for something overseas, you’ll be asked to pay in euros or dollars on your credit card. Don’t pick dollars.

Always pick the currency of the country you’re visiting. This avoids a markup in the currency conversion rate.


What Is Currency Exchange Rate?

Every day, individuals and institutions need to swap one country's currency for another. The transaction may be made by a tourist so she can go shopping while on vacation or involve the transfer of millions of dollars by a giant multinational corporation as a routine part of doing business. In each case, the currency you start with will buy a certain amount of the other currency. How much you can buy is determined by the exchange rate between the two currencies.

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Types of Foreign Exchange Transactions

How Do Currency Rates Affect the Markets?


The goods and services in any country are priced, bought and sold using that country's currency. If you are from another country you'll need to exchange your currency for that country's currency to make a transaction. The currency exchange rate tells you how much of one currency you can buy with another. For example, if you travel to Europe you'll need to buy euros with your U. S. dollars. How many euros you can buy depends on the exchange rate.


Because each currency is different, each pair of currencies has its own exchange rate, which you can find quoted on foreign exchange and financial websites. Quotations follow a standardized format in which the first currency listed is the "base currency," followed by the second currency. This is followed by a ratio that tells you how many units of the second currency it takes to buy one unit of the base currency. For example, the euro and U. S. dollar are quoted like this: EUR/USD = 1.2500. This means that at the time of the quote it took 1.25 US dollars to buy 1 euro. Occasionally, you'll see this reversed to state how many euros it takes to buy $1. The above example in reverse order would look like this: USD/EUR= 0.8000 (0.80 euro buys 1 U. S. dollar).


Currency exchange rates are not constant. On a day-by-day (and even minute-by-minute) basis, they fluctuate in response to foreign currency trading, economic forces and news events. The most important factors influencing currency exchange rates are international trade, monetary policy, the state of a country's economy and political stability. If demand for a country's goods is strong, people start buying more of that country's currency in order to purchase those goods. When demand for the currency goes up, its price (exchange rate) goes up. Interest rates and other aspects of a country's monetary policy affect currency exchange rates by changing the amount and cost of money available. Political instability or economic problems tend to drive a currency's exchange rate down by reducing demand for a country's exports.

Exchanging Currency

For individuals, exchanging currency can be expensive. When you travel, you'll find most banks and hotels will be only too happy to exchange your dollars for the local currency --- and charge a stiff transaction fee. Then you have to pay again to exchange any leftover currency back to dollars. Savvy travelers make arrangements ahead of time to avoid this expense. For example, you can open an account with the U. S.State Department's Federal Credit Union and exchange currency without a transaction fee, and with a guarantee you'll be able to change the money back at the same exchange rate (see link in Resources).

Trading Currency

Large institutions and small traders exchange huge amounts of currency each day on the foreign exchange (Forex) market. This is where banks, companies and governments make the same currency exchanges a tourist makes but on a much larger scale. Currency exchange rates are set here by the process of traders seeking the best prices as they trade money back and forth. The bulk of the volume on the Forex market is actually generated by speculators (from individuals to large hedge funds) who buy and sell currencies in an effort to make a profit off the fluctuations in exchange rates.

Grand Exchange

The Grand Exchange

Entrance to the Grand Exchange

A booth in the Grand Exchange

The Grand Exchange interface

The Grand Exchange (abbreviated as GE ) is a trading system for players to buy and sell almost all tradeable items. Members have eight grand exchange slots in which they may trade items, however free players are limited to three. Traders don't need to advertise, meet each other, or even wait at the Grand Exchange for their trades to complete. All coins and items from fully and partly finished trades are collectible at any bank. but not at bank chests (excluding Shantay Pass, Burthorpe, Combat Academy, Clan Wars and Castle Wars lobby) and deposit boxes. Additionally, players will receive a message in their chatbox when the status of a trade offer is updated. This trading system resembles a real-life electronic assist exchange. Many players find it useful to sell items on the Grand Exchange rather than to a General Store. as the profit margin is much larger for useful items.

