Tuesday 31 October 2017

Nvp Forex

Nuveen Virginia Fondo de Ingreso de Prima Municipal Fondo Común de Cotización y Resumen de Datos

Noticias en tiempo real después de las horas previas al mercado

Resumen de cotizaciones de Flash Cotizaciones interactivas Configuración predeterminada

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Valor presente neto

Corrija estos errores:


Recuerde que aunque un proyecto ofrece un VAN positivo, los flujos de efectivo proyectados siguen siendo estimaciones. La exactitud de estas cifras proyectadas depende de la habilidad y experiencia del analista y la probabilidad de que estos flujos de efectivo se materialicen depende del riesgo financiero asociado con el tipo de proyecto que se está llevando a cabo.

Sin embargo, a pesar de que su proyecto de capital proyectado devolvió un VAN negativo, todavía puede valer la pena perseguirlo. La valoración de opciones reales en una decisión de presupuesto de capital podría aumentar el VAN de un proyecto. Por ejemplo, los proyectos de investigación y desarrollo son riesgosos porque no se garantiza el éxito del producto creado; Sin embargo, si tiene éxito, la recompensa potencial podría ser sustancial. Alternativamente, el VNA podría ser negativo también porque la tasa de retorno requerida puede ser poco realista o los flujos de efectivo proyectados pueden ser demasiado conservadores.


El resultado es demasiado pequeño.

Encontrar su asesor perfecto es tan simple como ir de compras para un coche. Siga leyendo para obtener más información.

Probablemente le han dicho que busque la mejor tarifa, pero ¿qué significa exactamente eso? Averigüe cómo asegurarse de que obtiene la mejor tarifa posible en su hipoteca.

Antes de intentar sacar provecho de sus teorías, debe aprender sobre los propios creadores.

Los inversionistas que toman medidas ahora pueden protegerse de los desafíos venideros que empujan a los jubilados.

preguntas frecuentes

Descubra la trayectoria profesional de CIO o CFO a CEO y cómo los roles de liderazgo organizacional tradicionales evolucionan como negocios.

Entienda las diferencias entre un Analista Financiero Colegiado y un Planificador Financiero Certificado. Aprenda cómo se acerca cada uno.

Entender qué tipos de acciones en nombre de un asesor financiero constituyen un impuesto al valor agregado (IVA). Aprenda cómo evitar.

Entender cómo los asesores financieros normalmente ejecutan las operaciones de un inversionista. Conozca los diferentes tipos de mercados e intercambios.

Tengo un poco de hilo en T2W (50.000 + vistas y 2.000 + puestos) y pensé que todos pueden estar interesados ​​en este sencillo sistema gratuito

Voy a cargar los enlaces en los próximos posts

Mientras tanto heres mi filosofía en el G8. Disculpas por la incorrección política a continuación - He tratado de animar lo que es un bonito & # 8220; seco & # 8221; enviar.

Conocer a la familia

Sterling (Red) Volátil poco varmit, principalmente odia & # 82221; (Es decir, correlación negativa) el Yen y USD $ No amigos absolutos (es decir, correlación positiva) con cualquier otra cosa (en mi humilde opinión) quizás es más amigable y funciona con las monedas europeas que cualquier otra cosa & # 8211; Pero mucho más volátil para no ser mordido. No Forex-sabio cualquier relación que tiene es probablemente debido a su correlación negativa con el USD $ y el Yen & # 8211; Por lo que se refieren a continuación a esos comentarios

Euro (Azul) Volatilidad más baja que la mayoría de nuevo, diría, principalmente odia y # 8221; (Es decir, correlación negativa) el yen y USD $. Su mejor amigo (es decir, Correlación positiva) es el Swissie y van más lugares juntos en mi opinión. No Forex-wise cualquier relación que probablemente se relacionan más con su correlación negativa con el USD $ y el Yen & # 8211; Por lo que se refieren a los

Swissfranc (Grey) Todo lo dicho arriba en los comentarios de Euro Swissie (en mi opinión) demuestra los niveles de volatilidad más bajos de todos los principales la mayoría del tiempo útil para negociar contra las monedas de mayor volatilidad

AUS $ (Oro) Gday mate & # 8230; & # 8230 ;. No puede soportar el USD y el Yen, y debería estar de fiesta mucho con sus vecinos (NZ $) pero aparentemente no es suficiente como lo haría de manera confiable en & # 8230 ; Le encanta divertirse duro con altas tasas de interés en oferta en comparación con las otras Majors. No Forex & # 8230; & # 8230; & # 8230;; amores & # 8222; Oro (correlaciones positivas) pero suficiente para negociar con fiabilidad en (?)

NZ $ (Lightblue) Las mismas relaciones que su vecino arriba ... también es aficionado a las altas tasas de interés & # 8230; & # 8230 ;.

YEN (Amarillo) Volátil y principalmente odia & # 8222; Todas las monedas (es decir, correlaciones negativas) excepto el USD $, que generalmente se mueve en la misma dirección (pero US $ es generalmente menos volátil). La gente lo vende en tiempos percibidos de mayor riesgo / oportunidad, ya que tiene las tasas de interés más bajas por ahí. Entonces pueden comprar altos rendimientos (AUS $ y NZ $) No Forex-wise Odian & # 8222; (Correlación negativa) la mayoría de índices bursátiles y materias primas. Los comerciantes venden el Yen (el carry trade) para comprar estos (y viceversa), y lo observan contra los índices bursátiles estadounidenses para las correlaciones más cercanas (negativas)

CAD $ (Brown) Difícil de fijar este abajo - excepto movimientos generalmente negativos a US $ y Yen No Forex-wise & # 8230; & # 8230; & # 8230; Crudeoil (correlación positiva), pero suficiente para comerciar con fiabilidad en (?)

USD $ (Verde) El & # 8220; Papá & # 8221; Si el resto de la familia de forex indisciplinado le gusta o no.

Hates & # 8221; Todas las monedas (es decir, correlaciones negativas) excepto el yen. Que generalmente se mueve en la misma dirección (pero el dólar es generalmente menos volátil). La gente lo vende en tiempos percibidos de mayor riesgo / oportunidad (es la principal moneda de reserva de tenencia para la mayoría de los países) Los comerciantes contrarios lo comprarán como un refugio seguro cuando están descargando todo lo demás y los apetitos de riesgo están cayendo & # 8230; & # 8230 ; Comúnmente el dumping de los altos rendimientos (AUS $ y NZ $)

No es una divisa que odia a & # 8221; (Correlación negativa) la mayoría de índices bursátiles y materias primas. Míralo contra Gold especialmente para algunos grandes juegos de correlación (negativos).

Última edición por NVP; 04-05-2010, 09:48.

Más enlaces abajo. Ahorrarse $ 2.000

Poner los ajustes en 20ma Delta 1

Ejecutar 2 cartas junto a la otra 1min y 5min

Y el comercio de las señales cuando una moneda está por encima (o por debajo) en el mismo lado en cada marco de tiempo

Encontrar una moneda haciendo lo opuesto al comercio que el emparejamiento

Para USD X oficios (que claramente es mejor scalping debido a los spreads) cuando usd es similarmente por encima o por debajo de ambos gráficos que prefiero ver el Yen haciendo lo mismo que USD para confirmación.

Usted también puede cuero cabelludo el U / J utilizando esta metodología, pero ver hilo para más detalles

El comercio de cualquier otro G6 si se encuentra en la posición opuesta a la Yen / USD. Con respecto a la especialización más contacto conmigo en el hilo, ya que tengo muchos indicadores híbridos muchos corriendo y pronto disponible

Respecto a Neil NVP


NASDAQ OMX Nordic es el conglomerado de 4 intercambios nórdicos - Copenhague, Helsinki, Islandia & amp; Estocolmo.

Las acciones que figuran en OMX Nordic son principalmente danesas, suecas, islandesas o finlandesas.

Los intercambios nórdicos pueden remontarse a sus raíces hace casi 400 años con la fundación de la Bolsa de Valores de Copenhague. El antiguo edificio de la bolsa de valores, construido por el rey Christian IV en 1625, todavía se encuentra en el centro de la capital danesa. La leyenda lo tiene el buidling es protegido por su espiral de la cola de dragón, significando que ha escapado fuego y daño incluso mientras que edificios vecinos han sido destruidos.

Horario de operaciones nórdicas de NASDAQ OMX

Las horas de negociación para el NASDAQ OMX Nordic dependen de los mercados que lo componen.

Copenhague - 8am hasta 4pm GMT

Helsinki - 8am hasta 4:30 pm GMT

Islandia - 10:30 am hasta 4:30 pm GMT

Estocolmo - 8 am hasta 4:30 pm GMT

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre el valor presente neto y la tasa interna de rendimiento? ¿Cómo se usan?

Ambas mediciones se usan principalmente en el presupuesto de capital. El proceso por el cual las compañías determinan si una nueva inversión o oportunidad de expansión vale la pena. Dada una oportunidad de inversión, una empresa necesita decidir si emprender la inversión generará ganancias o pérdidas económicas netas para la compañía.

Para ello, la empresa calcula los flujos de efectivo futuros del proyecto y los descuentra en valores de valor presente utilizando una tasa de descuento que representa el costo del capital del proyecto y su riesgo. A continuación, todos los flujos de efectivo positivos futuros de la inversión se reducen a un número de valor actual. Restar este número del desembolso de efectivo inicial requerido para la inversión proporciona el valor actual neto (VAN) de la inversión.

Vamos a ilustrar con un ejemplo: supongamos que JKL Media Company quiere comprar una pequeña editorial. JKL determina que los flujos de efectivo futuros generados por el editor, cuando se descontan a una tasa anual del 12%, arrojan un valor actual de $ 23.5 millones. Si el dueño de la compañía editorial está dispuesto a vender por $ 20 millones, entonces el NPV del proyecto sería $ 3.5 millones ($ 23.5 - $ 20 = $ 3.5). El VAN de $ 3.5 millones de dólares representa el valor intrínseco que se agregará a JKL Media si realiza esta adquisición.

Por lo tanto, el proyecto de JKL Media tiene un NPV positivo, pero desde una perspectiva de negocio, la firma también debe saber qué tasa de rendimiento será generado por esta inversión. Para ello, la empresa simplemente recalcularía la ecuación NPV, esta vez estableciendo el factor NPV a cero y resolviendo la tasa de descuento ahora desconocida. La tasa que produce la solución es la tasa interna de retorno del proyecto (IRR).

Para este ejemplo, la TIR del proyecto podría ser, en función del momento y proporciones de las distribuciones de flujo de efectivo, igual al 17,15%. Por lo tanto, JKL Media, dado sus flujos de efectivo proyectados, tiene un proyecto con una rentabilidad del 17,15%. Si hubiera un proyecto que JKL podría emprender con una TIR más alta, probablemente seguiría el proyecto de mayor rendimiento en su lugar. Por lo tanto, puede ver que la utilidad de la medición de la TIR radica en su capacidad para representar el retorno de cualquier oportunidad de inversión y compararla con otras posibles inversiones.

Para obtener más información, lea Hacer el inventario de los flujos de efectivo descontados. Cualquier cosa pero ordinaria: calcular el valor presente y futuro de las anualidades y los inversores necesitan un buen WACC.

Aprenda sobre la regla del presupuesto 50/30/20 de Elizabeth Warren, un plan simple y eficaz para la administración del dinero personal y la riqueza. Leer respuesta >>

La fórmula para calcular el capital de trabajo es sencilla, pero proporciona una gran visión de la salud a corto plazo de un. Leer respuesta >>

Aprenda por qué los cambios en el capital de trabajo neto (VPN) deben incluirse en los cálculos del valor actual neto para analizar los proyectos. Leer respuesta >>

Comprender las diferencias entre capital de trabajo y capital fijo, incluyendo definiciones y ejemplos de cómo las empresas. Leer respuesta >>

Aprenda sobre los tres factores principales que determinan cuánto capital de trabajo es necesario para una pequeña empresa, incluyendo negocios. Leer respuesta >>

Aprenda sobre el capital de trabajo neto y qué una figura alta indica sobre las perspectivas financieras de una compañía, incluyendo la importancia. Leer respuesta >>

NeuroVive Pharmaceutical (NVP) Cotización en tiempo real

Noticias en tiempo real después de las horas previas al mercado

Resumen de cotizaciones de Flash Cotizaciones interactivas Configuración predeterminada

Tenga en cuenta que una vez que haga su selección, se aplicará a todas las futuras visitas a NASDAQ. com. Si, en cualquier momento, está interesado en volver a nuestra configuración predeterminada, seleccione Ajuste predeterminado anterior.

Si tiene alguna pregunta o tiene problemas para cambiar la configuración predeterminada, envíe un correo electrónico a isfeedback@nasdaq. com.

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Deshabilite su bloqueador de anuncios (o actualice sus configuraciones para asegurarse de que se habilitan javascript y cookies), de manera que podamos seguir proporcionándole las noticias y los datos de primera clase del mercado que espera de nosotros.

Búsqueda de símbolos

Copyright y copia; 2017 MarketWatch, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. Al usar este sitio, usted acepta los Términos de Servicio. Política de privacidad y política de cookies.

Intraday Datos proporcionados por SIX Financial Information y sujeta a condiciones de uso. Datos históricos y actuales al final del día proporcionados por SIX Financial Information. Datos intradía retrasados ​​por necesidades de intercambio. Índices de S & P / Dow Jones (SM) de Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Todas las cotizaciones están en tiempo de intercambio local. Datos de última venta en tiempo real proporcionados por NASDAQ. Más información sobre los símbolos negociados de NASDAQ y su estado financiero actual. Los datos intradía retrasaron 15 minutos para el Nasdaq, y 20 minutos para otros intercambios. Los índices S & P / Dow Jones (SM) de Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Los datos intradiarios de SEHK son proporcionados por SIX Financial Information y tienen al menos 60 minutos de retraso. Todas las cotizaciones son en tiempo de intercambio local.

Las mejores historias de MarketWatch

Archivo de la categoría: Owen Li

CNBC tiene la historia de Owen Li, el fundador de Canarsie Capital en Nueva York. El martes, dijo que el fondo de cobertura había perdido casi 200.000 dólares de la capital de la firma - desde los aproximadamente 100 millones de dólares que tenía a fines de marzo.

Una pérdida de 99.8% en 9 meses.

Asumo la responsabilidad por este terrible resultado, & # 8221; Li escribió en una carta a los inversores, que fue obtenido por CNBC. com.

Mi única esperanza es que usted entienda que actué en un intento - aunque equivocado - de generar retornos más altos para el fondo y sus inversionistas. Pero aun así, actué excesivamente, causándole pérdidas devastadoras para las que no hay excusa, & # 8217; Añadió.

Li es un antiguo comerciante del Grupo Galleon de Raj Rajaratnam, que se desplomó en medio de los cargos de información privilegiada.

Parece que no podría hacerlo tan bien sin la información interior de Raj. Si usted consigue la ocasión en el reloj del fin de semana el informe de primera línea en la información privilegiada en Galleon. It & # 8217; s en Netflix.

Mientras tanto, no fue un gran año para los titanes del fondo de cobertura, a pesar del aumento del 10% en el S & amp; P 500. David Tepper, que fue el administrador de fondos mejor pagado en el mundo en 2017, ganando una friolera de $ 3.5 Mil millones. Reveló que su fondo sólo subió un 2,2% en 2017.

Valor Actual Neto - VAN

¿Qué es el valor actual neto?

La técnica de valoración, conocida como valor presente neto o VAN. Permite a una empresa proyectar la rentabilidad potencial de los proyectos descontando las expectativas de flujo de efectivo futuro y comparando la suma de estos flujos de efectivo con el gasto de capital inicial requerido para financiar el proyecto.

Los flujos de efectivo futuros deben ser descontados para realizar una comparación entre manzanas y manzanas. Por ejemplo, $ 100 hoy no es lo mismo que $ 100 en 3 años. $ 100 hoy tendrán la oportunidad de ganar interés compuesto sin riesgo durante 3 años y por lo tanto tendrán un valor que es más alto que $ 100 al final de 3 años. Es por ello que debemos descontar o eliminar el componente de intereses del flujo de caja futuro, lo que nos permite poner la inversión de capital inicial y los flujos de efectivo futuros en condiciones de igualdad.

Fórmula NPV

A continuación, verá la fórmula para calcular el valor presente neto. Básicamente, estamos descontando cada flujo de caja futuro por un factor de descuento para llegar al valor actual de cada flujo de efectivo. La fórmula resume cada uno de estos valores y resta la inversión inicial en el proyecto. Un VAN mayor que 0 indica que el proyecto agregará valor a la empresa, mientras que un VAN de menos de 0 indica que la empresa se verá afectada negativamente por el proyecto; Sin embargo, puede ser necesario continuar con el proyecto con el propósito de controlar los daños o de prevenir más pérdidas.

Hay una zona gris donde el NPV está cerca de 0 o 0. En este caso, la administración tendrá que decidir si hay beneficios intangibles como el aumento de la conciencia de la marca o el liderazgo en la comercialización de un producto que influirá positivamente en la empresa la carretera.

Desventajas del valor actual neto

La fórmula que se muestra arriba parece bastante directa, y lo es. No explica muchos de los riesgos del mundo real implicados con emprender un nuevo proyecto. El riesgo de gestión, los flujos de efectivo desiguales, los impuestos y otras opciones de inversión crean incertidumbre que este cálculo no tiene en cuenta. Por ejemplo, una empresa puede encontrarse en una posición de generar flujos de efectivo desiguales debido a los costos diferentes en las diferentes etapas de un proyecto.

Si bien no debe descartarse en todos los casos, el aumento de la tasa de descuento para compensar el riesgo adicional puede plantear problemas si un proyecto tiene flujos de efectivo negativos en algún momento. Una tasa de descuento más alta disminuirá el verdadero impacto de la pérdida. Un impacto secundario del aumento de la tasa de descuento para tener en cuenta el riesgo radica en la composición de esta prima de riesgo en el tiempo. Comenzará a aumentar exponencialmente la tarifa de descuento y drásticamente reduce el VAN que puede no ser muy exacto.

NVP Exhibits amplía su gama de espacios para exposiciones adaptables para suelos comerciales

NVP Exhibits ha creado una gama de alta flexibilidad, altamente escalable exhibición de exposición de suelo exposición comercial que puede ayudar a las empresas a hacer el mayor impacto en las ferias.

San Francisco, CA. Estados Unidos de América - - 8 de abril de 2017 / MarketersMedia / - Las ferias comerciales son una forma increíble para los fabricantes y los vendedores de negocios a distinguirse, hacer conexiones y mostrar nuevos productos asombrosos. Casi toda la tecnología se estrena en las ferias comerciales y, como tal, la competencia es en todos los tiempos altos para destacar y hacer un impacto. En Australia, NVP Exhibits ofrece una alternativa al stand de exposición alquilado, ofreciendo a las empresas expositores flexibles y escalables que se destacan de la multitud y funcionan como ningún otro.

Los stands incluyen tres por tres metros y tres por seis metros áreas y puede incluir torres, accesorios y más para adaptarse a cualquier tamaño de área de exposición empresas han reservado para sus ferias. Éstos usan el sistema de la pared, una cabina híbrida o los espacios flexibles que pueden crear una sala de estar o una recepción virtual dependiendo de cuál servirá mejor cómo los delegados interactúan con el producto.

La compañía también se destaca en la fabricación de soportes personalizados portátiles para empresas especializadas que tienen una visión clara de cómo quieren presentar su producto, y se especializan en hacer esas visiones ambiciosas una realidad funcional. Su sitio web no tiene escasez de grandes ejemplos para obtener los jugos creativos que fluye.

