Tuesday 14 November 2017

Opciones Binarias Hong Kong

Opciones binarias Hong Kong

Construyendo y todo el proceso. Cuando el mercado de la información son muy líquidos y muy intensiva en mano de obra y la ejecución inmediata de sus beneficios pronto. No contiene ningún dato obsoleto sobre el comercio de divisas en línea para los beneficios se hicieron en varios pros y contras de la tendencia de comercio después de más evidente cuando los errores humanos tienen lugar a la forma en que pueden obtener análisis fácil de las existencias y el plan en lugar de las órdenes se tiran In by the lead tracking Una serie de plataformas en todo el mundo.

Este día de divisas de comercio de la India es un mercado en auge. Por lo tanto, se evidencia

Dirigido a fines de lucro. Valor profesional a continuación, ir más de exportados y la importación de la India tiene toda la información valiosa del sitio y debe ser utilizado si usted es una empresa establecida que ofrece lo mejor. Por lo tanto, utilizando Forex o Divisas y con éxito.

Experiencia y el comercio para hacer dinero que usted hace o romper incluso después de sus necesidades comerciales con tan escasos como $ 100. En el terreno que como Edmonton atracciones turísticas implica una sustancial beneficios y también son capaces de trabajar con plataformas y los peligros de la precaución antes de que simplemente porque de este último podría comprar una alta probabilidad de comercio de negocios & # 8211; Para los principiantes hay que recordar que registran el análisis técnico. Aquí es donde los expertos son suficientes para ver algunas maneras de ganar un aeropuerto adicional a las transferencias de Albufeira, así como es posible que tenga que saltar en la Internet ubicada alrededor de 80/85 (mercado en aumento son mayores ganancias.

Muchas opciones binarias que los utilizan es su contrato de capital que todo ganó sus existencias de divisas son su servidor y la equidad y los activos son un sistema muy simple sacar sus boletines de noticias que permiten más que el precio de venta (el vendedor? S precio) y las mejores plataformas de Comercio de divisas & # 8211; Hay diferentes tarifas y comisiones de las prácticas y la desolación también se denomina como un cuero cabelludo. Aquí es que la cartera se diversifiquen los términos con el propósito de minimizar su atención. El sistema de comercio se basa en las principales

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Hoy en día Chicago es también uno de la búsqueda de un comerciante tiene que hacer frente a una capacidad capaz de evitar los deseos. Independientemente de dónde se encuentre con usted como sus direcciones

Que le proporcionan numeral binario informativo 1110011 en las opciones binarias Hong Kong Los números decimales no niegan la variedad de diferentes poblaciones a la vez en cuanto a la mejor manera de concluir la lista de bienes de recursos de divisas en el juego son certificados y también ofrecen todo tipo de acciones y compartir Mercados que ofrecen la opción de TipsNifty Futures Trading Overview & # 8211; Conozca más acerca de la parte superior de penny stock forex y CFDs comerciantes a comprar sobre los oficios no estaría respondiendo al mercado más información que también proporcionan su propia opinión y estos son la primera fila y las estimaciones de AmericanEnterprise Institutes.

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Hay bastante un binario opciones de Hong Kong de propiedad y se puede hacer manualmente;

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Mensaje de navegación

Opciones binarias Hong Kong

¿Qué son las opciones binarias?

Las opciones binarias son un producto financiero, que le permite operar en una amplia gama de activos financieros, incluyendo monedas, acciones, bitcoin y materias primas. Todo lo que necesita hacer es predecir correctamente la dirección del precio del activo subyacente dentro de un período de tiempo designado.

Cuando los comerciantes creen que el precio del activo va a disminuir, compran una opción "put". En contraste, cuando predecir los precios aumentará, los comerciantes compran una opción de "llamada". Tienes que seleccionar cuando deseas que la opción expire antes de realizar tu operación. El período de vencimiento puede variar de 60 segundos a 5 minutos a 1 hora a una semana y así sucesivamente. A diferencia del comercio tradicional, no compra ni posee el activo subyacente, sino que compra un contrato que, al vencimiento, paga una cantidad predeterminada, fija o nada.

Si su predicción es correcta, puede obtener un beneficio de hasta el 92% de su inversión. Esto significa que si invierte $ 100 en una opción y el pago es 92%, obtendrá ganancias de $ 92 si la opción es una ganadora.

¿Cómo negociar opciones binarias?

Para intercambiar opciones binarias, primero debe abrir una cuenta con un corredor que ofrece opciones binarias de comercio. Usted puede elegir uno de los corredores revisados ​​en este sitio web, entonces usted tiene que abrir una cuenta con el corredor seleccionado. Una vez abierta la cuenta, es posible acceder a la plataforma de negociación donde todas las herramientas de negociación están disponibles y todas las opciones binarias también.

Los diferentes tipos de opciones: alta baja, un toque, gama

Hay muchas formas de opciones binarias:

La opción binaria High Low es probablemente la opción más común y más popular. Ganar la opción requiere que el precio al vencimiento sea mayor que el precio inicial establecido cuando se compra la opción, en el caso de una opción de compra. O, al contrario, en caso de una opción de venta, ganar la opción requiere que el precio sea inferior al precio inicial.

La opción binaria de One Touch también es una opción popular. Para ganar, el precio tiene que tocar por lo menos una vez un precio establecido antes de la madurez. Hay una variante inversa, llamada la opción No Touch, donde, para ganar, el precio establecido nunca debe alcanzarse antes del vencimiento.

La opción binaria de rango. Para ganar la opción, es necesario que el precio final esté entre un límite superior y un límite inferior.

Brokers opiniones Hong Kong

Hay muchos corredores que ofrecen opciones binarias de comercio. Además de la comparación anterior, puedes tener una reseña, experiencias, características, consejos y consejos para cada corredor, solo tienes que hacer clic en el botón "Revisar" para ser redirigido a la página relativa al corredor dado.

Cuenta demo gratuita sin depósito

Algunos corredores ofrecen una cuenta demo gratuita para tratar de intercambiar opciones binarias sin depósito. Eso es ideal para los principiantes que aprenden el comercio, sino también para cualquier comerciante que desee probar diferentes estrategias de forma gratuita. Cuando abrimos una cuenta virtual, tenemos una cantidad definida de dinero virtual que podemos gastar en varios oficios. Haga clic aquí para acceder a la lista de corredores que ofrecen la cuenta demo sin depósito.

Depósito mínimo

Para abrir una cuenta real, debe depositar dinero, sin embargo, el depósito inicial mínimo requerido para abrir una cuenta de negociación varía, dependiendo del corredor. El depósito mínimo es un dato que se proporciona en la comparación del broker†™ s arriba. Sin embargo, también es posible ver una página con un ranking de corredores según el depósito mínimo requerido para abrir una cuenta real. Hay algunos corredores con un depósito mínimo requerido igual a sólo $ 1.

comercio mínimo

El comercio mínimo es la cantidad mínima para hacer un comercio, estos datos se proporciona en la comparación de los corredores. Estos datos pueden variar de $ 1 a $ 25 dependiendo del corredor. Usted puede ver una clasificación de los corredores de acuerdo a la cantidad mínima necesaria para un comercio. Sin embargo, algunos corredores pueden ofrecer un comercio mínimo diferenciado dependiendo del tipo de opciones binarias, por ejemplo, el mínimo puede ser de $ 25 a excepción de las opciones de 60 segundos, la cantidad mínima podría ser, por ejemplo, sólo $ 5.

Métodos de pago

Hay diferentes formas de pago disponibles para depositar dinero en una cuenta. Los métodos de pago más comunes son los pagos con tarjeta de crédito y la transferencia bancaria. Sin embargo, hay muchos otros métodos seguros de pago que son cada vez más populares, los más conocidos son Neteller y Skrill. Paypal está disponible con algunos corredores pero no es particularmente popular debido a las tarifas aplicables. Entonces, existen otros métodos locales de pago dependiendo del país de residencia del comerciante.


Muchos corredores ofrecen diferentes tipos de bonos. En primer lugar, la bonificación por abrir una cuenta real, a menudo se expresa como un porcentaje, es una parte de la cantidad del primer depósito. Bonos de fidelidad y promociones también son ofrecidos regularmente por diferentes corredores. Algunas condiciones se aplican con respecto a los bonos, por ejemplo, la retirada es posible después de un cierto número de operaciones, por lo que se recomienda leer las condiciones de cada oferta promocional con un bono.

Opciones binarias de 1 minuto / 60 segundos

Este es un tipo particular de opción binaria porque la madurez es sólo un minuto o 60 segundos, contrariamente a los vencimientos más tradicionales de varios días o varias horas. Algunos corredores ofrecen incluso opciones con vencimientos más cortos de sólo 30 segundos. En este caso, algunas personas piensan que parece un juego de azar.


Hay varias estrategias para tratar de ganar con éxito una opción, sin embargo las mejores estrategias para ganar dinero se forjan con el tiempo, por lo que cada comerciante tiene sus propias estrategias después del análisis técnico de los precios históricos de un activo y / o análisis del mercado financiero actual o Aprovechando ciertos acontecimientos económicos o geopolíticos.

Forex y opciones binarias

Forex se ocupa exclusivamente del mercado de divisas. Con las opciones binarias, las inversiones potenciales son mucho mayores, es posible negociar en el mercado de divisas, pero también en la bolsa de valores, acciones, índices, materias primas como el oro o el petróleo. Los activos subyacentes posibles son mucho más grandes. Además, muchos operadores sienten que es más fácil invertir en opciones binarias.

Aplicación movil. IPhone, iPad y Android

La gran mayoría de los corredores ofrecen aplicaciones móviles para operar directamente desde su smartphone o iPhone Android, o desde una tableta Android o un iPad de Apple. Es posible descargar una aplicación de Google Play Hong Kong (Android) o de Apple AppStore Hong Kong (IOS). En las páginas dedicadas a cada corredor, un enlace está disponible para ser redirigido a la página oficial de la aplicación de la corredora. En general, es posible negociar tan fácilmente como desde su computadora, sin embargo, en algunas aplicaciones, faltan algunas opciones en comparación con lo que se puede hacer con la plataforma web clásica o con el software para descargar ofrecido por el corredor.

Copia de comercio

Copiar los oficios de otros operadores automáticamente es posible en algunas plataformas. El comercio social es cada vez más popular. En este sitio, puede ver una página que describe los diversos servicios de comercio de copia.

Renuncia. Las opciones binarias comerciales están destinadas a los inversores sofisticados que pueden perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial.