The Grand Exchange also refers to the location of this trading system, which is an official marketplace northwest of Varrock city. It was released on 26 November 2007 and has since replaced the older marketplaces in Varrock and Falador cities. It is a popular place and usually crowded. The Grand Exchange received a graphical update on 9 August 2011 giving it a brand new image and design, along with a musician.

The Grand Exchange now also has two branches in Prifddinas. one in the Tower of Voices and the other one inside the Max Guild.


The sound clip played when an offer is completed.

The eastern entrance to the Exchange.

The Grand Exchange is located northwest of Varrock.

The Grand Exchange is located northwest of Varrock. to the east of Edgeville both of which are located just to the south of the Wilderness. There are many ways to get there, including:

Walking from Varrock (with or without use of the Varrock Teleport spell).

Teleporting to the air altar using the air altar teleport then walking to it.

Using the tunnel northwest of the Grand Exchange (requires membership and level 21 agility).

Using a canoe Station (requires level 12 woodcutting) to travel to either the Champion's Guild station or Barbarian Village station or Edgeville station and walking north, east or using the tunnel mentioned above.

Using the mine cart northwest of the Grand Exchange (requires membership and having started the quest The Giant Dwarf ).

Using the spirit tree northeast of the Grand Exchange (requires membership and having completed the quest Tree Gnome Village ).

Using the fairy ring with the code D•K•R (requires membership and having access to the fairy rings from the quest Fairy Tale Part II ).

Using the spell Varrock Teleport. or a Varrock Teleport tablet after changing its destination to south of the Grand Exchange (requires membership and having completed one set of Varrock Tasks ).

Using a charged Ring of Wealth's teleport, which teleports you to the Grand Exchange entrance (requires membership).

Using a charged Ring of Duelling to teleport to Mobilising Armies then using the spirit tree nearby to teleport to the North-east part of the Grand Exchange (requires membership).

Using the Edgeville Lodestone and going through the north-west underwall tunnel (requires membership and level 21 agility ).

Speaking to a Grand Exchange Clerk in Prifddinas offers a free teleport.

The branches in Prifddinas are located in the Tower of Voices and in the Max Guild (Prifddinas requires membership and having completed the quest Plague's End ).

The Tower of Voices is located in the centre of Prifddinas.

Tower of Voices

Using the Prifddinas Lodestone which is in between the two booths inside the Tower of Voices.

Using the spirit tree in the Crwys Clan section and walking west to the Tower of Voices (requires having completed the quest Tree Gnome Village ).

Using the fairy ring with the code D•J•S in the Amlodd Clan section and walking east to the Tower of Voices (requires having access to the fairy rings from the quest Fairy Tale Part II ).

Using the Gnome glider in the Meilyr Clan section and walking south to the Tower of Voices (requires having completed The Grand Tree quest).

Using a Crystal teleport seed to one of the Elven Clans and then walk to the Tower of Voices.

Max Guild (requires 99 in all skills to enter)

Either of aforementioned teleport methods and then walk to the Cadarnian south eastern section of the city.

The teleport on the Max. Completionist and Trimmed Completionist Cape.

NPC Informants Edit

The musician at the Grand Exchange.

Around the Grand Exchange are five characters who show the current prices of various items.

Grand Exchange in Varrock

Farid Morrisane shows the prices of ores.

Relobo Blinyo shows the prices of logs.

Bob Barter shows the prices of herbs. He also decants potions into full and empty vials. He can decant potions even if they are noted.

Murky Matt shows the prices of runes. He also "decants" charged items into full and empty charges.

Hofuthand shows the prices of certain weapons and armours. (See picture for details.)

Tower of Voices in Prifddinas

Rhobert Dail shows the prices of herbs. He also decants potions into full and empty vials. He can decant potions even if they are noted. He is essentially the elven version of Bob Barter.

The Grand Exchange clerk at the north western booth closest to the bonfire balcony is able to teleport the player to the Grand Exchange in Varrock with a chat option.

There are no special NPC's at the Grand Exchange inside the Max Guild in Prifddinas besides the regular clerks and bankers.

Item sets Edit

Most armour sets and the dwarf multicannon can be assembled into sets to save space. They behave like ordinary items except that they cannot be worn or used until they are disassembled. Only the Grand Exchange clerks can assemble and disassemble sets, and they will do this an unlimited number of times for free. Right-clicking a set and selecting "destroy" will not disassemble it. You can also try to right click the banker and go to the sets.