Un portavoz de NVP Exhibits explicó: "Muchas empresas asisten a un gran número de ferias en Australia cada año y, sin embargo, alquilan stands de exposición cada vez que lo hacen, lo que les cuesta mucho más que una inversión en largo plazo, stands de alta calidad portátil. NVP Exhibits se enorgullecen de crear los mejores soportes posibles que son capaces de ser rediseñados y reordenados de manera flexible en el lugar para que coincida con el espacio que se pone pulg Como tal, proporcionan una solución perfecta para las empresas que quieren ahorrar dinero mientras sigue haciendo El mayor impacto, con expositores que están literalmente pendientes en su campo. Estamos actualizando constantemente nuestras opciones disponibles y 2017 ha visto nuevas configuraciones innovadoras disponibles. "

Acerca de NVP Exhibits: NVP Exhibits es un negocio basado en Sydney que ofrece expositores y exhibiciones de ferias comerciales a toda Australia. Sus stands de exposición son perfectos para expositores en curso, ofreciendo bajos costos de operación, un alto nivel de adaptabilidad para coincidir con diferentes espacios, y no requieren herramientas para la instalación. Los stands también se pueden alquilar para un uso a corto plazo, y proporcionan fácil almacenamiento y transporte de gráficos de alto impacto que requieren atención.

Para obtener más información acerca de nosotros, visite http://www. nvp. com. au/

Información de Contacto: Nombre: Joe Bragg Organización: Brandoutreach Teléfono: (415) 632 1664

ID de la versión: 39658

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La forma más segura de jugar los mercados de divisas

Sterling tanked ayer, cayendo a su nivel más bajo en casi un año frente al dólar. ¿Por qué?

Tal vez sea mejor preguntar: ¿por qué no? & # 8221; Hay muchas razones para odiar la libra. El más grande es el riesgo político. Con el reciente lote de encuestas de opinión que demuestran que el Partido Laborista podría incluso ganar las próximas elecciones, los inversionistas ya no se sienten seguros de que saben quién dirigirá el país en menos de cuatro meses.

Luego hubo datos de préstamos del Banco de Inglaterra. El número de préstamos hipotecarios aprobados para la compra de una nueva casa se desplomó un 17% mensual en enero, cayendo a cerca de 48.000. Y además, la decisión de la aseguradora Prudential de comprar negocios asiáticos del grupo estadounidense AIG también tuvo un impacto. El acuerdo de 35.000 millones de dólares significa que tendrá que vender un montón de libras esterlinas.

Así que hay muchas razones para odiar la libra. Ponerse en la cola para vender parece un no-brainer. Hay sólo un problema - la mayoría de las otras principales monedas tienen casi exactamente los mismos problemas ...

Usted debe pensar dos veces antes de comenzar a operar con divisas

Una cosa resume todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la caída de la libra esterlina ayer, dice David Wighton en The Times & # 8211; La libra incluso disminuyó frente al dólar zimbabuense. Eso es bastante condenatorio. & # 8220; Gordon Brown ha sido acusado de muchas cosas. Pero la perspectiva de su reelección resultando en que la moneda de Robert Mugabe sea preferida a la libra esterlina debe ser seguramente una de las más dañinas. & # 8221; Y los analistas se alinearon para entregar nuevos objetivos para la libra ayer, que van desde alrededor de $ 1.40 a $ 1.20 y menos. ¿Así que es hora de apilar y esterlina corto?

Es ciertamente fácil de hacer. Y la perspectiva de la libra es sombría. Pero hay algunas razones por las cuales usted debe pensar dos veces antes de que usted decida comenzar a negociar monedas. El escritor estadounidense Porter Stansberry hizo algunos muy buenos puntos en su boletín DailyWealth ayer. Recientemente asistió a una reunión en la que una firma de administración de patrimonios estadounidense estaba tratando de alentar a los inversionistas privados acomodados a comenzar a especular sobre monedas, usando una estrategia de comercio. Ellos tomarían préstamos en las divisas de menor rendimiento e invertirían en el rendimiento más alto.

La estrategia ha funcionado bastante bien en el pasado. Pero, dice Stansberry, eso no significa que va a seguir funcionando. Nunca había visto una firma de Wall Street dar una presentación de moneda apalancada a clientes minoristas antes. En mi experiencia, cualesquiera que sean los grandes corredores que están lanzando a clientes minoristas, eso es lo más probable que explote a continuación. Un año de sus acciones de puntocom, un año de sus valores respaldados por hipotecas, un año de futuros de materias primas, y así sucesivamente ... & # 8221;

Todas las principales divisas del mundo están en un lío

El verdadero problema, como señala Stansberry, es que todas las principales monedas del mundo están en un lío. Y el sistema ya no está fundado en oro. De hecho, lo principal que respalda al sistema monetario global es la deuda del gobierno de Estados Unidos. Dado que el déficit de Estados Unidos es poco mejor que el de Gran Bretaña o Grecia, eso no es alentador. Como dice Stansberry: Los activos de reserva más grandes del sistema monetario del mundo son las obligaciones de una nación en bancarrota (los Estados Unidos) que debe imprimir dinero para pagar sus propios déficit anuales & # 8221;

Informe especial LIBRE de la revista de MoneyWeek: ¿Cuándo los precios de la casa abajo hacia fuera & # 8211; Y ¿cómo lo sabrás?

¿Por qué los precios inmobiliarios del Reino Unido van a caer un 50%

Cuando llegue el momento de volver a comprar la propiedad a mitad de precio

Usted puede argumentar que el comercio de divisas es un juego de suma cero. Y así, independientemente de lo horribles que son las condiciones para cada moneda de papel, si uno está cayendo, otro tiene que estar subiendo. Sin embargo, el punto es que juzgar esto va a ser cada vez más difícil. Si cada moneda es vulnerable, entonces sólo toma unas pocas palabras mal-juzgadas de un banquero central o un político (o una encuesta de opinión de miedo) para golpear una moneda fuera de su perca.

Por ejemplo, una razón por la que la libra esterlina está tomando la mayor parte de esta semana es porque los inversionistas han decidido que Alemania salvará a Grecia. Así que, por el momento, consideran que el Reino Unido se parece a Grecia, pero sin que los alemanes estén detrás de él. Pero sólo se necesita una crisis en España, o una gran grasa & # 8220; nein & # 8221; Desde Berlín, para volver a poner el euro en la línea de fuego.

& # 8220; ¿Qué pasará con estas estrategias [de comercio de divisas] mientras la volatilidad se dispara y las grandes monedas se derrumban? Nadie sabe. Pero una cosa que sé con seguridad. No terminará bien para los inversores minoristas. & # 8221;

No es para decir que usted no puede apostar por los movimientos monetarios. Creemos en el corto plazo, el dólar sigue siendo una apuesta decente para ir más alto, en particular frente al euro. Y si usted tiene una olla de dinero que usted está feliz de apostar, y puede permitirse perder, a continuación, propagación de apuestas puede ser una manera divertida de hacerlo (puede comparar los proveedores aquí, utilizando nuestro servicio de comparación de propagación de apuestas) .

Pero por la bondad & # 8217; Sake establecer una stop-loss y se adhieren a ella. Y nunca imaginar por un momento que las apuestas a las monedas está invirtiendo, independientemente de cuántas empresas lanzar & # 8216; llevar el comercio & # 8217; O euro corto & # 8217; los fondos negociados en bolsa. Este es un área del mercado que sólo va a volverse cada vez más volátil e impredecible a medida que los problemas de deuda soberana comienzan a explotar en todo el mundo.

Proteja su riqueza con oro

Si desea beneficiarse de la tendencia más significativa a largo plazo de la moneda - la pérdida de la fe en el dinero respaldado por el gobierno - entonces usted debe comprar oro. Me doy cuenta de que a algunos lectores les cuesta entender por qué continuamos con esto. Pero el oro alcanzó un máximo récord contra la libra esterlina de ayer (más de £ 740 la onza). Los compradores de oro de la zona euro también registraron precios récord en las últimas semanas. Así que en términos de proteger su riqueza, el metal amarillo está haciendo bastante bien hasta ahora.

Si y cuando los gobiernos finalmente decidan que proteger el valor del papel moneda es más importante que mantener la ilusión de crecimiento económico a corto plazo en el camino, el mercado alcista de oro habrá terminado. Lamentablemente, sospecho que todavía está lejos. El Dr. Marc Faber del informe Gloom, Boom and Doom reporta que & # 8216; real & # 8217; Los tipos de interés (es decir, ajustados por la inflación) en los Estados Unidos no se moverán a territorio positivo en ningún momento en los próximos 10 años. & # 8221; Si su papel moneda está perdiendo valor, ¿por qué no tendría oro?

Nuestro artículo recomendado para hoy

Anthony Bolton, gerente de fondos de Superstar, está de vuelta con un nuevo fondo de China. Pero sus altas tarifas & # 8211; Demasiado común en la ciudad, desafortunadamente & # 8211; Lo convierten en uno para el inversor medio de evitar, dice Merryn Somerset Webb.

¿Por qué ahora no es el momento de invertir en buy-to-let

Invertir en comprar-para-dejar ha sido tradicionalmente una manera confiable de dibujar en un rédito bastante decente. Pero en 2017 buy-to-let viene con una serie de peligros ocultos que podrían resultar un enorme drenaje de su riqueza personal. El canciller Osborne está haciendo más difícil y más difícil para los inversores hacer realmente comprar-a-dejar valer la pena.

No se preocupe, el equipo de MoneyWeek se ha sentado y ha presentado un plan de ingresos alternativo que podría resultar mucho más confiable en los próximos años.

Para reclamar su informe gratuito y empezar a recibir MoneyWeek gratuito de correo electrónico diario por la mañana. Simplemente introduzca su dirección de correo electrónico debajo.

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Me pregunto si un fondo indexado global podría ser una manera razonable de protegerse contra un colapso de la libra esterlina. Los únicos ejemplos que he encontrado son Standard Life Global Index-Linked Bond R y Royal London Index-Linked Gilt Trust, sin embargo sólo he estado buscando OEICs puedo poner en un ISA. También sólo consiguen dos estrellas de Morningstar.

Fui mal mal en mi post anterior. Royal London Index - Linked Gilt Trust Inc no es global, así que no es el tipo de inversión que tenía en mente.

Sabemos que le gusta el oro, pero ¿qué es lo que le gusta? Significa para ti

Si alguien tiene 0% de NAV de oro, puede que decida que se trata de & # 82221; Oro e ir para el 5%. Algunos errores hardbitten de oro como # 8221; Oro y así tener el 100%. Después de todo un stock dip doble parece ser generalmente esperado también.

Cualquier persona podría ver su artículo como apoyar su punto de vista!

¿Qué hay de otra manera segura de almacenar efectivo (lugar seguro y caja de divisas segura) para aquellos que ya han leído muchos artículos de oro? ¿Por favor?

Suzy, en la sección Inversiones hay un artículo & # 8220; Bonos: la carrera hacia el fondo & # 8221; (O pruebe este enlace: http://www. moneyweek. com/investments/bonds-the-race-to-the-bottom-454p32.aspx) Los dos últimos párrafos sugieren bonos en el extranjero relativamente seguros, y un fondo que invierte en Con un rendimiento decente. Podría ser relevante.

Interesante artículo y estoy de acuerdo en que la cesta del G8 es actualmente tan popular entre los inversores como el & # 8220; Good Husbandry & # 8221; Revista en el vestidor de Chelsea & # 8230 ;.

El oro siempre vale la pena un punt contra el G8, ya que no caen en prensas de impresión en grandes cantidades en la actualidad, pero comprar como un comercio de canastas en todas las monedas para equilibrar el riesgo y esperar un buen momento para entrar en El rebote & # 8230 ;.

El comercio de divisas es un campo especializado y las volatilidades actuales están haciendo que los plazos más largos sean mucho más riesgosos a menos que se establezcan paradas a niveles absurdos y no lo hagan. No es obvio, pero si los mercados a su vez te matan & # 8230 ;.

Como arreglar su cocina de gas con una navaja y un fósforo encendido & # 8211; No hacerlo a menos que tenga la experiencia y el conocimiento!

Buena NVP comercial

Quiero decir VENTA de EuroZone contra Yen / USD ** COMPRAR

Dije que lo dejaran a los expertos, así que obviamente también lo necesito.

Lo siento & # 8211; Día ocupado y cerebro duele NVP

** ive los apodó el Tag Team, ya que tienden a moverse por todas partes juntos en el mercado Forex!

Lo siento solo vi suzy & # 8217; s comentario número 4

Sí & # 8211; Usted podría tratar de preservar su base de capital mediante el mantenimiento de una cesta de monedas ponderadas a sus niveles de fuerza relativa con los ajustes realizados periódicamente a capitalización en el aumento de las monedas y deshacerse de las monedas que caen

No exactamente tan simple como mantener el dinero bajo la cama, pero probablemente más practival en la preservación de la Nest egg!

Para el inversor a largo plazo, ¿por qué no comprar acciones defensivas?

Eliminar la especulación de la especulación monetaria.

Rendir más que efectivo en 5-6%.

Empresas sólidas que probablemente son más solventes que muchos de los países occidentales.

De lo contrario comprar el zloty. Tengo una cantidad en Polonia y se está realizando muy bien v la gran libra británica.

Todo por el oro, pero acaba de vender 3/4 de mi oro ETF & # 8211; El mercado del lingote es fraccionario como las monedas fiat y las porciones de barras falsas del tungsteno en bóvedas centrales.

También lee los T & # 8217; s de mi etf (oro respaldado físicamente en bóvedas BRITÁNICAS también) & # 8211; Mi sinopsis (aproximadamente el 90% + precisa)

Parte 1 de 2 Oro es bastante asignado, pero algunos no son. No lo aseguramos, aun así no somos responsables de CUALQUIER PÉRDIDA & # 8222; (Siempre cubrir el extra oops) o robo (nunca se sabe). El custodio es HSBC & # 8211; O sus amigos, o incluso amigos de sus amigos. Si las contrapartes no pagan, no creen, no somos responsables, es su paloma. Hemos enumerado algunos riesgos, pero no podemos molestarnos en enumerar el resto. Usted puede tener su oro, pero tenemos que cobrar y debe enviarlo a uno de nuestros amigos cuentas no asignadas; Y se puede solucionar con ellos. We intend to track the spot gold price, but then again, nobody gets it right all the time.

Part 2/2 There are probably a few more possible not responsibles, but we are not responsible for listing them all, and any we have missed, we are not responible for those either.

Rest assured somebody or other, does a sort of audit and provides a huge list of numbers on our website (mind you, no responsibility accepted for them or failure of website).

And by way of “further reassurance”, good old English Law shall apply to any dispute (but don’t bother, we have checked, you haven’t got a leg to stand on). SO FINALLY we shall round off with the familiar, nothing should be construed as “financial advice”, just to be on the safe side.

Oh & P. S – No responibility is accepted for any errors or ommisions.

Check out the “prospectus” at Gold Bullion Securites (An ETF) & I still own some – but a lot less than I did !

I agree with many of the comments above. Currency speculation is about the biggest mug’s game there is, and it’s only compounded by the inordinate amount of random government intervention we see these days. I would add to Tom F’s comments that after recent weakness, there are some solid banks that offer attractive valuations and dividend yields as well as the posibility of decent growth.

hi folks, i see yamana mining climbing steadily as predicted by moi well another nugget for you max petroleum (mxp. l) watch them both climb steadily over the next 6-9 months the former will continue and the later should take a nice little earner over the short term. watch this space and send your thank yous in the summer.

Thanks Michael. Thanks NVP. Counterparty risk troubles me a lot if the basket were eg spread betting obligations. And boy will I have trouble weighting it.

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Neurovive Pharmaceutical: Board Selects New CEO Erik Kinnman to Lead NeuroVive

NeuroVive Pharmaceutical (STO:NVP)

NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB (publ) board of directors is pleased to announce that it has selected Erik Kinnman as NeuroVive's Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Erik Kinnman will assume the new role on the 14th March 2017, leaving Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and Chief Operating Officer (COO) roles within his own consultancy business.

Erik Kinnman is a seasoned life science executive with broad experience and understanding from the industry across a variety of businesses and functions. He has held a number of senior leadership positions in biopharmaceutical companies such as AstraZeneca and Sobi. His expertise and experience includes clinical development, business strategy, business development, and investor relations. Erik Kinnman also has experience from the financial sector. In addition, he holds an Executive MBA from the Stockholm School of Economics and has comprehensive scientific qualifications from the Karolinska Institutet, which has rendered him a Ph. D. and an Associate Professor. Moreover, Erik Kinnman is an M. D. board certified in Neurology and Pain Management.

"The NeuroVive Board and I are confident that Erik Kinnman is the right person to lead the company, its strategy, and leverage the opportunities. The combination of his strategic vision and medical expertise is an excellent fit with NeuroVive's strategy refocused towards R&D. Erik Kinnman is a strong and experienced leader who has a proven ability to translate scientific, clinical and business strategy into execution," commented Gregory Batcheller, Chairman of the NeuroVive Board of Directors. "He will provide expertise and focus across the organization and establish solid partnerships that will enhance our R&D program further. His broad experience grounded in research, medicine and the biopharmaceutical industry is exactly what we need to lead this organization forward."

"I am excited about NeuroVive, the CEO role, and the opportunity to contribute to the success and growth of the company. NeuroVive is a highly innovative organization and I am convinced that it has great potential in its range of novel treatment opportunities and their commercial potential. NeuroVive and its partners are truly led by a purpose and passion to make a difference and meaningful impact to patients affected by mitochondrial disorders. I will enable our researchers and partners to deliver on the opportunities in the clinical projects, as well as in the early pipeline to drive the value of NeuroVive." says Erik Kinnman.

Erik Kinnman succeeds interim CEO Jan Nilsson, who will resume his position as Chief Operating Officer for NeuroVive. Jan has made significant contributions to move the organization forward. The recent partnership deals with both Isomerase and the University of Pennsylvania (UPENN) have been significant achievements under Jan's leadership. Jan's extensive NeuroVive knowledge and commitment to move the organization forward have been greatly appreciated by both the teams and board of NeuroVive.

NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB (publ) is a pioneer in mitochondrial medicine and a company committed to the discovery and development of highly targeted candidates that preserve mitochondrial integrity and function in areas of significant therapeutic need. NeuroVive's business approach is driven by value-adding partnerships with mitochondrial research institutions and commercial partners across the globe. NeuroVive's portfolio consists of two clinical projects in acute kidney injury (AKI) and traumatic brain injury (TBI) with candidates in clinical and preclinical development and two drug discovery platforms. The NeuroSTAT® product has orphan drug status in Europe and in the US for treatment of moderate to severe traumatic brain injury and is currently being evaluated in a study, CHIC. Ciclosporin is being evaluated in an on-going study, CiPRICS, in acute kidney injury during major surgery. NeuroVive's shares are listed on Nasdaq, Stockholm, Sweden.

NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB (publ)

Medicon Village, SE-223 81 Lund, Sweden

Tel: +46 (0)46 275 62 20 (switchboard), Fax: +46 (0)46 888 83 48

NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB (publ) is required to publish the information in this news release under The Swedish Securities Market Act. The information was submitted for publication on 23 February 2017, at 08 30 CET.

NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB (publ) - the mitochondrial medicine company. The company is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, Small Cap, under the ticker symbol NVP. The share is also traded on the OTC market in the US. NeuroVive Pharmaceutical (OTC: NEVPF ) trades on the OTC Pink Market. Investors can find Real-Time quotes and market information for the company at www. otcmarkets. com/stock/NEVPF/quote

This information was brought to you by Cision http://news. cision. com

NeuroVive Christine Tadgell or Gregory Batcheller Tel: +46 (0)275 62 20 ir@neurovive. com

Over the years I developed many Indies & EA’s. I recently reveiewd the ones that I consistantly use and keep developing.