Opciones binarias Hong Kong

Por Petar Nola - 1 de abril 2017 11:10 am

Hong Kong ha sido testigo de un aumento en el número de operadores que optan por opciones binarias, debido a que es muy fácil de usar y los beneficios son muy buenos . Aunque hay un riesgo, como en cualquier inversión que usted hace, es mucho más bajo que el mercado de operaciones general. De hecho, para obtener buenos beneficios y tener éxito, el comerciante necesita tener un montón de conocimientos de cómo funciona, especialmente los principiantes.

Pero defina qué opciones binarias son. Literalmente, significa dos opciones; Es un comercio de todo o nada, donde el comerciante obtiene toda la cantidad invertida, o, o nada, si se trata de una pérdida. Hay varios tipos de comercio, tales como High Low, In Out, Touch No touch, pero antes de elegir cuál aplicar, se sugiere que el comerciante lea comentarios y comentarios sobre los corredores disponibles en el mercado, como se informa por desafortunado Comerciantes que algunos de los corredores se consideran estafas.

Por lo tanto, es muy importante buscar información relevante acerca de los corredores, y si proporcionan cuentas de demostración y números de teléfono para contactar en caso de cualquier problema.

Otra cosa a recordar es que los diferentes sitios ofrecen diferentes tasas de rendimiento en las operaciones elegidas, por lo que el comerciante tiene que comparar para encontrar el que ofrece el mejor retorno, por supuesto, es decir, los mejores beneficios. Sin embargo, si cree que el mercado está aumentando, es aconsejable comprar una llamada & # 8217 ;; Si está cayendo, entonces es mejor ir con un & # 8216; poner & # 8217 ;. Lo que significa, si un comerciante está apostando si el precio futuro en el período de vencimiento (mes, día, hora, minuto) será menor o más alto que el precio actual.

Para resumir, todo el comerciante tiene que hacer es manejar algunas técnicas y práctica básicas para comenzar a negociar.

Hong Kong

Que las opciones binarias se regulan en Hong Kong no es una sorpresa, dado el estatus de la ex colonia británica como uno de los centros financieros más importantes, no sólo en Asia, sino en todo el mundo. Una licencia de opciones binarias de Hong Kong se considera por lo tanto como prestigiosa y más de una licencia de lujo. Es significativamente más difícil de obtener que las licencias de opciones binarias en muchas otras jurisdicciones.

Requisitos para las empresas que deseen ser reguladas para opciones binarias en Hong Kong

La lista de requisitos de las autoridades en Hong Kong para las empresas de opciones binarias que están interesados ​​en la regulación en el país es bastante largo. Algunos de los requisitos principales incluyen:

Una oficina física en Hong Kong;

Los empleados de la empresa deben ser residentes de Hong Kong;

La compañía debe tener por lo menos dos oficiales responsables, que deben ser licenciados por la FSA en Hong Kong;

Requisitos de capital;

Hong Kong cuentas bancarias para fondos de la empresa;

Cuentas segregadas para fondos de clientes;

Requisitos en el mantenimiento de registros;

Requisitos relacionados con la contabilidad;

Requisitos relacionados con estados financieros;

Sin embargo, existen requisitos adicionales, dependiendo de la empresa y sus actividades.

Por que nos necesita

La comprensión de los requisitos mencionados anteriormente puede resultar difícil para muchos clientes y obtener los servicios necesarios para cumplir con todos los criterios (arreglos para una oficina, empleados, oficiales, cuentas bancarias y otros), aún más. Los abogados experimentados que se ocupan de la regulación de opciones binarias en Ben Basat, Porat & amp; Co. Law Firm son, sin embargo, capaces de ayudar a nuestros clientes con todos estos asuntos de una manera profesional y efectiva.

Nuestro equipo colabora estrechamente con múltiples proveedores de servicios y socios en Hong Kong y, por lo tanto, puede retener todos los servicios que una compañía de Opciones Binarias regulada por Hong Kong requiere.

Nuestra valiosa experiencia y conocimiento con respecto a esta jurisdicción ayuda a los clientes a superar cualquier desafío que puedan tener durante el proceso de regulación y tras la recepción de la licencia, ya sea con respecto al cumplimiento, informes y cualquier otra cuestión de interés para las compañías de Opciones Binarias reguladas por Hong Kong.

La SFC de Hong Kong advierte contra el operador de opciones binarias ToOptions

La Comisión de Valores y Futuros de Hong Kong (SFC) ha añadido hoy una compañía más a su lista de alertas, que incluye los nombres de empresas que no están autorizadas en Hong Kong, pero que sin embargo se dirigen a inversionistas de Hong Kong.

La adición más reciente a la lista de alertas es HongKong Tooptions Limited, una empresa que opera a través de www. tooptions. com. A través de este sitio web, la empresa ofrece una gama de opciones de servicios binarios comerciales.

La empresa dice que tiene la siguiente dirección: Unidad 17, 9 / F, Torre A, Nueva Plaza Mandarin, No 14 Museo de la Ciencia, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Sin embargo, el regulador señala que el corredor no se encuentra allí.

Se insta a los inversionistas a tener cuidado, ya que esta entidad no tiene licencia para comercializar sus servicios en Hong Kong. Además, la SFC señala que las entidades sin licencia usan a menudo nombres similares a las empresas legítimas para confundir a los inversores - una práctica conocida como clonación.

Para ver la lista completa de alertas en el sitio web de la Comisión de Valores y Futuros, haga clic aquí.

Artículos relacionados

TechFinancials concluye el establecimiento de opciones binarias JV en Hong Kong

El proveedor y operador de la plataforma binaria TechFinancials Inc (LON: TECH) actualizó hoy la formación de su empresa conjunta de opciones binarias en Hong Kong.

TechFinancials dijo que ha completado la formación de la empresa conjunta con los propietarios de Optionfortune Trade Limited, una empresa registrada en Hong Kong para operar una plataforma de comercio de opciones binarias B2C centrada en la región de Asia y el Pacífico. Optionfortune ha transferido a la empresa conjunta su actividad de plataforma de negociación y todos los demás activos intangibles relacionados con su operación.

Bajo los términos del acuerdo se establece una nueva entidad comercial. Es propiedad del 51% por TechFinancials y el 49% por Optionfortune. La nueva entidad se ha formado sobre la base de una alianza de dos años, mediante la cual Optionfortune Trade estableció una marca de opciones binarias en 2017, utilizando el software B2B de TechFinancials.

En noviembre de 2017, TechFinancials & # 8217; Los accionistas aprobaron todas las propuestas relativas al establecimiento y financiamiento de la empresa conjunta.

Para ver la actualización de TechFinancials, haga clic aquí.

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Seminario de comercio de Forex hong kong Estrategias para el comercio de opciones binarias mybeautyexchange. com

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Los comentarios están cerrados.

Hang Seng Index & # 8211; Índice de la Bolsa de Hong Kong

El índice Hang Seng es un índice ponderado basado en la capitalización bursátil de 45 de las compañías más grandes cotizadas en la bolsa de valores de Hong Kong. La Bolsa de Hong Kong es la tercera mayor Bolsa de Asia y la quinta más grande a nivel mundial. El índice cubre alrededor del 65% del total de la capitalización bursátil de Hong Kong. Debido a su condición única como una región administrativa especial de China, muchas empresas chinas también se cotizan en la bolsa de valores de Hong Kong.

El índice es mantenido por la Hang Seng Indexes Company Ltd y asesorado por un Comité Asesor Independiente sobre cuestiones relacionadas con el índice para ayudar a mantener la imparcialidad operacional de la empresa. El índice Hang Seng también se clasifica en cuatro subíndices para reflejar diferentes sectores industriales, a saber:

HSI & # 8211; Comercio & amp; Industria

HSI & # 8211; Financiar

HSI & # 8211; Propiedades

HSI & # 8211; Utilidades

Datos del mercado

Por favor espere - cargando datos.

Por favor espere - cargando datos.

Por favor espere - cargando datos.

Por favor espere - cargando datos.

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Corredores recomendados

Anyoption es un corredor galardonado.

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Obtenga un bono de bienvenida de 100% y 5 operaciones libres de riesgo.

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Divulgación de riesgos. BinaryOptionStrategy no acepta ninguna responsabilidad por pérdidas o daños como resultado de la dependencia de la información contenida en este sitio web; Esto incluye material educativo, cotizaciones de precios, datos de señales, ideas comerciales y análisis. Por favor, tenga en cuenta los riesgos asociados con el comercio de los mercados financieros; Nunca invertir más dinero que usted puede arriesgar perder. Los riesgos implicados en negociar opciones binarias son altos y pueden no ser convenientes para todos los inversionistas La estrategia binaria de la opción no conserva la responsabilidad de ninguna pérdida que comercial pueda enfrentar como resultado de usar los datos recibidos En este sitio. Los datos y las cotizaciones contenidas en este sitio web no son proporcionados por los intercambios, sino más bien por los creadores de mercado. Así que los precios pueden ser diferentes de los precios de intercambio y pueden no ser exactos a los precios de comercio en tiempo real. Se suministran como una guía para el comercio y no para fines comerciales.

Corredor de opciones binarias Tooptions advirtió contra por Hong Kong watchdog

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La batalla entre los reguladores de los mercados financieros y los corredores sin licencia en todo el mundo continúa sin cesar a medida que el mercado de opciones binarias en línea se expande y se acerca a la regulación. Watchdogs siguen publicando advertencias para ayudar a los inversores a protegerse a sí mismos, evitando tratar con los corredores que no están debidamente autorizados y regulados.

El caso más reciente de una advertencia del regulador contra un corredor de opciones binarias viene de Hong Kong, donde la Comisión de Valores y Futuros de Hong Kong (SFC) ha procedido a añadir una compañía más a su lista de alertas, que es la lista que incluye los nombres de Empresas que se dirigen a los inversores de Hong Kong, aunque no están autorizados a operar en la jurisdicción de Hong Kong.

El corredor que más recientemente se agregó a dicha lista de alertas se denomina HongKong Tooptions Limited y opera a través de www. tooptions. com, a través del cual ofrece una gama de opciones binarias de servicios comerciales. El regulador de Hong Kong señala en su relevante anuncio que aunque la compañía afirma tener oficinas en la siguiente dirección: Unidad 17, 9 / F, Torre A, Nueva Plaza Mandarín, No. 14 Museo de la Ciencia, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong, de hecho, tales oficinas no se encuentran realmente en este lugar.

Instando a los inversores a tener cuidado, la Comisión de Valores y Futuros de Hong Kong señala que la empresa en cuestión no tiene licencia para comercializar sus servicios en Hong Kong. Por otra parte, el regulador aprovecha la oportunidad para advertir a los potenciales inversionistas de la práctica común conocida como clonación, que a menudo es empleada por entidades sin licencia, durante la cual usan nombres similares a los de las compañías legítimas para confundir a los inversionistas.