Pricing Edit

An NPC informant displaying the prices of certain weapons and armours. The cubes are item sets.

Price of Gnome Scarf over a 30 day period.

Prices are partly governed by the Laws of Supply and Demand .

If an item is in high demand with low supply, then its price will increase.

If an item is in low demand with high supply, then its price will decrease.

If an item's demand matches its supply, then its price will stay the same.

Jagex has never published the Grand Exchange's exact pricing algorithms, although there are some reasonable guesses. By using the laws of supply and demand, the prices of items are updated depending on its recently traded prices and volume. For items with low volume such as partyhats, their prices update every few days or even once a week. Jagex can also intervene and set the prices themselves, and they reserve the right to intervene when they believe price manipulation is occurring on an inexcusable scale.

Because of an update on 1 February 2011. there are no longer trade restrictions, however there are guide prices and buttons to increase or decrease your offer on the item by 5%, as well as set a custom offer.

Trading Tips Edit

Worlds 2 and 3 for members and non-members, respectively, are popular worlds for trading items without using the Grand Exchange, especially items such as Partyhats and any other items which are worth more than the limit of coins one may possess (2,147,483,647), which requires item bartering to make up for the deficiency between the aforementioned limit and the item's actual worth.

Competing offers in the same price range are prioritized chronologically, so making offers early will grant availability to have your items bought/sold before anyone else.

All offers are completed using the earlier offer's price. In other words, when the buyer's price is above or at the same amount of coins as the seller's price, the trade is completed using the earlier offer's price, so also consider making your offers later.

To bargain, you can wait to see whether your offer is accepted and then change your price accordingly.

Price manipulation is possible even with the Grand Exchange, so be careful. (See section Price Manipulation below for details.)

Changing the buying offer of a product by 5% over market will generally increase the chance of buying quickly, the same is true while selling an item at 5% under market.

Trade restrictions Edit

All trade restrictions are intended to reduce price manipulation, real-world trading, and/or unfair interactions between players with different levels. On the issue of price manipulation, Jagex said, "We are keen to keep a player-driven economy, so the prices are worked out using the supply and demand rules above. We will only intervene as a last resort, and only if we think price manipulation is going on, although the system has lots of safeguards to prevent that." [1] Trade restrictions are those safeguards. On 1 February all price (but not necessarily trade) restrictions were removed. Trial members had a trade restriction on the grand exchange of 50 of certain items. This prevented new accounts from being made simply to use the 6 Grand Exchange slots available to members, for merchanting/flipping.

Buying rates Edit

This text will disappear if the form is loaded properly.

This text will disappear if the form is submitted.

Buying rate is restricted to a certain quantity every 4 hours. Some items have a connected limit, meaning that you can only buy a certain amount of either item, or a mix of the two up to a particular point:

Metal armour (bronze through rune) share a limit of 100 between the pieces that make up the armour sets, although bronze through adamant platebodies have a separate limit of 500

Dragon armour shares a limit of 10 between all set pieces

Dragonhide armour of the same colour, including sets (although the sets have a limit of 100)

Treasure Trails armour that makes up a set shares a limit of 2

Barrows armour shares a limit between repaired pieces, broken pieces, and the item sets of the same brother's armour

All parts of godswords (swords, hilts, blades, shards)

Saradomin Swords and Zamorakian Spears

Both types of chinchompas

Enchanted and unenchanted gem-tipped bolts

All doses of the same kind of potion (with the exception of prayer renewal )

Any type of Godwars items (Bandos, Armadyl, Subjugation) has a trade limit of one every four hours. (Not Including Godswords)

Tradeable items that cannot be traded using the Grand Exchange Edit

Some items cannot be traded using the Grand Exchange, but they can still be traded using the traditional player-to-player trade. The list includes:

Economic Effects Edit

The Grand Exchange reduces the need for constant merchanting Edit

The Grand Exchange has made merchanting almost obsolete, by relatively reducing the average transaction costs of buying and selling most items. This money is said to be made up for by the convenience and ease of trading through the grand exchange. Transaction cost is the cost of finding someone to trade with, bargaining, enforcing a trade agreement, and transferring the agreed goods and/or services, all of which are expedited by The Grand Exchange. The list below illustrates how the grand exchange does this.