I went to the Forex market and installed 7 pipes – one to each major currency. I also put a meter on each pipe to monitor the pips flow amount (and direction +/-) to/from each currency from day start. More advanced versions also monitors, per currency, pips flow amount per second/Minute/Hour – like a speedometer… That’s one usefull tool, that’s telling you to what currency the pips are going to and from what currency they are getting out – absolute measurement without any relation to TF.

( Top left on EURUSD chart)

The other tool is for synthetic pair “Blind” comercio. Synthetic pair example: EURUSD/GBPUSD=EURGBP You can “Blindly” trade any other such Triangulation currency pairs. That tool displays the GBPUSD (Yellow) on top of the current EURUSD chart. How to trade “Blindly”: Whenever GBPUSD is above EURUSD and makes new HIGH while EURUSD doesn’t, it’s time to SELL EURGBP… and the opposite for BUY.

That’s without even looking at the EURGBP chart… (I just put it for demonstration in the attachement).

This method is PERFECT for small pips profit as suggested in the “Compounding & 1 Pip” thread here. G.


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Count the pips change for each currency pair, and add it to that CURRENCYtotal. Example: If EURUSD is UP by 5 pips than EURtotal=EURtotal+5 and USDtotal=USDtotal-5. Repeat the above for all currency pairs. To view the flow ROC (Rate of Change) – show only the total change from previous total (Adding +/- for relevant direction). You can also enhance the above by converting pips to their $value in order to see real $$$ money flow. G.

Thanks for sharing this G Sorry for asking these beginner questions below G :

*) About pips change (difference), if we trade on TF M1, do we calculate the difference in every 1 minute (ex. at open of new candle) or in every tick ?*) And how to convert pips to $value to know the money flow ?

It doesn’t matter on which TF you update, since M5 is accumulation of 5 M1. The result will be the same, rhe only difference will be the rate of data updates. Pip value depends on the currency pair and you can find that in marketinfo. That info is only for reference value in order to make all pips translate to comon denominator in the currency total.

“Whenever GBPUSD is above EURUSD and makes new HIGH while EURUSD doesn’t, it’s time to SELL EURGBP… and the opposite for BUY.”

first screen shot is GBPUSD above EURUSD (with new high only on chart)

second screen shot is EURGBP


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Ok, thanks. I have some indicators that do it this way also, I just thought you had a different way.

The reason I was asking is the inconsistency of ploting an overlayed chart in this way. Depending on the chart area size and position of local maximum and minimum prices of the two currencies, the relative position of these two charts can change with a single window resizing.

How do you deal with this since one of your entry rule says that ‘Whenever GBPUSD is above EURUSD…’?

Ok, thanks. I have some indicators that do it this way also, I just thought you had a different way. The reason I was asking is the inconsistency of ploting an overlayed chart in this way. Depending on the chart area size and position of local maximum and minimum prices of the two currencies, the relative position of these two charts can change with a single window resizing. How do you deal with this since one of your entry rule says that ‘Whenever GBPUSD is above EURUSD…’? Thanks Vlan

I’m not sure that I understood you, but I’m limiting the display to the last xxx bars. In my case the overlay is limited to last 300 bars.

I have no problem of displaying 4 different overlays on a single chart.

This is usually done to catch and pinpoint single currency movement.

A screenshot should do better explanation than me :)

In attached images, the green line is the EU and the yellow is the overlying GU.

Both screenshots were taken seconds apart, yet the yellow GU line is positioned very differently.

While in the first picture, the two lines cross several times today, in the second picture they don’t.

The reason for this is that I widened my chart window by few bars, (note the vertical line on the left side), causing new minimum GU price to appear and thus pushing the whole GU chart up.

This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by VlanFx.

This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by VlanFx.


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A screenshot should do better explanation than me :) In attached images, the green line is the EU and the yellow is the overlying GU. Both screenshots were taken seconds apart, yet the yellow GU line is positioned very differently. While in the first picture, the two lines cross several times today, in the second picture they don’t. The reason for this is that I widened my chart window by few bars, (note the vertical line on the left side), causing new minimum GU price to appear and thus pushing the whole GU chart up. V.

Again, I fail to see the issue…

The “Crossing” means nothing, only the relative movement of one pair in relation to the other.

Your signal, in the EURUSD & GBPUSD overlay case, is when GBPUSD is going UP/DOWN while the EURUSD stays flat or going in the opposite direction.

The logic behind trading the overlay is to neutralize the USD and visualy “see” EUR going up and GBP going down (or vice versa) in order to trade the triangulation outcome of those pairs – which is the EURGBP. EURUSD going UP and GBPUSD going DOWN == BUY EURGBP (and vice versa).

Same goes to any other triangulation between currency pairs. The beauty of this that it’s predictive, blind trading, and never fails… It doesn’t guarranty gazilion pips, but it does guarranty a move on the resulting triangular currency pair.

Another, more complicated method is to put several overlays on the same chart, such as AUDUSD, NZDUSD, GBPUSD on top of EURUSD chart (note that USD, in this sample case, is on the right side of all pairs – making it “common denominator”).

Whenever ALL are pointing UP – Sell USD across the whole Forex market (and vice versa). That’s a STRONG sign of USD weakning.

Ok thoughts on CS type indicators inc goldmeter

1 LWMA and divided up by the number of components – malo

As above but each then divided up by its market share (US dollar taking up the greatest share)

How about basing it on % change then aggregating or % ROC.

Anyone else able to add.

Apologies if it strays off topic a bit and what I have written appears to be complete twaddle

Ok thoughts on CS type indicators inc goldmeter

1 LWMA and divided up by the number of components – bad

As above but each then divided up by its market share (US dollar taking up the greatest share)

How about basing it on % change then aggregating or % ROC.

Anyone else able to add.

Apologies if it strays off topic a bit and what I have written appears to be complete twaddle Pip

GOOD Currency-Strength indie should include a factor for the specific currency share in the market.

Also, it should NOT include synthetic pairs in it’s calculation (reasoning explained somewhere else in this forum).

MA’s (if used) should be replaced by an adaptive means (Ehlers and others).

Indicator should include DYNAMIC Overbought/Oversold areas.

Trading decision should be taken based on several TF’s, preferably equaly spaced.

Trading decision based on CS should be supported by either momentum or volume indies.

Based on the above you can create a CS ROC, which will give you a better pair selection.

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Blog de Forex

Fundamental Indicators in Forex — Which to Use?

March 14, 2011 by Andriy Moraru

According to one of the polls, about 69% of traders employ fundamental analysis in Forex trading (at least minimally). I’ve already asked the readers of this blog what standard technical indicators they use. and now it’s time to ask the same about the fundamental indicators. Personally I believe that the fundamental factors play a huge role in how the currency pairs are traded. The fundamental indicators are deterministic for the long-term movement of the Forex rates. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to trade fundamentally in short-term. News trading is dangerous in and of itself, while the further direction of a position that was entered several hours after the expected fundamental release may still be rather unpredictable. Nevertheless, I prefer not to miss the opportunity to trade on such indicators as the global interest rates. GDP and unemployment data (especially, the nonfarm payrolls ). And how about you?

If you want to share your opinion or questions regarding the fundamental indicators worth using in Forex trading, feel free to reply using the form below.

Artículos Relacionados:

4 Responses to “Fundamental Indicators in Forex — Which to Use?”

good day, i will like you Tobe sending me the fundamental Analysis. to help me Thanks. TOINDE

You can read our daily fundamental updates on EUR/USD right here on this blog.

Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics (APGO) Announces Launch of New WellMom Obstetrics App for Healthcare Educators, Providers and Expectant Mothers

CROFTON, Md. March 08, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics (APGO), a non-profit organization for women's health educators, announced the launch of its new, APGO WellMom Obstetrics mobile application, Managing Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy (NVP), the first and only app designed exclusively for education about the management of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP). The launch of this app, which coincides with International Women's Day on March 8 th. provides an opportunity for women across the country to empower themselves with vital information on NVP.

NVP, commonly called morning sickness, affects up to 85% of pregnant women and can be difficult to manage. Upwards of 3.4 million American women suffer from morning sickness every year, many of whom have symptoms that begin before their initial doctor's appointment.

The APGO Managing NVP app offers educational information about NVP and was created for use by medical educators to facilitate learning opportunities between faculty and students. The contents of the app serve as a resource for medical educators and healthcare professionals as well as expectant mothers and their social support team.

"NVP is often seen as an unavoidable or necessary part of pregnancy. As educators, we created the Managing NVP app to change the perception and provide the imperative information and tools to minimize the impact of this condition for pregnant women," said Roger P. Smith, MD, APGO President.

The multi-user platform makes the app a collaborative tool to help educate the community and bridge the gap between healthcare providers and patients by fostering an open dialog about NVP. The app features a three question survey utilizing the Pregnancy Unique Quantification of Emesis (PUQE) Score, to help measure the severity of a woman's condition. The PUQE Score, as well as the symptom tracker, can be shared electronically with healthcare providers to aid and treat women in an efficient manner.

For medical educators and healthcare professionals: The Managing NVP app offers a practical tool by providing immediate mobile access to APGO educational content, such as a nutrition and lifestyle guide, tips for symptom management and treatment options.

For expectant mothers and their social support team: The Managing NVP app offers information about NVP and a nutrition and lifestyle guide as well as an easy to use symptom tracker, which can be shared electronically with individual healthcare providers.

The free app can be downloaded to mobile devices directly from iTunes or Google Play stores (search "Managing NVP"). It is also accessible online at: www. wellmomapp. com.

About Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics (APGO) The Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics (APGO) is a non-profit, membership-based organization for women's health educators. Since 1963, APGO has promoted excellence in women's health care by providing optimal resources and support to educators who inspire, instruct, develop, and empower women's health care providers to improve the quality of life for all women.

MEDIA CONTACT: Amy Feldman Lazar Partners Ltd. 212.867.1762 afeldman@lazarpartners. com


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The indicator is relatively easy to code. It just looks at a slow linear weighted moving average of the major currency pairs now and 1 period ago. Then the results are added up for each currency pair to calculate an index representing the strength of that currency.

The indicator has two conceptual weaknesses:

(1) When evaluating the strength of the USD, its relative position against the NZ dollar is considered as important as its relative position against the EUR. I do not believe that this makes sense, but that the different currency pairs need to weighted according to their liquidity.

(2) The different positions are weighted by using an arithmetical mean. An arithmetical mean is quite sensitive to outliers, a geometrical mean would have been the better choice.

An example, how to define a currency index is the US dollar index. It does not take into account the NZD, but takes the EUR, JPY, GBP, CAD, SEK and CHF. The Euro accounts for over 50%.

A more complex example is the Broad Index, which is published by the FED. It has a higher weighting of the Japanese Yen, as the Chinese currency is not yet freely convertible.

It is relatively easy to convert the indicator to NinjaTrader and improve it at the same time.

The following 4 users say Thank You to Fat Tails for this post:

February 28th, 2012, 08:17 AM

Futures Experience: Beginner

Platform: NinjaTrader, IB TWS

Broker/Data: IB, Kinetic

Favorite Futures: Stocks, Forex

Posts: 96 since Nov 2011

Thanks: 47 given, 16 received

It is relatively easy to convert the indicator to NinjaTrader and improve it at the same time.

Would you be willing to spare some of your precious time and do this my dear sir?

Thanks: 48 given, 43 received

Hi Danjuma, I am not a coding wizard like some of on the site, but it looked like an interesting project, so I coded my own version. I used an SMA instead of a Weighted average, and I found it to be more useful if you change the smoothing out to say, a 50 period SMA, but you can change it to whatever you want.

Something to note, my coding is not clean, in the sense that it is ugly from a programmer's perspective, but it seems to do what your model does, and I didn't want to use his code, since obviously, if this violates someones proprietary code, it has to come down. Also, I didn't compile and export, so if you want to use it, you'll have to copy and paste it into your own ninjascript. (It looks better on a dark chart)

Hope it gives you some ideas for making your own.

Isaac Gottlieb – Next Generation Excel. Modeling in Excel for Analysts and MBAs

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Take Excel to the next level in accounting and financial modeling

In this new Second Edition of Next Generation Excel, Isaac Gottlieb shows financial analysts how to harness the full power of Excel to move forward into the new world of accounting and finance. Companies of all sizes use financial models to analyze their finances and plan business operations, as well as to create financial accounting reports like balance sheets, income statements, and statements of cash flows.

While many businesspeople are quite familiar with the reports created with financial models, most are not as familiar with the creation of the models themselves. This book shows them how to build an accurate and effective financial model using the solid functionality and easy usability of Excel. * Fully updated and revised to include support for Apple users * Written by a professor of management and statistics who has taught the discipline for fifteen years * Appropriate for professional financial analysts, as well as MBA students

For professionals and students whose responsibilities or studies include a full understanding of financial modeling, Next Generation Excel, Second Edition offers comprehensive training.

From the Inside Flap

Most Excel users never realize just how powerful the program really is. Featuring more than 400 functions, Excel is packed with an array of complex data mining, analytical, statistical, and graphical representation tools and other powerful features of inestimable value to business professionals. But learning how to exploit those features with confidence can be tricky, even overwhelming, for the casual user.

Enter Next Generation Excel, Second Edition.

Growing out of Dr. Gottlieb’s many years of teaching university classes, as well as his extremely popular corporate workshops, Next Generation Excel, Second Edition is based upon his well-founded conviction that, when it comes to teaching people how to use and get the most out of complex software, “show, don’t tell” is the golden rule.

Staying true to that philosophy, he eschews the lengthy, often perplexing, verbal explanations typical of such guides in favor of bite-sized descriptive passages, liberally supplemented with Excel-in-action screenshots, skill-building exercises, and review questions. Also, for ease of reference, each subject-specific chapter is self-contained, affording you the option of focusing on only those features of immediate interest to you.

Demystifying the obscure and simplifying the complex, Dr. Gottlieb walks you, step by step, through all of Excel 2010’s advanced business and finance functions (with explanations for users of Excel 2007, 2003, and previous versions, as needed), including:

Financial tools, including NVP and IRR

Data mining using Pivot Tables

Charting, sparklines, and other advanced charting options

Data analysis tools

What-if analysis

Statistics for non-statisticians

Accounting functions, including amortization tables and depreciation functions

Not just another general how-to Excel guide, this fully updated and expanded Second Edition of Isaac Gottlieb’s internationally acclaimed Next Generation Excel shows you how to harness the full power of Excel to help you to perform an array of advanced business decision making, financial, and accounting functions. You’ll learn how to quickly create models that deliver accurate, relevant information to boost efficiency, improve your forecasting ability, and perform an array of other crucial business and reporting functions.


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Hi there, I have to agree with Hope here, make no bones about this, this is not a business for everyone, no business is and to think otherwise is naive. It truly depends on the individual. The other problem I have with Lakeshores comments is that, like in so many aspects of life, people are unwilling to take responsibility for their own decisions. I have been doing Arbonne for 4 months now and am knocking down the door of NVP in the UK. I have done this through ethical approaches and showing people the door and allowing them to make the decision themselves. At no stage have I even got anywhere near becoming a "Bloodsucker". I operate a fully 100% door always open policy to my down line and encourage them all to behave in a tactful manner at all times.

If you feel you were turning in to a "Bloodsucker" then that is down to you to take responsibility for your actions, you have the power over yourself, no-one else, it is your fault you became a "Bloodsucker", no one else. At no stage have I placed any pressure on friends and family to use these products and if that was your business plan then you were doomed to failure from the outset.

There will always be so many reasons why people should not do something that is not right for them, Arbonne obviously was not right for you, leave it there. To assume that it is not right for everyone is so small minded and is one of the main general reasons there are so many issues in the world today, a lack of understanding that there are always two sides to every story. It is the same in business.

I would be very keen to understand what level you got to as your information seems flawed to me and if you had such a probelm with your Upline, why did you not report them? Remember Arbonne is registered with the direct selling agency and as a result are bound by a code of ethics. I would be happy to help you hunt out anyone that was not adhering to this code.

I am more than happy to field any questions on this subject at any stage and thank you for listening.

Warm Regards Phil (philjstreet@yahoo. co. uk)

Well, it's about time the roof finally caved in at Arbonne. I knew this would happen with the way the company was run. They turned the other way when pyramids were built, people like me were taken advantage of and profits soared.

But greed and deception caught up with Arbonne and its former owners, Harvest Partners. Despite countless people like me, now without a husband but with a garage full of RE9, the roof caved in. Management encouraged frontloading, and I wonder how many people it affected like me. Management didn't seem to mind when my upline told me I needed to buy in for $2, 500. I guess karma finally caught up with these guys, and that's why they're out.

My NVP told me earlier this week that everything is great, that Arbonne is on its way to $2 billion. Really? I guess the reason the banks took over the company and Harvest is out is because the company is about to experience growth? I'm sure Harvest left it for dead for some reason other than what my NVP is telling me. Surely they had a reason to hang on to a company that's really on its way to $2 billion.

On Wednesday, Arbonne posted this on their website, but then took it down the same day!

https://docs. google. com/fileview? id=0B0eySQRTJ7dWMWI1NDY4OTUtOGZhNy00ZDY2LWJjNjY. /> Doesn't sound like a company headed for $2 billion. Sounds like a company salvaging the scraps, begging to keep people around while they pull cash out one last time.

Well, sorry Arbonne. Your PIN number is no longer valid at my ATM. You fooled me once. Shame on you.

Who is your NVP? Our team doesn't do the frontloading Results approach and I am sorry if you were swayed into purchasing a lot of product up front. That approach is not good for long term growth/customers. We do the party plan and the startup cost is minimal..the $109 consultant fee and usually the RSVP for $350..but many people start with just a few prodcust and borrow the rest of the products for the party until they earn enough product to buy their own set.

As for the Arbonne financial news, it is a bit unsettling, but honestly most companies in this economy are restructuring and managing debt differently..so I am not surprised.

Best of luck to you!

All you Arbonne people are like Stepford people - and you ARE bloodsuckers, and brainwashed ones at that. You ALL say the same exact thing, like Moonies, like you memorize a script. Anyone else reading this, you'd be better off going to the Body Shop which also does not test on animals, or use Clinique which is also good. Or Avon, which has a botanical line of cosmetics that are a lot cheaper, and you can buy from a catalogue or go to an Avon Store alone and not have to bribe 50 of your friends & family to buy it with you. Arbonne is like a cult. Be afraid, be very afraid!

ok all, first of all I do like Arbonne and it is a shame you ran into some not so helpful upline. But this is a business and any business you go into, you need to constantly learn and be responsible for YOURSELF. There are bloodsuckers/brainwashers etc in all businesses, but if you go into it thinking it is a get rich quick business, you are mistaken. NO business is like that. YOU have to work hard at it and take responsibility for your own actions and be willing to get out there and talk to people and know you will hear lots of no's. This is not a business for lazy people. The products are very good. There is a 45 day money back if not happy with it and yes I have sent a clients product back before without any hassle. You probably had a lazy upline and that would be frustrating, but just admit it isn't for you and you didn't have the drive for it and leave it at that. No one made you purchase items, bribe you 50 friends and family. It was your choice. I personally know a friend that started with Mary Kay and went deep in debt. Her upline told her she needed to buy all this product and she did it, but in reality, she could have said no. there has to be a better way of doing this business, which is what you might have done. So really my advice to you is stick with a 9-5 job with a boss. network marketing may not be the place for you. Good luck in your future.

18th of Nov, 2009 by JBK

It is YOUR business. The way you handled it was all up to YOU. Your upline did not turn you into a bloodsucker. Jeeze you didn't even HAVE to have your upline to build your business. There are training tools on the Arbonne website to help you build your biz along with your own creativity. I too am curious as to how far up you got in the business. If you were an RVP or NVP then I definitely think at this point it was your responsibility to run your business the way you wanted to and to be the example for your downline to build their businesses ethically and with integrity. You don't have to lose family and friends with this business. the only reason that would happen is if you drive them away. If you get a no from someone or someone flat out tells you they think it's dumb then just don't talk to them about it. You said you are not a frustrated ex rep but obviously you are otherwise you would not have posted what you did. But, like ssimpson said, network marketing may not be the place for you. It's not for everyone. Arbonne, just like other networking marketing businesses is a time and money investment and from what I know about people I personally know who have been successful with this business WITHOUT being a bloodsucker, it was worth it because now they don't worry about money at all and have time freedom. Sounds like you just had a bad upline which is unfortunate for you.