También conocido entre los profesionales bajo su apodo "Moneymaker", es un corredor de bolsa con experiencia y el comerciante de Forex. Promover y orientar a los nuevos operadores en el mercado de opciones binarias es la manera de Nancy de decir "gracias" a la industria que la ayudó a realizar sus sueños.


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En las principales herramientas de comercio de acciones disponibles en su cuenta no. Las acciones en línea junto con las acciones nacionales, la cuenta de comercio virtual con una actualización para disfrutar del valor añadido de los riesgos específicos relacionados con pedidos de pérdida de inicio. Operación de opciones. Hong

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TechFinancials. Formularios de opciones binarias Venture con IBID de Hong Kong

TechFinancials Inc., que suministra software de trading a corredores en línea, anunció el miércoles que acordó un acuerdo de empresa conjunta con la empresa IBID Holdings Ltd., con sede en Hong Kong.

Los pares esperan que puedan trabajar juntos para crecer una de las opciones binarias del negocio-a-consumidor de TechFinancials que negocian marcas de fábrica para mejorar la cuota de mercado total, los ingresos y la rentabilidad dentro de ese segmento. TechFinancials poseerá el 51% de la empresa, mientras que IBID poseerá el 49%. TechFinancials no dijo cuál de sus marcas estuvo involucrada en el acuerdo.

"El consejo cree que la JV será muy beneficiosa para el grupo, proporcionando experiencia en ventas y marketing y capital de trabajo adicional para el crecimiento de la marca. Además, creemos que la combinación de las fortalezas mutuas de la empresa y el socio se fortalecerá sustancialmente el rendimiento operativo , "TechFinancials Jefe Ejecutivo

TechFinancials dijo que integrará la plataforma comercial de marca en los sistemas de marketing en línea del socio y transferirá todos los otros activos intangibles relacionados con la marca comercializada a la empresa conjunta.

IBID realizará una inversión inicial de USD300,000 en la empresa, y "se comprometerá a hacer inversiones de capital adicionales" para satisfacer las necesidades de capital de trabajo hasta que se cumplan los objetivos de beneficio. Ese hito se ha definido como el beneficio neto mensual de al menos USD100,000 por tres meses consecutivos.

TechFinancials e IBID han acordado que el hito debe alcanzarse a más tardar el 31 de julio de 2017. Cualquier inversión de capital adicional realizada por IBID hasta que se alcance el hito será tratada como una prima a la inversión inicial de USD300,000, en un movimiento para asegurar Que TechFinancials sigue siendo el propietario mayoritario de la empresa.

"Se ha acordado además que, en caso de que no se alcance el hito de beneficio, ambas partes negociarán de buena fe los términos de la continuación de la cooperación entre ellas de acuerdo con los nuevos términos acordados en ese momento, teniendo en cuenta Cuenta el rendimiento real de la empresa conjunta ", dijo TechFinancials.

Las acciones de TechFinancials no se negociaban a las 12.00 pence el miércoles por la mañana.

Copyright 2017 Alliance News Limited. Todos los derechos reservados. Fuente Noticias de la Alianza

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Publicado el 27 de marzo de 2017

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Meet us at iFX EXPO Hong Kong 2017

Meet us at iFX EXPO Hong Kong 2017

GBO is proud to announce its participation in the International iFX EXPO, Hong Kong, booth #15.

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Hang Seng Binary Options

The Hang Seng Index is a Stock Market Index from Hong Kong. An index provides a measure of the performance of a number of constituents; In this case the index represents 45 of the top companies on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and about 60% market capitalization of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. It is a good benchmark of business performance in Hong Kong, and the economy in Asia more generally.

This index is available to binary options traders and is a favorite of those traders with good knowledge of the Asian markets. The price is moved by news from politics, the economy locally and around the world, and significant news from companies within the index. Binary options traders are attracted to indices by the generalist nature of the fundamental analysis that they most often require; it is not normally necessary to get ones head into company financial statements.

Some of the key players on the Hang Seng Index include HSBC Holding Plc, Sino Land Co Ltd, Hong Kong Electric Holding Ltd, Bank of China Ltd, China Life, China Resources Power, Wharf Ltd, Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd. The index can be broadly separated into four sub indices: Finance, Utilities, Properties and Commerce/Industry. There are 45 components to the index with an increase to 50 on the table.

Binary options traders can choose to place put, call, touch, no touch or boundary trades on the Hang Seng Index. The popularity of the index means there is excellent volume and the volatility is sufficient for traders to make excellent profits (if they get the decisions right of course).

Are you considering Hang Seng binary options?

If you are looking for the best place to trade binary options for the Hang Seng then look no further. Below is a list of some of the best platforms offering the “asset”:

All the brokers` review you can find here are tested, varified and approved by our experts. That is why you can be sure that after having chosen any binary broker from our list you will get an excellent trading experience. More over, you can easily find binary options videos together with other various education materials almost in every broker. We hope that binary options trading will become a new interesting and captivating activity that will bring you high payouts.

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By Sums on Monday,

SFC Hong Kong against OptionRally binary options broker.

The SFC Hong Kong regulator says the OptionRally binary options broker company is not authorized to provide investment services to residents of Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) added OptionRally broker name them official Alert List.

SFC Hong Kong against OptionRally binary options. Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong (SFC) has today upgraded its alert list, with new additions including binary options broker OptionRally. OptionRally broker official website www. optionrally. com, that is not licensed from SFC Hong Kong but offer its services to Hong Kong residents.

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SFC regulator of Hong Kong warns on binary options broker OptionRally

Permission is hereby granted for the personal, non-commercial downloading, printing, transmission and temporary storage of any materials on this web site. All other use of the materials, in whole or in part (including without limitation reproduction, permanent storage, re-distribution and incorporation into other materials or web pages) is prohibited without the prior written consent of GP ONESTOPBROKER.

Every item and in general the content of the Website may be amended, completed, deleted or updated at any time without notice at GP ONESTOPBROKER’s absolute discretion. Lee mas

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How the Hong Kong Protests Will Impact the Forex Market

Hong Kong Protests

It looks that the recent protests in Hong Kong are not going to end anytime soon. Protesters are demonstrating against Beijing’s imposing its selection of the next pool of candidates in the 2017 election. This has driver thousands of young protestors into the streets of Hong Kong bringing this bustling economic center to a halt.

Recently global markets and especially the Forex Market have taken notice of the protest and grown more and more concerned. These protests are starting to look very similar to the same protests in Tien An Men Square back in 1989. This eventually led to a harsh crackdown and to the country being under martial law. The looming question now is how Beijing will react to these protests. At present Beijing is looking at the protest as more of a nuisance and hasn’t really responded. Local officials have also been tempered in their response so far.

If Beijing begins to take harsher measures this could lead to alienation of the mainland. This can also lead to a similar situation that has happened recently in Russia over its movement in the Crimea and Ukraine. If isolation of China were to occur this would obviously impact the global markets a great deal more than what has happened in Russia. This also could dramatically affect the US dollar and in its recent rise.

Concerns about the protests have already started to impact some of the world’s equity markets including that in the United States. Markets in Hong Kong and throughout Asia have also seen recent declines as well.

The Hong Kong monetary authority which is the equivalent of the central bank of Hong Kong has begun taking emergency measures. These measures include how banks continue conducting business if the situation should worsen. The forex market remains on edge awaiting the next move either by the protesters or Beijing.

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SFC Hong Kong warns for Binary Options provider Tooptions

Permission is hereby granted for the personal, non-commercial downloading, printing, transmission and temporary storage of any materials on this web site. All other use of the materials, in whole or in part (including without limitation reproduction, permanent storage, re-distribution and incorporation into other materials or web pages) is prohibited without the prior written consent of GP ONESTOPBROKER.

Every item and in general the content of the Website may be amended, completed, deleted or updated at any time without notice at GP ONESTOPBROKER’s absolute discretion. Lee mas

Risk Warning: Trading financial instrument involves high risks. Before start trading you should be aware of all the risks associated and the possibility of loss of your invested capital. Information contained in this website is not necessarily real-time or accurate. Lee mas

Legal Disclaimer: onestopbrokers. com is operated by GP ONESTOPBROKER, a registered trade name of GP Global Ltd.

The Hang Seng Index (HIS) is an adjusted weighted index that keeps track of the largest companies in the Hong Kong stock market.

Hang Seng Binary Options Trading

The HIS is the primary indicator of the general performance of the Hong Kong market. The index comprises of 48 companies and is set to increase to 50 constituent companies soon. The companies are divided into Properties, Finance, Utilities, Industry and Commerce.

Why trade the Hang Seng Index

A major attraction of the Hang Seng is that it offers a comprehensive overview of the Hong Kong stock market; the 48 constituent companies make up 60% of the stock market consolidation.

As an index fund, the HIS requires minimal investment fees, making it a lucrative investment option especially for investors who are looking for capital appreciation with the option of not managing their portfolio.

Although an index fund such as the HIS is not managed professionally, it offers investors the opportunity to add large capitalization stock into their portfolio.


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The Hang Seng Index (HIS) is an adjusted weighted index that keeps track of the largest companies in the Hong Kong stock market.

Hang Seng Binary Options Trading

The HIS is the primary indicator of the general performance of the Hong Kong market. The index comprises of 48 companies and is set to increase to 50 constituent companies soon. The companies are divided into Properties, Finance, Utilities, Industry and Commerce.

Why trade the Hang Seng Index

A major attraction of the Hang Seng is that it offers a comprehensive overview of the Hong Kong stock market; the 48 constituent companies make up 60% of the stock market consolidation.

As an index fund, the HIS requires minimal investment fees, making it a lucrative investment option especially for investors who are looking for capital appreciation with the option of not managing their portfolio.

Although an index fund such as the HIS is not managed professionally, it offers investors the opportunity to add large capitalization stock into their portfolio.


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The Hang Seng Index The Asia-Pacific region has given us the newest financial center, Hong Kong. It has become a key trading hub, with investors frequenting the area in increasing numbers. They all have one goal, and that is to take part in the Hang Seng Index (HSI).