Unlike a shop or player, the Grand Exchange does not make a profit.

The Grand Exchange finds someone to trade. It searches every offer on every world. This has a drastic effect on the prices of many common items. For example, if you have to find a buyer yourself, items like bones are relatively expensive, usually around 215 coins each (many players choose not to farm them, as they only drop from low-level mobs who have little other valuable loot). With the Grand Exchange, the common marketplace makes them worth 162 coins. The same effect can happen in reverse, where a greatly varied price becomes either a much lower or a much higher uniform price.

The Grand Exchange removes the necessity of long, often unfruitful searching and bargaining ventures. If the buyer bids higher or equal to the seller’s asking price, then the Grand Exchange instantly completes the trade. If not, then it will wait until there is a suitable transaction. More often than not, players can get away with buying things for much less than the listed price, and sell for much more than the listed price (see Advanced Trading Guide ) granted that they don't mind waiting. It is for this reason that many people choose to sell or buy items before going to sleep, as The G. E has more time to find these transactions. This removes most negotiation and communication opportunity with regards to item pricing between players.

Time taken selling is greatly reduced. It is worth noting that not only is the trade normally completed in much less time, an item waiting to be sold on the Grand Exchange takes up none of the players time, as the player is not fully preoccupied by the transaction. Whilst attempting to sell items to players, a time investment is needed to sell items to make a profit on the grand exchange it takes next to no time whatsoever.

The Grand Exchange transfers the items halfway. Although a player still has to obtain the items and bring them to the marketplace, the Grand Exchange will bring completed offers straight to the collection box (at any bank).

This of course is still only true for when the Grand Exchange prices match the items' generally perceived value. Though most of the time the G. E lists agreeable prices, in situations where an item is worth more or less than what it is worth on the grand exchange, merchants can still do business.

Price manipulation Edit

Any attempts to directly affect an item's price on the Grand Exchange takes an enormous amount of money and time, which is why it is considered unprofitable in most cases. Price manipulation seems to follow a pattern consistent with two main types and several subtypes; they are categorized differently because they work somewhat differently. The two main types are disclosure-based manipulation and trade-based manipulation .

Disclosure-based manipulation Edit

This occurs where a person discloses false or misleading information which has the effect of misleading other participants about the value or trading volume of a security. Every tradeable item in RuneScape is a security . Disclosure-based manipulation is fraud.

Pyramid scam Edit

How some merchant clan leaders use a pyramid scam on people, in five steps:

Some merchant clan leaders secretly buy lots and lots of the same item.

They recruit and mislead people into buying the same item at a higher price, thus raising the item's price.

They encourage people to recruit even more people, thus creating a pyramid.

They set a "dump price" for everyone to sell.

They either secretly sell their item before this dump price is reached, or they suddenly announce a new dump price; in both cases many people are still buying the item. What these people are misled into buying is the item they are secretly or suddenly dumping.

The merchant clan leader (and any of his or her trusted friends/ranks in the clan) may make millions of coins in this way. They'll set the price of for example, 1,000 coins per item, to be dumped at 10,000 coins. They themselves will buy the item for 1,000 - 1,200 coins each and wait until it rises to 5,000 coins, and they'll sell the items. If the clan is big, this won't affect their merchant, or they can blame another clan.

Trade-based manipulation Edit

"This is the buying or selling of a security by a person [or group] which influences or misleads other participants' perception of the value or trading volume of that security.” It has many subtypes, but only two significantly affect the Runescape economy: matched orders and corners .

Matched orders, pools, and wash sales Edit

Someone places an order to buy, and matches it with an order to sell: the buyer and seller are the same person. This transaction is fake because nothing is really being transferred. Matched orders manipulate prices by faking a supply and demand. A group can do this too.

Matched orders also mislead other people into overestimating the trading activities of the security that’s being manipulated, and thus—for slightly technical reasons—mislead them into underestimating the transaction cost of that security.