Look at this site below. Apparently Arbonne is owned by banks now and HP ran a huge debt. Shannon Johnson and Sibley Gammon left Arbonne and are with Trump Networking. That company is coming out with a Swiss line in the Spring. Why would someone like Shannon leave if she was making over 100, 000 a month. Even the Abonne site has a Q & A part of the internet consultant page. What is going on with Arbonne. Someone at Customer service admitted this is true and then another person denied it. Look at this site below. There are some messages from Shannon's cousin who is still with Arbonne. Is ARbonne going to be sold.

Arbonne Bankruptcy Rumors? Posted on 29. Oct, 2009 by Ty Tribble in Arbonne, Network Marketing News

Yesterday, I made a post about rumors related to Arbonne's financial situation. I confirmed those rumors from a number of people who participated in a nation wide conference call with Rita Davenport. Allegedly what was said on the call was something along the lines of if we don't get additional funding of $400 million dollars, we may file bankruptcy.

Then today, I woke up and found the following letter anonymously sent to me:

If you have any information, please post it.

28th of Nov, 2009 by envp

Arbonne is a 100% legitimate business. It is NOT going bankrupt. These negative internet posts are just lies by others to get you into their "new' business. Don't be fooled by serial MLM jumpers!

Hmmm. You uneducated people just kill me with your "hindsight" remarks. "Do much research on your own". "My upline "fooled me" into investing $5000". "Arbonne is filing Chapter 11". yada yada yada. And now you want the rest of us to think you know everything? Some of us already did our "due diligence", and lo and behold, we are not sitting here bitching about being "scammed".

My husband and I have owned a successful jewelry store, amongst several other businesses, for many years, and we didn't just "jump in there" because some "upline person snookered us. sniff sniff". Good grief, people. Where does your own personal responsibility come in? As successful business people, yes, my husband and I have been approached by MANY "opportunities". However, we are smart enough to not get caught up in the "excitement of the initial meeting", and we go home with new ideas in our heads and discuss it and sleep on it. And no, not everything we have done has been a success, but there has been no one else to blame for it but us if it does not work out, as a rule.

I joined Arbonne many many years ago, at the behest of my best friend (who, by the way, is still my best friend), and I have never regretted it. I was a very happy customer of Mary Kay at the time until my friend rightly reminded me that I should at least give Arbonne a try because it was her that was asking. Ella tenía razón. However, she was not asking for a monetary input, only that I should try a 3-day skincare sample. Which I did. And my jewelry customers were remarking on the second day about how my skin looked. So I joined, as a wholesale customer, not as a working consultant. Woo, it cost me twenty dollars at the time.

As time passed, and more jewelry customers commented on the difference in my looks, yes, I started to "sell Arbonne" a bit more. I spent MAYBE two days a month on it and was making about $600 a month, which was a nice little addition to our other businesses, with not much effort. Of course, that small effort has not afforded me the huge income that others who put their whole-hearted time into this business has, but I sure don't understand why all you people want to blame others because YOU were the ones who didn't do your due diligence, as I did. I don't really work my Arbonne business at this point, but that is due to circumstances in my life, not necessary for my point here. But I am still a consultant, I still "sell" to "friends and family", and yes, they all still speak to me.

That is the nice thing about Arbonne. for that small renewal fee each month, you may remain in the business, still look great, get your discounts, and pick the business back up when life goes back that way for you. I just don't get all of this negativity from people who obviously don't have a clue as to how a business works, whether it's a "regular" business or an MLM. The "forward thinkers" and the rich in this world surely did not/do not, have that outlook.

I still have jewelry customers who just "don't understand" why we had to raise prices when the price of gold jumped from $400/oz. to over $1000/oz. Do I really need to expound on that. Our overhead still jumps, and so does the price of the gold we use to repair their jewelry. My seven-year-old niece understands that concept. You get what you pay for, yep, in jewelry and in Arbonne. And I don't think my niece would be stupid enough to believe someone who said you had to invest in $5000 worth of Arbonne when your Welcome Package that cost you $29 said NO, that is not necessary, nor advised.

OH, and did anyone ever hear of many many famous businesses restructuring themselves through different Chapters of "bankruptcy". How many of you have stayed in a Holiday Inn in the last 30 years? That's about how long it's been since they filed. doesn't mean they were going broke. it means they needed to "restructure", although that is probably a foreign concept to those of you who believe that working behind a cosmetic counter is the smart way to go.

I suppose I sound a bit grouchy (lol), but I just get so sick of listening to people who have NO CLUE how a business is actually run, and even sicker of people who blame others for their stupidity, when they have the same access to information that the rest of us do. I can't help it if you fell for some kind of Pep Rally BS, I just can't.

I get ALL the updates, training material, emails, etc. from Arbonne "corporate", same as anyone else who signs up for it, and I have NEVER felt obligated, berated, brainwashed, or the like, and if I did, I can certainly say it would be Bye Bye Arbonne, because I know better than to fall for that kind of stuff.

So until I see all of you naysayers doing the above-mentioned due diligence in life, whether it be Arbonne-related or not, I really don't have the patience for any of you, and yes, that is not very Arbonne-like. guess I never attended that "brainwashing class", huh?

Today’s top trade – buy the US dollar

The latest meeting of America’s central bankers – the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) – ends later today. And it’s widely expected that the next burst of quantitative easing (QE) will be announced.

But will it? And what will it achieve?

Only those 12 members of the FOMC – and their cohorts – know for sure what the announcement will be. But not even a suicidal gambling addict would be betting that we’ll see any semblance of tightening of monetary policy…

Will the Fed stick to its grand plan?

In the 97 years since the Federal Reserve Bank was founded, the dollar has lost over 95% of its purchasing power. During that period, the Fed has consistently tottered down the loose monetary path of inflation. And in the past three years, with bail-outs galore, QE and zero interest rates, it has positively careered down it.

So why should the result of this latest meeting of the Fed be any different? The grand strategy is clearly: “Debase the currency, wipe out the debt.”

But this has to be done gradually. Move too fast and panic could take hold. A hyper-inflationary rush to hard assets becomes a real possibility. If there’s one thing a central banker likes less than deflation, it’s panic.

The trouble is that since we first starting hearing noises in July and August that the next bout of QE would soon be upon us, just about every asset class, except housing, has gone ballistic. In many cases dangerously so. The dollar meanwhile has capitulated.

The Fed’s members must have observed this. They must surely be feeling a little wary. But they will also know that if they don’t produce enough QE, it will not only cause a sell-off across the markets, but would also be seen as tantamount to an admission of policy failure.

I can’t remember a Fed meeting that has occurred just as the markets are at such an obvious technical inflection point. On one side, we have the US dollar which is sitting at support just above a vital trend line, as the chart below shows.

On the other side of the trade we have most other assets and currencies. The Dow Jones for example, is re-testing its highs for the year.

The FTSE 100 is doing the same. The Nasdaq is closing in on its October 2007 highs. Meanwhile, in the forex markets, the yen is up against its 1995 all-time highs. And the pound is up against that all-important resistance at $1.60.

It’s much the same story in commodities markets, although not quite as symmetrical. Copper is testing the 380 level, from where it has sold off before. Likewise, oil can’t get through the $84-85 a barrel level, try as it may. Many of the grains and softs are in blow-off mode.

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Silver has almost reached its target

As for precious metals, silver is hitting selling pressure at the all-important $25 level. In fact, while I’m here, I’d like to update you on my chart of the gold-to-silver ratio. We have almost reached the target I identified a couple of weeks ago.

This chart shows the silver price above and the ratio between the gold and silver price below. When the ratio spikes down that can be a signal to sell, as the chart shows.

Volatility is guaranteed

Now I don’t know how much monetary stimulus the Fed is going to create, but, to use a cliché, the markets really are on a knife-edge. If the quantity is deemed insufficient, we’ll see a major sell-off (to be followed, no doubt, by more QE). But if it’s seen as excessive, then we risk a major inflationary blow-off. The question is – what is excessive? What is the right amount of QE? How can anyone know?

One thing I can guarantee you is that there will be volatility. (Which is a pretty bad reflection on the Fed, given that stability is supposed to be what they’re providing).

But with so many markets at such obvious turning points, and inflation very much the mot du jour, my short-term speculative money is betting on a rise in the dollar, if only in the short term, and a fall in everything else.

In short, expectations for a QE tidal wave are so high, that it seems more likely than not that investors will be disappointed, almost regardless of what the Fed does.

This really looks like a case of ‘buy the rumour, sell the news’.

From the editor: By the way, if you’re still bamboozled as to what QE actually is, and what the Fed is trying to do, my colleague Tim Bennett has recorded a video which explains the purpose of QE, how the Fed and other central banks go about doing it, and what kind of impact it may have. Take a look at it here – it’s well worth watching so you’re armed and ready before the big announcement tonight.

Our recommended article for today

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Who is the only defensive player to win NFL MVP?

The annual National Football League Draft has become a ratings-grabbing, must-see event for football fans. Whether it's on Saturday or Monday, early morning or late evening, f … ootball fanatics have proven they will watch the draft, or attend draft themed parties to celebrate the newest members of their favorite team. As the allure of the draft grows, interest in history and odds facts and figures from drafts of the past expands as well. The NFL draft started way back in 1936, so there's no shortage of available oddities, busts and stories that have accumulated in nearly 80 years. Here are some interesting notes, records and statistics about the NFL draft. Jay Berwanger will go down as an interesting footnote in football history. In 1935, Berwanger became the first winner of the Downtown Athletic Club trophy, which was soon renamed the Heisman Trophy. Upon graduating from Notre Dame, Berwanger also became the first-ever player drafted in the National Football League, and looked poised to be a potential star halfback. Berwanger was selected #1 overall by the Philadelphia Eagles, but was soon traded to the Chicago Bears. He couldn't come to a salary agreement with either club and chose to try to participate in the 1936 Berlin Olympics. When Berwanger failed to qualify for the Olympics, he still couldn't agree to a contract with legendary Bears owner George Halas and ended up never playing a down of professional football. Although being the top pick in an NFL draft will most certainly bring a player fame and fortune, it's not a guarantee to be lasting. There have been some notable draft busts that never achieved the amount of success that was expected when they were chosen. Players like the aforementioned Jay Berwanger, Angelo Bertelli, and Randy Duncan never played a single down in the NFL. Others, like JaMarcus Russell, Tim Couch, Ki-Jana Carter, and Steve Emtman never lived up to expectations and are synonymous with the term "draft busts."While there have been some bumps in the road for #1 picks, mostly, the players have achieved at least some significant level of success in the National Football League. 42 players to garner the top pick have went on to qualify for at least one Pro Bowl appearance. Five players have managed to win Rookie of the Year honors in their freshman campaigns. So far, 12 players that were selected #1 have gone on to become members of the Pro Football Hall of Fame: Bill Dudley (1942), Charley Trippi (1945), Chuck Bednarik (1949), Paul Hornung (1957), Ron Yary (1968), O. J. Simpson (1969), Terry Bradshaw (1970, Lee Roy Selmon (1976), Earl Campbell (1978), John Elway (1983), Bruce Smith (1985), and Troy Aikman (1989).Since 1967, which is considered the modern-era of the NFL draft, number one overall picks have went on to win 26 Super Bowl titles. We all know it's next to impossible to win without a good quarterback. Considering that the worst team in the league gets the number one pick, it's no surprise that QB's have dominated the top overall selection in the NFL draft. In NFL draft history, quarterbacks have gone number one overall 31 times, including 12 of the 16 drafts from 1998-2017. Offensive players have dominated the top pick, besting their defensive classmates by a 4-to-1 ratio. The overall breakdown, by position: Quarterbacks (31), Running Backs (22), Defensive Lineman (12), Offensive Lineman (6), Receiver (6), Linebackers (4), and defensive backs (1).Interesting note: 2017 was the first time in 50 years that no running back was selected in the first round. In 2017, the Kansas City Chiefs earned the first overall pick for the first time in the franchise's history. It also crossed the Chiefs off of a list of franchises that have never had the #1 pick. That list is now only four teams: The Denver Broncos, Jacksonville Jaguars, Baltimore Ravens and Seattle Seahawks. Conversely, The Baltimore/Indianapolis Colts have earned the top pick a record seven times (1955, 1967, 1983, 1990, 1992, 1998, 2012.)The Los Angeles/St. Louis Rams are next with six, followed by a handful of other teams with four each. Steaming up this list is the Houston Texans, who have now earned the top spot three times in the club's brief 12 season history. Most trades occurring during the draft: 34 (2008)Most trades in round one: 15 (1995)Most defensive players selected to begin a draft: 6 (1991)Most players drafted from outside of the US: 11 (2017) Most players drafted from one college conference: 63 (SEC in 2017)Most first round picks from a single school: 6 (Miami 2004)Most first round selections in single draft: 4 (New York Jets in 2000)Last draft to have no quarterbacks selected in round one: 1996Number of NFL drafts that have featured multiple Heisman Trophy winners: 11 Number of players who have won the Heisman Trophy, were selected #1 overall in the NFL Draft, won an NFL MVP, won a Super Bowl title, and made the Pro Football Hall of Fame: 1 (Paul Hornung)Number of teams to draft two Hall of Fame players in one round: 2 (1965,1995)First draft to produce two QB's that won multiple Super Bowl titles: 2004 Longest first round in draft history: six hours, eight minutes (2007)By virtue of selecting former University of Miami (FL) quarterback Steve Walsh with their first round pick in the 1989 NFL supplemental draft, the Dallas Cowboys forfeited the #1 overall pick in the 1990 NFL draft. (MÁS)

Senior writer. Editor. Dad. Husband. Craft Beer.

As soon as the NFL season concludes in February, football fans focus shifts to the next season's draft. During the build up to the draft, speculation runs rampant about who wi … ll be selected and what collegiate stars will go on to have productive professional football career. Most NFL draft picks will go on to have brief careers in the league. Some will never even make a pro roster. Others will go on to become serviceable, longterm players. An unlucky few will wash out and joins the likes of Jamarcus Russell, Tony Mandarich, "The Boz," and Ryan Leaf as the biggest draft busts in NFL history. But NFL titles are often won late in the draft, when teams strike gold with a late-round pick that far exceeds expectations and go on to have a Hall-of-Fame career. Those under-the-radar gems that overcome adversity and become worthy of being ranked as the greatest draft-day bargains in NFL history. Let's take a look at seven of the greatest steals in NFL history. Before the NFL became such the aerial showcase that it is these days, Raymond Berry was considered amongst the greatest wide receivers to ever play the game. When he retired in 1967, Berry had the NFL record with 631 receptions. Berry also went on to compile a 48-39 record as an NFL head coach and led the 1985 New England Patriots to Superbowl XX. Selected with the 200th pick in the 1956 draft as a favor to Alabama basketball coach Johnny Dee, Bart Starr would go on to win an unprecedented five NFL championships - all in a seven season span. Starr took up coaching the Packers after his playing days ended, but he enjoyed considerably less success. As a player, he retired a 5-time NFL champion, 4-time Pro Bowler, and won the first two Superbowl MVP awards. Drafted out of little-known Morgan State in 1953, "Rosey" Brown would go on to become one of the premiere offensive lineman in NFL history. In 1956, Brown would be on a talented New York Giants championship team loaded with fellow Hall-of-Famers including Frank Gifford, Alex Webster, Sam Huff, Andy Robustelli, Vince Lombardi and Tom Landry. Brown retired a 9-time Pro Bowler, 6-time First Team All-Pro and was enshrined into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1975. Rosey Brown passes away in 2004 at the age of 71.Roger Staubach was a late-round NFL draft pick who would go on to become a decorated star, on and off the gridiron. The Dallas Cowboys selected Staubach with the 129th pick in the 1964 draft, but due to Staubach's United States Navy commitments in the Unites States and Vietnam, it would be five years before Staubach would wear the silver and blue star on his helmet. The Cowboys' wait would be worth it, as Staubach would retire a 6-time Pro Bowler, would play in five Superbowls and win two Lombardi Trophies for Dallas. Taken with the 186th pick in the 1961 NFL Draft, Deacon Jones wasn't expected to make a big impact. Not only did he do that, he would go on to be one of the greatest defensive players in NFL history. The late Jones is credited with coining the term "sack" and setting unofficial records for most sacks in a season - 26 in 1967- before it was even an official statistic. Jones was an 8-time Pro Bowler, 5-time First Team All-Pro, 2-time NFL Defensive Player of the Year, and was elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1980. Deacon Jones passed away in 2017."Joe Cool" won an NCAA title at Notre Dame in 1977 but managed to inexplicably fall in the 1979 draft - as the fourth quarterback off the board. Montana would go on to redefine the position and lead the San Francisco 49ers to four SuperBowl championships and retire as the greatest signal-caller in League history. After being selected by the New England Patriots with the 199th round pick, former Michigan quarterback Tom Brady famously approached Patriots owner Robert Kraft and told him "Hi Mr. Kraft, I'm Tom Brady. You'll ever regret picking me."And he doesn't. Brady has gone on to become the first quarterback to play in six Superbowls, and has already claimed four Lombardi Trophies. Not only is his legacy as one of the greatest draft picks in NFL history secure, he may go on to be the greatest football player to ever don a helmet. (MÁS)

KARACHI: TBL – Triple Bottom-Line, a sustainability advocacy platform working to promote CSR in Pakistan since 2007, is now launching a unique initiative, the National Volunteer Programme (NVP), initially in Karachi, and later expanding it nationwide, a statement said on Thursday.

NVP’s Vision is “to strive for a just and prosperous society in which the marginalized will emerge from distress through the caring support of other, more privileged and compassionate people serving as volunteers.”

While volunteerism does take place in society, the NVP is unique in terms of a structured platform and service that optimizes the benefits of volunteerism for both the volunteers and the beneficiary institutions.

The NVP achieves this by matching the specific skills and interests of volunteers with the matching needs of beneficiary institutions, through a customized software and dedicated portal, www. nvp. com. pk. Focusing particularly on corporate executives as volunteers in the first phase, the NVP will act as a facilitator and a medium, providing corporate volunteers meaningful opportunities to serve in Beneficiary Institutions working in a range of focus areas.

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Freight Forward - June, 2017

Iron-ore inventory in China snapped its 4 month decline to recover marginally by 5% to 70.7 million tonnes however, it didn't support rates greatly. Capesize rates improved marginally by 5% MoM but rates are expected to weaken as supply supersedes demand. Panamax rates too decline amidst poor grain cargo from South America and lower cargo from Indonesia. Smaller vessels like Supramax and Hadysize demand remained flattish with rates declining marginally by 2% MoM. On capacity front, robust delivery to the tune of 5.3 million dwt in May 2017 however, neworder for May 2017 remained 2.6 million dwt also order book till CY 2017 in drybulk segment contracted to 97.1 million dwt against 101 million dwt in April 2017 providing marginal relief. Charter rates are expected to remain under pressure due to sluggish demand and no immediate revival.

RBI Action - Monetary Policy Update

Shipping Monthly Report - June 2017

The central bank kept the repo rate unchanged at 7.25%

CRR left unchanged at 4%

The marginal standing facility (MSF) rate left unchanged at 8.25%

Quick Comment - Mahindra & Mahindra

Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) has entered into a multi-structured deal with Spain's CIE Automotive, which involves sale of stake in 3 entities of the Systech Automotive components division to CIE Automotives and then subsequent merger of the entities along with CIE Automotive's forging businesses in Spain and Lithuania into Mahindra Forgings, which will be renamed to Mahindra CIE. CIE Automotives will hold 51% stake in the entity and M&M will hold

20% stake. Furthermore, M&M will purchase 13.5% stake in CIE Automotives to become the 2nd largest shareholder.