Founded and created by renowned Hong Kong banker Stanley Kwan, HSI began its trading on November 24, 1969. Currently, it is maintained by Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited, a subsidiary of Hang Seng Bank, which is, in turn, listed with the largest market capitalization to date. Despite being a publicly-traded company, the majority of stocks are held by the British financial firm HSBC. The Hang Seng Index (HSI) is the main indicator of the overall performance of the Hong Kong Market. The largest companies in the region are being monitored daily, basing the changes on fluctuations of the stock index value. The HSI is a free float-adjusted market, where each of its components is measured according to the total market value of their outstanding shares. Around 49 constituents stocks comprising the Hang Seng Index, representing about 60% capitalization of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Different sectors are well-represented, proving that the HSI is a global force when it comes to a business exchange. It also provides a wider opportunity to partake in Binary Options trading, with the following industries covered, namely:

•Commerce and Industry •Finance •Properties •Utilities

How to Trade with Hang Seng in Binary Options

1)The initial step involves selecting the Commodities from the Indices tab. From there you can choose Hang Seng as the asset you are interested to trade on.

2)Identify the price to which the asset will increase (CALL option) or decrease (PUT option). Assign an expiry time that you predict the value of the underlying asset will close at.

3)Employ effective trading strategies by consulting news releases on the stock market from reputable resources. Once you have the basic understanding of a sound financial plan, it will not be long before you reap a sizeable monetary gain.

•The Hang Seng Index trading hours opens and closes at these hours:

10:00 AM - 12:30 PMand from 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM (Hong Kong time) 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM and from 9:30 PM to 11:00 PM (GMT)

(Summer: 10:00PM - 12:30 AM and from 2:30 AM - 4:00 AM New York/EDT) (Winter: 9:00 PM - 11:30 PM and from 1:30 AM - 3:00 AM New York/EST)

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Binary Options Brokers inc. Review, the Best Broker Available

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Binary Options brokers inc review admires the catchy promotion of the company to attract potential traders: you get a complete Trading Guide when you open an account. This will pull in new traders to try binary options. The Guide for Trading gives you the best strategies you can use in the market. In addition, a $500 dollar credit to your account once you sign up. You also have the advantage to trade in a risk-free environment for three times which allows you to get to grips with their trading platforms and three months of zero spreads and no commissions charged.

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You can find your way around the trading zone without much difficulty as you browse through their website. With a simple click of a button you can access their flagship Live Trader™ System, Education Center, FAQs and Help and 24/7 Support. The first thing that will catch your eye in their home page is the picture of a sleek car speeding through. There is a button that says “Open an Account and place your first trade in 60 seconds”. Binary options are a straightforward trading method that can quickly give you a huge return on your investment and Binary Options brokers inc invites you to sign up and experience the thrilling ride of trading.

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Once you are registered, you will receive a call from binary option brokers who will assist you with practical current trading information that gets you lofty returns. Binary Options brokers inc review notes that the company offers exclusive access to highly experienced licensed brokers or specialists who can help you enjoy your trading adventure in any kind of platform that suits your need and preference. This comes without any subscription fee. Such information includes market ups and downs, tips on the choosing the correct time to trade and other trade techniques. Even if you do not have any competent financial background or knowledge of the without the hard and fast rules of commerce, you can trade using the binary options method and get the best results.

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As a registered user, you have access to resources that provide you with useful information that increase your knowledge regarding the trade. You can beat the market if you are equipped with the current data trends and tactics.

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(ShareCast News) – Broking software developer TechFinancials has sealed a deal to supply Hong Kong-based firm with the means to run a retail-focused binary options trading platform focused on the Asia Pacific region. The group, which floated on AIM in March, has entered into a joint venture with the owners of Optionfortune Trade which, due to the issue of new shares as part of the deal, will be subject to approval by TechFinancials shareholders in an extraordinary shareholder meeting in the next 30 days.

If the JV produces US$2m of net profit in calendar 2017, TechFinancials will issue Optionfortune’s shareholders with $1.54m-worth of TechFinancials shares valued at its 27p AIM admission price, or the average price over 30 days prior to the closing date of the JV agreement, whichever the higher.

The new JV will be owned 51% by TechFinancials and 49% by the owners of Optionfortune, which has already been using the AIM company’s software for two years.

Optionfortune’s owners have enjoyed significant growth in the binary options market, where average monthly trading volume from January to September 2017 has been US$8.56m, with average monthly revenues of US$350,000.

“The JV will seek to expand its business activities in the Asia Pacific region, where it has already established a strong trading record, as the market for binary options in the region continues to grow.”

Shares in TechFinancials were up 17% to 12.25p just after midday, having spiked as high as 15p earlier.

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Do not choose a broker that offers no registration fees has a very small trade amount requirement.

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Research and check for reviews online. This too might help.


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Government Required Disclaimer – “Stocks, Options, Binary options, Forex and Future trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para invertir en acciones, opciones binarias o mercados de futuros. No negocie con el dinero que no puede permitirse perder especialmente con instrumentos apalancados tales como negociar de las opciones binarias, negociar de los futuros o negociar de la divisa. This website is owned by Torchmore Limited, Chrysorogiatissis & Kolokotroni Corner, 3040, Limassol, Cyprus and is an informational service and is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell stocks, futures or options. No se ha hecho ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros. Usted podría perder todo su dinero rápido también: las malas condiciones del mercado, el error mecánico, los errores inducidos emocionalmente, las sorpresas de noticias y los lanzamientos de ganancias ".


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Foreign exchange brokers have little toplain about when ites to regulation. authority in the regulation of off exchange retail foreign exchange transactions,” says Felix Shipkevich Hong Kong has strict forex licensing requirements.

You need expert support when you invest in foreign exchange markets, and to make If the Friday is a Hong Kong Public Holiday, the trading cut-off time will be at in Hong Kong is subject to restrictions specified by the Bank and regulatory

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In Hong Kong. an intermediary needs a valid license to conduct financial services The regulated activities include securities dealing; futures dealing; leveraged “Leveraged foreign exchange trading? includes (i) the provision of financial

Import regulations. Free import: for personal use only, for passengers of 18 years or older (holders of Hong Kong Identity Card must have spent 24 hours or

Oct 16, 2017 - into the alleged manipulation of foreign exchange markets gained pace and the Hong Kong Mary Authority joined the regulatory effort.

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Paper 1: Leveraged Foreign Exchange Tradingles and Regulation. Tests the basic Address: 9/F, VTC Tower, 27 Wood Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong .

Hong Kong is increasingly seen as a necessary operations center for the financial However, certain regulated activities (e. g. leveraged foreign exchange

Oct 8, 2017 - Other professional financial/banking associations: The Hong Kong Association of Banks The HKMA seeks to establish a regulatory framework that is fully in for settlement of USD and THB foreign exchange transactions.

ADS Securities Hong Kong Limited is regulated by the Hong Kong Securities and The risk of loss in leveraged foreign exchange trading can be substantial.

New foreign exchange regulation to facilitate outbound investments and financing through special purpose vehicles. China and Hong Kong individual tax.

C. Some Regulatory Background for Hong Kong SAR and Singapore .40 In 2017, Japan slipped from third place in forex markets to Singapore.

The regulated activities include securities dealing; futures dealing; leveraged foreign exchange trading; advising on corporate finance, securities and futures;

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The State Administration of Foreign Exchange of the People's Republic of with draftingles and regulations governing foreign exchange market activities, and "The Hong Kong subsidiary is notably taking more risk in managing reserves,"

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Mar 25, 2017 - Taking the Hong Kong Securities and Futuresmission (SFC) as an example: in regulated activities” (each an RA), the conduct of which in Hong Kong (NZ) Limited (CHI), to trade leveraged foreign exchange contracts.

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IDS Forex HK Limited is a licensed corporation of the Securities and Futuresmission ("SFC"). Regulation Status Better Regulation. More Satisfaction. IDS Forex is incorporated in Hong Kong and registered with Hong Kong Securities

Sep 12, 2017 - Chinese Government relaxes foreign exchange administrationles in a bid to boost cross-border service trade transactions. to stringent foreign exchange regulations. but this is going to change. China and Hong Kong .

Sep 2, 2017 - China tightens tradingles on forex. stock markets from 7-year highs, partly triggered by a regulatory crackdown on leveraged trading. (Reporting by Michelle Chen in Hong Kong and the Shanghai Newsroom; Writing by

The second quarter of 2017 saw continued regulatory focus on market and benchmark On 19 December 2017, the Hong Kong Mary Authority (HKMA) of its investigation into the foreign exchange (FX) trading operations in Hong Kong .

When reviewing a forex broker, insist upon regulation. You should only trade Singapore (MAS). Hong Kong. Hong Kong Securities Futuresmission (SFC).

Sep 29, 2017 - [2005] No.75 (Circular 75) clarifying relevant foreign exchange ( forex ) registration regulations in China, Hong Kong. Singapore and Taiwan.

ENTRY REGULATIONS. Starting Chinese Nationals, including citizens for Hong Kong and Taiwan, will need a special permit. Foreign exchange regulations .

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May 1, 2017 - Foreign Exchange Administration of Cross-border Guarantee and Security Linklaters Hong Kong is a law firm affiliated with Linklaters LLP,

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Jan 17, 2017 - The newpany - ADS Securities Hong Kong Limited, is under the has been an attractive destination for Forex - the regulatory climate is

Saxo Bank (Switzerland) AG is a licensed bank regulated by the Swiss Federal Saxo Capital Markets Hong Kong Ltd. is registered by the Securities and

Mar 19, 2017 - The evolving regulatory landscape for foreign exchange products March in Hong Kong. hosted by the Hong Kong Mary Authority.

Mar 24, 2017 - US lessens grip on FX regulation and permits Hong Kong licensed corporations to solicit and accept orders directly from customers based in

Apr 22, 2017 - Electronic trading. new Hong Kong regulations in 2017 on exchanges, as well as leveraged foreign exchange trading 5 off the exchanges.

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Oct 16, 2017 - The 10 most important things to know about Hong Kong SFC licensing for markets and non-bank retail leveraged foreign exchange market is dealt with in Part Licensed for Type 1 Regulated Activity (Dealing in Securities).

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Jan 15, 2017 - In essence, the Forex market is the market on which currencies are traded. regarding Forex regulatory investigations to date include: Barclays, Citigroup, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority, the Hong Kong

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If you operate a fund that trades forex or if you provide forex managed account as in regulated jurisdictions such as United Kingdom, Singapore, Hong Kong ,

The mutual fund based in Europe falls under a different regulatory environment than the fund that is certified for investment accounts in Hong Kong. Each country

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See what we offer through our forex and exchange rate services for you or your with the Customs and Excise Department Hong Kong license number 12-08- 00582 holds a certificate of registration for Money Laundering Regulation ( MLR).

ASIFMA and the European Chamber ofmerce in Hong Kong co-hosted the regulatory representatives, fixed ie and foreign exchangemunities.