Matched orders and genuine orders are currently nearly impossible to differentiate on Runescape. We can only imagine account #1 posting an order to buy a dragon pickaxe for an unusual price, and account #2 selling it for a similarly unusual price. Repeated enough times and the price isn’t so unusual anymore, and that’s when the manipulation succeeded. We can also only imagine 2 million lobsters being bought and sold for the same price on the Grand Exchange, and so the Grand Exchange accounts for those numbers when it updates the price of lobsters, but the Grand Exchange currently doesn’t know whether the buyers and sellers were the same person. We don’t either. Again, matched orders and genuine orders are currently nearly impossible to differentiate on Runescape.

This is no longer possible with commonly traded items because the Grand Exchange works such that buyers get the best offer, and sellers get the best offer they can get, however an item that has no activity can still easily be manipulated in this way. This is often done to odd items required for quests since people will pay thousands of percent more than the market value of the item. By manipulating the market price to keep it low, those attempting to sell the item will sell it for significantly less than its actual value.

Corners or squeezes Edit

Someone buys something, raises its price, and then sells it to another person. In this transaction, a cornering merchant intends to raise price by merely monopolizing his or her competitors, whereas a genuine merchant intends to raise price by at least decreasing the overall transaction cost. (Transaction cost is the cost of conducting a trade: the time and effort of finding someone to trade with, bargaining and enforcing a trade agreement, and transferring the goods and/or services.) Corners manipulate prices by monopolizing a security in a way that increases its overall transaction cost, and this additional transaction cost burdens other buyers but not the manipulator. Again, a group can do this too.

A corner is where “a person [or group] buys up a substantial volume of a security knowing that other market participants will be forced to buy from him at a higher price.” Other buyers are forced to buy from a cornering merchant because they are left with few alternatives; the manipulator had already monopolized his competitors. By contrast, other buyers are not forced to buy from a genuine merchant because of two reasons: first, a genuine merchant often has competitors or the threat of potential competitors; second and most importantly, a genuine merchant saves them some trouble of finding someone to trade with, bargaining and enforcing a trade agreement, and transferring the goods and/or services.

Scamming Edit

There continues to be much activity around the Grand Exchange as a main area for some players to operate scams, manipulate other players into giving away items or money and the age-old luring of players to areas they can be killed and their items taken.

Alternate Views on Price Manipulation Edit

Some players argue that price manipulation is legitimate when not directly misleading other players. For example, while few would defend pyramid style clan manipulation, many would argue that solo merchandising with the effect of price manipulation is valid.

A common justification is that buyers and sellers have final say of their decision to make a transaction. Players buy items for what it is worth to them, and are aware of the price they are offering.

"Legitimate" Grand Exchange Merchandising Edit

One should keep in mind that though many people share similar opinions regarding the RuneScape economy, it is still largely a player-created game. What people consider to be "legitimate" trading is entirely subjective. However, considering many players' views on economic manipulation, "legitimate" seems to entail a lack of malice or intentional damaging of the economy for personal gain. Legitimate merchandising on the Grand Exchange is not impossible, although which methods are considered legitimate is a matter of opinion.

Legitimate methods include investing in an item at a low price and waiting for the price to rise after a time before selling. This is similar to traditional investing in real life - the "hold and wait" method, since markets tend to trend upward over the long term.

"Flipping" is also legitimate as it provides liquidity to the market. This is exactly the same role that "market makers" play in real equities markets (like the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ). Liquidity is important for markets and valuable for regular, non-merchanting players, as can be seen in the following example: Imagine a regular seller is impatient to sell rune plate-bodies, and therefore prices them low so they sell immediately. The merchant has a buy offer sitting on the Grand Exchange, and since the offer is sitting, waiting to be filled, this buy offer is said to "add liquidity" since it is available to trade against. When the seller posts his sell offer, and it gets matched to the merchant's buy offer, the seller's offer is said to "remove liquidity" since his offer never sits on the Grand Exchange, and it knocks out the merchant's offer. The seller has thus gained convenience from the liquidity the merchant provided. Then the merchant goes and posts a sell offer for the rune plate-bodies, which will sit on the Exchange, again adding liquidity (since it's resting and waiting to be matched against). When someone buys the items, they are again benefiting from the merchant's liquidity.