Quick Comment - Gateway Distripark

Norwest Venture Partners (NVP) will invest | 60 crores in Gateway Distripark (GDL) subsidiary Snowman Logistics Limited (SLL) to acquire 14.3% stake in SLL valuing SLL at

|420 crores. Prior to the deal, SLL's Equity Capital was 10.29 crore shares with a face value of |10 each which is set to expand by 1.7 crores shares to 12 crores shares taking the equity base to |120 crores post deal. GDL, in order to keep its majority stake, bought 5% stake from one of SLL's shareholder (IFC) for a consideration of 18 crores (valuing each share at 35) prior to the deal. Post investment by NVP the shareholding pattern in SLL: GDL (51%), Mitsubishi (22%), IFC (13%) and NVP (14%). For details, click on the link below

Traditional Investments: Stocks and Bonds

As an investor, you have a variety of options to choose from, including stocks and bonds. The investment you select depends on your financial goals, your investment preferences, and your tolerance for risk.

These options represent traditional investments: You put your money down and hold on. Although you want to make changes as necessary to protect your investment, these types of investments can add stability to more aggressive — and riskier — investment strategies (like trading and hedging).

Investing in stocks

When you buy stock, you’re buying ownership in a corporation (or company). The benefit of owning stock in a corporation is that whenever the corporation profits, you profit as well. Typically, investors buy stocks and hold them for a long time, making decisions along the way about reallocating investment capital as financial needs change, selling underperformers, and so on.

As an investor, you want to make sure that your stock portfolio is carefully balanced among the different types of stocks (growth, value, domestic, international, and so on) and your other investments. A well-balanced traditional portfolio (which includes stocks and long-, short-, and intermediate-term bonds) generally offers a steady return of between 5 and 12 percent, depending on the specific investments and the amount of risk you’re willing to assume.

Investing in bonds

To raise money, governments, government agencies, municipalities, and corporations can sell bonds. When you buy a bond, you’re essentially lending money to this entity for the promise of repayment in addition to a specified annual return. In that sense, a bond is really nothing more than an IOU with a serial number. Some people, to sound impressive, call bonds debt securities or fixed-income securities .

Although some entities are more reliable than others, bonds generally offer stability and predictability well beyond that of most other investments. Because you are, in most cases, receiving a steady stream of income (the annual returns, for example), and because you expect to get your principal back in one piece (at the end of the bond’s life), bonds tend to be more conservative investments than stocks, commodities, or collectibles.

Definitive Agreement to Acquire Meotoiwa Paradise from Nagoya Railroad

NSSK is pleased to announce that today it entered into definitive agreements to acquire Meotoiwa Paradise Co, Ltd. ("Meotoiwa Paradise"; http://www. futami-seaparadise. com ) from Nagoya Railroad Co. Ltd.

Meotoiwa Paradise, is in Ise City, Mie Prefecture, and on a tour bus route from Ise Shrine. It is a shopping and entertainment arcade development that includes souvenir stores, restaurants and shops selling seafood and other local products. Contiguous with the arcade is Futami Sea Paradise, an aquarium which is famous for the close and personal encounter and interaction with walruses, seals and other marine mammals.

In close cooperation with local businesses, financial institutions and governments and in partnership with the employees, NSSK plans to help revitalize the business. The corporate carve-out investment in Meotoiwa Paradise illustrates NSSK's commitment to invest in local businesses with high growth potential in Japan's regional economy and represents its strategy of investing in businesses well positioned to benefit from increasing domestic and overseas tourist activity.

Yasuhiko Matsunaga Joins as Senior Advisor

NSSK announced today that Yasuhiko Matsunaga joined the organization as Senior Advisor. NSSK will benefit greatly from his extensive experience in finance.

Mr. Matsunaga started his career with the Industrial Bank of Japan, where he worked mainly on forex dealing and M&A advisory for 24 years. Since 1993, he had served as the Forex Chief Dealer for three years. Thereafter, he worked for IBJ Securities, Shinko Securities, and Mizuho Securities as Senior Executive. Since 2011, he had served as Head of Investment Banking and Head of Global Markets at Tokai Tokyo Securities. Currently he is the President of Tokai Tokyo Investment, a venture capital arm of Tokai Tokyo Financial Holdings.

Shinji Yamada Joins as Regional Operations Leader

NSSK announced today that Shinji Yamada joined the organization as Regional Operations Leader. NSSK will benefit greatly from his extensive experience in M&A advisory and management consultancy.

Mr. Yamada started his career with Mitsubishi Bank Ltd. where he worked in Japan and the US for 9 years and earned his MBA from the University of Chicago. Thereafter, he worked for Bain & Company as a management consultant, and then served as an M&A banker at Deutsche Securities, Mitsubishi UFJ Securities, Shinsei Bank and Tokai Tokyo Securities for 15 years. Currently, Mr. Yamada is the CEO of Intelligence Advisory Ltd. an independent advisory firm.

Izumi Ogura Joins as Senior Advisor

NSSK announced today that Izumi Ogura joined the organization as Senior Advisor. NSSK will benefit greatly from his extensive experience in both government and private financial sectors.

Mr. Ogura started his career with the Bank of Japan, where he worked mainly in the Money Market Operations Department and the Foreign Exchange Section of the International Department for 12 years. Thereafter, he worked for Dresdner Bank for about 10 years and then served as senior executive officers at Aozora Bank and Shinsei Bank for 11 years. During 2011-14, Mr. Ogura served as Head of Financial Service Industry for Abeam Consulting Ltd. and led approximately 300 consultants of the division.

Capital and Strategic Alliance with US. Mart Corporation

NSSK is pleased to announce its first investment in Mie-prefecture based US. Mart Corporation (Ise, CEO: Yoshihiro Taguchi, http://www. usmart. co. jp ). US. Mart is a leading owner and operator of indoor playground facilities (over 90 facilities throughout Japan) and franchisor of 100 Yen stores. NSSK and US. Mart entered into a definitive agreement on December 17, 2017 whereby NSSK will acquire a controlling interest (70%) in US. Mart and enter into a strategic alliance agreement with the company.

The company is looking to continue its expansion in Japan and will begin its international expansion into selected Asian markets. Given its rapid growth and future expansion plans, Mr. Taguchi has decided to engage with NSSK to help execute its strategic objectives by implementing NSSK’s NVP program throughout its operations.

NSSK will drive the company’s growth by enhancing operations of existing stores as well as accelerating new store opening through NSSK’s business network.

Our Office is Open

We are pleased to announce the opening of the Nippon Sangyo Suishin Kiko Ltd. (NSSK) office at Atago Green Hills, Mori Building, 17th floor. We welcome all visitors to come hear the NSSK story.

Komli Media receives additional round of funding from NVP

Komli Media, Asia Pacific's leading digital media network, announced that it has raised US$ 15 mn in funding led by Norwest Venture Partners (NVP). Existing investors, Nexus Venture Partners and Helion Venture Partners, also participated in this round. The additional capital will be used to fuel aggressive expansion throughout India and across its key markets in Asia Pacific. The Company will further invest in its two core businesses – the Digital Media Network and the Audience Measurement unit - which are experiencing significant growth.

In 2010, Komli Media’s business grew over 600% while its employee base grew to 115, from 51 at the start of the year. Last year, Komli Media began its expansion across Asia Pacific by acquiring PostClick, Australia’s leading site representation firm. In October the Company further expanded to international ethnic markets with its acquisition of Indoor Media. With capabilities across brand solutions and performance marketing, Komli Media is Asia Pacific’s leading digital media network.

Amar Goel, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Komli Media, said, “We were drawn to NVP because it is a global, top tier investment firm with deep domain knowledge in the online advertising sector. Furthermore, NVP’s powerful network of relationships in India and abroad will be of great value to Komli Media as we expand our offerings and services to other markets. We look forward to closely partnering with NVP to take our company to the next level.”

Komli Media's digital media network represents more than 2,000 websites today, including sites such as Facebook, Babycenter and Bloomberg, reaching more than 45 mn unique users across a number of categories and regions. The company also owns and operates ViziSense, India’s first and leading online audience and ad measurement platform. ViziSense is now being launched in Australia to tap the growing needs for cutting edge audience measurement from digital marketers and publishers.

Niren Shah, Managing Director, NVP India, joins Komli Media’s board of directors as part of today’s announcement. He commented, “NVP is excited about the potential of early and late stage Internet investments in India, and Komli is the perfect addition to our robust global Internet portfolio. Komli Media’s highly experienced management team, significant level of technical expertise, and strong operational and financial performance made our decision to invest in the company an easy one. We look forward to working with Komli Media and supporting the team as it innovates in unique ways that will cement its position as a market leader in the rapidly evolving Indian and Asia Pacific digital market.”

Prashant Mehta, Chief Operating Officer of Komli Media added, “As Komli Media expands its core operations in the fast growing Asia Pacific markets with a digital market size of more than USD 3 billion, we plan to leverage this funding to double our investment in our key products and platforms as well as scale our organization across sales and marketing.” He further added, “As we make these investments, we look forward to thought leadership and strategic guidance from the NVP team.”

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MP Abena Osei Asare Picks Nomination Forms

By Daniel Bampoe

MRS. ABENA Osei Asare, Member of Parliament (MP) for Atiwa East in the Eastern Region, has picked nomination forms, to contest the primaries for the second term as a parliamentary candidate of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) slated for June 13.

In 2010, she contested the party's primary as a result of the death of the incumbent MP for Atiwa and came in second with 36 per cent of the votes, losing to Mr Kwasi Amoako Atta who is now MP for Atiwa West.

When the Atiwa Constituency was divided into two following the passage of the Constitutional Instrument 78 which created 45 new constituencies throughout the country, she was elected as the party's parliamentary candidate.

Mr. Asare who won 16,449 votes out of the 23,361 valid votes cast=70.41% to defeated others such as Foster Asante (NDC) 6,480=27.74%, George Padmore Apraku (NVP) 237=1.01% and Boateng Okyere (PPP) 195=0.83% will be seeking the mandate of her constituents to represent them in Parliament.

Speaking to the DAILY GUIDE after picking the forms, at the constituency office over the weekend, she said she decided to contest again because she had an 'unfinished business 'in the Atiwa East Constituency.

She hinted that, though two strong men has also picks the forms to contest her but due to the numerous achievements she has done for her constituency in the past two years in office, she hopes the delegates will endorse her again to continue.

Explaining further, she said she had installed over 100 street lights across the length and breadth of the constituency and had plans to encourage the formation of neighborhood watchdog committees to per-empt crime in the constituency.

According to her, her outfits for the past two years in office has been able to distributes 400 pieces of solar lamps to her constituents, renovates of 3 classrooms blocks at Anyiman, facilitates 3 boreholes for Anyinam, renovates of public toilets, acquisition of loans for over 100 women to expand their business among other uncountable projects done for the constituency.

She averred that, her outfit has distriutes 40 latops and 20 desktops computers to both private and public School in her area and has recently lobbied for the Community Day SHS which will be very soon constructed at Anyinam.

Presenting the forms earlier to the MP, Adansi Pippim the Constituency Chairman, advise her to embark on a decent campaign, devoid of insults, lies and character assassination against her contenders, since they all belonged to the same family.

Profile Mrs Abena Osei-Asare, is one of the youngest MPs in the Sixth Parliament of the Fourth Republic who has work as a legislator to champion the hopes and aspirations of her constituents.

Since 2003, the Atiwa East legislator has nurtured the ambition to lead her people at the highest level of the country's political governance.

In December 2003, Mrs Osei-Asare was posted to the then office of the Presidential Special Initiative on Garment where she spent one year on national service.

She worked at the New York University (NYU) in Ghana between 2004 and 2007 as Assistant Director (Finance and Facilities), where she managed a budget close to $1 million annually and had added responsibility of all accounting and financial information for the university.

Poised to explore the world of employment, Mrs Osei-Asare sought employment at Barclays Bank Ghana Limited in 2007 and worked as Customer Team Leader between 2007 and 2009.

As a woman of the people, Mrs Osei-Asare has an NGO, Waterbrooke Foundation, which helps brilliant, and she has pay over 100 needy student's school fees.

The MP holds a Bachelor of Arts (Economics) degree from the University of Ghana. She also has a dealing certificate from ACI (Financial Markets Association) and is also a member of the ACCA.

She is a product of Wesley Girls High School-Cape-Coast (1995-1997), as she enjoys traveling, reading and listening to current affairs as well as volunteer work, especially with children.

The MP is married with two children.