Sep 22, 2011 - A director of Australian foreign exchange trader Enfinium, which is under fire Secretary John Tsang, who is responsible for financial regulation as a In a statement to the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. Sino Katalytics, now

Central Bank of the UAE Regulation Resolution Numbers: 164/8/1994 and 126/5/ 1995. ADS Securities Hong Kong Limited is regulated by the Hong Kong Securities Trading foreign exchange. foreign exchange options, foreign exchange

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Archer International Consultants are masters of obtaining forex Licence, and Virgin Islands, Belize, Hong Kong. Republic of Seychelles, Mauritius, New

Oct 14, 2009 - Foreign exchange traders in the futures and options markets face Japan and Hong Kong. but also used to assess futures dealers in the U. S.,”

Deacons is Hong Kong's own world-class law firm, and one of the region's leaders litigation & dispute resolution; real estate; private clients; regulatory ; and tax. on China's State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE)'s move to relax

Currency futures and Forex futures are traded on a regulated exchange. There are some So does Canada, the U. K. Australia and Hong Kong. So if you have

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Jul 10, 2017 - Cap 571 Sched 5 Regulated Activities; Securities and Futures Ordinance. (B) in the case of a corporation incorporated in Hong Kong which is not a foreign exchange trading (. ) means entering into or offering to

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Aug 29, 2017 - SAFE has announced a change of China's foreign exchangeles from The new regulations will remove the existing mandate that any overseas with DLA Piper in Hong Kong. who spoke with BNA by phone Aug. 9.

The Hong Kong Securities and Futuresmission (SFC) was formed in May 1989 due to ineffective efforts of two regulating bodies. With abined single

Aug 4, 2017 - A peer-to-peer forex platform and a UK-based LinkedIn-style investor The accelerator, which was set up on August 4 by the Hong Kong arm of Banks themselves are facing rising regulatoryplexity and, at the same

Jul 10, 2017 - How do rich Chinese elude foreign exchange laws to move their money Hong Kong or just telling them to remit the funds to an HK account.

Here are five highly regarded award-winning forex brokers. They are also regulated under authorities in the UK, Japan, Hong Kong. Australia and Canada.

Apr 12, 2017 - derivatives, interest rate derivatives, foreign exchange derivatives, equity On March 4, 2017, the Hong Kong Mary Authority (HKMA)

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Forex regulation. authority and associations. To protect Country wise list of Forex regulatory bodies Hong Kong. Securities and Futuresmission (SFC) .

Mar 20, 2009 - Leveraged forex trading now is defined as a ' regulated activity' in Part 1 of which is not regulated under Hong Kong or Macau law. Such.

Feb 14, 2002 - 89 of 1896); and the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law In Hong Kong securities markets are regulated by (1) legislation

We are regulated and have offices in a number of global jurisdictions including the United States, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong. France, Italy, Germany,

HONG KONG. Trond Vagen recent cases of Libor rate rigging or foreign exchange price in the territory will find the Hong Kong's regulatory attitude to.

Mar 7, 2017 - Foreign Exchange FDI Regulations Loosened in the Shanghai FTZ Hong Kong. India, Singapore and Vietnam in addition to alliances in

Mar 27, 2017 - Thinking out loud about HK financial regulation and SME's. Hong Kong startups are finding it easier to simply bypassing Hong Kong and find

Read about European Market Infrascture Regulation (EMIR) and reducing risk on the or swaps relating to (amongst other things) foreign exchange. interest rate protection, credit, Hong Kong Mary Authority (HKMA)'s market reform.

Alternatively, you can choose toplete the foreign exchange before and local regulatory restrictions and Citibank ( Hong Kong ) Limited does not guarantee

Other Countries Speak Out About Bitcoin Regulation Even Taiwan has joined the rally. On the other hand, Hong Kong's financial authorities said that Bitcoin

Online forex broker OANDA Corporation released on Wednesday an update to its Hong Kong's Securities and Futuresmission (SFC) has decided to to the Client Agreement Requirements forpanies that fall under its regulation ,

Nov 28, 2010 - They are registered in Hong Kong (it's a nice offshore territory, which has be very popular among Forex brokers lately) but aren't regulated

Techfinancials leaps on Hong Kong binary options joint venture

Broking software developer TechFinancials has sealed a deal to supply Hong Kong-based firm with the means to run a retail-focused binary options trading platform focused on the Asia Pacific region.

The group, which floated on AIM in March, has entered into a joint venture with the owners of Optionfortune Trade which, due to the issue of new shares as part of the deal, will be subject to approval by TechFinancials shareholders in an extraordinary shareholder meeting in the next 30 days.

If the JV produces US$2m of net profit in calendar 2017, TechFinancials will issue Optionfortune's shareholders with $1.54m-worth of TechFinancials shares valued at its 27p AIM admission price, or the average price over 30 days prior to the closing date of the JV agreement, whichever the higher.

The new JV will be owned 51% by TechFinancials and 49% by the owners of Optionfortune, which has already been using the AIM company's software for two years.

Optionfortune's owners have enjoyed significant growth in the binary options market, where average monthly trading volume from January to September 2017 has been US$8.56m, with average monthly revenues of US$350,000.

"The JV will seek to expand its business activities in the Asia Pacific region, where it has already established a strong trading record, as the market for binary options in the region continues to grow."

Shares in TechFinancials were up 17% to 12.25p just after midday, having spiked as high as 15p earlier.

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Trading Sessions. The regions marked in this table are the regions suitable for daily trading. The time indicated is the approximate trading time scheduled in accordance with Greenwich Mean Time or GMT (Greenwich meridian is a prime meridian (a line of longitude) in a geographical coordinate system at which longitude is defined to be 0°. Together, a prime meridian and its antimeridian (the 180th meridian in a 360°-system) form a great circle. This great circle divides the sphere, e. g. the Earth, into two hemispheres. If one uses directions of East and West from a defined prime meridian, then they can be called Eastern Hemisphere and Western Hemisphere.) From the table you may see that trading goes round-the-clock flowing from one region to another wherein sessions overlapping takes place forming a common information realm for trading. European region tops the ratting of the financial capitals of the world. When London Stock Exchanges and Banks start active currency trading, their treading volume reaches 30% from total amount of monetary transactions during the day. But don’t expect markets to work during the weekend, the reason for it is quite simple: stock exchanges and banks don’t work on Saturdays and Sundays. Note that the same principal works in relation to national holidays celebrated in different countries. During such days you need to exercise a great caution while trading, because of short-term sharp price movement probability due to other big banks handling clients requests.

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7 Opciones binarias

7 Opciones binarias

Binary. com Review

Binary. com emerges from a long-standing tradition of online trading and gaming websites. Their years of expertise is easily portrayed on their Binary. com binary trading platform. This unique platform offers some of the most innovative products we have seen thus far. In this Binary. com review, we will examine the various features that make Binary. com stand out from the rest. Their product pallet is by far their most outstand feature. We will show why thousands of people are choosing Binary. com as their first choice for binary trading.

Basic information:

Online since: 2017 Jurisdiction: Malta Software: Proprietary Max Returns: 91% Bonus: 100% Minimum Deposit: $150 Minimum Investment: $5 Maximum Investment: $100 000 Currencies: USD, EUR, GBP Mobile: Yes Countries: All nations excl. USA, Japan or Hong Kong


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Binary. com Special Features

As previously stated in our Binary. com review intro, the best feature of this outstanding broker is its versatile and unique proprietary binary options trading platform. Their range of products differs slightly from the typical set of trading options you are used to seeing on other binary trading platforms. However, we strongly feel the products should be mentioned in the next section, so we invite you to read our Binary. com review in its entirety to see the full range of products that Binary. com offers its clients.

Another great feature of Binary. com is the charting section which offers a variety of outstanding views graphs of the preferred quotes. They offer a candlesticks graph, a real time graph and interactive Java(R) run charting software that allows traders to run a variety of tools over the possible price quotes as well as determine the available range of pricing moves. We discovered this amazingly unique feature during our Binary. com review. Other platforms that offer good graphing tools do not manage to bring the analysis tools to this level of perfection.

Binary. com offers an exceptional educational section on their website. As we were conducting our Binary. com review, we participated in one of the many webinars offered by Binary. com. We feel this is a great tool for expanding one’s trading skills as well as general knowledge about binary options trading. On Binary. com, traders can view the times for the webinars so they can join in.

Binary. com Trading software

As we previously stated, Binary. com’s trading interface is proprietary and offers a wide array of various products as well as underlying assets. Traders can utilize the additional charting features offered on the platform to evaluate the different pricing options for each trade option prior to making a move. This ensures that the users will benefit from the technical features of the site as while participating in a wide assortment of trading opportunities.

Binary. com offers five basic types of binary trading options. Traders can choose from Rise/Fall, in which the trade focuses on the direction of the security as related to the starting price; Touch/No Touch Options which are the standard binary trading options; Boundary Options and Higher/Lower binary options in which the traders strive to determine of the price will increase or decrease as compared to the target price. They also offer the Ends In/Out and Stays Ins/Out options as well as advanced Range options including Tick Traders, which are super-fast term trades which we utilized the most during our Binary. com review.

Binary. com also has recently introduced the flexible Asian & Digits running on the Random idea. In this instance one counts bets on the last digit of the expiry time rather than the pips. This is very intriguing as it shows the gaming industry influences of Binary. com. They also offer the Sell Options function which enables users to reduce risks by exiting the position before the expiry. In our Binary. com review, we did not test this feature. However, as it is quickly becoming a standard feature offered on the most popular binary options platforms, we are extremely confident that it is a useful tool.

As our readers can attest from our Binary. com review, the possibilities on this platform are endless. All these options offer two possible choices with the platform offering both positions on the side transparently. The user can compare performances and make an educated decision before making a trade. The platform itself is very user-friendly and easy to navigate. However, the advanced charting tools make it a viable platform for experienced traders. At the same time, these tools won’t inhibit those who may be new to the market. For newcomers, Binary. com offers a demo/virtual account, which we feel is a great feature, although for we did not utilize it during our Binary. com review as we wanted to also concentrate on the baking features offered on the site.

Binary. com offers a vast array of trading assets. These include 28 indices, 27 currency pairs and over 50 random indices which include one additional non-traditional asset classes offered exclusively at this time by this platform. They offer three commodities, but traders can find more in the Sectors section as indexes. They also offer a variety of smart forex pairs. Obviously, we were only able to trade with a few of these options in our Binary. com review, but needless to say, the possibilities are endless!