"Flipping", done correctly, does not move the price of items, since a merchant who is trying to flip will check the current price and simply try to stay within the bid-ask spread. They profit solely from adding liquidity, rather than the longer-term up/down movement of the items and market.

History Edit

Trivia Edit

On 2 July 2011 a huge rock appeared at the Grand Exchange. It had no use and it could not be examined or interacted with in any way. It was a teaser for the Clan Citadel update, and was removed when Citadels were added to the game.

If players attempt to set up a cannon in the Grand Exchange, Brugsen Bursen will tell players "My area is for peaceful trading. Play with your toy somewhere else!"

It is possible to buy your own item from the Grand Exchange.

There are no items which start with the letter Q or X in the Grand Exchange.

If you look closely, on the counter of the Grand Exchange buildings, there appears to be a Training sword on the counter.

Summoning familiars are hidden in the Grand Exchange.

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The fountain in the centre of the Grand Exchange

Chinese media, advertising, and urban life.

Posted by Dror Poleg on Saturday, April 9, 2005 at 5:36 PM

The official currency of the People's Republic of China (PRC) is Renminbi (meaning in Chinese: "people's currency"). The People's Bank of China, the PRC's monetary authority, issues the Chinese currency. The official ISO 4217 abbreviation of China's currency is CNY, but it is also abbreviated as "RMB". Colloquially, the Chinese currency is also called Yuan and Kuai.

During the previous decade, Mainland China's Currency was pegged to the U. S. dollar at 8.28 RMB. On July 21, 2005, it was revalued to 8.11 per U. S. dollar, following the removal of the peg to the U. S. dollar. The revaluation resulted from pressure from the United Stated and the World Economic Council.

The People's Bank of China also announced that the Renminbi would be pegged to a basket of foreign currencies, rather than being strictly tied to the U. S. dollar, and would trade within a narrow 0.3 percent band against this basket of currencies. China has stated that the basket is dominated by a group of international currencies including the U. S. dollar, euro, Japanese yen and South Korean won, with a smaller proportion made up of the British pound, Thai baht and Russian ruble.

History of Chinese Currency

The renminbi was first issued shortly before the takeover of the mainland by the Communists in 1949. One of the first tasks of the new communist government was to end the hyperinflation that had plagued China near the end of the Kuomintang era.

During the era of the command economy, the value of the RMB was set to unrealistic values in exchange with western currency and severe currency exchange rules were put in place. With the opening of the mainland Chinese economy in 1978, a dual track currency system was instituted, with renminbi usable only domestically, and with foreigners forced to use foreign exchange certificates. The unrealistic levels at which exchange rates were pegged led to a strong black market in currency transactions.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the PRC worked to make the RMB more convertible. Through the use of swap centers, the exchange rate was brought to realistic levels and the dual track currency system was abolished.

The RMB is convertible on current accounts, but not capital accounts. The ultimate goal has been to make the RMB fully convertible. However, partly in response to the Asian Financial Crisis of 1998, the PRC has been concerned that the mainland Chinese financial system would not be able to handle the potential rapid cross border movements of hot money, and as a result, as of 2003, full convertibility remains a distant goal.

Exchange rate of the American dollar vs. China's Currency (Renminbi)

From 1994 until July 2005, the policy on currency has been to peg informally the value of the renminbi against the value of the United States dollar. This policy was praised during the Asian financial crisis of 1998 as it prevented a round of competitive devaluations.

In 2003, this policy came under criticism by the United States. The fall in the value of the dollar caused the value of the renminbi to fall also, making mainland Chinese exports more competitive. This led to some pressure on the PRC from the United States to increase the value of the RMB in order to encourage imports and decrease exports. This is a policy that some feel would preserve manufacturing jobs in the United States. The G7 and European Union are also in favour of a re-evaluation of the exchange rate.

The PRC government has resisted pressure to increase the value of the RMB, out of concern that it would cause mainland Chinese jobs to disappear and would also expose domestic banks to currency risks that they are not prepared to handle. Many economists believe that only fixed exchange rates or floating exchange rates are stable over the long term, because a one-time change in exchange rates might cause speculators in the future to take positions on possible exchange rate fluctuations which would lead to pressure to completely float the currency.