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Nevirapine Once Daily

Reading Assignment Divisi Penyakit Tropik & Infeksi Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK-USU/RSHAM Telah dibacakan PEMAKAIAN NEVIRAPINE SEKALI SEHARI Andi Raga Ginting, Divisi Penyakit Tropik Infeksi - Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK USU - RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan PENDAHULUAN Penemuan obat antiretroviral (AV) pada tahun 1996 mendorong suatu revolusi dalam perawatan pasien HIV di negara maju. Meskipun belum mampu menyembuhkan penyakit dan menambah tantangan dalam efek samping serta resistensi kronis terhadab obat, namun secara dramatis terapi ARV menurunkan angka kematian dan kesakitan, meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien dengan HIV, dan meningkatkan harapan masyarakat, sehingga pada saat ini HIV dan AIDS telah diterima sebagai penyakit yang dapat dikendalikan dan tidak lagi dianggap sebagai penyakit yang menakutkan.(1) Obat ARV terdiri dari beberapa golongan seperti nucleoside reverse transciptase inhibitor, nucleotide reverse transciptase inhibitor, non-nucleoside reverse transciptase inhibitor, dan inhibitor protease.(2) Baku pengobatan terdiri dari gabungan beberapa golongan obat, dan biasanya terdiri dari tiga obat atau disebut triple therapy dan kombinasi golongan obat HIV ini biasanya juga disebut dengan Highly Active Antiretrovial Therapy (HAART). WHO merekomendasikan bahwa rejimen lini pertama adalah 2 NRTI ditambah satu obat NNRTI.(3) NNRTI adalah golongan obat yang mengganggu proses penciptaan DNA virus dari RNA, dengan mengikat enzim reverse traskiptase dan menghalangi keiatannya. Bebepara penelitian menunjukan kepatuhan yang baik (>95%) terhadap rejimen antiretroviral dibutuhkan untuk mencapai supresi jangka panjang dari replikasi virus. Hal ini juga diketahui bahwa ketidakpatuhan menghasilkan resistensi virus terhadap obat dan kegagalan dalam pengobatan. Kepatuhan berbanding terbalik dengan jumlah dosis perhari. Dalam rangka upaya untuk menyederhanakan rejimen dan meningkatkan kepatuhan, maka dosis sekali sehari merupakan pilihan yang paling diinginkan oleh pasien yang terinfeksi HIV. Semakin banyak obat dari beberapa kelas dilisensikan untuk dosis sekali sehari (misalnya, tenefovir, evaп¬Ѓrenz dan atazanavir. Sebagai 1 tambahan, kelayakan dosis sekali sehari pada obat yang berlisensi untuk dosis dua kali sehari sedang di eksplorasi, salah satunya adalah nevirapine.(4) NEVIRAPINE Nevirapine (NVP) adalah suatu non-nucleoside reverse transciptase inhibitor (NNRTI) untuk HIV-1. Hal ini menghambat replikasi HIV-1 dengan mengikat langsung transkiptse-balik (reverse transciptase RT) dan memblokir sentrum katalisis enzim. Setelah NVP berikatan dengan RT, akan menyebabkan perubahan konformasi yang menginaktivasi enzim, sehingga mencegah polimerisasi RNA virus ke DNA. NVP sangat spesifik untuk RT HIV-1 dan tidak mengganggu polimerasi DNA manusia. NVP dengan bebas memasuki sel dan aktif dalam banyak sel yang berbeda, termasuk T-limfosit dan makrofag, target yang dikenal HIV; ini berbeda dengan analog n e u k l o s i d a ( N u c l e o s i d e re v e r s e transciptase inhibitor ), yang memiliki VOL. 37, 1993 PHA Plasma was assayed by hig after inactivatin aktivitas variabel dalam baris sel yang assay was valid from 25 to 10,00 berbeda. Tidak seperti NRTI, NVP tidak than 88% of th both nevirapine perlu terfosforilasi intrasel untuk menjadi free human pla interfering or c aktif; sebagai hasilnya, paparan obat curves were us coefficient of va mined from un sangat konsisten di dalam dan diantara different concen during the stud baris sel. NVP juga dapat mengikat RT deviations rang FIG. 1. Nevirapine, 5,11-dihydro-11-cyclopropyl-4-methyl-6H-dithe nominal val pyrido-[3,2-b2',3'e][1,4]diazepin-6-one (molecular weight, 266.302). virion ekstraseluler didalam plasma. Ini tion, defined as deviation of 8 asites) beresiko untuk menumpuknya NVP, dan yang lebih penting, NVP menimbulkan toksisitas hati. Dalam keadaan itu penggunaan NVP tidak dianjurkan. Jika NVP sangat diperlukan dalam kadaan seperti itu, pengurangan dosis harus dipertimbangkan.(5) Penelitian oleh Hong-Brown et al juga menunjukkan penurunan sintesis protein dalam miosit oleh karena keberadaan NVP dalam sel ini. Penurunan sintesa protein berkolerasi dengan penurunan tingkat fosforilasi dari translasi yang menginisiasi protein.(7) 4 Jenis Kelamin/Ras/Usia Tidak ada perbedaan yang cukup besar terhadap jenis kelamin atau ras yang dilaporkan dalam beberapa uji klinis. Di dalam satu penelitian fase I melibatkan sukarelawan yang sehat (15 wanita, 15 pria), berat badan-disesuaikan distribusi volume (Vdss) dari NVP lebih tinggi pada wanita (1.54L/kg) dibandingkan dengan pria (1.38L/kg), menunjukkan bahwa NVP di distribusikan lebih banyak pada wanita. Namun, perbedaan ini diimbangi dengan waktu paruh fase terminal lebih pendek pada wanita. Sehingga tidak ada perbedaan jenis kelamin yang signiп¬Ѓkan dalam konsentrasi NVP setelah pemberian baik dosis tunggal ataupun dosis ganda.(5, 8) Pada orang dewasa, farmakokinetik NVP tidak berubah jauh pada usia (berkisar18-68 tahun). Tingkat pembersihan yang nyata pada anak-anak mencapai maksimum pada umur 1-2 tahun, dan kemudian menurun pada waktu kewaktu. akibatnya dosis yang dianjurkan untuk anak 2 bulan sampai 8 tahun adalah 4mg/kg sekali sehari untuk 14 hari pertama setelah itu diikuti dengan 7 mg/kg dua kali sehari. dibandingkan dengan 4mg/kg sekali sehari untuk 14 hari pertama diikuti dengan 4mg/kg dua kali sehari pada anak-aanak usia 8 tahun dan lebih tua.(5) Studi Dosis Manusia Dosis harian 12.50, 50, 200, dan 400 mg diteliti pada pasien dewasa dengan hitungan CD4+ T-limfosit 250 cells/mm3 atau п¬Ѓgure 1, there is a clear demarcation in the risk dengan jumlah CD4+ Tpria of developing nevirapine-associated symptomatic hepatitis at the CD4 limfosit >400 cells/mm3 cell count cutoffs mentioned above. In our comprehensive (Gambar 3).(15)analyses, the freDiperlukan quency of patients with symptomatic hepatic events in the lowerlanjut untuk penelitian lebih CD4 cell count groups (women with counts !250 cells/ mengethui resiko mm3 and men withfaktor !400 cells/ counts 3 mm ) was signiп¬Ѓcantly reduced and was predisposisi pada pasien yang consistent with frequencies found in asGambar 3 Frequency of early symptomatic hepatic events in controlled and uncontrolled trials Figure 1. sociation with other antiretrovirals, inmengalami hepatitis, diduga with nevirapine. Data are from Boehringer Ingelheim’s Expanded Hepatic Analysis and are included cluding efavirenz (1%–2%). We are conin EU/US VIRAMUNE prescribing information; “early symptomatic events” refers to events occurring pasien ko-infeksi during the п¬Ѓrst 6 weeks of treatment. cerned that, dengan study FTC-302 because for Long-Term Therapy !200 cells/mm3, the major predictive fac - Downloaded from http://jid. oxfordjournals. org/ by guest on April 8, 2012 hepatitis C mempunyai angka resiko lebih tinggi untuk mengalami hepatitis klinis ketika menggunakan terapi NVP.(16) CORRESPONDENCE • JID 2005:192 (1 August) • 545 PENYEDERHANAAN DOSIS Saat ini direkomendasikan bahwa NVP diberikan dua kali sehari; namun karena panjang paruh waktu pada kadar optimal (25-30 jam), dosis sekali sehari sering digunakan dalam praktek klinik. Label terbuka, acak, studi crossover oleh garcia van Heeswijk et al menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan bermakna dalam keseluruhan paparan NVP (AUC) ketika dosis 400mg sekali sehari dibandingkan dengan 200mg dua kali sehari.(17) 7 patients with detectable HIV-1 RNA using NVP dosed to a 400 mg once-d to discontinue NVP because of HSR (2 ra Figure 1. Adverse events among patients initiating nevirapine Efп¬Ѓcacy Kadar terendah25 NVP ketika diberikan dosis sehari sekali adalah в€ј25% lebih patients (n=1,080), rendah jika Once daily Twice daily starting diberikan dosis dua kali sehari, ini masih jauh diatas IC50. Penelitian SCAN menemukan bahwaNVP hav 20 Patients, % 15 Antiretroviral efп¬Ѓcac (n=1,819), and trea P=0.001 NVP sehari sekali adalah efektif dan ditoleransi dengan baik sama seperti NVP dua kaliing detectable HIV-1 sehari pada 8.9 infeksi HIV tahap awal.(18) P=0.036 pula, penelitian Atlantic menunjukkan bahwa tiga preventing the Demikian P=0.041 load, obat 8.4 10 patients had a miss P=0.466 6.3 kombinasi termasuk dua nukleosida (didianosin dan stavudine) ditambah NVP dosis sekali sehari, NVP-ba 5 4.5 twice-daily 5 3.5 1.4 1.1 mempunyai efek antivirus dan CD+4 serupa dengan rejimen kombinasi termasuk duamen after a median nukleosida 0 ysis. A total of 734 NVP treatment and to a once-daily NV y h yang sama dan satu penghambat SR ty Hprotease (idinavir).(19) toxicit Ras xici y to NVP initiation. At to An pa Dari penelitian Calmy A et al. menyatakanHe inisiasi dosis NVP sekali sehari pada RNA was undetecta pasien yang median (IQR) CD4 Adverse event telah tersupresi replikasi HIV-1nya, dan juga pasien yang beralih dari dosis NVP dua kali sehari (311–670). At 96 weeks, 84% yang telah stabil ke rejimen sekali sehari, memiliki proп¬Ѓle yang baik (Tablel 2).(20) HSR, hypersensitivity reaction. a twice-daily regime compared with 86% Table 2. Multivariate logistic regression analysis of risk factors (P=0.540). Kaplan– Tabel 2. Multivariative logistic regression analysis of risk factors for hypersensitivity reactions. for hypersensitivity reactions ences between the gr able (log-rank P=0.7 Parameter OR (95% CI) P-value models conп¬Ѓrmed th Nevirapine dose/plasma viral load daily hazard ratio [H Twice daily/detectablea 1 – In treatment-expe Twice daily/undetectableb 0.67 (0.47–0.94) 0.021 with detectable HIVOnce daily/detectablea 1.52 (1.00–2.30) 0.049 associated with a bet Once daily/undetectableb 0.44 (0.20–0.98) 0.044 as compared with p Low pre-HAART CD4+ T-cell countc 0.67 (0.48–0.93) 0.016 schedule (71% versu Low current CD4+ T-cell countd 0.65 (0.46–0.90) 0.010 table HIV-1 RNA f Asian ethnicity 2.89 (1.57–5.32) 0.0006 group, respectively; of the TLOVR show Model is stratiп¬Ѓed for cohort and adjusted for calendar year of starting nevirapine. aViral load was detectable at the start of nevirapine treatment. of virological failure b Viral load was below the lower limit of quantiп¬Ѓcation of the used assay at start with the once-daily c + of nevirapine treatment. CD4 T-cell count just before the start of combination antiretroviral therapy was 250 cells/mm3 for women and 400 cells/mm3 for 96 weeks of follow-u men. dCD4+ T-cell count at the start of nevirapine treatment was 250 cells/ However, the TLOV mm3 for women and 400 cells/mm3 for men. CI, conп¬Ѓdence interval; HAART, highly active antiretroviral therapy; OR, odds ratio. the adjusted Cox an 934 Negredo et al. meneliti keamanan dan kemanjuran pasien beralih dari berbagai rejimen dua AVT-09-OA-1262_Calmy. indd 934 kali sehari (dengan atau tanpa NVP) menjadi satu kali sehari nevirapin 400mg, dianosine 400mg dan tenofovir 300mg. (21) Total pasien 196, 85 dari mereka beralih ke rejimen sehari sekali. Setelah 48 minggu, 65 dari 85 pasien (76%) pada grup sehari sekali dipertahankan plasma viral load dibawah 50 copies/mL, dibandingkan dengan 72 dari 84% (86%) dalam grup yang masih melanjutkan dosis dua kali sehari (P=0.176). Efek samping yang menyebabkan pemberhentian pengobatan lebih banyak pada group sehari sekali. Tiga subjek (3.6%) yang melanjutkan dosis dua kali sehari diberhentikan terapinya dibandingkan dengan 12 subjek (14.1%) yang beralih ke dosis sehari sekali. Setelah 48 minggu. dalam grup dosis sehari sekali dilaporkan kepatuhan sebesar 97% dibandingkan dengan grup dua kali sehari sebesar 69.2%. Data ini menunjukkan bahwa manfaat dari peningkatan kepatuhan lebih dibandingkan dengan efek samping, dan dalam penelitian ini, kemungkinan berkurangnya efektiп¬Ѓtas virologi. 8 Ketika dibandingkan dengan dosis NVP dua kali sehari, rejimen antiretroviral dosis 400 mg sekali sehari yang diberikan setelah dua minggu pemberian awal 200 mg berhubungan dengan peningkatan resiko ruam yang menyebabkan penghentian pengobatan. Resiko komplikasi hati menjadi perhatian lainnya. Patoп¬Ѓsiologi dari meningkatnya angka efek samping tidak sepenuhnya diketahui. Walaupun penigkatan Cmax dengan NVP sehari sekali telah dipertimbangkan, sedikit bukti yang memperkuat hal ini dalam analisa farmakokinetik yang telah dipublikasikan. dan Formulasi extended-release NVP tersedia pada tahun 2011 untuk dosis sekali sehari. Data keamanannya awal percobaan klinis menunjukkan bahwa NVP bentuk extended-release memiliki khasiat antiviral sebanding dengan NVP biasa yang dosis dua kali sehari pada follow up 48 minggu. Penekanan virologi dicapai pada 80% pasien yang menggunakan formulasi realase dengan extendeddibandingkan 75% yang formulasi Gambar 4 menggunakan biasa(Gambar 4).(22) 9 DAFTAR PUSTAKA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pedoman Nasional Tatalaksana Klinis Infeksi HIV dan Terapi Antiretroviral Pada Orang Dewasa. Jakarta: Kementrian Kesehatan RI; 2011. Djoerban Z, Djauzi S. HIV/AIDS di Indonesia. In: Sudoyo AW, Setiohadi B, Alwi I, K MS, Setiati S, editors. Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. 5 ed. Jakarta: Interna; 2010. p. 1825 - 9. 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Neurovive Pharmaceutical: Board Selects New CEO Erik Kinnman to Lead NeuroVive

NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB (publ) board of directors is pleased to announce that it has selected Erik Kinnman as NeuroVive’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Erik Kinnman will assume the new role on the 14th March 2017, leaving Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and Chief Operating Officer (COO) roles within his own consultancy business.

Erik Kinnman is a seasoned life science executive with broad experience and understanding from the industry across a variety of businesses and functions. He has held a number of senior leadership positions in biopharmaceutical companies such as AstraZeneca and Sobi. His expertise and experience includes clinical development, business strategy, business development, and investor relations. Erik Kinnman also has experience from the financial sector. In addition, he holds an Executive MBA from the Stockholm School of Economics and has comprehensive scientific qualifications from the Karolinska Institutet, which has rendered him a Ph. D. and an Associate Professor. Moreover, Erik Kinnman is an M. D. board certified in Neurology and Pain Management.

“The NeuroVive Board and I are confident that Erik Kinnman is the right person to lead the company, its strategy, and leverage the opportunities. The combination of his strategic vision and medical expertise is an excellent fit with NeuroVive’s strategy refocused towards R&D. Erik Kinnman is a strong and experienced leader who has a proven ability to translate scientific, clinical and business strategy into execution," commented Gregory Batcheller, Chairman of the NeuroVive Board of Directors. "He will provide expertise and focus across the organization and establish solid partnerships that will enhance our R&D program further. His broad experience grounded in research, medicine and the biopharmaceutical industry is exactly what we need to lead this organization forward.”

“I am excited about NeuroVive, the CEO role, and the opportunity to contribute to the success and growth of the company. NeuroVive is a highly innovative organization and I am convinced that it has great potential in its range of novel treatment opportunities and their commercial potential. NeuroVive and its partners are truly led by a purpose and passion to make a difference and meaningful impact to patients affected by mitochondrial disorders. I will enable our researchers and partners to deliver on the opportunities in the clinical projects, as well as in the early pipeline to drive the value of NeuroVive.” says Erik Kinnman.

Erik Kinnman succeeds interim CEO Jan Nilsson, who will resume his position as Chief Operating Officer for NeuroVive. Jan has made significant contributions to move the organization forward. The recent partnership deals with both Isomerase and the University of Pennsylvania (UPENN) have been significant achievements under Jan’s leadership. Jan’s extensive NeuroVive knowledge and commitment to move the organization forward have been greatly appreciated by both the teams and board of NeuroVive.

NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB (publ) is a pioneer in mitochondrial medicine and a company committed to the discovery and development of highly targeted candidates that preserve mitochondrial integrity and function in areas of significant therapeutic need. NeuroVive’s business approach is driven by value-adding partnerships with mitochondrial research institutions and commercial partners across the globe. NeuroVive’s portfolio consists of two clinical projects in acute kidney injury (AKI) and traumatic brain injury (TBI) with candidates in clinical and preclinical development and two drug discovery platforms. The NeuroSTAT® product has orphan drug status in Europe and in the US for treatment of moderate to severe traumatic brain injury and is currently being evaluated in a study, CHIC. Ciclosporin is being evaluated in an on-going study, CiPRICS, in acute kidney injury during major surgery. NeuroVive’s shares are listed on Nasdaq, Stockholm, Sweden.

NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB (publ)

Medicon Village, SE-223 81 Lund, Sweden

Tel: +46 (0)46 275 62 20 (switchboard), Fax: +46 (0)46 888 83 48

NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB (publ) is required to publish the information in this news release under The Swedish Securities Market Act. The information was submitted for publication on 23 February 2017, at 08 30 CET.

NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB (publ) - the mitochondrial medicine company. The company is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, Small Cap, under the ticker symbol NVP. The share is also traded on the OTC market in the US. NeuroVive Pharmaceutical (NEVPF ) trades on the OTC Pink Market. Investors can find Real-Time quotes and market information for the company at www. otcmarkets. com/stock/NEVPF/quote

This information was brought to you by Cision http://news. cision. com

UPDATE -- Diclegis® (Doxylamine Succinate and Pyridoxine Hydrochloride) for Morning Sickness Preferred Through Indiana, Colorado and Nevada Medicaid Programs

Coverage for the Only FDA-Approved and Only Pregnancy Category A Prescription Treatment for Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy Expands to Indiana, Colorado and Nevada Through the State-Administered Medicaid Drug Rebate Programs

Press Release . Duchesnay USA – Tue 5 Jan, 2017 8:34 PM IST

contenido relacionado

ROSEMONT, Pa. Jan. 05, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Duchesnay USA today announced that Diclegis® delayed-release tablets, for the treatment of Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy (NVP) in women who do not respond to conservative management, 1 are on the preferred drug list under the Indiana, Colorado and Nevada state-administered Medicaid programs.

NVP (commonly called morning sickness) is a very common medical condition, which is experienced by 70% to 85% of pregnant women. NVP can be quite debilitating throughout a woman’s pregnancy; however, treatment with Diclegis ® can help reduce NVP symptoms.

The addition of the Indiana, Colorado and Nevada Medicaid programs further expands availability to the already numerous commercially insured consumers that can currently access Diclegis ®. These three states join a growing list of influential State Medicaid programs, including California, Connecticut, Nebraska, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin, which cover Diclegis ® without special authorization requirements. Now, even more women across the country suffering from NVP will be able to receive Diclegis ® under state-administered Medicaid programs.

Diclegis ® is the only FDA-approved medicine for NVP and is safe and effective. 1 The FDA granted Diclegis ® Pregnancy Category A status 1. the best rating available. 2

For more information about Diclegis ®. visit www. Diclegis. com .

Diclegis is a prescription medicine used to treat nausea and vomiting of pregnancy in women who have not improved with change in diet or other non-medicine treatments.

Limitations of Use

Diclegis has not been studied in women with hyperemesis gravidarum.

Important Safety Information

Do not take Diclegis if you are allergic to doxylamine succinate, other ethanolamine derivative antihistamines, pyridoxine hydrochloride or any of the ingredients in Diclegis. You should also not take Diclegis in combination with medicines called monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), as these medicines can intensify and prolong the adverse central nervous system (CNS) effects of Diclegis.

The most common side effect of Diclegis is drowsiness. Do not drive, operate heavy machinery, or other activities that need your full attention unless your healthcare provider says that you may do so.

Do not drink alcohol, or take other CNS depressants such as cough and cold medicines, certain pain medicines, and medicines that help you sleep while you take Diclegis. Severe drowsiness can happen or become worse causing falls or accidents.

Diclegis should be used with caution in women who have certain medical conditions, such as asthma (1), or eye (2, 3), stomach (4, 5, 6) or bladder problems. Tell your healthcare provider about all of your medical conditions so he/she can assess if Diclegis is right for you.

It is not known if Diclegis is safe and effective in children under 18 years of age. Keep Diclegis and all medicines out of the reach of children.

Diclegis is a delayed-release formulation, so signs of overdose may not appear right away. If you take too much Diclegis (overdose), you may have the following symptoms: restlessness, dry mouth, the pupils of your eyes become larger (dilated), sleepiness, dizziness, confusion, fast heart rate, seizures, muscle pain or weakness, and sudden and severe kidney problems. If you have these symptoms and they are severe, they may lead to death. Stop taking Diclegis, call your healthcare provider or go to the nearest hospital emergency room right away. For more information about overdose treatment, call your poison control center at 1-800-222-1222.

Diclegis is intended for use in pregnant women.

Tell your healthcare provider about all of your medical conditions, including if you are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. Diclegis can pass into your breast milk and may harm your baby. You should not breastfeed while using Diclegis.

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www. fda. gov/medwatch or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

For additional important safety information, please see full Prescribing and Patient Information at www. diclegis. com. This information is not intended to replace discussions with your healthcare provider.

About Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy (NVP)

Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP), or morning sickness, affects 70 to 85 percent of pregnant women. 3,4,5,6 NVP can present differently for each woman, the symptoms include: nausea, gagging, retching, dry heaving, vomiting, and odor and/or food aversion. 7 For most pregnant women, symptoms generally cease at approximately 16 to 20 weeks. 6 However, some women can experience symptoms throughout their pregnancy. 8

Diclegis (doxylamine succinate 10 mg, pyridoxine hydrochloride 10 mg) delayed-release tablets are the only FDA-approved prescription treatment for nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP) in women who do not respond to conservative management. 1 Diclegis has proven to be a safe and effective treatment option for NVP and received Pregnancy Category A status, which means the results of controlled studies have not shown an increased risk to an unborn baby. 1,2

About Duchesnay USA

Duchesnay USA is a unique healthcare company devoted to safeguarding the health and well - being of expectant mothers and their unborn babies. Its affiliate company, Duchesnay Inc. was founded in 1970 in Canada. The family-owned company realigned its business in 1992 to focus specifically on pregnant women after a family member experienced a very difficult pregnancy. Duchesnay’s mission is to develop pharmacological solutions to reduce the symptoms of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy (NVP). Duchesnay USA was established in Rosemont, Pennsylvania in 2011 to pursue that same mission. Realizing a lack of sufficient information on medications for use in pregnancy, Duchesnay strives today to ensure that expectant women who require pharmacological treatments have access to proper medical advice and therapies that are safe for them and their unborn babies. For more information on Duchesnay USA, please visit www. DuchesnayUSA. com.

1 Diclegis Prescribing Information. Duchesnay USA. 2017. 2 Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration. Content and format of labeling for human prescription drug and biological products; requirements for pregnancy and lactation labeling. Federal Register. 2008; 73 (104):30831-68. 3 Jewell, D, Young, G. Interventions for Nausea and Vomiting in Early Pregnancy. The Cochrane Library. 2002; 1. 4 Medalie, J. Relationship between Nausea and Vomiting in Early Pregnancy and/or Abortion. The Lancet. 1957; 117-119. 5 Whitehead, SA, Andrews, LR, Chamberlain, VP. Characterisation of Nausea and Vomiting in Early Pregnancy: A Survey of 1000 Women. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 1992; 12: 384-369. 6 Gadsby, R, Barnie-Adshead, A, Jagger, C. A Prospective Study of Nausea and Vomiting During Pregnancy. British Journal of General Practice . 1993; 43: 245-248. 7 Clark S, Costantine M, Hankins GDV. Review of NVP and HG and early pharmacotherapeutic Intervention. Obstetrics and Gynecology International Volume. 2012. 8 Jarnfelt-Samsioe, A, Samsio, G, Velinder, G. Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy – A Contribution to Its Epidemiology. Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation. 1983; 16: 221-229.

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Cipla ready with anti-AIDS drugs

By Ramnath Subbu

MUMBAI, FEB. 24. The Mumbai-based Cipla is ready to supply its triple-combination anti-retroviral (anti-AIDS) drugs for one lakh patients in the first lot itself. Cipla is supplying the drugs to Medicines Sans Frontiers (MSF) (Doctors without Borders) who will be distributing the drugs in Africa and Southeast Asia.

Speaking to The Hindu, Mr. Amar Lulla, joint managing director, Cipla, said ``The quantum of the order is not yet finalised. The formalities and procedures for the import of the medicines are currently being worked out.''

``Initially, the order is for countries in Africa and Southeast Asia. It will be supplied to ten countries including Cameroon and Cambodia. We will be fulfilling the orders country by country and at different points of time. At the moment, we are ready to supply drugs for one lakh patients in the first lot itself,'' Mr. Lulla added.

A joint press statement issued by MSF and Cipla says that governments of developing countries can immediately take advantage of the offer made by the Mumbai-based Cipla for its triple-combination anti-retroviral drugs for $600 per patient per year by contacting the company directly. This is the result of two days of discussions between MSF and Cipla on how the Cipla offer for affordable anti-AIDS drugs will be implemented.