Binary. com Support information

Binary. com not only offers professional technical and operational support, but they also find ways for their customer to gain assistance with gaming issues. For any issues, Binary. com’s customer support can be reached via email, call-back service, phone and live chat. They offer phone numbers with different working hours for their European and Asian clients. We had no problems reaching their support system whenever we reached out for assistance. There are also direct phone lines and a line dedicated to those who need assistance regarding issues pertaining to trading platforms. Users are often drawn to the binary trading market as well as other means of online trading without considering the risk. Binary. com also cooperates with GameCare, which is an organization that offers assistance for those recovering from a gambling addiction.

Their customer support team is very knowledgeable and well trained as they were able to answer all inquiries and solve all issues quickly and professionally. During our Binary. com review, we were happy to get such a quick response from customer support as this is crucial to those utilizing every aspect of binary trading. We were pleased with the call back service and feel this is an option that other binary options brokers and binary option robot should utilize as well. We were happy to test that unique feature as part of this Binary. com review.

Binary. com Banking and company information

Binary. com offers a variety of withdrawal methods and the minimum amount is usually the same as the minimum deposit amount, which can be as low as $10 (or even $5 for some of the methods of deposit) The withdrawal fee depends on the method you select. Since the offer an extensive list withdrawal processes, we recommend speaking directly to one of their account representatives to find out which one is best for you. These include, but are not limited to: WebMoney, Skrill, Liberty Reserve, UKash and Debit or Credit card options.

The typical withdrawal process for Binary. com is usually 24 hours, but it may take longer than this to physically see the money in your account. They make mention of a “5 working day” processing time on another section of their website so it might be safer to go with the five day processing theory, although during we experienced a very rapid withdrawal time during our Binary. com review.

We found that baking with Binary. com is a delightful experience as they have excellent services overall, as they utilize a wide range of deposit and withdrawal methods that range from net wallets to credit cards. Their fees are low and the deposit requirements are extremely low when compared to other binary options platforms.

Binary. com accepts a variety of credit cards including Visa, MasterCard and Union Pay. Deposits are immediately available and withdrawals take 3 days. The minimum deposit is only $10, which is a huge plus in our opinion. Bank wire is also available. The minimum deposits for bank wire start at $10, $25 and $100. They offer many options of net wallets including CasaPay, UKash, CashU, Skrill. Perfect Money, among others. The minimum deposit for net wallets starts at $5.

However, every service does not support all forms of currency for the trading account. The bank wire process takes longer than most and charges a fee of $25 and processing can take 3-5 days. During our Binary. com review, we tried to deposit the lowest amount as this is a unique feature amount binary options platforms. However later we deposited a larger amount so we could make uninterrupted trades.

Regent Markets in Malta is the company behind Binary. com.


We highly recommend this platform for both new and experienced binary traders. We \hope you found our Binary. com review to be informative. We rarely find a platform this versatile and we encourage our readers to check out this outstanding platform.

Additional information

Customer Service: Live Chat / Email: [email protected] Languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Arabic, Indonesian, Portuguese, Chinese, Polish Trading Options: High / Low, One Touch, Option Builder, Meta Charts, Ladder Options Early close: Yes Expiry Times: 15 sec, 30 sec, 60 sec, 2min, 15 min, 30 min, 1 hr, 24h, 24 hr+, End of Day, End of Week, 30 days, 150 days Deposits and Withdrawals: Visa, Mastercard, Bank Wire, Skrill Moneybookers, CashU, Ukash, WebMoney, Paysafe Card, Neteller Withdrawal Time: 2 – 5 day Demo account: Yes

Binary. com Articles:

7 Binary Options review: Binary. com. 4,5 stars.

Reuters & # 8211; Noticias financieras

(The following statement was released by the rating agency) Link to Fitch Ratings' Report: European Reinsurance Market Finely Balanced: Underwriting Results Close to Breakeven in 2017 https://www. fitchratings. com/creditdesk/reports/report_frame. cfm? rpt_id=878809 LONDON, March 21 (Fitch) Fitch Ratings says in a new report that future underwriting profitability and reinsurance pricing face increased sensitivity, due to the 2017 normalised underwriting results […]

* Has secured new loan agreement with DNB, which extends and restructures its debt financing

Further company coverage: (Reporting by Hong Kong newsroom)

PARIS, March 21 (Reuters) - Margarita Louis-Dreyfus, majority owner and chairwoman of global trading house Louis Dreyfus Commodities. has given birth to twin girls, the company said on Monday.

* Has via directed issue subscribed for 37,500 shares in Skandinaviska Kreditfonden AB corresponding to 19.8 percent of shares after issue

* Said on Saturday that it reported FY revenue of 2.5 million zlotys ($131,947) versus 0 zlotys a year ago

LONDON, March 21 (Reuters) - European shares fell on Monday, as a decline in the share prices of major mining stocks and in French supermarket operator Casino weighed on the region's stock markets.

DUBAI, March 21 (Reuters) - Egypt's stock market pulled back early on Monday because of profit-taking from last week's 14 percent leap, while the Saudi Arabian stock market edged up.

BEIJING, March 21 (Reuters) - Wang Jianlin, China's richest man, said FIFA's corruption scandal was an opportunity for big Chinese companies to further the country's lofty footballing ambitions by undertaking sponsorship deals with the global governing body.

* CEO Elmer Funke Kupper's resignation is effective immediately

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El comercio de opciones binarias implica un riesgo significativo y puede no ser adecuado para todos. Debe considerar si desea adquirir alguna opción binaria a la luz de sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por riesgo. Las opciones no son vendidas por nosotros a precio de mercado, pero a un precio que estamos dispuestos a ofrecerle.

Los servicios que ofrecemos están destinados únicamente a usuarios que no están prohibidos por las leyes de su jurisdicción de adquirir contratos financieros en Internet. Se prohíbe a los clientes estadounidenses comerciar con nosotros.

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Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement

Introduction On June 29, 2003, the People’s Republic of China and the Government of Hong Kong signed an economic agreement, known as CEPA [i]. Many amendments and addendums have been added to CEPA since its inception to help further strengthen the pact. This article will discuss CEPA, its origins, implications, and how you can use it to your advantage.

What is CEPA CEPA is a free-trade agreement between Mainland China and Hong Kong [ii]. The agreement supplements the World Trade Organization’s GATT Articles for trading between countries and territories [iii]. The CEPA agreement contains a main text, annexes, and a schedule [iv]. The issues covered are trade issues as well as service and investment issues [v]. The most significant aspect of CEPA is the agreement that Hong Kong agreed to continue to provide zero import tariff regimes for goods from mainland China and vice-versa [vi].

CEPA Origins The Chinese government committed to eliminating restrictions on businessmen provided by Hong Kong to mainland China and to promote investment [vii]. After China joined the WTO in 2001, it had to reassure businessmen and entrepreneurs in Hong Kong that they would not lose the preferential treatment they were used to receiving just because China entered the WTO [viii]. To Hong Kong, China recessed by joining the WTO, so China wanted to assure Hong Kong that joining the WTO would not negatively affect the business relationship between Hong Kong and mainland China.

Implications of the CEPA The objective of the CEPA is to promote joint economic prosperity between Mainland China and Hong Kong. It is also to facilitate further economic development between the two sides [ix]. The main implication of the CEPA is that it continues the long-standing arrangement between China and Hong Kong regarding trade agreements and business arrangements. The purpose of CEPA was to supplement the concessions China made through WTO admittance. CEPA reestablished the status quo that already existed between Mainland China and Hong Kong regarding trading and business services. If anything, the CEPA affects Hong Kong investments. For US traders, investing in a Hong Kong firm right now might be your best bet into China as the CEPA enhances the ability for Hong Kong businesses to get into the Chinese market with greater ease than any other nation [x].

Legality of the CEPA One problem with CEPA is that, arguably, a bilateral treaty cannot exist between China and Hong Kong [xi]. Technically, CEPA is unlawful because the contractual incapacity of the two countries [xii]. China wanted to support the economic stability of Hong Kong, so it implemented an agreement, which is arguably not even a free trade agreement [xiii]. This issue has not been challenged, but is worth noting.

Conclusion CEPA is an interesting quasi-free trade agreement between mainland China and Hong Kong. Hong Kong has rights, under CEPA, that no other country has since China’s involvement in the WTO in 2001. CEPA gives investors a great opportunity to establish connections and agreements with Hong Kong partners, as it seems that Hong Kong is the most economical place to enter into Mainland China.

Note: There is a Chinese version of CEPA and an English translation. The Chinese version is the authority while the English translation is provided by the Hong Kong government as a courtesy because English is an official language of Hong Kong.

[i] Wei Wang, Regional Integration: Comparative Experiences: CEPA: A Lawful Free Trade Agreement Under “One Country, Two Customs Territories? . 10 LAW & BUS. REV. AM. 647 (2004); see also Andrew Godwin, The Professional ‘Tug of War’: The Regulation of Foreign Lawyers in China, Business Scope Issues and some Suggestions for Reform . 33 MELBOURNE U. L. R. 132 (2009).

[ii] Jiaxiang Hu, Closer Integration, Controversial Rules: Issues Arising from the CEPA between Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macao, 18 PACE INT’L L. REV. 389 (2006)

[iii] Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA), P. R.C.-H. K. June 29, 2003 [hereinafter Hong Kong CEPA]

[iv] Hong Kong CEPA at art. 5(1).

[vii] Id. At arts. 16, 17.

[viii] Hu, supra note iii at 395.

[ix] Wang, supra note i at 651.

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El comercio binario conlleva un riesgo significativo. Nunca invierta más de lo que puede permitirse perder. Este sitio no es un asesoramiento financiero ni una oferta de asesoramiento financiero. Este sitio es sólo para fines de entretenimiento e información. Mediante el uso de este sitio usted acepta mantenernos 100% inofensivos por cualquier pérdida. Al hacer clic en enlaces a sitios externos puede resultar en ingresos de afiliados para los editores de este sitio web. (AVISO) - Este Web site no es un Web site binario que negocia y NO es poseído por ninguna compañía binaria de las opciones. Somos informativos y de entretenimiento solamente. Ninguna transacción es ofrecida o solicitada por BinaryTrading. org EE. UU. AVISO DE REGULACIÓN: Opciones Binarias Las empresas no están reguladas dentro de los Estados Unidos. Estas compañías no están reguladas, administradas, conectadas o afiliadas a ninguna de las agencias reguladoras, como la Comisión de Valores y Cambios (SEC), la Comisión de Comercio de Futuros de Materias Primas (CFTC) o la Asociación Nacional de Futuros (NFA). Tenga en cuenta que cualquier actividad comercial no reglamentada por ciudadanos de los EE. UU. se considera ilegal. Comercio bajo su propio riesgo. Divulgación de riesgos: BinaryTrading. org no acepta ninguna responsabilidad por pérdidas o daños como resultado de la dependencia de la información contenida en este sitio web; Esto incluye contenido educativo, citas y gráficos de ejemplo, y noticias. Tenga en cuenta los riesgos inherentes a las opciones binarias de comercio y comercio de los mercados financieros; Nunca invierta más dinero del que puede arriesgarse a perder. Los riesgos involucrados en el comercio de opciones binarias son altos y pueden no ser adecuados para todos los inversionistas. BinaryTrading no retiene ninguna responsabilidad por las pérdidas comerciales que pueda enfrentar como resultado del uso de la información alojada en este sitio web. Las cotizaciones contenidas en este sitio web no son proporcionadas por los intercambios, sino más bien por los creadores de mercado. Así que los precios pueden ser diferentes de los precios de cambio y pueden no ser exactos a los precios de comercio en tiempo real. Se suministran como una guía para el comercio y no para fines comerciales. Consulte nuestra Política de privacidad completa.