The PRC government has also claimed that, while mainland China runs a large surplus with respect to the United States, its overall balance of payments is not out of balance.

Some independent analysts conclude that mainland Chinese currency is undervalued, because the People's Republic forbids citizens from moving their currency abroad. If this sort of financial diversification were allowed, the massive outflow of yuan could have a substantial effect on the currency.

Within the United States, the issue of appreciating the RMB is also controversial. Manufacturers and textile producers are in favor of appreciating the RMB. However, many American companies that depend on mainland Chinese factories to supply inexpensive products and components, such as aerospace companies, computer manufacturers, discount retailers, and other companies are against appreciating the RMB. Furthermore, many economists have pointed out that manufacturing jobs have been declining in the United States for decades. Some people have suggested that blaming the lack of job growth on the value of the RMB is merely a convenient misdirection on the part of the vested interests, including the George W. Bush administration, inefficient businesses, and labor unions fearful of competition.

Financial consequences of revaluating or floating China's Currency

The financial consequences of free valuation are complicated. Many economists believe that appreciation of the yuan would cause the PRC government to buy fewer United States treasury bonds, causing bond prices to fall and bond yields to rise, hampering improvement in the U. S. economy. The ensuing depreciation of the US dollar might price oil out of the reach of the American economy, causing stagflation, a collapse of US oil dependant industries, massive unemployment and other dire economic consequences.

However, the potential risk to global balances from mainland China's inflexible exchange rate would be more critical if the PRC relaxed its controls on short-term investment flows without first introducing exchange rate flexibility. This is because shifting exchange rates nullify expected profits from investment flows seeking to take advantage of higher interest rates in another country. Without flexibility, speculative flows could quickly become large, as they did during the Asian financial crisis, and threaten economic stability and orderly world trade.

Related Chinese Currency and China Currency Exchange stories on Danwei:

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Pounds To Australian Dollars

The local currency surged last week after the US Federal Reserve announced a new round of economic stimulus and a German court said the European Central Bank (ECB) bailout fund was not unconstitutional and Berlin could participate in it.

There's definitely going to be a level on the top side where people may be looking to take profits, unless there is some further push higher.

On Friday, credit-research firm Egan Jones cut its rating for US government debt to AA minus from AA.

It will be interesting to see how the market absorbs that news.

I'm not sure if that is the reason behind this pull-back in the Aussie dollar, but I wouldn't be surprised that, at the start of the week, markets are just booking profits, taking a little bit of risk off the table and seeing what transpires.

Tomorrow, the Reserve Bank of Australia will release the minutes of its September board meeting, where it kept the cash rate at 3.5 per cent for the third month in a row.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

THE dollar is higher ahead of a crucial meeting of the US Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). At 12pm AEST, the dollar was trading at 104.84, up from 104.72 at yesterday's close.

We've risen along with other risk assets and the euro, There's probably a bit of relief since the Dutch elections have finished up without any issue.

Traders are probably also taking up positions before the FOMC meeting.

Pro-European parties were handed a significant victory at the Dutch elections on Wednesday (European time), including a win for prime minister Mark Rutte.

The FOMC meeting was a crucial event for global markets, with expectations that quantitative easing would be announced.

I wouldn't be surprised to see some weakness in the Aussie dollar going into it, because expectations are pretty high that we are going to get an open-ended asset purchase taking place.

Markets are closed for Good Friday in the U. K. Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Portugal, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Singapore, India, Brazil, Canada and the United States. Greece is shut for Independence Day. The Good Friday/Easter Monday holiday period tends to be one of the quietest market times of the year. Sure enough, the dollar […] Read Article

Foreign Exchange Insights and Next Week

Quarter’s End: The coming week bridges the first and second quarters and, for countries like India and Japan, the end of one fiscal year and the start of another. Europe Goes on Daylight Savings Time: Clocks move ahead one hour, restoring the London-N. Y. time spread to five hours and the differential with Paris, Madrid, and […] Read Article