``This offer is available without restrictions in time, geography or quantity. This the first time that across-the-board price reductions have been made available without restrictions. The company will also provide similar level of prices for its other anti-retroviral drugs. Cipla co-operates with drug regulatory authorities to provide all necessary documentation for registration as required in individual countries.'' said the joint press release.

MSF will integrate some of these drugs into existing protocols where these drugs are already registered by national health authorities. The organisation is beginning anti-retroviral pilot programmes in about ten countries. Sources of drug supply will vary according to availability, registration and affordability.

To expand the offer of a humanitarian price ($350 per patient per year) which has been made to MSF, Cipla agreed to examine several additional possibilities, including working with third parties to increase the number of patients that could be reached and treated.

In Africa, MSF has set up a small pilot programme to develop models for broader approaches to combat AIDS and will distribute the drugs sourced from Cipla free of cost. Globally, MSF has about 40 AIDS projects with 20 being located in Africa and is the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999 for working in war - torn impoverished areas. The release adds that Cipla is also open to have a dialogue with the relevant UN agencies. The company also agrees to participate in meaningful discussions on potential international procurement of anti-retrovirals for developing countries, along with developing country representatives, donors and relevant members of the UN system.

A sample of Cipla's prices offered to governments - a combination of Stavudine (d4T) 40 mg tablets, Lamivudine (3TC) 150 mg tablets and Nevirapine (NVP) 200 mg tablets, twice daily for $600 per patient per year. The individual drug prices are d4T 40 mg: $70, 3TC 150 mg $190, NVP 200 mg $340.

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Norwest Venture to invest Rs.60cr in Snowman Logistics

Gateway Distriparks Limited (GDL) and its subsidiary, Snowman Logistics Limited (SLL) have today executed a share subscription agreement with Norwest Venture Partners VII-A-Mauritius (NVP), pursuant to which NVP will invest Rs. 60 crores in SLL by subscription to SLL’s equity shares (NVP Investment). Subsequently, GDL, SLL, NVP, and certain other existing shareholders executed a shareholders’ agreement.

GDL will acquire 5.0% (pre-NVP Investment) shareholding in SLL IFC for a total consideration of Rs. 18.0 crores (GDL Acquisition). Following the completion of the GDL Acquisition and the NVP Investment (“the transactions”), NVP will hold 14.3% in SLL.

SLL provides temperature controlled storage and transportation solutions for a variety of products including dairy products, ice cream, processed food, sea-food and poultry and meat. As on date, SLL’s temperature controlled storage infrastructure is spread across 25 facilities at 18 locations across the country capable of warehousing in excess of 45,000 pallets.

The Company operates over 220 leased and owned refrigerated trucks in its transportation solutions division. The NVP Investment will augment SLL’s resources during its growth phase, helping the Company to expand at both existing and new locations in India.

Commenting on the transaction, Gopinath Pillai, Chairman, SLL, said “I am delighted to welcome a pedigreed investor like NVP as our shareholder. With NVP as a partner, we aspire to consolidate our market-leading presence in India’s temperature controlled logistics sector and meet the growing needs of our customers through a wider geographic presence and a larger pallet capacity”.

Sohil Chand, Managing Director, NVP India said “We are excited to be partnering India’s market - leading temperature controlled logistics player, Snowman. We are extremely confident about the prospects of the Indian cold chain sector and Snowman’s market position and believe that the Snowman story, predicated on the Indian consumption theme, has huge potential”.

HDFC Bank acted as a sole advisor to the transactions.

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Supertech Raises Rs 400 Crore from Private Equity Firm

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Realty firm Supertech on Tuesday said it has raised Rs 400 crore from the private equity firm Xander to finance its upcoming township and housing projects in Gurgaon.

Blackstone, Others Gear Up to List REITs as India Finalises Rules

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The move comes as Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government works to finalise rules as early as next month that will govern the trusts. The finance ministry is expected then to clarify tax rules for REITs in the budget, people with direct knowledge of the matter said.

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Rustomjee raises Rs 370 crore for Mumbai real estate project

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*Sadbhav Engg gets Rs 4 bln investment from Norwest, Xander group

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Sadbhav Engr - Sadbhav Infrastructure Project Limited (SIPL) Secures INR 400 Crores from Norwest Venture Partners (NVP) and The Xander Group Inc. (Xan

On November 23, 2011 11:34 (IST)

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Vanu, Inc. closes 32 million dollar investment

Vanu, Inc. a leading provider of software radio infrastructure solutions for cellular operators, today announced a 32 million dollar venture capital investment.

Massachusetts/ New Delhi, Delhi, Sept 4. Vanu, Inc. a leading provider of software radio infrastructure solutions for cellular operators, today announced a 32 million dollar venture capital investment.

Norwest Venture Partners (NVP) led this round of funding, while previous investor Charles River Ventures and Tata Capital participated in the round which will largely support business development, marketing and integration currently underway in India. Vanu is also in the process of significantly expanding its presence in India through increased staffing and the signing of strategic partnerships.

In addition to the new round of funding, Vanu, Inc. is pleased to announce the addition of two new board members, Bruce Sachs of Charles River Ventures who has been a board observer for the past year and Promod Haque, managing partner of Norwest Venture Partners.

They join fellow board members Reed Hundt, a former FCC Chairman; Clay Christensen, a Harvard Business School Professor and noted author; Andy Beard, Chief Strategy Officer of Vanu, Inc. and Vanu Bose, President and CEO.

Vanu, Inc. grew out of groundbreaking research in software radio at MIT and was founded in 1998. It is the developer of the Anywave Base Station, the first U. S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC)-certified software radio. Anywave's software-only design runs on commercial off-the-shelf servers, rather than expensive proprietary hardware.

In addition, it is the only Radio Access Network (RAN) product to simultaneously support multiple cellular waveform standards on the same platform. Anywave has been deployed by cellular operators in the United States and Canada. Additionally, current evaluations are underway in India and other international markets.

"Vanu's innovative technology clearly delivers a unique value proposition to wireless carriers," said Promod Haque, managing partner at Norwest Venture Partners.

"Nowhere is this needed more than in India. The combination of explosive market growth and low ARPU requires new and innovative infrastructure solutions. We are extremely impressed with the Vanu executive team and the company's traction to date. We believe Vanu is well positioned to capture the leadership position in this rapidly growing global market," he added

"Vanu's technology transforms the wireless infrastructure industry into an upgradeable software and services business delivered on commodity hardware," stated Bruce Sachs, partner at Charles River Ventures. "We continue to be impressed by Vanu's recent advancements, I am excited to join the board of directors and look forward to working with the Vanu team to expand the company."

"We are privileged to work with quality investors such as Norwest Venture Partners and Charles River whose industry and market expertise will facilitate our strategic growth as a company," said Vanu Bose, President and CEO of Vanu, Inc. "We are extremely excited about the growth prospect and market traction we have seen in India, and this investment gives us the ability to meet that demand."

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Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership (4)

The securities shown on Line 1 of Table 1 represent securities held of record by Norwest Venture Partners X, LP ("NVP X"). By virtue of his position as co-Chief Executive Officer of NVP Associates, LLC (("NVP Associates"), the managing member of the general partner of NVP X, Matthew D. Howard may be deemed to share voting and dispositive power with respect to such securities. Mr. Howard disclaims benefical ownership of all such securities, except to the extent of any pecuniary interest therein.

Subject to continued service on the vesting date, all of the shares underlying the option grant shall vest upon the earlier of (i) the date of Issuer's 2017 annual meeting of stockholders or (ii) one year from the date of grant.

Reporting Owner Name / Address

Howard Matthew D. 525 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SUITE 800 PALO ALTO, CA 94301

/s/ Kurt Betcher, Attorney-in-fact

** Signature of Reporting Person

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If the form is filed by more than one reporting person, see Instruction 4(b)(v).

Intentional misstatements or omissions of facts constitute Federal Criminal Violations. See 18 U. S.C. 1001 and 15 U. S.C. 78ff(a).

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Managed by Rishi Bajaj, Toby Symonds, and Steve Tesoriere, Altai Capital recently trimmed its activist stake in Emulex Corporation (NYSE:ELX). A recent filing with the U. S. Securities and Exchange. (read more)

Rishi Bajaj, Toby Symonds, and Steve Tesoriere's Altai Capital has disclosed, in a new filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), an ownership of around 4.83 million shares of RealD (NYSE. (read more)

Emulex Corporation (NYSE:ELX), a company engaged in providing network connectivity and management solutions, has been in the middle of some important moves coming from some of its investors. Two hedge. (read more)

Jeffrey Smith's hedge fund, Starboard Value, slashed its stake in Emulex Corporation (NYSE:ELX) - a network connectivity, monitoring and management products provider - by about 26% last week. It now holds. (read more)

Jeffrey Smith's hedge fund, Starboard Value, reduced its stake in Emulex Corporation (NYSE:ELX) to around 5.34 million shares, from 7.25 million held earlier. The stake represents 5.8% of the company. (read more)

Paul Singer and his mega-hedge fund, Elliott Associates, has just reiterated its 6.4% stake in Emulex Corporation (NYSE:ELX), while disclosing a letter agreement with the company. Here are the contents. (read more)

In a recent 13D filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Jeffrey Smith's hedge fund Starboard Value, disclosed it is increasing its stake in data center storage company Emulex Corporation (. (read more)

In today’s marketplace, there are dozens of gauges investors can use to watch stocks. A pair of the most useful are hedge fund and insider trading interest. At Insider Monkey, our research analyses. (read more)

Earlier this month we reported on the 13D Activist Fund, a long-only fund which invests in stocks targeted by activist investors (as disclosed in 13D filings shortly after the activist acquires 5% of. (read more)

In the eyes of many of your fellow readers, hedge funds are viewed as useless, old financial vehicles of a period lost to current times. Although there are over 8,000 hedge funds in operation currently. (read more)

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We Will Defeat Boko Haram By The End 0f This Year – Buhari

By Opeyemi Odu / Sunday, 02 Aug 2017 11:00AM

President Muhammadu Buhari, on Saturday 1st of August, declared that the Multinational Joint Task Force of the Lake Chad Commission will crush Boko Haram sect before the year comes to an end.

President Buhari said this in Cotonou, Benin Republic capital, at a gala lunch held in his honour. Buhari commended that country’s president, Boni Yayi: “I am impressed by your concern and critical approaches by increasing your contributions to the multinational task force of the Lake Chad Commission. This is a great sacrifice on the part of the Benin Republic.”

“Even in my first coming into office under a different arrangement, we have learnt to live in peace with our neighbours. Within the week I was sworn in, I went to Niger, Chad. I was supposed to go to Cameroon but I was summoned by the G7 leaders to brief them about the security situation in Nigeria concerning Boko Haram, which declared allegiance to ISIS which gives it international dimension,” Buhari said.

Speaking in Cotonou where he was recieved as the special guest of honor at the 55th independence anniversary of Benin Republic, Buhari said the issue of Boko Haram terrorists is a matter of this year before the insurgency would be wiped out:

“And I assure you that we will defeat Boko Haram by the end of this year,” President Buhari said.

However, earlier in his remarks, Benin President, Boni Yayi, said Benin Republic has concluded plans to send about 800 troops to assist in the war against terror, said his country would collaborate with Nigeria in containing the Boko Haram Jhidahist.

“Your Excellency, I am by your side. No estas solo. We are ready to send about 800 men,” he stated, even as he acknowledged that the Republic of Benin has been the 37th state of Nigeria,” Yayi had said.

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The business of producing coconut oil in the district of Dawan, Klungkung is oneexample of small-scale home industries in the rural area. The level of working productivityof the oil makers can be categorized as relatively low, as viewed from the aspect of thefollowing indicators: (a) level of working burden, (b) musculoskeletal complaints, (c) levelof fatigue or tiredness, and (d) level of productivity. One factor that causes the lowproductivity is the fact that the working tools used in this industry are non-ergonomicallydesigned such as: (1) tool for peeling off the coconut fibers, (2) tool for taking the coconutflesh, (3) tool for grating the coconut flesh, (4) tool for extracting milk from the watermixedgrated coconut, (5) stove for boiling the coconut milk. Based on the above problemsbackground, it is necessary to make more ergonomic new design or redesign of the toolsthat are used by the coconut oil makers in the district of Dawan in order to increase theirworking performance or productivity. This research was carried out using treatment by subject design by comparing beforeand after treatment involving 22 female subjects selected by simple random method fromall female coconut oil makers in the studied area. Before treatment the research subjectswere asked to make coconut oil as usual with their traditional tools. After an interval ofwashing out period was given, the subjects entered the treatment phase in which they wereasked to make coconut oil by using the tools already redesigned ergonomically. The dataobtained from the research were analyzed by t-paired test at a significance level of 5%.Results of the analysis showed as follows: (1) average of working heart rate beforetreatment was 108.49 ± 0.95 pulse /minute and after treatment 91.92 ± 1.91 pulse /minute, indicating a decrease of workload from moderate to mild one (decrease of working heartrate of 16.59 pulse/minute or 14.69%); (2) average of musculoskeletal complaints beforetreatment was 51.73 ± 1.36 and after treatment 36.79 ± 0.83 (a decrease of 14.94 or26.17%); (3) average of fatigue before treatment was 66.75 ± 3.60 and after treatment49.50 ± 3.28 (a decrease of 17.19 or 25.83%); (4) average of working productivity beforeand after treatment was 35.86 ± 1.09 and 48.66 ± 1.10, respectively (an increase of 12.81 or35.71%). Based on evaluation of investment yield, the NVP value in a five-year period Rp.11.503.431,- > 0, PBP 9.22 months > 0, and RoI 32.54 > 13% (rate of interest commonlyapplied in 2008).It is concluded that redesign of working tools to be more ergonomic has proven to beable to increase the working performance of coconut oil makers and hence worth investing. Novelty of this research is in the positive results related to ergonomic redesigning of thetools for making coconut oil in the district of Dawan, Klungkung by approaches to being systemic, holistic, interdisciplinary, participatory, and appropriate technology usage.

Further studies on similar related working issue should focus on the aspects of workingenvironment, especially on how to overcome smoke pollutant in the kitchen area, on moreproper work station and working organization or on that related to production quality of thecoconut oil by generating maximally all the potential already in existence among the localtraditional coconut oil makers.

Palabras claves

redesign; working tools; ergonomic; working performance

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Mainly because enhanced AR exercise was regularly observed in clinically innovative PCa specimens, we hypothesize that enhanced AR expression in LNCaPRANKL tumors could enrich the adhesion and survival of LNCaPRANKL cells in mice. In agreement with clinical observations and the position of AP four downregulation, our preliminary information showed that LNCaPRANKL cells overexpressing AR did have en hanced development when inoculated as subcutaneous tumor www. selleckchem. com/products/vx-661.html xenografts in mice. Even further in vivo research are warranted to determine if AR expression in LNCaPRANKL cells could confer enhanced 2 integrin expression and bone colonization via adhesion of PCa cells to collagen matrix during the skeleton. Our get the job done reveals the importance of the three D culture en vironment that determines integrin expression through func tional AR and in the long run affects the pathophysiology of PCa metastases. Our sizeable findings are as follows one The potential of PCa cells to adhere, survive and metastasize to bone may be masked by culturing PCa cells as a 2 D monolayer.

We observed that RANKL overexpressing PCa cells have barely detectable AR when cultured on plastic. When these cells had been grown as 3 D suspensions or in mice, AR was identified to be restored and also to activate PSA promoter luciferase exercise. Additionally, we ob served increased adhesion of LNCaPRANKL cells to ColI in an AR dependent method, almost certainly through greater ex pression of 2 integrin. These results are consistent using the higher ranges of AR expression in clinical PCa Interleukin-9 receptor bone me tastasis specimens. two The TF repressor, AP four, was discovered to become a damaging regulator of AR with the transcriptional degree and is modulated within a cell context dependent manner. We speculate that AP 4 downregulation, epigenetically through promoter methylation or genetically by means of AP four regulators such as c Myc, could play a decisive role in upregulating the levels of AR. This could profoundly management the responses of prostate tumors to androgen deprivation treatment.

three Upregulation of integrin 2 may very well be a prevalent path for human PCa to develop castration resistance and bone metastasis. Balasubramaniam et such al. recently studied BAF57, a component of your switching defective and sucrose nonfermenting chromatin remodeling complex conglomerate. They found that BAF57 de regulation circumvented androgen mediated signaling, up regulated two integrin expression, altered other SWISNF complex components with the 2 integrin locus and con ferred a prometastatic migratory advantage on PCa cells that could contribute to castration resistance and bone metastasis in patients. Hall et al. demonstrated experimentally that LNCaP cells chosen for ColI binding exhibit higher integrin 2 expression, come to be far more adhe sive and migratory in in vitro and acquire the capability to increase within the bone in contrast to non collagen binding parental cells. These results are in agreement with get the job done of Colombel et al. who showed that increased 2B1 protein expression in main PCa tissues correlates with bone metastasis.

In addition, Sottnik et al. demonstrated elevation of 2B1 protein level in PCa skeleton metastases when compared to main website or soft tissue metastases.

The number of people that have anxiety issues is increasing greatly. Whether you have chronic anxiety or have panic attacks, there are a lot of techniques you can use to reduce your anxiety. In this article, we will discuss effective strategies which can aid you in relaxation and finding an inner calmness.

Music is a positive tool in the battle against anxiety. If you are starting to have some anxiety, put your favorite music on. Listen carefully to the music. Soon, you will be able to forget the things that are making you anxious. Keeping your mind occupied can really help if you suffer from anxiety.

Identify a trusted confidant. You will be able to talk through your feelings of anxiety with this person. Don't keep your feelings bottled up inside; it can make a big difference to be able to confide in a reliable person. Keeping your feelings to yourself always makes things much worse.

If outside events contribute to your anxiety, reduce or eliminate how often you watch the news or read the paper. Give yourself a little while every day to read about current events, but don't spend a great deal of time on this because too many negative stories can really affect your anxiety levels.

Try to think of things that are funny when you start feeling anxious, to try and keep your thoughts light and fun. Find something funny, like a movie, to help you laugh.

Being idle around the house as you dwell on your anxieties won't make them leave. Rather, find anyway you can to stay busy, so that your mind does not fuel your worries. Hobbies and creative outlets occupy your mind, leaving less room for anxiety.

Set a daily goal for yourself and try to meet it every day. If your day has a goal, then you're able to stay focused on it instead of your anxiety. With your thoughts focused on your goals, you won't be experiencing negative, anxiety-provoking thoughts.

Practice deep breathing in order to cope with the short, shallow breaths that anxiety produces. Anxiety can cause you to hyperventilate so focus on taking shallow breathes that come from the diaphragm. Your anxiety will dissipate when taking deeper breaths, with your stomach going in and out.

Look into amino acids, as they may be an effective anxiety treatment. Many individuals find that they are deficient in some nutrients and that their bodies don't produce enough serotonin. A lot of good books, including one called The Mood Cure, talk about treatment plans where you can use nutritional supplements to cut or erase your anxiety.

Make an effort to find someone that you trust to talk about your worries with. Support systems make dealing with anxiety easier. Speaking about your problems can be very helpful and may lower your feelings of anxiety on a daily basis.

Be sure there is someone you're talking to about any of your problems in life. Support systems make dealing with anxiety easier. Talking about anxiety not only helps you to better understand it but also to control it.

Serious problems with anxiety require effective treatments. You should never ignore the symptoms of anxiety or assume it will go away on its own. There are a variety of ways medical professionals can lessen the systems, or help eliminate anxiety altogether. If you use this information you can rid yourself from anxiety.

If you are like most folks, you have probably already tried to drop some extra weight. If so, you probably had success but then slipped right back into your old habits. Don't be disheartened by setbacks! Success is feasible, and is a reward on its own. This article contains tips to help you get started losing weight.