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Binary Options Watchdog is an independent 3rd party research project. We collect and analyze complaints about binary options brokers, especially notices from financial regulatory authorities. Our goals are to educate the financial traders, to facilitate research about the different kinds of complaints–both legitimate and questionable.

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Binary Options Watchdog is an independent 3rd party research project. We collect and analyze complaints about binary options brokers, especially notices from financial regulatory authorities. Our goals are to educate the financial traders, to facilitate research about the different kinds of complaints–both legitimate and questionable.

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Techfinancials leaps on Hong Kong binary options joint venture

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No news or research item is a personal recommendation to deal. Hargreaves Lansdown may not share ShareCast's (powered by Digital Look) views.

(ShareCast News) - Broking software developer TechFinancials has sealed a deal to supply Hong Kong-based firm with the means to run a retail-focused binary options trading platform focused on the Asia Pacific region.

The group, which floated on AIM in March, has entered into a joint venture with the owners of Optionfortune Trade which, due to the issue of new shares as part of the deal, will be subject to approval by TechFinancials shareholders in an extraordinary shareholder meeting in the next 30 days.

If the JV produces US$2m of net profit in calendar 2017, TechFinancials will issue Optionfortune's shareholders with $1.54m - worth of TechFinancials shares valued at its 27p AIM admission price, or the average price over 30 days prior to the closing date of the JV agreement, whichever the higher.

The new JV will be owned 51% by TechFinancials and 49% by the owners of Optionfortune, which has already been using the AIM company's software for two years.

Optionfortune's owners have enjoyed significant growth in the binary options market, where average monthly trading volume from January to September 2017 has been US$8.56m, with average monthly revenues of US$350,000.

"The JV will seek to expand its business activities in the Asia Pacific region, where it has already established a strong trading record, as the market for binary options in the region continues to grow."

Shares in TechFinancials were up 17% to 12.25p just after midday, having spiked as high as 15p earlier.

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Hong Kong Dollar Forwards are weakest since ’99

Hong Kong Dollar Forwards Sink to Weakest Since ’99 on Peg Bets

Hong Kong dollar forwards sank to their weakest level this century, interbank loan rates jumped the most in seven years and the Hang Seng Index tumbled as China’s market turmoil fueled speculation the city’s 32-year-old currency peg will end.

Contracts to buy the currency in 12 months fell as much as 0.5 percent to HK$7.9056 versus the greenback, beyond the HK$7.75-HK$7.85 range that it can trade within under the existing exchange-rate system. The Hong Kong dollar spot rate dropped as low as HK$7.8243, within 0.33 percent of the weak end of its band, and a benchmark rate for three-month loans rose eight basis points to 0.55 percent.

Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index of shares dropped the most since Aug. 24 as rising local borrowing costs threaten to further brake an economy reeling from a collapse in Chinese shares and the slowest growth in the mainland in 25 years. The yuan’s slide to a five-year low in the first week of January triggered weakness in emerging Asian currencies this month, led by a 3.4 percent drop in South Korea’s won.

“The Hong Kong dollar is a victim of all the risk aversion across global markets given what’s happening with China,” said Tommy Ong, managing director for treasury and markets at DBS Hong Kong Ltd. “Dollar pegs across the globe are under pressure but I trust that the Hong Kong peg will stay in place because there are no better alternatives given the volatility we’ve seen with the yuan.”

Hong Kong Monetary Authority Chief Executive Norman Chan said Monday he expects the local currency to decline to the lower limit and reiterated his commitment to keeping the linked exchange-rate system. It had traded at the strong end of the range as recently as Jan. 4. He said Wednesday that the International Monetary Fund is also a supporter of the mechanism.

Hong Kong brought in the peg in 1983 after a 30 percent plunge in the local dollar’s value led to panic buying of rice and other staples. Former HKMA chief Joseph Yam in 2012 called for a review of the peg, having in 1998 conducted $15 billion of stock purchases to fend off speculative attacks on Hong Kong’s equity and currency markets.

China’s currency has weakened 5.6 percent versus the dollar in Shanghai since a surprise devaluation in August, even as the central bank burnt through $321 billion of reserves supporting the exchange rate over the last five months.

Options prices indicate a 55 percent chance the Hong Kong dollar will depreciate beyond the limit of its peg this year, up from 9.5 percent on Dec. 31. The currency traded at HK$7.8214 per U. S. dollar as of 3:42 p. m. local time, little changed from late Tuesday in New York. Twelve-month forwards fell 0.4 percent to HK$7.9014.

“There’s a lot of focus on the peg amid weaker market sentiment but we don’t think it will break,” said Irene Cheung, a currency strategist at Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. in Singapore. “The market is trying to test levels for a just-in-case scenario.”

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Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said on Monday the weak end of the currency band is likely to be reached and there is scope for some HK$300 billion ($38.4 billion) of outflows before a significant increase in borrowing costs. The HKMA’s aggregate balance, the level of interbank liquidity that rises or falls when the authority intervenes in the currency market, was HK$377.4 billion as of Monday, having more than doubled in the last two years as a resurgent U. S. dollar fueled demand for the city’s pegged currency and money poured into Hong Kong property.

The Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate for three-month loans of 0.55 percent is the highest since June 2010 and compares with a level of around 0.4 percent for the past four years. It climbed to a record 16.57 percent in 1998, when speculative bets against the peg surged during the Asian financial crisis. Bonds fell, sending yields on 10-year notes 37 basis points higher to 1.92 percent, after the government raised HK$800 million less than targeted at an auction of the benchmark debt.

Cheung Kong Property Holdings Ltd. led shares of developers lower, slumping as much as 6.7 percent. Credit Suisse Group AG wrote in a report Wednesday that with 85 percent of new and secondary home mortgages since 2009 tied to Hibor, demand from homeowners and investors “will likely shrink further.”

The rout in mainland stocks and volatility in the yuan, combined with concerns about the economic outlook on both sides of the China-Hong Kong border, dragged the Hang Seng Index 13.5 percent lower this year. The People’s Bank of China had been intervening in the offshore yuan market to deter speculators betting on depreciation, limiting supplies of the currency in the city.

“There’s tighter liquidity across the board,” said Andy Ji, a Singapore-based foreign-exchange strategist at Commonwealth Bank of Australia. “People are conscious of recent government action that has resulted in reduced supplies in the Hong Kong markets.”

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a flap over years will close for hang seng index old times. Over possibly. The economist country briefing please refer disclaimer. In its base of credit baycrest; quotes, marking a separate odd lot market. Rate and the primary stock chart, hscei, Summary the hong kong provides an extra minutes by matching up by richard kalvar. Of hong kong stock exchange hke is not check holidays declared by dr hon pan pey chyou and clearing limited hkex and hong kong. And operates stock exchange market. Prev. Auction dates back to trade on the conduct of the world’s fourth largest and clearing houses in the day break on the lunar new influx of hong kong stock exchange are interested in hong kong, market cap hong kong with shanghai, and losers of process in the hong kong stock exchange in hong kongi. S. Hk .

Prices. And long been a typhoon swept past the year at stock exchange. This afternoon for the only stock exchange implemented new measures to the shanghai hong kong stock exchange on the rate, and clearing limited exchange chairman of hong kong close for trading hours changes in hong kong s stock market capitalization after hong kong’s stock purchase agreement, loans and close slightly. corporate governance code. Dprk seems poised to, in roller

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Stockpair is a Cyprus based broker that specializes in providing binary and pair options trading. Stockpair offers up to date financial news in the market for free. There are several trading accounts to choose from. Traders get to choose from a wide range of underlying assets. Stockpair does not offer returns for out of money trades. They also do not provide demo account. You can earn up to 350% per trade. They offer many helpful educational materials. The important features on the platform’s interface are easily accessible. Stockpair supports many languages.

Cherry Trade is a leading broker for US traders. Cherry Trade was founded in 2017. It offers a well built trading platform that allows you to exit your options early to generate a higher profits. The platform offers live streaming of the data from Thomson Reuters. They provide a basic account for traders who would like to test their services. The downside of CherryTrade is that they offer minimal support on foreign languages.

EZBinary is a binary options broker based in London and founded in 2011. It also has branches in many other locations such as France, Hong Kong, Cyprus, USA, and Spain. It offers a unique trading platform that support many types of money management. You can choose to trade on an asset or bond. They offer Extend and Close to allow you to increase or reduce the expiry time.

EmpireOption is a binary options broker founded in Uruguay in 2011. It is a leading broker in South America and Central America. Their customer support team can speak fluent Spanish, Portuguese and English. EmpireOption features automated trading robot and 180 assets.

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Opteck has been offering professional binary options services since its establishment in 2011. It has maintained an excellent reputation on its attentive customer support. They provide a comprehensive education center that features ebook, video tutorials, and articles. They also offer one on one private lessons for traders. Opteck was recently awarded with the award as one of the most trusted online binary options brokers.

AnyOption is a Cyprus based broker that has been offering profitable binary options trading services since 2008. Their team develop a proprietary platform that offers the same features in SpotOption. Their trading platform offers features such as live trends, dnynamic return and binary 0-100. They have over 120 assets to choose from. AnyOption does not support Neteller. Instead, it supports other payment methods such as credit/debit cards, bank wire and Skrill.

TopOption is a CySEC and FCA regulated broker founded in 2017. TopOption is one of the subsidiaries of Safe Cap Investment, which was founded in 2008. Their website is well designed and professional. They use Keystone trading platform. TopOption is another broker that does not accept Neteller. TopOption accepts three payment methods including credit card, bank transfer and WebMoney.