Central Bank Watch

The 7.5% one-week repo rate and 7.5% overnight deposit rate were left unchanged, but the 10.75% overnight lending rate was cut to 10.5% at the latest meeting of Turkey’s Monetary Policy Committee. At a few previous meetings, officials had delayed a promised simplification of their Byzantine rate structure, but now a small first step in […] Read Article

Deeper Analysis

The U. S. purchasing managers index for non-manufacturing, which is compiled by the Institute of Supply Management and shown in the comparative table below, slipped 0.1 point to 53.4 in February. Although representing just a marginally slower activity pace than in January, such was the fourth straight drop in the index, which stood at 58.3 four […] Read Article

Foreign Exchange Insights and Next Week

So far, so good. After years of running an extraordinarily loose monetary policy required by insufficiently high inflation, excessive labor market capacity, an inappropriately tight U. S. fiscal stance, and broken-down Washington politics offering no hope for a more balanced macroeconomic strategy, the Fed faces the challenging task of policy normalization. It goes without saying that […] More

Central Bank Watch

The Board of the Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan) meets on a quarterly basis and, as done last September and December, cut its three interest rates including the main rediscount rate by 12.5 basis points at this month’s review. Three of the five 12.5-basis points hikes engineered between June 2010 and June […] More

New Overnight Developments Abroad - Daily Update

Led by oil, commodity prices have dropped. West Texas Intermediate crude oil dropped 2.5% to $38.81 per barrel after indications of rising U. S. inventories. Comex gold edged 0.1% lower to $1,218.83 per ounce. The Shanghai Composite index of Chinese share prices fell 1.6%, most in two weeks. Equities closed down 1.3% in Hong Kong, 1.1% […] More

Central Bank Watch

Thailand’s monetary policy interest rate was left at 1.5% as widely expected. Such was also the result of the previous six Monetary Policy Committee meetings. In 2017, the rate was cut by 25 basis points each in march and April. Six earlier reductions of that magnitude were implemented from November 2011 to March 2017. A […] More

Central Bank Watch

Filipino central bank policy settings — a 4.0% overnight borrowing rate, a 6% overnight lending rate, and existing reserve requirement ratios — were left unchanged as expected. The last changes in the key interest rates were hikes of 25 basis points each in July and September 2017. A statement released today projects in-target inflation (2-4%) […] More

Central Bank Watch

The Bank Rate had been cut by 490 basis points between August 2012 and July 2017 to 2.10% and by an additional 75 basis points in 15-bp increments from March 2017 through July 2017 but paused at 1.35% thereafter until now. Easing was resumed at this month’s meeting of the Monetary Council, and the amount […] More

New Overnight Developments Abroad - Daily Update

The dollar on Wednesday extended Tuesday gains and has appreciated since the Monday closing by 1.3% against sterling, 0.7% vrsus the yen, 0.9% vis-a-vis the kiwi, 0.5% relative to the euro and Swiss franc, and 0.3% against the Chinese yuan. Chicago Fed President Evans made bullish remarks about the likelihood of more interest rate hikes […] More

New Overnight Developments Abroad - Daily Update

The Shanghai Composite Chinese equity index advanced 2.2% in response to a relaxation of government curbs there on margin lending. Japanese markets were closed for the Vernal Equinox holiday. Other stock markets in the Pacific Rim rose 1.3% in India, 0.5% in New Zealand and 0.3% in Hong Kong. In Europe, equities are mixed, with […] More

Foreign Exchange Insights and Next Week

Central Banks: Interest rate policy meetings in Hungary, Thailand, Taiwan, Turkey, and the Philippines. Lockhart, Evans, Bullard and Harker of the Fed Speak publicly. So do Stevens and Edey of the Reserve Bank of Australia and Funo of the Bank of Japan. Holiday Closures: Japan on Monday for the Vernal Equinox. Greece on Friday for […] More

Central Bank Watch

Mexico’s policy interest rate was left at 3.75%. An unexpected 50-basis point increase in February has lent the peso a more stable tone. A released statement from the Bank of Mexico says that future rate decisions will hinge on developments affecting actual inflation, expected inflation, Mexico’s output gap and Fed policy. The FOMC’s decision not […] More

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