You do not have to sacrifice flavor to lose weight. Many weight-loss meals used to taste bland and unsweetened. Nowadays, you can eat foods made with low calorie sweeteners and preservatives that taste delicious. This will allow you to enjoy what you're eating during weight loss.

When you are on the phone is a great time to workout. Rather than lounging on the couch as you talk, try walking around the house. You don't need to perform calisthenic exercises. Instead, simply walk or do household chores and watch the burned calories pile up.

Allowing yourself to buy clothes in smaller sizes as your weight decreases can also be a great motivator to continue eating right and exercising. Wearing loose fitting clothing may help overweight people forget about their weight problem. By not wearing loose clothing you'll be more mindful of your weight.

If you are trying to lose 5 pounds quickly, you should drink a great deal of water. Cut down on solid food, and drink a minimum of 1/2 gallon of water each day, and you'll lose water weight over a week's time. This is not fat loss, but is a quick way to get the first five pounds off and quick-start your weight loss program.

An important part of any successful diet is giving yourself rewards for good behavior. Go shopping, see a movie or get a massage to relax. Buying new clothes that actually fit will help you feel better about what you are doing, and will reward all of the hard work you have done.

A key weight loss technique is to not eat before bed. When you eat food at night, it will sit in your stomach and turn into fat. Instead of eating, spend the evening doing something more productive, such as reading, thus avoiding temptation.

Using a smaller plate for your meals is a great way to trick your mind into eating smaller portions. Studies have proven that no matter what size portion we have, if it's put near us, our mind tells us to eat it. Using a smaller plate is a good way to trick your body into accepting smaller portions.

Give yourself rewards when you follow your diet plan successfully. If you're adhering to your diet, reward yourself every now and then with a little dessert of an aperitif. This does not, in any way, mean that you have failed. This means that you're doing an adequate job with your own weight loss routine. Having said that, do not constantly look out for rewards. You diet should be viewed as a lifestyle and not as something bad.

A good way to motivate you to get into shape is to have a buddy who has the same goals as you. Someone who cares for you is a great motivational tactic to get your best results. You can be a source of support and a motivator to each other, while figuring out what works and what doesn't in terms of losing weight.

Those fatty side dishes are everywhere, but there are substitutes that can be used, and you can always ask about this at different eating establishments. For example, you might get steamed vegetables, rice pilaf, a salad or some other light side order rather than French fries or a baked potato.

Losing weight is often tough, but with the right information it can be made easier. Utilize these concepts consistently, and keep your ultimate goals in mind. Maintaining the right attitude is often overlooked as a primary reason people lose weight. Only you are in a position to change your body. Work your mind with these tips and everything will go smoothly.

twenty. Otherwise, 14 patients can be enrolled license with Pfizer in stage two. Proteins had been extracted from sellectchem snap frozen tumor tissue using a tissue protein extraction reagent from Pierce. Measurement of FTI action on T cells ex vivo Peripheral blood mononuclear cells have been separated from heparinized blood samples and stored as viable cells in freezing medium till batch evaluation.

Briefly, cells had been thawed, cultured with the superantigen Staphylococcal enterotoxin A or with Phorbol Myristate Acetate Ionomycin like a beneficial control, with or devoid of Pimecrolimus the addition of R115777 in vitro being a comparison. To test this notion, Western blot evaluation was performed for phospho ERK and phospho Akt from the very same tumor sam ples described above. Total B actin was utilised as being a loading control. As shown in Figure two, constitutive phosphoryl ation of both ERK and Akt was detected at baseline in most of the samples analyzed.

Interestingly, in several samples a marked lower in detectable phospho ERK and phospho Akt was mentioned during the publish treatment method sam ples. As none of these sufferers skilled tumor shrinkage, these benefits sug gest that substantial inhibition of measurable ERK and Akt activation can happen in melanoma metastases with out a demonstrable clinical response. Effects on peripheral blood T cell function The host immune response is believed to perform a substantial position in controlling metastatic melanoma, and this tumor style is often quite responsive to immunotherapeutic interventions is capable of inhibiting T cell activation in humans in vivo. Conclusions Potent anti tumor effects of FTIs on melanoma cells in vitro motivated clinical exploration of R115777 in sufferers with state-of-the-art melanoma.

Whilst the drug was effectively tolerated, and potent inhibition of FT in tumor tissue was documented, no clinical activity was observed within this cohort of sufferers. Even though it can be conceivable that in hibition of FT activity by 85 98% isn't enough to realize an anti tumor impact and that full target in. We just lately reported that FTIs can inhibit T cell ac tivation by way of the T cell receptor complex. Consequently, it was of curiosity to determine whether there was evidence of suppression of T cell perform from your peripheral blood cells of individuals taken care of with R115777. We previously had reported that Western blot evaluation of HDJ 2 may very well be utilised as being a surrogate for farnesylation sta tus in hematopoietic cells. We thus utilized that assay to peripheral blood T cells.

As shown in Figure three for 3 representative individuals, accumulation of non farnesylated HDJ two was very easily detected in T cells at the week seven time point. These outcomes indicate that farnesyla tion was inhibited in peripheral blood T cells because it had been within the tumor tissue. To gauge no matter whether T cell func tion might be affected by this inhibition of protein farne sylation, IFNproduction was assessed on T cells stimulated ex vivo together with the polyclonal stimulus, SEA. The mixed information from all obtainable sufferers are proven in Figure 4.

The expression of proteins was detected applying key antibody against GOLPH3, PARP, and B actin. Band intensity selleck chem inhibitor was quantified employing NIH Scion Picture program and normalized to B actin. Benefits GOLPH3 expression and association Vandetanib (ZD6474) with clinicopathological characteristics in CRC In this examine, we examined GOLPH3 mRNA amounts in matched cancerous and adjacent noncancerous colo rectal tissues from 30 CRC individuals. Also, we measured GOLPH3 protein expression by immu nohistochemistry in 130 scenarios. Constant with mRNA expression, high GOLPH3 expression was detected in 56 out of 130 CRC tissues, compared with 10 from 75 in matched adjacent noncancerous tissues.

Then we investigated possible correlations among GOLPH3 expression and CRC clinicalpathological characteristics. Our information showed that GOLPH3 expression was correlated with gender, recurrence and survival. Even so, no sizeable associations had been uncovered involving GOLPH3 expression and also other clini copathological options. Association Integrase inhibitors in between GOLPH3 protein expression and survival of individuals taken care of with five FU based mostly adjuvant chemotherapy Kaplan Meier survival curves and log rank test survival analysis have been applied to determine the prognostic worth of GOLPH3 on survival of sufferers who received five FU primarily based adjuvant chemotherapy. The outcomes showed that sufferers with tumors exhibiting large GOLPH3 expres sion had considerably longer illness totally free survival and general survival than those with tumors exhibiting reduced GOLPH3 expression.

These data recommend that large GOLPH3 expression is connected with favourable progno sis in individuals treated with 5 FU adjuvant chemotherapy. Furthermore, Cox proportional hazard regression examination was carried out to assess the prognostic sig nificance of clinicopathological parameters. Univariate examination showed that large GOLPH3 expression was drastically linked with longer DFS and OS in sufferers handled with five FU based adjuvant chemotherapy. All elements that showed prognostic sig nificance from the univariate examination were incorporated in the multivariate examination. Multivariate analysis showed that GOLPH3 appeared to become an independent prognos tic component for prolonged DFS.

Nonetheless, sufferers with large amounts of GOLPH3 expression retained only a border line important association with favourable OS com pared to those with lower amounts of GOLPH3 expression. GOLPH3 regulates 5 FU induced cytotoxicity in CRC cells Then we examined the contribution of GOLPH3 expres sion to five FU sensitivity in vitro. Initial, we measured the expression of GOLPH3 in CRC cell lines, like SW480, RKO, LoVo, HT29 and HCT116. qRT PCR and Western blot examination showed that GOLPH3 was ubiqui tously expressed in all of 5 CRC cell lines at the two mRNA and protein levels. The highest GOLPH3 expression was detected in LoVo cells even though RKO cells showed the lowest GOLPH3 ex pression. Accordingly, RKO and LoVo cells had been used to perform the next experiments in vitro.

Secondly, to facilitate even further study, we employed either plasmid en coding total length of GOLPH3 or GOLPH3 siRNAs to both overexpress or knockdown GOLPH3 amounts in CRC cells, respectively. Western blot examination confirmed the efficiency of GOLPH3 overexpression and knock down in CRC cells. Due to the fact siRNA pool could obtain more powerful on target gene knockdown with minimum off target effect.

Individuals who are experiencing a hard time when it comes to trying to lose weight could be really frustrated if they are not getting the results they want. It can be frustrating and extremely hard to shed those extra pounds, and not have the scale reflect your efforts. This article has information that can help you stay focused and not frustrated.

To lose weight successfully, avoid diet shakes or snack bars. These things have a lot of calories in them and they also aren't good at helping you with cravings. Instead, you end up cranky and still hungry even immediately after a "meal." Also, many of these items are high in sugar, which will spike your blood sugar and make you even more unhappy.

A good way to help you lose weight is to monitor and keep track of how many calories you consume each day. Always realize ways to cut down on the amount of fat you're taking into your body. Swapping is also a great idea. Replace the fatty foods with tasty, healthier alternatives.

Exercise is one of the key ingredients in a weight loss recipe. It is recommended you get at least 30 minutes each day. To meet this goal, join in group activities that you like, for instance swimming, biking, dancing, bowling or anything else that gets your body moving and you enjoy. You'll get fit and socialize at the same time. Another advantage is that the other people in the group will encourage you to keep up with the activity.

If you're attempting to lose weight but you have a potato chip problem, try switching to baked chips. These chips have a much lower caloric content and fat content. For many people, they taste exactly the same.

You should find alternative ways of transporting yourself rather than driving in order to lose weight. Walking, biking, skating and other modes of travel will help to burn off excess calories. These are calories you took on during the day that would otherwise be stored in your body. By shedding these calories you will be losing weight much quicker.

Try to get rid of one pound every seven days. If you lose more than that, it may not be good for you. Make sure that you lose weight moderately, if you desire to stay healthy and efficient.

Stress should be avoided in your life. Stress and anxiety puts you in a very vulnerable situation while dieting. It's a lot simpler to focus on goals in the long term when your life is not filled with stress.

Enlist the help of a friend. This helps you to socialize so that you are having fun while burning calories. Your friend can help encourage you and vice versa. This technique is a great way to get the most out of your workout regimen.

You should try to eat throughout the day in order to be healthier. It's better to eat more, smaller meals instead of 3 large ones. Eating smaller portions more frequently actually helps your body burn calories efficiently. Eating a large meal can make you feel tired or sluggish, but eating small healthy portions when you get hungry will help your body maintain a higher metabolic rate, even if you have to eat more than three meals a day.

Be sure to eat lots of healthy foods when you are dieting. When you are dieting it is easy to fall into the trap of eating low calorie foods with little nutrition. You might lose weight that way, but your health will suffer in the long term.

Now that you know what is needed to lose weight, you need to use this advice. This article was written to help you achieve weight loss success, and hopefully you understood everything and will put this plan into action.

Having a second income gives you some serious peace of mind in these unsure times. Many people hope to find a way out of the financial turmoil they have found themselves in. The information provided in this article is especially helpful for anyone who is considering forex trading as a source of supplementary income.

Review the news daily and take note of what is going on in the financial markets. News stories quickly turn into speculation on how current events might affect the market, and the market responds according to this speculation. Think about having alerts for the markets you are trading in so that you can make money off of the latest headlines.

Share your trading techniques with other traders, but be sure to follow your own judgments for Forex trading. While you should listen to outside opinions and give them due emphasis, ultimately it is you that is responsible for making your investment decisions.

Do not compare yourself to another forex trader. Other traders will be sure to share their successes, but probably not their failures. Regardless of someone's track record for successful trades, they could still give out faulty information or advice to others. Do not follow the lead of other traders, follow your plan.

You are allowed to have two accounts for your Forex trading. The first account should be a demo account that you use to test the effectiveness of your trading strategies. The other will be where you execute real trades.

While you may find a lot of great advice about Forex trading, both online and from other traders, it is important that you follow your intuition. Take the advice of other traders, but also make your own decisions.

When you issue an equity stop order it will eliminate some potential risks. This will halt trading once your investment has gone down a certain percentage related to the initial total.

If you do not want to lose money, handle margin with care. Margin has the potential to boost your profits greatly. However, if used carelessly, margin can cause losses that exceed any potential gains. A margin is best employed in stable positions.

Don't get involved in numerous markets that might overextend yourself, especially if you are a beginner in forex trading. It can quickly turn into frustration or confusion if you divide your attention. Instead, focus on the major currency pairs, which will increase your chances of success, and help you to feel more confident in your abilities.

There's no reason to purchase an expensive program to practice Forex. The main website for forex has an area where you can find an account.

Look into investing in the Canadian dollar if you want to be safe. Many currency pairs demand that a trader keeps constant track of every single news item affecting the economies of two countries. The Canadian dollar often follows a similar path to the U. S. That represents a better investment.

As was stated in the beginning of the article, trading with Forex is only confusing for those who do not do their research before beginning the trading process. If you take the advice given to you in the above article, you will begin the process of becoming educated in Forex trading.

To comprehend the stock industry you initial want to comprehend what stocks are. Stocks are the capital raised by a organization when they sell shares. Shares are supplied via the stock market place.

Watching the numbers roll by on the bottom of your screen throughout a news cast might look like nonsense to you. These numbers are very important to several folks because they make their fortune with stocks. They steadfastly watch the stock markets wanting to see how their investment is doing.

To realize the stock marketplace you 1st need to understand what stocks are. Stocks are the capital raised by a firm when they sell shares. Shares are provided through the stock market place and the money taken in from those becomes the companys stocks.

There are many key stock exchanges in the globe exactly where shares are traded. Companys stocks are enhanced and decreased each day.

1 of these stock markets is the NASDAQ. NASDAQ stands for National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations. The NASDAQ is a United States primarily based stock industry. Its the worlds first electronic primarily based stock market place. Get further on Caitlin Rain Releases New Kindle Romance Series Called “Kinky Days†by going to our dazzling URL. It also trades much more shares every single day than any other stock industry which signifies it has the most effect on stocks.

Yet another huge stock market place that is United States based is the Dow Jones Industrial Average. You might hear somebody say that the Dow is up or down this is what they are referring to. Many stocks are introduced on the Dow.

Several other nations also have a excellent impact on stocks. Http://Investor. Wedbush. Com/Wedbush/News/Read/31734587/Caitlin Rain Releases New Kindle Romance Series Called %E2%80%9 Ckinky Days%E2%80%9 D is a great online database for more concerning the meaning behind this thing. In Europe virtually every country has their personal stock industry this includes Portugal, Germany and Lisbon. The people living and working there adhere to invest in the stock marketplace there and just like in North America the stocks rise and fall.

The folks who handle the buying and trading are known as stock brokers. Their job is to sell and trade the shares that their consumers request. Get further on http://markets. financialcontent. com/stocks/news/read/31734587/caitlin_rain_releases_new_kindle_romance_series_called_%E2%80%9Ckinky_days%E2%80%9D by visiting our disturbing web resource. Its a demanding and rewarding job being involved directly in stocks this way. Stock brokers can make a profitable income and the ones that study the markets and recognize all the ups and downs have a definite benefit.

For the daily individual to get involved in stocks they need to do a bit of analysis. It may be wise if a big amount of income is involved to speak to a stock broker. Their job is associated to stocks and no a single is better qualified to help you.

Stock brokers are paid on commission and consequently their drive is to invest in shares that will eventually turn a profit. Usually a stock broker has extensive understanding with just a couple of stocks and he concentrates on these. If you determine to invest in a share that a specific stock broker is very properly versed in, it may possibly be prudent to have him or her handle your dealings. They can supply the greatest suggestions as to when to buy and when to sell.

There are other avenues accessible for men and women interested in stocks and thats the on-line stock trading businesses. Numerous of these firms allow any individual to sign up and acquire and trade their own shares. This can be a fantastic way for an individual to be introduced to the planet of stocks and with some analysis and practice they can make themselves a profit.

Isn't it wonderful to have a dog? Dog's are considered man's best friend, and they didn't get that title by accident. Dogs are fun, loving, loyal and great with children. Dogs are wonderful companions. You must be as good to your dog as he is to you. Consider the following suggestions to help guide you.

Never take your dog away from home without a leash, even if he is well-behaved. He can be scared away by some wild animal, or an unforeseen provocation with another dog can result in an unpleasant situation. You're responsible for their actions and safety.

Anti-flea products are dangerous. Many of them contain ingredients that can put children at risk for cancer at a rate that is 1000 times more than what the EPA considers safe! Ask your vet about alternative treatments that are more family-friendly, and be sure to keep small children away during applications.

If there are prescription medications in your home, be sure to keep it out of your dog's reach. If your dog ingests your medications, it could be fatal. Call your vet as soon as possible if your dog swallows any pills.

Don't buy cheap dog food. It is vital to give your dog the best quality food. Although the food may cost more, you know that your dog is receiving the correct nutrients from quality food.

If you are not sure how often you should feed your dog, ask your vet. Although some dog owners stick to the recommended guidelines on the dog food, these guidelines can often be too much for your dog, which can lead to obesity. Speak with your vet and work out an appropriate eating plan for your dog.

Avoid the bargain brands of pet food. The brands that are cheaper have preservatives, additives, as well as other things that aren't good for your dog. Check out professional recommendations from groups online. Your dog will be in better health when he has high quality food.

Set up a vet check for a new dog. This should be one of the first things that you attend to when you're bringing home a new pet. The vet will check him over and prepare him for vaccinations. Ask your vet about neutering your dog. Shelters are filled with unwanted animals and not neutering your dog means you could be making this problem worse.

Become familiar with the medical peculiarities of the breed of dog you have chosen. Take the time to read up on your breed so that you don't get any surprises down the road. Talk to your vet about prevention, too.

Be cautious with female dogs in the heat. If you aren't, you may have to deal with an unwanted pregnancy. Male dogs can smell her scent from up to five miles. The dog might also want to fight other dogs, and become pregnant.

People say that you can tell what your dog is thinking by the way they look, this is true. However, now that you've read this, you can understand that dogs are deeper than just body language. Your dog will thank you for that.

Utilizing the proper Internet marketing techniques means good promotion for your company. Internet marketing allows you to engage your target audience even when that audience lives miles away. The article below has some effective advice on the benefits of Internet marketing and how to make it work for you.

Get frequent feedback. It is important because your personal perception of pricing or site design may not be that of the customers. Ask peers, family or potential clients for feedback. Take all feedback under advisement and make any changes that you see fit.

You should aim to place a link in all signatures you post online to your website. If you participate in forums, place a link to your site in the signature of your posts. Put the link with your email signature as well. This helps you get the word about your website out to everyone you meet, and it may also have favorable SEO effects. Make sure to include a line of catchy text that encourages viewers to follow the link.

If there's a signature option when posting on forums and blogs, use it. Join forums and include a link in the signature. Place a link in your signature in all of your emails. This will be a way to passively promote your website to everyone you come in contact with on the web and might affect your search engine rankings as well. Above your link, make sure that there is an interesting line that will make them want to click it.

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A banner including a slogan should be on your site. This adds an official feel to your website, and lets your customers know what your purpose is. Do this if you want to highlight the service that you offer.

Video marketing is an excellent way to promote your products. Putting videos on your page or blog will grab the attention of customers. A unique interesting title and picture is a good attention grabber for new clients.

Keep careful tabs on the information you give to your customers when using internet marketing to promote your small business. Work hard to ensure that your content is interesting and valuable. It is important to keep your site updated so that users will always have the newest information about your business.

After reading the article above, begin incorporating the information learned into your website. You should set both long term and short term goals which are reasonable. By setting goals, you will continually strive to meet those goals resulting in greater success.

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