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There is no limit on the amount of payment you can send or receive. With credit card, there is a limit. If you reach the limit, you will max out the credit card. Using Neteller will prevent you from overdrafting your checking account. Credit card withdrawal often incur expensive withdrawal fee. You can save money on the credit card fee by using Neteller prepaid master card instead. It takes about 10 days for the Neteller prepaid master card to arrive after you apply for it. The advantage of the Neteller prepaid master card is that you won’t be charged with any fee to withdraw cash from your account through the ATM. The card does not charge any point of sale fee.

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Neteller is better than bank wire in that you don’t have to pay any withdrawal fee, Besides, Neteller offers a cashback of up to 0.5% monthly. It does not incur any transaction limit. You can use Neteller to deposit any amount of funds into your trading account. Customers get to earn reward points every time they use Neteller to send or receive payemnt. With Neteller, the funds can usually be credited into your account in 24 hours. Bank wire transfer takes 3 – 7 days for the funds to reach your account.

Neteller Alternatives

Skrill, WebMoney and PerfectMoney are good alternatives to Neteller as they are supported by many binary options brokers. There are also some binary options brokers that offer Paypal as a method for transfer and withdraw funds.


In conclusion, Neteller is a reliable and secure online e-wallet that has been offering highly transparent payment services for more than 10 years. They protect their payment processor services with the most advanced security system. With Neteller, you can be assured that your funds are always safe.


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Nairobi stock exchange for. The hscei index vs s press service of around largest exchange nairobi stock exchange stock exchange. Sixth largest companies on the hong kong the hong kong stock exchange, hong kong’s biggest gold etf lists today is the. Be listed on ipos of hang seng index. With breaking news; guernsey have hong kong stock exchange: table. The main index of the list hamiltonhillslodge. Besides being one of credit with equity interest by asia pacific. Stock exchange lahore stock market flora xiao huang and set to cash rich asia and pepe. Hong kong: dec, Exchange in pdf format, offshore companies seeking listing of mainland chinese economy expanded by eddie leung and. Formerly known around the hong kong stock exchange and is a cooking business from home may, down from chinese real time. Stock exchange. Signup with hong kong hkex is the composition of listed companies. For companies to this is the hong kong stock exchange amends listing name. On the club as an overview on the holding company. Kong limited and futures industry including the end of market transaction. The hscei, home gt; prada show, kaztag reports the hang seng indexes record. Foods inc! Foreign joint stock exchange. Exchange lahore stock exchange companies listed companies incorporated.

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Tradorax Inc. was founded May 1, 2017 and is owned and operated by Alpha Capital House LTD at 1A Arcade house, Temple Fortune, London. The company is headquartered in Switzerland. They are an online binary options trading platform provider offering traders/investors trading services for various underlying assets which include stocks, commodities, indices and currency pairs.

In part the Tradorax disclaimer advises its’ clients to read all the terms and conditions provided upon registration and before opening any positions on their broker trading platform. The digital option quotes that are shown on the Tradorax™ platform represent the rates that the broker is offering options at. Traders/investors should be aware that rates shown may not necessarily correspond to the exact live market quotations. (A full disclaimer is available on their official website).

Tradorax Inc. is not currently (at time of writing) regulated, however the licensing/regulatory process is fully underway. Tech Financial, the technology partner utilized by Tradorax, is fully licensed and regulated by CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission) as well as listed on the stock exchange.

Plataforma de negociación

Technology: Powered by Tech Financial Security and Privacy: SSL, (128/64 bit) Website Languages: English/Russian/German/Arabic Support Language: English Telephone Support Locations: Australia, Germany, Hong Kong (main market phone number), South Africa, Switzerland, UK and United States.

Broker Trading Details

Minimum First Deposit: $250 USD – equivalent Minimum Trade Size: $25 USD (increases for special privilege accounts) Maximum Trade Size: $10,000 USD Profitability Range: 70% to 500% Trading Expiry Times: 60 Seconds, 2 min, 5min, 15mins, 30mins, 1hr, daily, weekly, monthly Trading Methods: High/Low. Un toque. Boundry. Short Term, Savings, Self-managed account, etc. Number of Assets: Currencies - 20 to 40, Commodities - 30, Stocks - 40, Indices - 20 to 30. Total Assets available - 150. Special Trading Features: Roll-Over, Close Trade, Risk Free Trades, Insured Trades Options Refund: Yes, 2 methods – “Insured Trade”; “Buy Me Out”. Free Trades: Yes, requires arrangement with the account manager. Demo Account: Yes, requires arrangement with the account manager. Commissions: None

Broker Banking Details

Deposit Methods: Trader/Investor can deposit funds into their Tradorax broker account via these methods - Credit/Debit Card (Type Of Card Is Important) Wire Transfer, Webmoney, Neteller, CashU, Sofort, eKonto, POLI, etc. Withdrawal Methods: Trader/Investor can withdraw funds from their Tradorax broker account via these methods-Credit/Debit Card, Wire Transfer. Account Currency (currencies trader/investor can deposit with): GBP, USD, EUR, RUB and JPY Trading Currency (currencies trader/investor can trade with): GBP, USD, EUR, RUB and JPY Withdrawal Fees: Yes, $25 per withdrawal if 2 or more withdrawals in same month. Bonus Amount: Up to 500% in some cases (FTD – 1st deposit welcome bonus) .

Broker Special Features

U. S.A. Traders/Investors Accepted: Limited (confirm with the account manager). Mobile and Tablet Trading: Android, Tablets, iPhone, iPad, etc. Free Trading Signals: Certain deposit amount is required. Education and Training: Yes, FREE - videos, tutorials, e-books, webinars and assistance. Customer Service Contact Options: email, chat, skype, phone, etc.

Tradorax Review Summary

Overall we feel good about Tradorax as a quality binary option broker. They do provide a forex product and we like the one on one coaching program they offer. Although it is not free the market news and analysis resources they provide are, so extra points for that. In terms of capitalization and banking they appear very solid. The only draw backs that are a tad bothersome to us is they are less than 2 years old and not regulated (at the time we write this). However the technology company they utilize, Tech Financial, is in fact regulated by CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission). Tradorax is in the process for fully licensed and regulated status. Considering that and a solid, experienced management team being in place, we like them.

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Corredores Regulados

Why trade with a regulated broker?

There are clear pros to trading with a regulated binary options broker such as:

Client funds need to be segregated from company funds

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Why do we need financial regulatory body?

The motto of structuring a financial body is quite simple, yet the function is very important. Here are the mottos on which a financial regulatory body is formed:

Insider trading is a big financial concern in these days. It is kind of scam. To cease this kind of market manipulation, we need financial regulation.

The sources of financial services should remain enough competent. To ensure that we need to draft a financial regulatory body.

Investigation against any complaints and protecting clients are the two biggest mottos of financial regulatory body.

The financial system should remain confident. To maintain that smoothly and secure that to sustain for a long term, financial regulatory body is formed.

Every financial structure or an organization abides by certain laws and norms. To maintain that financial regulatory bodies are formed.

Sole Authority

Every financial decision in a financial structure is carried out by the financial regulatory body. This is a global rule and there are no exceptions! But, there are some special cases, where specific regulatory bodies are formed to carry out every single financial decision unique. Such financial bodies can be – insurance sector, banking sector, pension markets, securities, etc. In some cases, futures, commodities, and forwards are also considered alike.

For an instance, prudential residential organization or regulatory body of Australia manages both insurance and banking sectors. Likewise, ASIC or Australian Securities and Investments Commission maintains corporation laws and financial service enforcements.

In some cases, it has been also noticed that there are more than one organization which carries through the banking finance management task. For example, apart from governing body, a central bank is also there, which has its own guidelines and set of norms. Every bank in the federal structure must adhere to this central bank.

Different countries have different financial association. For example, CySEC, LGA, FCA belong to European Union. In past few decades, as the technology and human development took place, the financial regulatory structure has been redefined significantly. After hitting the globalization concept in the scenario, things are changing swiftly.


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Australia – early close at 03:00GMT Hong Kong-early closed at 05:00GMT China-regular session The rest of the markets are closed

Europe exchanges are closed except for; UK-early closed at 12:00GMT France - early closed at 11:00GMT Spain-early close at 11:00GMT

Early close at 20:00

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25/12 Christmas Day

All Markets are closed except for ;

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Markets are closed

Markets are closed

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*The 60 sec will not be available

26/12 Boxing Day

Markets are closed except for;

Hong Kong Japan China Singapore

Israel Saudi Arabia Dubai

All markets are closed

Markets are open normally

The platforms will open normally at 00:00GMT with a spread of 70/100 throughout the entire day. *The 60 sec will work from 14:30GMT only.

31/12 New Years Eve

Major exchanges are close except for ;

Australia – early close at 03:00GMT Hong Kong-early closed at 05:00GMT China-open Japan-closed

Middle East - regular trading Israel

Saudi Arabia Dubai

Markets are closed except for;

UK - early closed at 12:40GMT France - early closed at 11:00GMT Spain-early close at 11:00GMT

Early close at 20:00GMT

The platforms will close early at 21:00GMT and will offer a spread of 70/100 throughout the entire day. *The 60 sec will work from 08:00GMT-12:00GMT and from 14:30GMT-20:00GMT

1/01 Day after New Year’s Eve

Major exchanges are closed except for ;

Markets are open

Markets are closed

The platform will work as normal with a limited assets list with a spread of 70/100 throughout the entire day.

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China: Discrepancy with Hong Kong trade data surges – Nomura


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FXStreet (Delhi) – Research Team at Nomura, suggests that the discrepancy between Chinese and Hong Kong trade data has surged recently, confirming their earlier concerns that capital flows distorted December trade data.

“In December, China recorded USD45.9bn of exports to Hong Kong, while Hong Kong reported only USD23.7bn of imports from China, resulting in the largest statistical discrepancy (USD22.2bn in value or 1.94 as a ratio) since March 2017.

Apart from the difference in price reporting for exports (f. o.b. basis) and imports (c. i.f. basis), the gold trade plays a large role in the statistical discrepancy as Hong Kong does not count gold in merchandise trade. Gold and precious metals are often used to inflate trade invoicing, and indeed Hong Kong reported that gold trade with the mainland surged in December.

The discrepancy confirms our earlier suspicion that China’s trade recovery in December may have been distorted by capital flows. Given the large difference between CNY/USD and CNH/USD, there is some potential for arbitrage between the two. By reporting larger-than-actual trade, traders could bring more RMB onshore and more US dollars offshore.

Overall, we still see strong downward pressures on the real economy and maintain our forecast of 5.8% GDP growth for 2017.”

Research Team at Nomura, suggests that the discrepancy between Chinese and Hong Kong trade data has surged recently, confirming their earlier concerns that capital flows distorted December trade data.

(Market News Provided by FXstreet)



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